June 2022

Comic Book Review: X-Men #12 or ‘The Beating of Sinister’

In this review of the X-Men #12, we get some great visuals from the living legends Pepe Larez and Gerry Duggan as they conclude the Gameworld arc and we get some clarication on the idenitity of Dr. Stasis… Its a doozy. Ben Urlich is becoming one of my favorite non mutant characters! Read the book!!http://

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Tabletop Reviews – Tic Tac K.O.

Back again from hiatus, i am rested and clear in my head, ready with multiple videos to have backlog on most series, thanks for the understanding , hope to not leave you like that again. But anyway, new episode of tabletop reviews, where today i am looking at tactical team tic tac toe, well it’s a team game if you’re weird, this is in heart a 1v1, like normal tic tac toe, just with dragons vs Unicorns instead of crosses vs cirkels, it is fun and i can recommend it for beginners and hobby gamers for it’s ease of play and some what tactical nature and offcourse it is another unstable games game, that is among my favorite games out there.

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