Bunny Utonium

Impactful Blows and Forceful Chokeholds drawn by me

This piece of Powerpuff Girls fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, Mila aka Grace-Zed. So, Mila, I wish you a very blessed, wonderful, and awesome birthday and I hope you enjoy this post. There’s nothing more satisfying and exciting than seeing Boomer giving his big bros, Brick and Butch, the beatdown they wholly deserve due to the fact that he has not forgiven them for taunting and bullying him in the past. Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles are totally worried that Boomer might take this combat practice/fraternal beatdown too far. Mitch and Bunny are there to join combat practice and are rendered frightened by Boomer’s justifiable yet unhinged fury. Narrator: The City of Townsville. Team Xtreme Headquarters and what an exciting day for our beloved superhero team, Team Xtreme, to engage in some intense combat practice. (Boomer is slammed against the wall. Two looming figures approach him and they are revealed to be Brick and Butch.) Brick: Come on, Boomer! Butch: You think a dummy like you can stack up to big, scary dudes like us?! (Boomer stands up.) Boomer: I’m not gonna give up, big bros. I’m gonna rip you a new one and I’m gonna show you that I’m stronger than the both of you! Brick: Ha! In your dreams, Dum-B! Butch: Yeah! (Boomer charges at them only to be incapacitated by Brick’s uppercut and Butch’s roundhouse kick. Once again, Boomer is slammed to the wall. Brick approaches Boomer and lifts him up by the neck with Butch cracking his fists. Both of them have ominous looks on their faces.) Brick: Awww…What’s the matter? Too much of a baby to beat us? Butch: Face it, Boom, you’re weak! Blossom: Brick, Butch, don’t you dare say that to Boomer! Buttercup: Yeah, you heard Leader Girl! You know Boom Boom Blue is gonna kick your butts somehow. Bubbles: Uh, girls, take a look at Boomie. (Boomer growls like a wild animal and knocks Brick’s choking arm with his fists. From there, he unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks to Brick including one forceful punch to his cheek, thus knocking a couple of teeth out and spewing blood and saliva. Brick lands on the mat with a heavy thud.) Mitch: All right, Boom, you da man! Bunny: Oh, goodness, I hope this doesn’t end too horribly. (After that, Boomer lands another forceful punch on Butch’s abdomen. The impact is so painful that blood and saliva spew from his mouth. Boomer lands more punches and kicks to Butch’s abdomen, thighs, eyes, cheek, and even gives him a headbutt. Butch also falls on the mat.) Narrator: Wow! Folks, this is just an incredible sight! Just look at Boomer go! At this rate, the impact of his punches and kicks have left Brick and Butch completely incapacitated. Can somebody stop him before it’s too late? (Boomer the drags Butch and Brick to the center kneeling, as the two older brothers are regaining consciousness.) Brick (groaning): Aw, crud. Butch (moaning): Aw, man. (Boomer is looming at Brick and Butch.) Boomer (ominously): Welcome to Heck. (Boomer places his legs on Brick’s and Butch’s legs and places his strong arms on their necks. He begins the chokehold on the both of them and whilst doing that he emits a bear’s growl.) Brick (wheezing): You think you can do better than that, Boom? Butch (wheezing): Yeah, you big dummy craphead. (Boomer’s grip on Brick and Butch tightens even more and his bear’s growl increases in volume. He continues to apply a lot of pressure on his neck and leg grips to the point where Brick and Butch are gasping for air and keep hitting their hands wildly on the mat.) Brick and Butch (in stifled voices): Tap out. We tap out, little bro! (Boomer’s rage continues to grow, as his grip tightens even further and his animalistic growling is ever increasing, and blood is flowing from Brick’s and Butch’s mouths.) Blossom: Uh…Boomer…I think you should let go now. Buttercup: Yeah. I know Brickhead and Butcher deserve it and the beatdown was kind of fun while it lasted, but they almost look they’re about to die. Bubbles: This is starting to scare me, Boomie. Brickie and Butchie are probably begging for their lives now. Boomer: Not until they apologize for all the crap they did to me! Butch (wheezing and almost letting out a scream): Okay, okay, Boom. We’re sorry for calling you all those crappy things. Brick (wheezing): Now, can you please let us go? (Boomer has just regained his senses and releases his grip. Brick and Butch fall nearly lifeless to the mat.) Boomer (standing up with a cold tone in his voice): Just let that be a lesson to you, big bros. Don’t screw around with me. (Brick and Butch groan painfully.) (Mitch and Bunny are left dumbstruck.) Mitch: Uh, Bunny Rabbit. Bunny: Yes, Mitchie darling. Mitch: Remind me to never be on Boom’s bad side. Bunny: All right. (Boomer walks out of the mat still with a cold expression on his face. Mitch, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny approach with caution.) Blossom: Um…Great work you did there, Boomer. Buttercup: Yeah, you showed Brick and Butch who the strongest was. Bubbles: We…um…knew you could do it. Mitch: And…they had it coming too. Bunny (nervously): Yeah. (Boomer’s cold expression subsides and he cracks a satisfied smile.) Boomer: Yeah, I guess I did show my big bros that I’m stronger than them. And you know how it makes me feel? Mitch, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny: Yeah? Boomer: It makes me feel totally awesome! YAHOOOO!!!!! (Boomer launches himself up to the air like a rocket and laughs jubilantly.) Boomer: Look at me, world, I am the champion! Woohoohoo! Yeah! (Boomer does a victory dance by doing somersaults, kicking his legs, and stretching his arms with joy in the air.) Blossom: Well, I guess Boomer accomplished something great today. Buttercup: Something tells me we’re never gonna hear the end of it. Bubbles: But you know what? I…

