November 2018

Out of the Ashes and To the Sky drawn by me

This piece of Boomercup fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Boomercup month, is dedicated to Will Atkinson aka WillAforAwesome, Funactivefriend, and Skylar Michael Clearwater aka InsiderHorror who all celebrated their birthdays last week. So, I hope you guys had awesome, wonderful, brilliant, and dazzling birthdays and I wish you all a lot of love, joy, happiness, grandiosity, abundance, and charisma in your lives as artists and as people. This also goes to all of the Boomercup shippers as well, so, I hope you all enjoy this too. Looks like Buttercup got herself such a major, near-death pickle when she and Boomer were on patrol. Just when they split up, Buttercup encountered some convicted sex offenders who wanted to have a go at her. In spite of her constant refusal, being loyally married to Brick, the sex offenders decided to almost do her in by battering her, slicing her with their pocket knives, and nearly burning her inside an abandoned building. Boomer sensed something was wrong, as he heard noises in the distance. It was Buttercup being savagely ganged on by the felons inside the burning, abandoned building. He flew with the speed of light, got to the burning hideout, beat up the felons so savagely, and like the noble gentleman he is, he rescued his dear teammate Buttercup, so that she can be well-treated by her darling husband. Buttercup, in turn, is obviously more than grateful that Boomer came to her rescue and can truly see why Blossom admires him so much. Boomer is truly a selfless, strong, noble soul who deserves a lot of acclaim for his great heroism. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Boomercup fanart, which, in turn, is my final Boomercup submission for this year. See you all in the next submission. Boomer and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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My Happy Thanksgiving with 700 YouTube Subscribers

Hey, everybody! I know I haven’t been as active on YouTube as I should’ve been, mostly because I have been busying myself with making fanart on DeviantArt, which, mind you, I have been enjoying a lot. Additionally, I have also dealt with my fair share of academic priorities like my exams, which I have generally been passing very well, and my application to the American Liberal Arts College, Bard College Berlin, in which I will attend tomorrow’s open day. However, I just want to express my joy and gratitude of having gained 700 subscribers on YouTube and, in these trying times of juggling lots of activities, I am still very enthusiastic about this and I would love to thank you all for putting up with me for the past seven years I have been on YouTube and even for the past five years I have been an online reviewer. Since December is rapidly rolling around the corner, I see it absolutely fit to make reviews for the annual Red Ribbon Reviewers’ Month, as currently pioneered by my fellow online reviewer colleague, Eli Stone aka The Cartoon Hero. I have a lot of content I would love to share with all of you, my dear viewers and, as usual, do expect some opera reviews, album reviews, especially the holiday-themed ones, lookbacks and tributes to the animated TV show Christmas specials, maybe a few slams, and possibly some film reviews. Moreover, I will be spending my Christmas break in Cebu for a couple of days and in Hong Kong for the next several days with my family, thus making these review plans interspersed with the time I will spend with them. Boy, I do have a lot of things to accomplish. In spite of all that, I still want to thank you all for your time, patience, and willingness to put with me in everything I do. I will see you all in the next upload. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, take care, and have a blessed, happy, and awesome Thanksgiving.

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Blue-Hued Teenage Admiration drawn by me

This piece of Brickubbles and Boomercup fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Boomercup Month, is dedicated to A.J. Miller aka AJthePPGfan who is celebrating his birthday today. So, A.J. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, beauty, strength, triumph, and abundance on your very special day as well as in your life as an artist and as a person. This is also dedicated to all of the hardcore and awesome Brickubbles and Boomercup shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this.   I’m sure you all had crushes no matter where you are in your life and you might have had butterflies in your stomachs, thus giving you that sensation of feeling so enticed when you see the apple of your eye. Well, the Blues can pretty much attest to that, especially when they were teenagers.   Ah, Boomer and Bubbles aka The Blues. They wear their emotions on their sleeves. They are the nicest and most sympathetic people of Team Xtreme. They are also really creative. They seemed to be truly and indubitably made for each other. As much as I am a huge Boomubbles fan and OTP shipper, as I do believe that they are the best color-coded couple, I will admit this, I also like Brickubbles and Boomercup so much as cute, innocent pairings. However, as you can tell, I am also a major Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer fan and OTP shipper. At least, I can say that, in my most humble opinion, Brickubbles and Boomercup are more desirable in my eyes that Blossick and Butchercup combined, though they do not approach the OTP levels of Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles combined.   Boomer is seventeen years old while Bubbles is fifteen years old and they are both in the eleventh grade all back in the year 2009.   Bubbles the cheerleader, the girls’ track star, the star artist, the aspiring actress, singer, and musician, and the most lovable girl in school is totally enamored with seventeen-year-old Brick the most popular young man in school, the MVP of the basketball team, and one of Townsville’s most well-rounded students. Sure, she has her favorite teddy-bear boyfriend Boomer by her side and she loves her darling strongman Butch, but Bubbles goes crazy over Brick’s signature swagger and his way of showing the ladies a good time, which should be no surprise, as Brick and Bubbles have been really good friends when they were Kindergarteners and when the Ruffs and the Puffs joined forces as one amazing superhero team. Plus, they have each others’ backs for great measure.   Boomer the MVP of the soccer team, his school band’s lead singer, the aspiring actor, the boys’ track star, the Renaissance man, and one of the most handsome young men in school is head over heels in love with sixteen-year-old Buttercup the MVP of the volleyball team, the toughest and strongest girl in school, and the all-around athlete. As much as he loves his darling Bubbles and is so enamored with Blossom’s brand of awesomeness, Boomer just can’t get his eyes off of how strong, tough, and determined Buttercup really is.   However, we all know, at the end of the day, these were just silly, adorable teen crushes they had back in the days. At least one can rest assured, that the cuteness factor for these pairings held up rather well.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Brickubbles and Boomercup fanart. See you all in the next submission.   Brick, Bubbles, Boomer, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades drawn by me

