
A True Liar and Deceiver

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Miroku. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the destruction of Miroku’s deceit as well as his opportunistic heart capable of lying, cheating, manipulating, and deceiving anybody and everybody around him. To say that Miroku is an altruistic person has got to be the lamest joke I have ever heard in my entire life. Every time this lowlife enters the screen spewing all those sweet nothings and acting all valiant, especially towards Koharu and many other girls and women he intended to bang and screw, I just want to scream at him for being one of the most two-faced liars in the entire world. I understand the curse he and his family endured, but that does not excuse him for his rubbish behavior let alone his hypocrisy most specifically towards Inuyasha as well as Sango to a certain extent. At least where Sango is concerned, he and she can be hypocritical together. Nevertheless, where Miroku is concerned, he will never have my sympathy and will end up having my rage. As I said many times before, I desperately tried to like him. His Wind Tunnel was cursed yet cool. He was relatively capable with a staff when he is not hitting Inuyasha on the head with it. He also had interesting sutras for exorcisms. However, in the grand scheme of things, he was not a particularly strong fighter let alone the definition of an Alpha Male. No. To me, Miroku is nothing more than a hypocritical loser who talks the big talk but fails to walk the walk as a genuine friend/surrogate brother to Inuyasha as well as a combatant. For somebody who constantly chases skirts and wants to have sex with women, he thinks he is above Inuyasha when it comes to how he treats them. Here is a dose of reality about Miroku. He cannot treat women decently for crap, so he has no right to lecture Inuyasha about how he should choose between Kikyou or Kagome. Furthermore, for someone like Miroku who has a potent yet cursed power like the Wind Tunnel and his skills with a fighting staff and sutras, it is sad to know that Inuyasha always has to do the work to save Miroku’s pathetic behind. Miroku’s hypocritical scumbag ways do not end with his borderline uselessness, fake brotherhood with Inuyasha, a grand body of lies, and incessant womanizing. That is because he is also a credit-hogging bastard as well as a loser devoid of any decent compassion. In the Panther Devas saga, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were the ones who defeated the Panther King with their swords Tenseiga and Tessaiga. However, Miroku, Sango, and Kagome who only got the villagers to safety from being sacrificed were hailed as the heroes. Something does not add up in this formula. Moreover, I find it hilarious that some villagers would perceive Miroku as a strong fighter when he is a cowardly wimp, a credit-hogging sleazeball, a physical bully towards Inuyasha just because he is not as powerful as he is, and an opportunistic scumbag who uses his sob story to go under women’s skirts regardless of their age. He also has the dishonor of being one of Kagome’s followers alongside Sango and Shippou, thus making him just as brainless and just as unemphatic towards Inuyasha’s problems and joys. Say it with me, now, Miroku is nothing more than a big excuse for a loser, credit-grabber, phony, and total dickhead! Speaking of dickhead, I would want nothing more for this charmless hypocrite to be hung and castrated by The Phantom of the Opera himself, thus making his limp corpse a fine addition to his collection of life-like statues. Another suitable punishment for this vile pervert is for him to be maimed and quartered by the Psycho Rangers, for they can use his entrails and guts as sacrificial offerings to Lord Zedd and Master Org. If I want to take things further with Miroku’s punishment, I would gladly have him stabbed ten thousand times with a chef’s knife, douse his corpse with kerosene and cyanide, light a match, and watch his carcass burn to ashes. That would be my idea of great punishment for this loser. I am not sorry that I am giving this pathetic pervert and horrible excuse of a comrade the capital punishment he deserves for being a hypocrite and for being one of Kagome’s lame satellites. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and never be like Miroku who is such a vile hypocrite, everybody. The Hypocritical, Deceitful, and Credit-Hogging Shyster from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Despicable Hypocrite