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The Mitchelson Family: Ten Years into the Future drawn by me

My final Bunnitch month submission for this year, as pioneered by BrickercupMasterX3, is dedicated to a phenomenal DeviantArtist, Mythiril, who was celebrating his birthday yesterday. So, I hope you enjoy this present I have for you and I wish you a blessed, awesome, and great birthday. I figured that my final Bunnitch month submission for this year would be the theme of what would Mitch, Bunny, and their kids look like ten years later. Well, this is what I came up with. It’s the year 2028 and Citysville is now a properly functioning city ranking highly alongside Townsville. The economy is thriving, politics seem to be a lot more organized and less corrupt than before, and everything, in general, is booming. Sure, there is still the occasional crime going on, but with Team Xtreme, Mitch the Persecutor, Bunny the Bouncing Mountain, and their offspring on the job to stop it dead in its tracks, both Townsville and Citysville are at peace altogether. Mitch Mitchelson, now aged 36, still has his gig as The Persecutor. When he is not fighting crime in this guise, he is a stay-at-home-dad as well as a writer. His memoir “From Trailer Park Punk to Avenging Hero” won international accolades to the point of becoming a bestseller. In terms of his duty as a father, he consistently makes sure that his children do not fall into the same trap as he did several years ago. Moreover, he ensures that his children do their homework regularly, do their chores, and even help him and Bunny with the crimefighting. He continues to keep in touch with Brick, Butch, and Boomer, as he always stated that these three were and will always be his best friends and brothers from another mother. Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson, now aged 34, continues to be the Bouncing Mountain every citizen knows and loves and criminals fear due to her transforming into her hulk form. Outside of her superhero duties, she is a Middle School English literature teacher, given the fact that she loves all types of literature and her experience with working at a bookstore during her college years. As a mother, she continues to ensure a nurturing home for her children as well as stability and discipline. She also continues to keep in touch with her beloved sisters, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, thus ensuring the familial lines of communication to be consistently open. The now twelve-year-old Ryan Kendall Mitchelson has taken some of Mitch’s mouthy nature but without being such a jerk. He consistently wears a tough side as a means to show that he is not one to be easily frightened. On the inside, Ryan is a kind and helpful soul not only to his family but also to everyone around him, even though he does not always like to show it in spades. As someone who is partially superhuman, he bears super speed, super strength, great reflexes, and, of course, flight. He also bears the power to transform into his Hulk form like his mother, but he still needs to learn the essence of controlling such an awesome power. Outside of his superhero activities, he is on Citysville Middle School’s soccer team and is the MVP. His favorite school subjects are PE, Biology, Spanish, and English. Moreover, he considers Brick and Butch to be his favorite uncles, as he always flies over to Team Xtreme headquarters to train with them in the art of self-defense. The now eleven-year-old Pauline Clara Mitchelson is an absolute darling on the outside. However, if one dares to push her buttons, she will be the one to beat the absolute stuffing out of that individual. She continues to make great use of those cymbal-like claps in order to stop villains dead in their tracks. Additionally, she has her supersonic scream akin to her aunt Bubbles. In terms of transforming into her Hulk form, she is more controlled. Outside of her duties as a superheroine, she is an artist in every single way. In her middle school, she is a staunch member of the Drama club, the Arts club, and the Glee club. It is said that she has a stirring, high soprano voice which is not only useful in chorus numbers but also solo performances. Pauline’s favorite subjects are Mathematics, History, Drama, Arts, Spanish, French, and English. Moreover, she considers Boomer to be her favorite uncle because of how kind and supportive he is and Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles to be her favorite aunts given the many stories her mother would tell Pauline about her sisters. The Mitchelson clan continues to go strong. One cannot help but be proud of Mitch and Bunny for achieving more than they can gain throughout the years and, of course, Ryan and Pauline for doing solid jobs not only as young superheroes but also as pretty good students and valuable members of society as a whole. Well, ladies and gentlemen, this marks my final Bunnitch month submission of this year. I had an absolute blast participating in this and I would love to thank my dear friend and fellow DeviantArtist, Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3, for giving me the opportunity to take part in this really special month. Truth be told, before I became a Mitch/Bunny or Bunnitch fan, I used to ship Mitch Mitchelson with Princess Morbucks because of the fact they were essentially freckle-faced, mouthy, bratty smegheads, for lack of a better word. Sure, I was only fifteen years old when I got introduced to this pairing and I thought it was kind of cute even before I thought about shipping Mitch with Bunny. However, now as an adult of twenty-six years old, I can attest that Mitch/Princess is a toxic pairing which will not last for a long time. This was also why I had to put that little “subplot” of Mitch formerly dating Princess during their tween and teen years in my first Bunnitch entry because now I acknowledge how fatal and emotionally draining their sham of a relationship…

