One Bloody Jungle Sibling Warfare

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This first version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000 and is dedicated to everybody who finds the idea of having two groups of seven-sibling jungle warriors in the forms of The Royal Jungle Slaughterers (Bundroc, Malb’yat, Tarzan, John Carter, Kavandavanda, Aroc, and Sheena) and The Brawny Jungle Brawlers (Anabebe, Tar-Chan, Rod, Nid, Michael, Matt, and Lisa) engaging in an all-out, feral, and animalistic death battle in the African jungle. Sit back, relax, and revel in this epic jungle warfare between two groups of powerful siblings who fight each other to the death with no protective gear, no gloves, and no restrictions. It is no-holds-barred and all rules are thrown away, thus making them go all out on each other.

Ah, the year of our Lord 1993. The birth year of the first UFC match in Denver, Colorado at the McNichols Sports Arena. However, I am not here to talk about that historical martial arts event. I am here to take you out of the civilized world of that aforementioned arena and relocate you to the lush yet savage African jungles. There you will hear all the thundering roars and visceral snarls occurring between two groups of seven-sibling jungle warriors attempting to take each other down with their bare hands, claws, fangs, muscles, and unparalleled combat skills. Each of these two teams of jungle warrior siblings consists of six muscular, virile, strong, and brawny brothers and one fierce, fearsome, and mighty sister. It is not every day that spectators witness two groups of powerful jungle warrior siblings fighting to the death, but it is an exciting spectacle to witness. Blood spews like waterfalls at the contestants’ mouths with every blow delivered to them. Even all of the jungle animals are howling, roaring, and wailing at the rampaging competition between two sets of jungle giants. Truly a Maenadic frenzy brewing in the jungle.

As I stated before, this was 1993 in the African jungle of the Congo. Two groups of mightily powerful jungle warrior siblings are duking it out, with the jungle men wearing nothing but G-strings and the jungle women donning revealing two-piece brassieres. They were respectively known as the Royal Jungle Slaughterers of the Mangani Tribe and the Brawny Jungle Brawlers of the Savannah Tribe. The Royal Jungle Slaughterers of the Mangani Tribe consisted of 31-year-old Bundroc, 31-year-old Malb’yat, 30-year-old Tarzan, 30-year-old John Carter, 30-year-old Kavandavanda, 29-year-old Aroc, and 25-year-old Sheena and were known for being ferocious fighters against fiercer opponents while being staunchly protective of their jungle domain. The Brawny Jungle Brawlers of the Savannah Tribe consisted of 28-year-old Anabebe, 28-year-old Tar-Chan, 27-year-old Rod, 27-year-old Nid, 26-year-old Michael, 25-year-old Matt, and 22-year-old Lisa and managed to match muscular brawn with barbaric combat prowess. Together, these two teams of jungle warrior siblings were a combination of muscular brawn and feral ferocity.

The contest started with Bundroc, Malb’yat, Tarzan, John, Kavandavanda, and Aroc challenging Anabebe, Tar-Chan, Rod, Nid, Michael, and Matt to a bodybuilding posedown, as their bulgingly sculpted muscles were put on full display for the spectators to witness. Meanwhile, Sheena and Lisa had their own figure contest to see who had the most alluringly curvaceous figure. As the twelve jungle kings were imposing, muscular, and virile, their bodybuilding posedown had them doing front-double biceps, back-double biceps, front lat spread, the crab version of the most muscular pose, abdominal and thigh, rear lat spread, and side triceps. As for the two jungle queens, their voluptuousness and fierceness were enough for the spectators to cheer for them. After such astounding physical displays, the two groups of mighty jungle siblings commenced their pre-challenge trash talk while wishing each other much success. The tension started to increasingly brew, especially when the twelve jungle kings flexed their bulging muscles at each other while roaring like lions and the two jungle queens snarled at each other.

