Articles by Marcus_of_Denmark
I think this video contains my most controversial take yet, A Kenner Spiel des Jahres winner and a very low score, how low? that your job to fnd out not mine.
Not to be confused with the much superior Ecos, the name is stupid, but what about the game itself, click to find out.
One of the games i have owned the longest and yet it took me more than 2 years to review it, but here it is, the great Bärenpark.
100 episodes and now my editing software screws me over, nice.
These titles are getting out of hand, very long, oh but just you wait. Tabletop Reviews Ep. 100 is also coming up, it will be a big one, but a few things coming first, like the TTR Map ranking.
Lets discuss or just share opinions, theme is portant, but how is theme, thats the qustion.
What happens when you forget to post, you get to post twice in one day! wuuuuh! TTR Paris, 4th to last commercially available Ticket to ride game i need to review, just that pesky Märklin bloody expensive asswell. Ah well hope ye enjoy