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Quiero Amanecer con Alguien drawn by me

“Que sensación extraña Que soledad tan larga La luna que me llama Amor que me reclama, que mágico poder Estaba yo distante Pero hoy quiero volver Volver a enamorarme A compartir con alguien todo lo que hay en mi Quiero amanecer con alguien Que en la lucha por regirme me seduzca Que separe bien mi cuerpo de mi mente Que sepa como amarme, que no quiera cambiarme Quiero amanecer con alguien Que me intuya solamente con mirarle Que me busque al sentirse vulnerable Que sepa como amarme, que no quiera cambiarme Y mi razón se calla, mi corazón le llama No quiere mas ausencias, y busca una presencia Que lo haga aun latir Que importa lo que pase Que importa lo que fui Porque la vida es una Y aun contra corriente yo quiero proseguir Quiero amanecer con alguien Cuya fuerza me defienda de mis dudas Que no rompa mis silencios con preguntas Que sepa como amarme, que no quiera cambiarme Quiero amanecer con alguien Que en las noches se confunda con mi sombra Que comprenda que explicarse esta de sobra Que sepa como amarme, que no quiera cambiarme.” -Quiero Amanecer con Alguien, Daniela Romo and Bebu Silvetti, 1989 English Translation: “What a strange feeling What loneliness The moon that calls me Love that claims me, what magical power. I was distant But today I want to go back To falling in love again To share with someone everything in me. I want to wake up with someone That the struggle to rule me, seduce me That separates my body well from my mind That knows how to love me, that does not want to change me. I want to wake up with someone That I intuited only by looking at him That look for me when feeling vulnerable That he knows how to love me, that I do not want to change. And my reason is silent, my heart calls It does not want more absences And searches for a presence Let it still be beating What does it matter? What does it matter what I went Why is life one? And even against the current, I want to continue. I want to wake up with someone Whose strength defends me from my doubts That does not break my silences with my doubts That he knows how to love me I do not want to change. I want to wake up with someone That at night be confused with my shadow That he understands that explaining is superfluous That he knows how to love me I do not want to change.” This Bunnitch month submission as spearheaded by BrickercupMasterX3 is dedicated to AyosDesignz who just celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, I hope you enjoy this piece of Mitch/Bunny fan art and I hope you had a magnificent, blessed, wonderful and great birthday. Keep up the good work and stay awesome. After a long day of stopping criminals in Citysville, it’s time for our beloved vigilantes Mitch and his darling wife Bunny to have a quiet moment together. Isn’t it sweet and wonderful to have a couple like this stick together through thick and thin and go against all odds? I think I answered my own question. It’s safe to say that Mitch will always be there for Bunny and vice versa. In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, and in everything they do. By the way, here’s the music video with the phenomenal Daniela Romo. So, I am sure listening to this song while looking at this picture will certainly emit an emotional experience. Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Gira con Me drawn by me