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Miroku. Sit back, relax, and indulge yourselves with my impassioned evisceration of this appalling excuse of a hypocrite, liar, scumbag, and loser. I am certain you have had characters you tried to like when you were younger and more impressionable viewers and anime consumers but ended up loathing as grown-ups with more nuanced ways of thinking and observing the world around you. For me, Miroku fits the bill for a character I tried way too hard to like but ended up despising him after realising how much of a hypocritical scumbag he is. I am aware that his whole shtick is that he is a womaniser who gropes various women and gets slapped for it all because he wants any of them to bear his children as well as his escapades with Sango. Re-examining him made me see nothing charming or enjoyable about this sick scumbag of a person. Even scummier is how he treats Inuyasha thinking he deserves those sit commands by Kagome and hitting him on the head with his staff for not being tactful when he himself is pathetic and even far worse than Inuyasha is. Furthermore, as Inuyasha is allowed to be brutalised by Kagome, he just receives slaps in the face. To me, this hypocrite deserves worse punishments for his deeds. Miroku is far from being a charming playboy because everything about him screams unattractive scumbag who could never get it into his own head that he severely lacks self-reflection and is a liar. Even when he was traveling with Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippou, he had the nerve to ask her to bear his children, but he just ended up as nothing more than one of her pathetic humanoid yes-men. At least something came out of his “relationship” with Kagome as one of her army of skanks. The fact that he repeatedly gropes women without their consent and even had the gall to ask the then 11-year-old Koharu to bear his children one day, which was a promise she managed to keep at 14 for that hog, makes him a truly disgusting cretin and poor excuse of a man who has neither my sympathy nor my compassion. Yes, his reason for asking women to be impregnated by him was tied to his family curse of bearing the Wind Tunnel by Naraku, and he wanted to desperately look for a woman to bear children to carry on with his “legacy”. However, his whole manner of womanising never earned me my charm or empathy. As if Miroku’s womanising and pervert ways have been getting older as the series rolled on, the other attribute that irritates me most about him is his hypocrisy. He has the gall to lecture Inuyasha to be more tender towards Kagome when Miroku himself has not been tender to all the women he has been groping and demanding to have their kids let alone attempting to have his way with Sango. He is just as sanctimonious as Kagome is to the point where I do not even care who is worse in that department. Nevertheless, I still argue that Miroku’s fake offering of friendship let alone brotherhood to Inuyasha makes me see him as an opportunistic moocher who uses Inuyasha to compensate for the fact that his Wind Tunnel, staff, and sutras are the only “weapons” he has at his disposal and is not a particularly strong fighter. To say that Miroku is dishonest is a mere understatement. Miroku is nothing more than a scummy deceiver who dares think he is above Inuyasha just because he has more experience in “wooing his floozies” when he objectifies women as his baby making machines and nothing more. There is nothing to like, admire, adore, and/or love about Miroku because he is a lying opportunistic scumbag who thinks he can sweet-talk his way to various women by invading their personal spots just to bear their children. His despicableness in everything he does as a poor excuse of a Buddhist monk as well as a friend to Inuyasha makes me sick to my foundation, and it is no surprise that I find nothing to root about him. Every lie he has told may as well come back to haunt him for the rest of his life, and every deceitful action he has taken will not be looked back with neither kindness nor compassion. All Miroku has ended up acquiring is my frenzied rage. Rage at how he believes he can stand on his little soapbox preaching to Inuyasha about tenderness towards other women, when Miroku was never tender towards the opposite sex at all. He even has the gall to put Kagome on a pedestal when he never even bothers to defend Inuyasha’s actions and is so quick to jump to Kagome’s side like the snake-like sleaze-ball that he is. Therefore, Miroku shall end up with a vicious castration and hanging. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and never be hypocritical like Miroku is, everybody. The Hypocritical, Deceitful, and Credit-Hogging Shyster from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Unworthy of Inuyasha’s Trust