“I study nuclear science I love my classes I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses Things are going great, and they’re only getting better I’m doing all right, getting good grades The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades I gotta wear shades   I’ve got a job waiting for my graduation Fifty thou a year, buys a lot of beer Things are going great, and they’re only getting better I’m doing all right, getting good grades The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades I gotta wear shades   Well I’m heavenly blessed and worldly wise I’m a peeping-tom techie with x-ray eyes Things are going great, and they’re only getting better I’m doing all right, getting good grades The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades I gotta wear shades   I study nuclear science I love my classes I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses Things are going great, and they’re only getting better I’m doing all right, getting good grades The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades   I gotta wear shades I gotta wear shades I gotta wear shades” – “The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades”, originally sung by Timbuk3 from their debut album “Greetings from Timbuk3”, Released in 1986.   This piece of Boomercup fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Boomercup Month, is dedicated to Marisa aka Absolhunter251, Lunaria aka Luna-rii, Sano aka Sano-BR, and Shannen Ngo aka SmoothCriminalGirl16 who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Marisa, Lunaria, Sano, Shannen, I wish you a lot of love, joy, beauty, prosperity, happiness, and immense abundance in your lives as artists and as people and I wish you all such marvelous birthdays. Moreover, I dedicate this to all of the Boomercup shippers out there. With that said, I hope you enjoy this piece of Boomercup fanart and soak up its goodness.   Here we have Boomer and Buttercup who are fresh out of their workout routine and they look absolutely stunning with their sleeveless shirts and short shorts, thus making them quite a formidable duo consisting of a lovable dumb muscle and a fiery brawler. While I have always kept Boomercup as my cute, innocent pairing for life, I want you to take a good, close look at the shirt colors and the sunglasses frames in terms of who I ship Boomer and Buttercup as my OTPs for life and those who ended up having such lovely children from their respective spouses. Don’t be shy, as I know this will be fun, especially when you type it down on the comments below.   For this Boomercup submission, I have grown up on the classic song “The Future’s so Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades” when I caught this as the ending credits to Disney’s “An Extremely Goofy Movie” as an eight-year-old boy traveling to San Francisco alongside my mother and younger sister staying at a relative’s place. The version I caught was sung by Pat Benatar, but I was pleasantly surprised to know that the original version was sung by Timbuk3. I listened to both versions and I have to say that I found myself leaning towards the Pat Benatar version more mostly because of nostalgia and the overall feel of this particular rendition. So, I hope you also enjoy both of these versions, as you gaze into the loveliness that is Boomercup.   The original Timbuk3 version from 1986 in music video form   The Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo version from 2000   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care!   Boomer and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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An Athletic Love Triangle For The Ages drawn by me