“Il mondo gira con me questa notte Piccoli passi che faccio con te Seguo il tuo cuore e seguo la luna Così nascosta lontana da me Il mondo gira con noi questa notte Ah, esistesse lontano da qui Un posto dove scoprire il mio cuore Sapere se lui può amare ti o no E girera e girerà Il cuore mio assieme a te E girerà la terra Girerà la mia vita E un giorno lui si, si caprirà Sei tu che giri con me questa notte Sei tu che giri lontana da qui Ma si io so che tu sei la mia luna Qualcosa mostri qualcosa no Ci sono strade azzurre nel cielo Ci sono occhi e il cielo e già lì Si questo credo cesiano le stelle Ah, se potessi fermarmi così E girerà e girerà Il cuore mio lontan da te E girerà la terra Girerà la mia vita E un giorno lui si, si caprirà Cuore e già lontano Si tu sei la luna Potessi scoprirlo nel cielo E girera e girera Si girera il cuore mio Girera il la terra Girera la mia vita Un giorno lui si, si caprirà Un giorno lui sì, ti caprirà” – Gira con Me, originally sung by Josh Groban and composed by Walter Afanasieff, David Foster, Lucio Quarantotto, 2001 English Translation: “The world turns with me tonight Small steps that I make with you I follow your heart and I follow the moon So hidden far from me. The world turns with us tonight Ah, if only far from here there existed A place where to discover my heart, To know if it can love you or not. And it will turn and it will turn My heart together with you And the earth will turn And my life will turn And one day, yes, it will understand. It’s you who turns with me tonight It’s you who turns far from here But I know that you are my moon Something you show, something you don’t. There are blue streets in the sky There are eyes, and the sky is already there Yes, I believe they are the stars Ah, if I could stop myself like this. And it will turn and it will turn My heart together with you And the earth will turn And my life will turn And one day, yes, it will understand. Heart already far away Yes, you are the moon If only I could discover it in the sky. And it will turn and it will turn Yes it will turn, this heart of mine And the earth will turn And my life will turn And one day, yes, it will understand And one day, yes, it will understand you.” I want to dedicate today’s Bunnitch month submission, as spearheaded by BrickercupMasterX3, to Edward Marmet aka Death-Driver-5000 who is celebrating his birthday today. So, Ed, I hope you have a most pleasant and awesome birthday and I also hope you enjoy this piece of Mitch/Bunny fan art. A night under the golden stars and the full silver moon is certainly ideal for this power couple to spend an evening to remember and that is for sure. There are no disturbances, no clutter, and no calamities. It’s just a loving couple kissing under the magical night sky. I was really inspired by the Josh Groban song of the same name to make this picture come to life. On a personal note, I first studied this song, Gira con Me, when I was fourteen going on fifteen years old. To this day, it holds a very special place in my heart because of how I was taught how to sing something like this in the classical bel-canto style and I have my former voice teacher to thank so much. So, here’s the original version of the song with Josh Groban and I also hope you enjoy listening to it while also taking a look at the picture. I believe it really helps. With that said, Ed, I hope you enjoyed and take care. Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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I Almost Lost You drawn by me

Today’s Bunnitch month submission as spearheaded by BrickercupMasterX3 is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, Advanced-Dorkness, who is going to celebrate her birthday tomorrow. So, Advanced-Dorkness, I hope you will have a great celebration and I hope you enjoy this overall post.   (Mitch and Bunny have just got back from a skirmish with some thugs. Prior to what happened, Bunny transformed into her hulk form when she was severely battered by some thugs. One of the thugs knocked Mitch out cold, thus accelerating her overall transformation. After what transpired, Mitch woke up and saw a badly battered Bunny. He took her in his arms and wept.)   Mitch: Oh, Bun. Please don’t leave me. You can’t go just yet!   (Mitch’s tears fall on Bunny’s face. She wakes up faintly on his arms.)   Bunny: M…M…Mitch?   Mitch: Bunny. Thank God you’re okay. I thought I lost you.   Bunny: It’s okay, Mitch, I did what I can.   (Bunny notices Mitch’s teary face and a sad smile.)   Bunny: Mitch, why are you still crying? I’m still here, you know.   Mitch: It’s just that I have someone to protect. And that someone is you.   Bunny: Oh, Mitch.   Mitch: Come on. I’ll carry you home.   Narrator: Oh, how touching to see such a beautiful, caring couple like this. So, once again the day is saved. Thanks to Mitch the Persecutor and Bunny the Bouncing Mountain.   This moment can certainly melt one’s heart because of how a tough guy like Mitch can be such a big softie, especially to his darling wife Bunny. It also helps that the street they are in has houses which give the pair an undeniable sense of nostalgia. Gee, I wonder why?   Thanks for taking the time to take a gander at this piece of Bunnitch fan art and read this post.   Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Our Goth Kingdom drawn by me