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Miroku as well as Anti-Kaede and Anti-Shippou. Sit back, relax, and revel in the evisceration I have in store for these pathetic excuses of companions for Inuyasha and my alternatives in the form of eleven Red Power Rangers who would ensure healing, genuine trust, authentic friendship, and true brotherhood far more than what the douchebag known as Miroku can offer. If you thought one pathetic dickhead was not enough for Inuyasha to suffer with, try two more dickheads who are just as pathetic as each other. I have made my sentiments clear about Miroku being an absolute hypocrite, liar, deceiver, and moocher really clear which are all attributes transferred into him being a terrible friend to Inuyasha. Not helping him are Kaede the insolent old hag who constantly favourites Kagome and is always living under Kikyou’s shadow and Shippou the vindictive little ingrate who always runs his mouth when the situation is least appropriate. The main problem I have with Kaede, Shippou, and especially Miroku is how they treat Inuyasha like a second to third-class citizen because of his huge chip on his shoulder regarding his painful past while constantly putting Kagome on a pedestal just because she can sense the Shikon Jewel shards. Even when Inuyasha is injured, Miroku has the gall to further hurt him by hitting him on the head with his staff or physically batter him all while telling him to calm down or show more “respect” to Kagome when Inuyasha himself has been dealing with guilt from losing Kikyou as well as trying to save his, Kaede’s, and Shippou’s ineptly futile behinds, and Miroku himself is no saint either, given his track record of womanising to the extreme and not being a strong fighter by any stretch of the imagination. Therefore, these miserable excuses of companions and magnificent losers are neither worthy of Inuyasha’s time let alone his undying trust, respect, allegiance, and loyalty. Rather than having Kaede’s incompetent and wrinkled bum playing favourites with Kagome, Miroku’s physically bullying of Inuyasha’s, and Shippou’s vindictive mouthiness being akin to a cancer, it would be great for Inuyasha to get rid of these three lousy excuses of companions and bring in some genuinely real friends, caring brothers from other mothers, and loyal companions to soothe him, comfort him, give him the reassurance he needs, and be the greatest people that he has and will always have in his life. Step forward Jason Lee Scott the Red Tyrannosaurus Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, Aurico the Red Alien Ranger from Aquitar, Tommy Oliver the Red Zeo Power Ranger as well as the first Red Lightning Turbo Power Ranger, Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson the second Red Lightning Turbo Power Ranger, Andros the Red Space Ranger, Leo Corbett the Red Galaxy Power Ranger, Carter Grayson the Red Lightspeed Rescue Power Ranger, Alex Drake the first Red Time Force Power Ranger, Wes Collins the second Red Time Force Power Ranger, Eric Myers the Quantum Power Ranger, and Cole Evans the Red Wild Force Power Ranger coming to Inuyasha’s aid as the true companions and brothers from other mothers he desperately needs. As for Kaede, Miroku, and Shippou, they might as well depart from Inuyasha’s life and never ever come back because they have done more damage to him than good. With the eleven Red Power Rangers by Inuyasha’s side to be the best brothers they can be, they would do wonders to give him the solidarity, warmth, strength, compassion, trust, honesty, and joy he needs so much in his life. This is especially true when it comes to tending Inuyasha’s wounds the best way they can with tender loving care and giving him their undivided attention to the nines. All of these Red Power Rangers would prove themselves to be far more knowledgeable about medicine, healing, tending wounds, and dressing even the direst of injuries both in a physical sense and in a psychological sense. Therefore, each of them would specialise in what they would do best to ensure that Inuyasha regains his strength at an astounding level instead of having Shippou being the smug dickhole he is when he was pranking Inuyasha by disguising himself as Kagome, Kaede being a totally joyless hag at Inuyasha’s expense, and most of all Miroku making Inuyasha’s injuries far worse than they are by physically hurting him more. No doubt will all eleven Red Power Rangers tell the three arseholes to vamoose and head for the hills before they exterminate them. Once gone, all eleven Red Power Rangers would unleash Inuyasha from the Beads of Subjugation, and he would end up gaining their trust as well as having them trust him back. Aurico would use his healing powers as a Aquitian to close whatever open wounds Inuyasha has thanks to the special water he has from Aquitar that would do miracles for huge gashes and small scratches combined. Tommy and Jason would provide Inuyasha with the emotional support he needs by attending to him when he needs company as well as allow him to hash out whatever grievances, hopes, joys, and pains he has without either of them judging him, thus having both of them comfort him with a reassuring embrace and words of healing, compassion, understanding, and trust. TJ would prepare Inuyasha’s meals that go beyond the usual ramen noodles, for he would feed him well with steak and eggs, seasonal vegetables, grilled fish, seasonal fruits, and game meat such as deer and boar. Andros would have meditation sessions with Inuyasha to ease his fraught mind and soul as well as make him more focused. Leo would massage Inuyasha to ensure that every painful cramp is disintegrated. Carter would shield Inuyasha from invaders as well as protect the house they are in. Given Eric’s, Alex’s, and Wes’s military training, they would help Inuyasha fend himself off against invading demons with every artillery they have. Cole would use healing herbs and bandages to dress Inuyasha’s wounds…

