July 2022

Tabletop Reviews Solo Week – Meadow

My girlfriend is away this week, so i only have myself to play with, let me use that to my advantage and get some solo games in, 6 games coming up this week, let’s see if my opinion on solo play changes or stays the say. First up, one my most anticiated games from last year, real exited for this one, meadow.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

In honor of Johnny Depp’s recent court case win, I’ve decided to review the video game tie-in of the 2005 remake based on the well-known children’s book by Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Is this game as good as the movie it was based on? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to The Egg Paladin ( and maizie0201( for designing the title card as well as Ryan Martin ( for the original design.

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Ayame’s Fighting Game Mentor Survey

Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Ayame to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Chun-Li (Street Fighter) B. Cammy White (Street Fighter) C. Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter) D. Nina Williams (Tekken) E. Jun Kazama (Tekken) F. Mary “Blue Mary” Ryan (King of Fighters) G. Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters)

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Ginta’s Fighting Game Mentors Survey

Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Ginta to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Adon (Street Fighter) B. Dee Jay (Street Fighter) C. Fei Long (Street Fighter) D. Vega (Street Fighter) E. Cody Travers (Street Fighter) F. Lei Wulong (Tekken) G. Kim Kaphwan (King of Fighters)

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Hakkaku’s Fighting Game Mentors Survey

Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Hakkaku to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Sagat (Street Fighter) B. Dhalsim (Street Fighter) C. Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter) D. Balrog (Street Fighter) E. Guy (Street Fighter) F. Bruce Irvin (Tekken) G. Joe Higashi (King of Fighters)

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Kill Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou Survey

Would you watch a show called Kill Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou depicting how various assassins, hitmen, mercenaries, and murderers demonstrate lethal yet fun ways to kill those four liars, hypocrites, and losers? A. Yes! I enjoy seeing Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou getting killed! B. Maybe. It sparks interest seeing how those four die horrific deaths. C. No! That would not make for good television!

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Inuyasha’s Fighting Game Mentor Survey

Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Inuyasha to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Akuma (Street Fighter) B. Guile (Street Fighter) C. Alex (Street Fighter) D. Ken Masters (Street Fighter) E. Paul Phoenix (Tekken) F. Terry Bogard (King of Fighters) G. Andy Bogard (King of Fighters)

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