It’s Not Easy Being Red: Brick’s Feisty Angels drawn by me

This piece of Brickercup vs Brickubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s PPG OT3 Month, is dedicated to Ria Marie aka riamarie33 who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Ria Marie, I wish you a most blessed, awesome, beautiful, great, and prosperous birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, and abundance in your life as an artist and as a person. This is also dedicated to all of the Brickercup and Brickubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Buttercup x Brick x Bubbles love triangle goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, Powerpuff Girls fans of all ages, welcome to the first piece of fan work centering on the likes of Brick and Blossom, which I call “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Red”, as it is a word play on the Kermit the Frog’s solo “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green”. This Brick-centered episode of “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Red” takes place in Townsville High back in September 2009, when Brick, Buttercup, and Bubbles were in the eleventh grade. 17-year-old Brick Green may be the most popular, well-rounded, well-loved young man in school that girls would love to date and boys would be either green with envy, yearn to be his best friend, look up to him or even want to date him but it kind of comes at a price especially when he is in the middle of a cat-fight/tug-of-war challenge between 16-year-old Buttercup Utonium, who was the most athletic student and Volleyball MVP with a hard reputation, and her 15-year-old sister Bubbles Utonium, who was an extremely well-loved cheerleader for the Townsville Tigers as well as being heavily involved in the arts, music, and theater. As I said before, being Townsville High’s most popular male student may have its perks but it can get a little bit sticky when a love triangle such as this is involved. I definitely enjoyed making this come to fruition, as I can easily consider both Brickercup and Brickubbles far more exceptional than some other overrated RuffPuff pairing I know of that has been ubiquitous throughout the PPG fandom (*cough*Blossick*cough*). Moreover, I bet you already know who is my Brick-centered OTP and who is my Brick-centered cute, innocent pairing that works nicely as a BroTP or vice versa. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Brickercup vs Brickubbles fan art. Please let me know in the comments if you prefer Brickercup, Brickubbles or both and I will see you all next weekend for the second “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Red” installment. This time it will be a love triangle centering around Butch, Blossom, and Boomer and I am so freaking excited to make this happen. All right, everybody, take care and until the next time. Buttercup, Brick, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Love Never Dies drawn by me

CHRISTINE: Who knows when love begins Who knows what makes it start One day it’s simply there Alive inside your heart It slips into your thoughts It infiltrates your soul It takes you by surprise Then seizes full control Try to deny it And try to protest But love won’t let you go Once you’ve been possessed Love never dies Love never falters Once it has spoken Love is yours Love never fades Love never alters Hearts may get broken Love endures Hearts may get broken Love endures And soon as you submit Surrender flesh and bone That love takes on a life Much bigger than your own It uses you at whim And drives you to despair And forces you to feel More joy than you can bear Love gives you pleasure And love brings you pain And yet when both are gone Love will still remain Once it has spoken Love is yours Love never dies Love never alters Hearts may get broken Love endures Hearts may get broken Love never dies Love will continue Love keeps on beating When you’re gone Love never dies Once it is in you Love may be fleeting Love lives on – Love Never Dies from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Love Never Dies, Text by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ben Elton, Frederick Forsyth, and Glenn Slater, Lyrics by Glenn Slater, Based on Frederick Forsyth’s “The Phantom of Manhattan”, Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s, Richard Stilgoe’s, and Charles Hart’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, First Performance on March 9, 2010 at the Adelphi Theatre in London’s West End, England, Great Britain This piece of Butchubbles and Boomubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Butchubbles Month, is dedicated to oOAquaDreamOo and Allyszarts who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, I wish you a most pleasant, awesome, beautiful, splendid, and grand birthday and I wish you a lot of love, joy, abundance, and prosperity in everything you do as people and as artists. Wie man auf deutsch sagt, ich wünsche euch einen fröhlichen, schönen, hervorragenden