This piece of Brickercup vs Boomercup fanart, which is part of my dearest BrickercupMasterX3’s Boomercup month, is dedicated to Tayler D. aka Taydrewa7x who celebrated her birthday three days ago, Lea Moncada aka zeetrip and Kazu aka KazunaPikachu who celebrated their birthdays two days ago, and WILDO aka Webfriends246 who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Tayler, Lea, Kazu, Wildo, I hope you lovely ladies had such awesome, wonderful, charming, dazzling, and grand birthday celebrations. I wish you a lot of love, joy, abundance, and happiness in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the Brickercup and Boomercup shippers out there. So, do enjoy and soak up that Brickercup and Boomercup goodness. What happens when you have a seventeen-year-old basketball star who was dubbed as one of the most popular and well-rounded boys in school and his seventeen-year-old brother who is younger than him by a month, is a soccer star, and was deemed as one of the most lovable and talented boys to grace Townsville High, eyeing for a sixteen-year-old volleyball star who had such a fiery and tough reputation when she was a schoolgirl? Why you would get a sport pun-filled high school love triangle, as Brick, Boomer, and Buttercup were Townsville High’s MVPs of the basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams back in 2009 when they were eleventh graders. Sure, Brick and Boomer are rather possessive of Buttercup, but as you can obviously tell, she is not enjoying this. Sometimes she even wonders why these two gentlemen would ever fall in love with her in the first place and she is no damsel in distress by any stretch of the imagination. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this. If you to ask me which Buttercup-centered pairing I prefer to have as my OTP and which one I prefer to have as my cute, innocent pairing, the answer should be clear as night and day. However, I would love to know from you guys if you prefer Brickercup or Boomercup via comments, as I am sure I will get some pretty interesting answers. So, dear viewers, until the next submission. Brick, Buttercup, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Return of the Blossoomer Family drawn by me

This piece of Blossoomer fanart, which is part of my art trade with my dearest friend and fellow DeviantArtist Kaitlyn aka KatyGorl, is dedicated to zainab aka zaameen who celebrated her birthday three days ago, Janna aka Lucy101 who celebrated her birthday two days ago, and Joseph aka Ichik11 and Neru Kim aka ShugoandRiegel who celebrated their birthdays yesterday. So, Zainab, Janna, Joseph, Neru, I wish you a lot of love, happiness, joy, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche euch allen viel Liebe, Glück, Freude und Reichtum in euren Leben als Künstler und als Menschen. Como se dice en español, os deseo mucho amor, felicidad, alegría y abundancia en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Blossoomer shippers out there. So, enjoy and soak up that Blossoomer awesomeness, sweetness, and goodness. Boomer, Blossom and their dearest daughter have obviously struck again. This time, they have brought more wonderful members to this sweet family namely Brittney, Beau, Becky, and Bella. Since we got to know how Bloom came to be, let us get acquainted with the other four members of the Blossoomer quintuplets, who are all at the tender age of seven years old. Right after Bloom was born, her siblings Brittney, Beau, Becky, and Bella followed. Much like their sister Bloom Amanda Green, Brittney Jane “BJ” Green, Beauregard Alain “Beau” Green, Becca Danielle “Becky” Green, and Bella Donna “Belladonna” Green were born on July 25, 2011. It was said that while Bloom was placid yet jolly, BJ was more rambunctious, Beau was calm, Becky was energetic and hyperactive, and Belladonna was quiet and sweet when they emerged from Blossom’s womb. During Team Xtreme’s college years, Bloom, BJ, Beau, Becky, and Belladonna, Boomer’s and Blossom’s quintuplets, alongside their cousins Brandon, Buddy, Brea, and Betty, who are Butch’s and Bubbles’ quadruplets, Beatrice “Bea”, Bailey Christina “BC Jr.”, and Bradford “Brad, who are Brick’s and Buttercup’s triplets, would live and be raised by their grandparents Mr. Green, Mrs. Bellum-Green, Professor Utonium, and Mrs. Keane-Utonium every weekday. After school and every weekend, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles would come over to be the parents they ought to be, thus spending lots of quality time with them and seeing them grow in love, health, and excellence. Brittney Jane or BJ is a daddy’s girl in every single way. Even though her birth name is Brittney and her second name is Jane, she always loves it when her father calls her BJ and her mother does appreciate it when she calls her by her nickname, except on some occasions when BJ is in trouble does Blossom use her full name of Brittney Jane Green. Personality-wise, BJ takes after Blossom’s intelligence, articulacy, and diplomacy as well as Boomer’s occasionally rough-and-tumble yet sympathetic nature and she is a bit more of a tomboy as opposed to the more ladylike Bloom. However, there are times that BJ can be rather bossy and be a bit of a know-it-all, which can easily cause a lot of conflicts with Bloom, thus making these two strong-minded sisters butt heads on more than one occasion. In spite of all that, they can have their moments where they can mellow out and be occasionally spaced-out whenever they do not fight crime. BJ shows a strong interest mainly in heavy metal music, but she also loves jazz, rhythm and blues, and soul. Moreover, much like Bloom, she is a fan of literature, as she loves reading J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter”, C.S. Lewis’s “The Chronicles of Narnia”, J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”, and Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women”. BJ aspires to be a singer-songwriter much like how her father was a singer in his high school years and she wants to combine the elements of heavy metal and soul to make it be one interesting blend for people to hear. Moreover, she would also love to be a poetess and an author of science fiction novels when she grows up. BJ’s signature power is her electric snowball, in which she forms a ball made of raw energy and makes it encased in snow, thus giving opponents an initial freezing sensation and followed by a powerful electrocution they will never forget. Aside from that, she is very cognizant in terms of how her enemies will attack meaning she can spot their every strength and weakness, thus taking advantage of these particular traits. Moreover, she and Bloom have a special combo attack they do together which is called the Freezing Electric Baseball Bats of Doom. Both Bloom and BJ would form an ice-encased electric baseball bat akin to the one made by Boomer and they would point their bats to their opponents, thus having an icy shockwave be emitted freezing them and eventually giving them be immobilized by the electric shocks. In terms of languages, she can speak French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and German. Beau is very much a mama’s boy, though he is close to his father too. His poise, sense of class, willingness to lead by example, sense of empathy, and strict moral code all make him seem like he is akin to Blossom if she were a little boy of seven years old, thus making him the split image of his mother. His moments of spacing out are few and far between. However, one should be careful with Beau. While he is sympathetic, kind, and a gentleman in any and every single way, he can get furious if one were to be so brazen to hurt his sisters, his mother, his father, his uncles, and his aunties. He loves playing the piano, as he is also passionate about composers like Bach, Czerny, Dvorak, Debussy, Britten, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Schumann, and Schubert. He is currently learning Schubert’s Ave Maria and it is one of his most favorite pieces. Aside from classical music, Beau also loves jazz, Broadway musicals, J-Pop, Enka, and…