Bundroc boasted that he would crush Anabebe to fine dust, while Anabebe also boasted that he would smash all of Bundroc’s body parts until he was numb. Malb’yat claimed that he would break all of Tar-Chan’s bones with his bare hands, while Tar-Chan also claimed that he would bite and snap Malb’yat’s neck in two. Tarzan was more than happy to thrash Rod to smithereens, while Rod was excited at the prospect of painfully pummeling Tarzan. John was anticipating the moment when he made Nid submit to his power, while Nid was itching to give John a thorough beating all over his body. Kavandavanda roared at Michael declaring that he was going to beat him up until all of his blood was depleted, while Michael snarled at Kavandavanda saying that he was going to shower him with multiple blows and feed his battered body to the leopards. Aroc growled at Matt stating that he was going to squeeze him until he no longer breathed, while Matt barked proclaiming that he was going to maul Aroc in every part of his body. Sheena and Lisa sneered, snarled, and roared like lionesses at each other.

The battle drums resounded. The two groups of seven-sibling jungle warriors clashed, and the fight began. This jungle version of mixed martial arts demonstrated the combination that these two groups of jungle warriors had in fighting styles. Bundroc’s, Malb’yat’s, Tarzan’s, John’s, Kavandavanda’s, Aroc’s, and Sheena’s hybrid martial arts combined Pankration, Ancient Greek Wrestling, Ancient Greek Boxing, Vale Tudo, Luta Livre, Shootfighting, and Lutte Senegalaise. Anabebe’s, Tar-Chan’s, Rod’s, Nid’s, Michael’s, Matt’s, and Lisa’s hybrid martial arts combined Pankration, Mixed Martial Arts, Professional Wrestling, Vale Tudo, Kapu Kuialua, Luta Livre, and Hardcore Wrestling. Even with their combined martial arts influences, one attribute they both have in common is their use of animal instincts and techniques to make them the wild, unrestrained, and feral fighters they were. There was a lot of fist-flying, gory grappling, radical wrestling moves, muscle-writhing, joint-crushing, and blood-gushing occurring throughout the jungle arena, and neither group of jungle warrior siblings wanted to cease with the bloodshed.

Bundroc, Malb’yat, Tarzan, John, Kavandavanda, and Aroc threw a barrage of double axe handles, downward elbow strikes, upward elbow strikes, rabbit punches, rear naked chokeholds, tracheal grip chokeholds, and double leg takedowns at Anabebe, Tar-Chan, Rod, Nid, Michael, and Matt. Anabebe, Tar-Chan, Rod, Nid, Michael, and Matt retorted with ground-and-pounds, headbutts, sprawls-and-brawls, hammer fists, liver punches, piledrivers, and powerbombs at Bundroc, Malb’yat, Tarzan, John, Kavandavanda, and Aroc. The twelve jungle kings also proceeded to strip down naked by discarding their G-strings, got down to a feral position, and proceeded to act like lions charging at each other with vicious bites, eviscerating slashes, and penetrating strikes using their fangs and claws. They even provided each other brutal repeated punches to the face. Sheena and Lisa, thankfully, did not end up stripping down, but they did give each other a whole lot of underhooks, overhooks, overhand punches, uppercuts, armbars, leglocks, and spinal locks as well as the usual slashing and biting. The sound of joints cracking, the smell of blood perfuming the jungle arena, and the sight of the two tribes of jungle warrior siblings mangling each other were nothing short of visceral.

I pass this question on to you, dear readers. Who do you think will win this rampaging jungle death battle? The Royal Jungle Slaughterers of the Mangani Tribe consisting of Bundroc, Malb’yat, Tarzan, John Carter, Kavandavanda, Aroc, and Sheena who are known for their leonine ferocity and vicious combat prowess to the point of giving a pride of lions a run for their money? Or The Brawny Jungle Brawlers of the Savannah Tribe consisting of Anabebe, Tar-Chan, Rod, Nid, Michael, Matt, and Lisa who are renowned for their rippling muscles, bombarding brawn, and gorilla-like power when gorillas and lions unite for a rampage against poachers? Please let me know in the comments below. Until then, take care, stay safe, and embrace your wild sides like these two sets of powerful jungle warrior siblings, everybody.

Bundroc, Malb’yat, Tarzan, John Carter, Kavandavanda, and Aroc belong to Edgar Rice Burroughs, Dell, and Gold Key Comics.

Sheena belongs to Will Eisner and Jerry Eiger.

Anabebe, Tar-Chan, Rod Sootmore, Nid Sootmore, Michael Corgan, Matt Corgan, and Lisa Corgan from Jungle No Ouja Tar-Chan belong to Masaya Tokuhiro, Shueisha, and Group TAC.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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