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Failed Friendship for Life

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Miroku. Sit back, relax, and open your minds to understand where I am coming from with my claim of Miroku being a terrible male companion to Inuyasha and the alternatives I have in store instead of this pathetic excuse of a monk. From the first time I watched Inuyasha as an 11-year-old boy to watching it in earnest during my middle school years as a 13 to 14-year-old boy to my high school years ranging from 15 to 18 years old, I tried everything I could to find something salvageable about Miroku let alone his “brotherhood/friendship” with Inuyasha. However, every time I tried over and over again, I kept failing to find something redeemable about this pathetic excuse of a brotherhood between Inuyasha the totally awesome super strong dog Hanyo warrior king, dog Yokai king in my AU headcanon, who I will always adore and Miroku the absolute lame-o hypocrite who gets on my nerves with his lies and deceitful ways towards women. Watching Inuyasha in his perspective, I can totally understand why he is so irritated with Miroku. The way Miroku treats Inuyasha like a second to third-class citizen because of how much stronger he is compared to him, despite the many occasions Inuyasha had to save Miroku’s loser behind, his tendency to have a go at attacking Inuyasha when Miroku himself is not really that strong, his flippant favouritism of Kagome, thus making him, Sango, and Shippou her humanoid androids without a brain, and all of the lies, manipulation, deceit, and disingenuousness this horrible excuse of a Buddhist monk have are all attributes of why I believe Miroku was completely atrocious for Inuyasha as a friend let alone as a surrogate brother. It was clear from the beginning that Miroku never cared when Inuyasha was hurt by Kagome’s sit commands and believed that he deserved it for being rambunctious and rowdy. This hypocrite is no saint either with his womanising ways, tremendous tendency to be no-good cheat, and being full of fibs and lies that I am surprised that they did not manifest themselves into a more frightening monster. Even when that little lie grows into something bigger and stronger than Miroku is, it is not likely that his Wind Tunnel will solve the problem for him. In fact, it will make his problems even bigger. This is especially true with how he treated Inuyasha. After all the times Inuyasha has saved Miroku’s sorry ass from peril, after risking his life to save his male companion, and after everything he put himself through to ensure his safety, Miroku still treated him in an inferior and condescending manner. There was zero brotherly love, and there was only cold-blooded manipulation on Miroku’s part just because he as well as his fellow skanks Sango, Kagome, and Shippou could wheedle him and take full of advantage of Inuyasha’s undying loyalty to suit their selfish needs. He even says he cares for Inuyasha’s safety, but he injures him far more whether it is stomping on him or hitting him on the head with objects or his staff, thus making him even more of a bully than Kagome is. However, Kagome is still the worst bully ever. Miroku is just one of her pathetic little minions doing her dirty work. With Miroku’s lies, deceit, manipulation, and scumbag nature coming to light, who would be better male companions to Inuyasha? Sesshoumaru would be more reflective of his actions and words, thus making him reconnect with Inuyasha as his brother, and would cast away his haughtiness like the true noble he ought to be in order to build bridges with Inuyasha. Shuran would be the big, lovable, gentle giant who would have both a loving brotherhood towards him as well as a competitive one, thus seeing each other grow stronger both mentally and physically. Hakkaku and Ginta have always seen Inuyasha as a truly strong warrior and one who has always been a lot stronger than Kouga ever was, thus making them ditch Kouga and swear brotherhood and allegiance to Inuyasha. There is no doubt that Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and most especially Sesshoumaru would be the better and bigger men to provide Inuyasha the genuine brotherhood he needs, but there are eleven red-clad warriors, soldiers, combatants, and martial artists who would indubitably stand by Inuyasha’s side and would never be a bunch of phony manipulators. Once you hear the roll calls it’s morphin’ time, shift into turbo, let’s rocket, go galactic, Lightspeed Rescue, time for Time Force, Quantum Power, and wild access, viewers and readers know fully well of Power Rangers Wild Force’s glorious tenth anniversary episode “Forever Red”. Jason Lee Scott from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Aurico from Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers Zeo, Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson from Power Rangers Turbo, Andros from Power Rangers in Space, Leo Corbett from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Carter Grayson from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Wes Collins from Power Rangers Time Force, Eric Myers also from Power Rangers Time Force, Cole Evans from Power Rangers Wild Force, and even Alex Drake the original Time Force Red Power Ranger would come to Inuyasha’s aid and protection to be the staunch, unconditionally loving, genuine, and nurturing brothers they are. Jason, Aurico, Tommy, TJ, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole would even confront Miroku and address how much his lies, manipulation, cowardice, and hypocrisy sicken them to no end. Aurico would address that Miroku has done more harm than good to Inuyasha. TJ would call out Miroku on not being an honourable warrior let alone a genuine friend to Inuyasha. Andros and Leo would call Miroku a pathetic opportunist who gets away with his lies. Carter would give Miroku a firm dressing down on the many occasions he has hurt Inuyasha both physically and mentally and would rather see him in chains and in a jail cell for all his crimes. Wes and Cole…