This is today’s Bunnitch month submission spearheaded by the lovely Miss BrickercupMasterX3. Without further ado, I hope you all enjoy.   It’s time for the Mitchelson clan to go goth and, boy, do they know how to rock it in style.   Mitch is essentially the warlord patriarch heavy metal king in this house. Think of Macbeth mixed in with KISS, Black Sabbath, and Metallica then one gets this style.   Bunny is the more regal matriarch goth queen. She’s essentially Lady Macbeth mixed in with Morticia Adams, Amy Lee from Evanescence, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, and Ortrud from Wagner’s Lohengrin.   Then we have little Ryan and Pauline, the Mitchelson offspring.   Ryan is essentially dressed as a dark fairy-tale prince. While Pauline dons a gothic lolita dress.   ‘Tis a joy to see this family don their gothic apparel. Sure, Halloween is not until four months from now, but if you know me, I happen to fancy goth clothing and goth culture in general.   Until the next post and pleasant dreams.   Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.   Ryan Kendall Mitchelson and Pauline Clara Mitchelson belong to me.

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Si Tu Quisieras drawn by me

“Si tu quisieras yo daria mi vida solo por un beso de ti si tu quisieras gritaria al mundo que te amo y que solo pienso en ti   Que te amo, que te amo, que te amo y que solo pienso en ti   si tu quisieras le darias a mi alma con tu amor la fe que ya perdi le haces falta, me haces falta, le haces falta a mi corazon y te pido   que vuelvas que me perdones te juro ya no te hare sufrir vivo arrepentido pero si tu quisieras pero si tu quisieras yo te haria feliz.” – Los Temerarios, the intro song to the Mexican telenovela Salomé   English translation: “If you want I would give you my life only for a kiss from you if you want I would scream to the world that I love you and that I only think of you.   That I love you that I love you that I love you and that I only think of you.   If you want you would give me my soul with your love the faith that has been lost you need it you need me you need it in my heart and I ask of you   that you return that you forgive me I swear to you that I will not let you suffer I live repentantly but if you want but if you want I will make you happy.”   I would love to dedicate this picture, which is in collaboration with BrickercupMasterX3’s Bunnitch month, to a fellow DeviantArtist, Jeremy G. aka TXToonGuy1037 who is celebrating his birthday. So, Jeremy, I hope you had a wonderful birthday, keep on doing what you are doing, and stay awesome.   Is there anything more serene, calming, and romantic like a sunset on the beach? Well, for Mitch and Bunny, there’s nothing more serene than moments like this. They’re both lucky and happy to have each other in their lives. So, why not take a moment to look at the sunset and marvel at its untainted majesty after a long day.   I also thought that the opening to a Mexican telenovela I caught as a child, Si tu quisieras (If you want) from Salomé starring Edith González, would be a perfect fit to this piece of Bunnitch fan art. Without further ado, here’s the song and I hope you enjoy listening to it while looking at this piece of fanart.     That’s all for now. As we say in Spanish, hasta la próxima. Y Jeremy te deseo un cumpleaños muy feliz.   Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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We’ll Smash the Crime out from You drawn by me