und grandiosen Geburtstag und ich wünsche euch viel Liebe, Freude, Reichtum und Wohlstand in allen, dass ihr als Künstler und Menschen tut. This is also dedicated to all of the hardcore Butchubbles and Boomubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in the Butchubbles and Boomubbles goodness. I mentioned in my first Butchubbles Month submission that I would squeeze the 26-year-old Boomer in as Raoul de Chagny to make this epic love triangle between Butch’s Phantom, Bubbles’ Christine, and, of course, his Raoul come to fruition. For my money, Boomer definitely fits Raoul to a T. He could easily pass as the childhood friend and designated hero who has very strong feelings for the designated heroine. Moreover, as opposed to Butch as The Phantom, Boomer as Raoul is sympathetic, noble, genteel in his own special way, and loving coupled with the fact that Boomer bears a graceful, youthful, mellifluous, melodious light lyric tenor voice to contrast perfectly with Butch’s rough, wide-ranging dramatic tenor. In terms of the setting, the peacock setting where Christine sings her big solo “Love Never Dies” was quite the challenge, which is also the same thing I can say about her gown, as I had to get the vital details down to a T. For what I accomplished, I think it went well, even though it does not surpass the original. I even have to say that I love differing Butch’s and Boomer’s bow ties to show that Butch’s Phantom is the anti-villain and Boomer’s Raoul is the hero. I am going to go on a mini-diatribe about Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love Never Dies”. I am not a fan of the plot to this rather unnecessary sequel to “The Phantom of the Opera”. I do also comprehend that there were some minute elements which were based from Frederick Forsyth’s “The Phantom of Manhattan” and that I can never overlook. When cutting down to the bone, “Love Never Dies” basically feels like melodrama for the sake of melodrama just because the plot demands The Phantom and Christine to get back together through some form of contrivance, thus neglecting the fact that Raoul’s love for Christine is genuine, natural, and pure while the Phantom’s is based on obsession, lust, and an unhinging need to have Christine all to himself because nobody else understands him but her. In essence, “Love Never Dies” negates certain elements that make Raoul and Christine function as a couple and, therefore, mangles a lot of characters especially poor Meg Giry, who happens to have the shortest end of the stick. Diatribe aside, I do enjoy some of the songs and I have yet to watch the full musical live if only to hear some really great singing and overall performing. Now that my mini-diatribe is out of the way, I would also like to address that the titular song’s tune is actually “The Heart is Slow to Learn”, which was supposed to be added in to the intended sequel to the 1986 musical yet ended up being performed by Dame Kiri Te Kanawa during Mr. Lloyd Webber’s 50th birthday. The second time this tune was used was for the show tune Our Kind of Love from “The Beautiful Game” also composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. “Love Never Dies” marks the third time this tune was used. Yes, it is rather lazy to rehash the same tune for different musicals, but I will give it the benefit of the doubt. Sure, anyway one slices it, the incarnations of these songs are rather emotionally manipulative. However, there is something that is sweeping and breathtaking about the melody that I cannot help but be hooked. So, for your listening pleasure, I present to you three of my favorite versions of this show tune sung by Anna O’Byrne, Sierra Boggess, and Rachel Anne Moore obviously all as Christine. Anna O’Byrne Sierra Boggess Rachel Anne Moore (Auf Deutsch) I…

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A Savanna Battle Between Two Alpha Male Brothers drawn by me

(The sun shines on the African Savanna.)   Narrator: The wilderness of the Savanna! It’s high noon.   (Cut to a lake in the jungle.)   Narrator: A secluded lake in the jungle, where we get to see the gorgeous lioness woman Blossom taking a dip and enjoying herself. But, what’s this? A handsome suitor approaches. Why, yes. It’s one of the Alpha Male lion men Butch, who is so well-known for his prodigious strength, and he is rather smitten with her.   (Butch peers from the bushes, stretches his body, and dives in the lake to join Blossom.)   (Blossom continues to swim, as she is being followed by Butch, who is swimming behind her. He creeps up to her and puts his hands on Blossom’s eyes.)   Butch: Guess who, my queen?   Blossom: Hmmm…A rough-toned voice and really strong hands from all of the wrestling, boxing, and general bare-handed fighting you are well-known for. Could it be Butch?   (Butch releases his hands and Blossom turns to his direction.)   Butch: That’s right!   Blossom (rather surprised): What are you doing here?   Butch (slyly): I just wanted to join my most favorite lioness queen for a swim.   (Butch gives Blossom a kiss on the cheek.)   Blossom: You are quite the stubborn one, but I can appreciate the kind gesture. As you know, I’m waiting for someone.   Butch: Oh, and who could that be? Could it be someone who could outmatch my superb masculinity?   (Butch flexes his muscles for Blossom.)   Blossom: Oh, Butch. (chuckles) Don’t flatter yourself too much.   A voice from the distance: Hi, Blossom!   (Cut to that distant voice who reveals himself to be Boomer standing on top of the ledge and waving to Blossom.)   Narrator: Well, what do you know? Another strong and handsome suitor in the form of Boomer who is well-known for his peerless athleticism. A wonderful marriage of raw, animal strength and lightning speed. Let’s see what he does.   (Boomer readies himself as if he were in a race. He sprints, he jumps from the ledge, does a backflip, and gracefully lands on the water.)   (Butch and Blossom search for Boomer. Boomer arises from the water to surprise Blossom and he kisses her. Laughter is in the air between Boomer and Blossom.)   Blossom: Boomer, it’s really nice to see you.   Boomer: It’s nice to see you too, my queen.   (Boomer takes notice of Butch.)   Boomer: Oh. Hi, bro.   Butch: Hey. Weren’t you supposed to be with Bubbles?   Boomer: Bubbles is hunting with Brick and Buttercup. I thought it would be nice to hang out with Blossom, but I guess you turned up.   Butch: Well, I saw her first. I take it you wanna race me.   Boomer: A friendly competition between us brothers never hurts.   Blossom: Oh, you guys.   Butch: We’re just doing it for you, Bloss.   Boomer: Yeah.   Blossom: Well, if you insist. On your mark, get set, go!   (Butch and Boomer speedily swim from the lake to the grassy shore. They end up getting there at the same time, thus making this a tie. Blossom follows suit, but her speed is a little bit more gradual.)   Butch and Boomer (to each other): What are you doing here?   Boomer: I got here first, Butch!   Butch: Oh, yeah, well I’m clearly the winner, bro!   Blossom (as she steps in between Butch and Boomer): Actually, it ended up being a tie. Wouldn’t it be nice for you two to just stop arguing over me? Unless you want to settle this like the Alpha Males you are.   Butch (flexes his biceps): GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!   Boomer (flexes his biceps): GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!   (As Butch and Boomer flex their bulging biceps, Blossom is still between both of them. She touches their muscles, as she is rather enticed by how both Butch and Boomer maintain such godly physiques. The following rapport between these two Alpha Males ensue.)   Butch: You think you’re a lot stronger than me, Dumb-Bee?   Boomer: I know I’m a lot stronger than you, Butcher! And don’t call me Dumb-Bee!   Butch: My muscles are gonna crush you so bad you won’t feel your body anymore!   Boomer: Well, my muscles are gonna crush you that you will feel like a boulder has destroyed you!   (Blossom steps back, as Butch’s and Boomer’s pecs touch each other and they continue to growl and flex their bulging biceps like the Alpha Male lions that they are.)   Butch: All right, Boomer, we’re going to settle this like real Alpha Males. The winner takes Blossom as his mate.   Boomer: Fine by me, Butch. Just as long as I get to beat you!   Butch: No way, bro, I’m gonna beat you!   Butch and Boomer: GRRRRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!!   Narrator: Whoa! The tension between these two Alpha Male brothers is thick! It’s impossible to cut it!   (Fade to black. Cut to the Savanna desert.)   Narrator: The Savanna. A challenge between two powerful brothers ensues for the love of one beautiful woman.   (Blossom stands in the center, as Butch and Boomer walk towards each other with fierce, determined looks in their eyes. They approach other in the center.)   Blossom: Just remember to not kill each other all right.   Boomer: No problem, Bloss.   Butch: This is just a friendly competition between us brothers.   Blossom (a bit befuddled): Whatever you say.   (Butch and Boomer circle each other. They then stop their circling. Butch and Boomer raise their arms, as they take observation of their well-built bodies. As they raise their arms, they flex their biceps.)   Butch and Boomer: ROOOOAAAAAR!!!!   (After flexing, they approach each other and Butch makes the first move. He attempts to land a hook on Boomer but he misses. Boomer ducks and makes a spinning kick to Butch’s ankle and…

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Townsville’s Most Badass OT3 Of All Time drawn by me