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Miroku the Shyster Hellion

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Miroku. Sit back, relax, and enjoy my evisceration of Miroku the poor excuse of a Buddhist monk I have ended up despising with all of my heart, mind, body, and soul. Miroku is back on my chopping board, and he deserves to be so. Why is that you ask? He is nothing more than a hypocritical liar and a perverted Frankendouchebag who thinks he is being charming by groping various women wanting to bear his children should his existence be gone due to his accursed yet cool Wind Tunnel or Kazaana nearly devouring him. In terms of combat, he might have had some skills with his staff and sutras, but he is otherwise ineffective when it comes to more threatening monsters. As Inuyasha’s “male friend/surrogate brother”, he is truly the worst because of how often he sides with Kagome regarding Inuyasha’s torrid past with Kikyou while not also understanding his painful past either. Miroku even has the gall to hit Inuyasha on the head for acting out of line when he himself is no saint by any stretch of the imagination, thus making him just as much of a sanctimonious narcissist as Kagome if not worse. In fact, he is just as much of a bully as Kagome is, but Kagome is a million times worse than Miroku will ever be. Therefore, he is just one of Kagome’s humanoids who crawls on his knees because she is some special snowflake from the future. For someone like Miroku who calls out Inuyasha on his whole “two-timing Kagome with Kikyou” debacle, his track record is extremely dirty beyond belief. Going around wanting to bang floozies for the sake of carrying his children does not mean he is going to get away with being called a two-timer himself because he is not going to get away with it that easily. So, let me get this straight. When Inuyasha goes off to see Kikyou, does that make him a two-timer? No, his gesture meant that he had unresolved guilt and trauma still festering at him after over fifty years which is still fresh in his mind. He needed to hash out whatever was lingering inside him so that Kikyou could be at peace again because she was resurrected out of her own will. How that loser Miroku interprets it is that Inuyasha is unfaithful to Kagome with Kikyou, which makes this pathetic loser monk a million times worse than he already is. Yet, Miroku is still allowed to womanise and get away with slaps thrown at him, while Inuyasha receives the “Sit, boy!” treatment by that fugly floozy Kagome? I would hope to the Shinto gods and Buddha that Miroku does get neutered and emasculated because he is also a sex offender. From his past with the innocent Koharu, he was even so brazen to ask her to bear his children when she was only 11 years old and kept his promise alive when she was 14. Even when he gallivants with other women, he is still just as much of a sex offender because he invades their privacy and has no ounce of respect for them. His overall brotherhood with Inuyasha is a joke. He is completely antagonistic towards Inuyasha, treats him with a complete lack of dignity, has no compassion towards his plight, and has zero consideration of his dog Yokai heritage in terms of treating him like a pet at best and his whipping boy at worst. Every time Inuyasha acts out of line, Miroku would never hesitate to strike him on the head with his staff, throw objects at him or batter him to the ground. All of these actions make Miroku more of a bully than a compassionate friend or brother from another mother. Despite the many occasions where they stuck together as well as Inuyasha risking his life for this hellion’s sake, Miroku still treated Inuyasha like a second to third-class citizen as well as his trump card just because of Inuyasha’s prodigious strength and the power he has with Tessaiga. I do not blame Inuyasha for harbouring negative sentiments towards Miroku because he does see him for the lying, thieving, faithless, deceitful scumbag that he is, and Sango is just too much of a sheep to accept that. At least Inuyasha bears the truth, and the truth hurts, but it is necessary to call out the bull crap that Miroku envelops people with. To make things worse, he never considers Inuyasha’s feelings and plays favourites with Kagome as one of her army of skanks. Talk about unfair and uncalled for from Inuyasha’s supposed surrogate brother who was never a brother to begin with. Miroku was nothing more than a pathetic scumbag taking advantage of Inuyasha’s strength, steadfastness, loyalty, and staunchness. As a fighter, Miroku may have had his moments, but he is ultimately useless without his Wind Tunnel or Kazaana. Just because he has some skill with a staff and sutras does not always make him the most effective fighter in the world. I am also still reeling with anger at Miroku for bonking Inuyasha on the head with his staff, despite him being critically injured, all because he needed to see Kikyou, thus affirming of how much of a bully Miroku really is. Yes, Miroku’s Wind Tunnel is cool for instant kills. However, without it, he is an ineffective fighter with a staff he uses on certain occasions as well as sutras that tend to mostly work on lesser demons. Therefore, he is not really the spiritual warrior that he is and is a plain joke as a fighter, as the only serious battles this cheating coward would rather fight in or on the bed with his breeding mare Sango. All of my gripes on Miroku boil down to him being a know-nothing know-it-all who treats women like objects and people like Inuyasha as nothing more than second to third-class citizens because Inuyasha has far more…

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Kill Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou Survey

Would you watch a show called Kill Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou depicting how various assassins, hitmen, mercenaries, and murderers demonstrate lethal yet fun ways to kill those four liars, hypocrites, and losers? A. Yes! I enjoy seeing Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou getting killed! B. Maybe. It sparks interest seeing how those four die horrific deaths. C. No! That would not make for good television!

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