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Boomer’s Muscle Puns for Blossom drawn by me

This piece of Blossoomer fanart, which is my late submission for KatyGorl’s Color-Clash Contest, is dedicated to Kitty aka crazydemonkitty who celebrated her birthday five days ago, Alexander Tansley aka DrCrafty and Viviane aka belafantasy who celebrated their birthdays four days ago, Paola Enriquez aka Gumi-CoffeeCat who celebrated her birthday three days ago, and Lea Virtudazo aka Da-AWESOME-girl who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Kitty, Alexander, Viviane, Paola, Lea, I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, beauty, grace, greatness, and abundance in your lives as artists and people. Como se dice en español, os deseo mucho amor, alegría, felicidad, belleza, gracia, grandeza y abundancia en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the awesome Blossoomer shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this, as you soak up that Blossoomer sweetness and goodness.   Here we have Boomer being the handsome, dashing, sympathetic muscle hunk that he is to his darling sweetheart, Blossom. One can certainly rely on him to keep his red-haired goddess of intelligence and beauty safe from anyone and even comfort her in times of strife. Blossom really loves how loving, strong, fine, and just plain awesome he is as a gentleman.   I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission.   Boomer and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Butch’s Muscle Puns to Bubbles drawn by me

This piece of Butchubbles fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s Color-Clash Contest, is dedicated to Matthew Jabez P. Nazario aka MatthewJabezNazarioA who will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow. So, Matthew, I wish you a lot of love, joy, beauty, strength, peace, abundance, prosperity, and happiness in your life as an artist and as a person. May your birthday celebration be full of light, happiness, and love. This is also dedicated to all of the Butchubbles shippers out there. So, enjoy and soak in that Butchubbles loveliness and goodness.   Ah, Butch. One has to rely on him and his muscles to do all of the charming and the alluring. And, yes, his sweet lady love, Bubbles, is totally enamored with this charmingly wild hunk, as she loves it when Butch exhibits his well-built, muscular, handsome body to her.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission.   Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Brick’s Muscle Puns to Buttercup drawn by me

This piece of Brickercup fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s Color-Clash Contest, is dedicated to Meagan aka MMHinman who celebrated her birthday a couple of days ago and whose Inuyasha muscle puns fanart is one of my main sources of inspiration for this Brickercup picture, Sparks aka Bright-BlueEyes who celebrated her birthday yesterday and nicetsukichi who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Meagan, Sparks, Nice, I wish you lovely ladies a lot of love, joy, beauty, magnificence, charisma, abundance, and happiness in your lives as artists and people. This is also dedicated to all of the fine Brickercup shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this.   Here we have Brick being the buff, handsome muscle hunk to his darling wife Buttercup. As you can tell, she is not only lucky and blessed to have someone as large-and-in-charge and handsomely jacked as Brick in her life, but she also approves.   Brick and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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