This piece of Blossutchoomer or Butch x Blossom x Boomer fanart, which is part of my dearest friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to RivaAnime, who celebrated her birthday two weeks ago, and Rena-Sama, who celebrated her birthday four days ago. So, Riva, Rena, I hope you wonderful ladies had such an amazing, blessed, awesome and wonderful birthday. I wish you a lot of love and happiness and fortune in everything you do as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, yo espero que hayaís tenido un cumpleaños maravilloso, bendito, grande y magnifico. Os deseo mucho amor y felicidad y fortuna en todos que vosotros haceis como artistas y personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful shippers of both Blossutch and Blossoomer. I hope you all enjoy this. Quick question. What happens when you combine pure, animalistic, muscular strength with complete athleticism which combines brute strength and lightning speed with beauty, agility, tact and a great physical package? Why you get my most beloved RRB/PPG OT3 of all time, Blossutchoomer, a beautiful and holy matrimony between The Watermelon Couple known as Blossutch and The Berry Cotton Candy Couple known as Blossoomer. Like I said, I can never go wrong with either The Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple or The Lovable Dumb Muscle and The Brainy Beauty Couple known respectively as, of course, Blossutch and Blossoomer. There is seriously nothing more alluring than with a couple of 26-year-old hunky, strong superheroes like Butch the Baron of Berserk and Boomer the Fleet Athlete team up with a 25-year-old smart, sexy superheroine like Blossom the Commander and the Leader. Plus, you can also tell that this trio consisting of two upstanding, strong, handsome gentlemen and a smart, articulate, beautiful lady is always ready to kick bad guy butt. Now, let’s see what these guys are made of. Are you ready, Butch, Boomer, and Blossom? Butch, Boomer, and Blossom: We are. (Butch raises his arms, as he flexes his powerful, well-shaped biceps.) Butch: ROAAAAAARRRR!!!!! (Boomer also raises his arms and flexes his equally powerful, well-shaped biceps.) Boomer: GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! (Blossom enters with a backflip and lands with a split.) Blossom: HYAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! (Butch, Boomer, and Blossom strike a most heroic pose.) Blossom: Oh, and by the way, handsome stud and dashing darling, we have to wish a couple of artists well in terms of what they have accomplished so far. So, Riva, Rena, on behalf of Team Xtreme- Boomer: We hope you two had great birthdays- Butch: And we wish you a lot of great things to come as artists. Butch, Boomer, and Blossom: Take care and lots of love. Awesome! As we say in Spanish, hasta luego. Butch, Blossom, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Il Diavolo e L’Angelo drawn by me

“Non spaventarti, dormi, sono il diavolo Io che nei tuoi sogni ormai ogni notte scivolo Mi ascolti ed io so già Che vuoi da me un alturo sogno Che non hair osta credere mai Un sogno che al mattino non racconterai Sperando solo un po’che non si avveri mai Ty ti dai così solo per metà A metà fra il sogno e la relatà E’ l’alba giù dal letto, sono l’angelo Sei bella ancora un po’assonnata dimmelo C’è posto anche per me accanto a te Per tutto il giorno Io potrei darti l’anima tu vuoi Sarò per te l’amico più sincero io Un’oasi di lealtà e qui dal posto mio Mi darò così mai solo a metà A metà tra il sogno e la relatà E resto fermo qui tanto i sogni tuoi Qui ti porteranno prima o poi Sarò per te l’amico più sincero io Un’oasi di lealtà e qui dal posto mio Mi darò così mai solo a metà A metà fra il sogno e la realtà Non mi riconosci adesso io sono siempre io Diavolo perché voglio star di notte accanto a te Vuoi un angelo ma sì e se ci credi un po’ D’ora in poi il tuo angelo sarò” -Il Diavolo e L’Angelo, Andrea Bocelli from his 2001 album Cieli di Toscana English Translation courtesy of Lyricadvisor: “Don’t be frightened, sleep I am the devil The one who slips into your dreams every night You listen to me, and I already know What you want of me Another dream You never dared to believe in A dream you won’t remember in the morning But hope will never come true That’s the way you give yourself Only half of yourself Halfway between dream and reality Its dawn and getting up from the bed I’m the angel Still half asleep, you’re so beautiful Tell me Is there a place for me by your side During the day I would give you my soul if you want it I will be the most sincere friend to you An oasis of loyalty, and from my side I will give myself, and never only half Halfway between dream and reality So I stay here and don’t move I know your dreams Will lead you to me sooner or later I will be the most sincere friend to you An oasis of loyalty, and from my side I will give myself, and never only half Halfway between dream and reality Don’t you recognize me It’s still me Devil, because I want to be by your side at night You want an angel, all right If you believe in me a little I shall be your angel from now on.” This piece of Blossutch and Blossoomer fanart, which is part of Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to Kethlen aka tetefofa who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Kethlen, I hope you had a very magnificent birthday and I wish you well in all of your artistic endeavors. Come se dice in italiano, spero che hai avuto un magnifico compleanno. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the fabulous Blossutch and Blossoomer shippers out there. Vi piace, amici miei. Ah, my beloved Blossutchoomer or Butch x Blossom x Boomer, one of my most beloved OT3s of all time. Whether I love the sexiness of Blossutch or the lovability of Blossoomer, I can never ever go wrong with these two Blossom-centered OTP ships of mine. I mean think about it. What’s cooler and more exciting than a gorgeous, eloquent, brainy beauty like Blossom being paired up with either a wild, strong, brawny bad boy and/or a lovable, simple, sympathetic dumb muscle? I don’t think there’s anything better. I have listened to Andrea Bocelli’s “Il Diavolo e L’Angelo” ever since I was a nine-year-old boy and that song has been part of my life growing up to the point where I brand this as one of my favorite Italian classical crossover songs. I thought this song would be appropriate for Blossutch and Blossoomer together because it shows the juxtaposition of these two dashing gentlemen playing off of each other especially when a lovely lady like Blossom is in the middle of all this. I also hope you enjoy this song as you gaze at this picture. I am also sure that you know who the devil and the angel respectively are in this piece of Blossutch and Blossoomer fanart. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and see you in the next submission. Butch, Blossom, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Celos drawn by me

“Celos de tus ojos cuando miras a otra chica tengo celos, celos Celos de tus manos cuando abrazas otra chica tengo celos, celos Cuando te encuentras con alguien cuando caminas con alguien cuando te siento feliz yo tengo celos, tengo celos Hoy quiero bailar solo contigo hoy quiero soñar que tu eres mio hoy te dare todo mi amor en un abrazo y tu prometeras que nunca más me haras sentir nunca más, nunca más, nunca más, nunca Celos de tu boca cuando besas otra chica tengo celos, celos Celos de la nohce que comparte tus secretos tengo celos, celos cuando te miro a los ojos cuando te siento a mi lado cuando te veo marchar Yo tengo celos, tengo celos Hoy quiero bailar solo contigo hoy quiero soñar que tu eres mio hoy te dare todo mi amor en un abrazo y tu prometeras que nunca más me haras sentir nunca más, nunca más, nunca más, nunca Celos de tu boca cuando besas otra chica tengo celos, celos, celos, celos” -Celos, Daniela Romo, Written by José Luis Perales, Released in 1983 from the album “Daniela Romo”   English Translation: “Jealous of your eyes when you stare at another girl I am jealous, jealous Jealous of your hands when you hug another girl I am jealous, jealous When you spend time with someone when you walk with someone when I see you’re happy I’m jealous, so jealous Now I want to dance only with you Now I want to dream that you are mine Now I’ll give you all my love in one hug and you’ll promise to never make me feel never again, never again, never again, never Jealous of your lips when you kiss another girl I am jealous, jealous Jealous of the night that knows your secrets I am jealous, jealous when I see your eyes when I feel you’re beside me when I see you leave I’m jealous, so jealous Now I want to dance only with you now I want to dream that you are mine now I’ll give you all my love in one hug and you’ll promise to never make me feel never again, never again, never again, never Jealous of your lips when you kiss another girl I’m jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous”   This piece of Butchubbles and Blossutch or Blossutchubbles fanart, which is part of the wonderful BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to SethMendoza who celebrated his birthday four days ago. So, Seth, I hope you had a most blessed, awesome, great, and marvelous birthday. Continue on being a fine gentlemen and I wish you well in everything you do. Como se dice en español, yo espero que tú hayas tenido un cumpleaños muy bendito, magnifico, grande y maravilloso. Siga con ser un gentilhombre muy bueno y te deseo muchas cosas buenas en todo que tú haces. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the amazing shippers of both Blossutch and Butchubbles. Espero que lo disfrutais este trozo de fanart, amigos queridos mios.   Ay, pobre Blossom o Bombón en la versión hispanohablante está muy celosa de Bubbles o Burbuja porque cree que su querido Butch está enamorada en su hermanita en lugar de ella. That is Spanish for, oh, poor Blossom she is really jealous of Bubbles because she believes that her darling Butch is in love with her little sister instead of her. Could it be just how jolly, adorable, and cute Bubbles is, especially when around a hunk like Butch? Most likely, yet the world will never know. I mean, what’s a guy like Butch to do when he is between two lovely ladies like the adorable, pretty Bubbles and the gorgeous, articulate Blossom? Who on earth is he going to choose? This is where the fun part is for all you people who ship Butch with either Bubbles or Blossom. Feel free to comment below on what is your most beloved Butch-centered ship. Come on, I won’t bite.   It should be no surprise that I have found myself being an absolute fan of the Mexican 80’s pop song “Celos” sung by the fabulous, splendid and stupendous Daniela Romo, one of my all-time favorite Mexican singers and actresses of all time. I also hope you enjoy listening to this song, as much as you enjoy this love triangle going on between Bubbles, Butch, and Blossom.   Celos the solo version with Daniela Romo   Celos the duet version with José Luis Perales and Daniela Romo in 1984 Festival de Viña. Please skip to 1:01 for the main duet. Gracias y que lo paséis bien con escuchar, amigos mios.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this. I’m sure a great number of you either prefer Butchubbles, Blossutch or both, especially if you are anything like me and just love the absolute heck out of both Blossutch and Butchubbles. If ever you have a preference, please let me know in the comments below. Hasta la próxima y vaya con Dios.   Bubbles, Butch, and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Blossom’s Two Favorite Gentlemen drawn by me

This Blossutchoomer or Butch x Blossom x Boomer or Blossutch/Blossoomer fanart is dedicated to Bruno aka H1Gh-V0LtAg3 and Nikki aka RivalCrushAngel who celebrated their birthdays last week. So, Bruno, Nikki, I hope you had an amazing birthday, I wish you all the best in everything you have accomplished so far and stay fine as both people and as artists. Os deseo a ambos mucha suerte, felicidad y amor en tus vidas como artistas y personas. I apologize if this little birthday gift came in late, but real life and my family are my priorities as well as my education. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the awesome Blossutch and Blossoomer shippers out there because I know I am gonna hate sounding like a broken but I very much prefer these two ships over both DexBloss and Blossick, given how flexible, interesting, and exciting both Blossutch and Blossoomer are, especially if it’s a love triangle between Butch, Blossom, and Boomer. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this wonderful OT3.   Here we have Butch and Boomer, who are both 26 years old, being the dashing, studly gentlemen that they are and flexing their well-shaped biceps for their lady love Blossom, who is 25 years old. Blossom, on the other, is standing proud and is just admiring the absolute heck out of the both of them, Butch with his super strength, great usage of his muscles, loyalty, and animal instincts and Boomer with his super strength, super speed, well-muscled physique, empathy, and kindness. Ergo, these guys know how to treat Blossom like the queen that she is. Moreover, I think it is a lot more exciting to have a cockfight/beatdown occurring between Butch and Boomer eyeing for Blossom, as opposed to the cockfights going on between Dexter and Brick, which tends to get old really quickly. Methinks that Butch and Boomer will not tire that easily, given how well-built they are as superhumans, thus having their beatdown end in a draw.   In terms of the couple nicknames, I basically dubbed Blossutch as, firstly, The Watermelon Couple, and, secondly, as The Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple. So, Blossoomer is going to be dubbed as The Berrylicious Couple, with Boomer being blueberry and Blossom being strawberry, The Electric Ice Couple, given how Boomer has lightning powers and Blossom has ice powers, and The Lovable Dumb Muscle and The Eloquent Belle couple.   If you’re going to ask me which do I prefer? Blossutch aka The Watermelon Couple or Blossoomer aka the Berrylicious Couple? Here’s what I have to say. I prefer both because at least both pairings accomplish the task of being flexible, fun, plausible, fabulous, and fresh than the overrated pairings found in both Blossick and DexBloss. Plus, I would love more than anything to make either a compoté, smoothie, ice cream, frozen yogurt or a shake out of watermelon, blueberries, and strawberries and just dig in. I know I’m making my viewers hungry at this point.   There you have it. A fun and dare I say healthy love triangle to be found in Blossutchoomer or Butch x Blossom x Boomer. I hope you all enjoyed this. So, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, do you have anything to say to our celebrants who had their birthdays last week? Butch, Boomer, and Blossom: Sure. Butch: Hey, Bruno, Nikki, we hope you had an amazing birthday and we hope you guys stay strong. Boomer: Sois artistas fantásticos y os deseo mucho amor, sanidad y felicidad en tus vidas. Blossom: Keep on striving as artists and as people and stay golden. Thanks, guys. See you all in the next submission.   Butch, Blossom, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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