This is my submission for BrickercupMasterX3’s Bunnitch month. I thought it would be fun for our beloved vigilantes to start opening up cans of whoop-ass through a song I’m sure you are all familiar with, even though it’s parodied for art’s sakes. You guessed it. It’s Make a Man out of You from Disney’s Mulan with some altered lyrics and known in this version as Smash the Crime out from You. So, Mitch, Bunny, hit it. And joining them are Team Xtreme’s very own Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles.   Mitch: Well, Bunny, looks like we’re up.   Bunny (in her Hulk form): Bunny ready!   (Music to Make a Man out of You starts.)   Mitch: Let’s get down to business to take down some punks!   Bunny: We got no time to get high nor to act like drunks.   Mitch: We’re the ones who’ll beat the crap out of crime We’re the ones who’ll rock you through.   Bunny: Bunny will smash the crime out from you!   Mitch: Violence reigns in our city, and there’s no respite.   Bunny: But through our arrival, everything’s all right.   Mitch: You can be assured that when we’re around it’s our job that we must do.   Mitch and Bunny (together): Because we’ll smash the crime out from you!   (Cut to Townsville at Team Xtreme headquarters where Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles are excitedly watching Mitch and Bunny taking down criminals on their huge flat screen.)   Brick: They’re gonna have to pick up the pace.   Butch: Look at how they knock ’em down.   Boomer: Gee, it’s amazing how they work so well.   Blossom: Look out! That creep’s got a mace.   Buttercup: Mitch is batting him right down.   Bubbles: Now Bunny is gonna send those jerks to Hell!   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime!   Mitch: We must keep Citysville safe from danger.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime!   Bunny: With all our being and all our heart.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime.   Mitch: We gotta secure it from any stranger.   Mitch and Bunny: This is the course that both of us must chart!   Mitch: Families, friends, and others have no fear we’re here.   Bunny: We’ll be here to guard you. This is true and clear.   Mitch: All you felons, thieves, and misguided fools do get out and say adieu.   Mitch and Bunny: Before we smash the crime out from you!   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime!   Brick, Butch, Boomer, and Mitch: They/We must keep Citysville safe from danger.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime!   Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny: With all their/our being and all their/our heart.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, and Mitch: They/We gotta secure it from any stranger.   Mitch and Bunny: This is the course that both of us must chart!   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime!   Brick, Butch, Boomer, and Mitch: They/We must keep Citysville safe from danger.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime!   Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny: With all their/our being and all their/our heart.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Smash out crime.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, and Mitch: They/We gotta secure it from any stranger.   Brick, Butch, Boomer, Mitch, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny: This is the course that both of them/us must chart!   (Music to Make a Man out of You ends.)   Well, I must say that drawing this as well as listening to Mulan’s Make a Man out of You certainly gave me a lot of inspiration and drive. This got to the point where I had to listen to the song as specifically as possible in order to get the parodied lyrics down to a T, which I trust you were not an easy job but there was a lot of fun to be had.   I hope you all enjoyed this and have a great summer.   Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium, as well as Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, from The Powerpuff Girls, belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.   Make a Man Out of You from Disney’s Mulan belongs to Matthew Wilder and David Joe Zippel.

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Ne Me Quitte Pas drawn by me

“Ne me quitte pas Il faut oublier Tout peut s’oublier Qui s’enfuit déjà Oublier le temps Des malentendus Et le temps perdu A savoir comment Oublier ces heures Qui tuaient parfois A coups de pourquoi Le cœur du bonheur Ne me quitte pas (4x) Moi je t’offrirai Des perles de pluie Venues de pays Où il ne pleut pas Je creuserai la terre Jusqu’après ma mort Pour couvrir ton corps D’or et de lumière Je ferai un domaine Où l’amour sera roi Où l’amour sera loi Où tu seras reine Ne me quitte pas (4x)” – Jacques Brel (1929-1978), September 11, 1959 English Translation: “Do not leave me now We must just forget Yes, we can forget All that’s flown beyond Let’s forget the time The misunderstands And the wasted time To find out how To forget these hours Which sometimes kill The blows of why, A heart full of joy. Do not leave me now (4x) I offer you Pearls of rain Coming from the lands Where it never rains I will cross the world Till after my death To cover your bosom With gold and light I will make a kingdom where love will be king Where love will be the law Where you will be queen Do not leave me now (4x)” This is today’s Bunnitch month submission as spearheaded by the amazing and enthralling Miss BrickercupMasterX3. Man, I cannot begin to tell you how much my heart was about to well up when I listened to Jacques Brel’s Ne me quitte pas, in which this French song was a source of inspiration for this piece of Mitch/Bunny fan art to the point where I listened to it several times. Moreover, what’s not to love about Bunny comforting her beloved Mitch thus ensuring that she will always be his bedrock now and forever? I continue to root for Mitch and Bunny as a lovely married couple, as they are not only sweet together but there is just so much to love about the both of them having a nice, quiet moment with each other. Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network. By the way, here’s Ne me quitte pas sung by the legendary and wonderful Monsieur Jacques Brel. Prenez plaisir mes amis.

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Happy Father’s Day from the Mitchelsons drawn by me

I would love to wish a prosperous, blessed, and wonderful Father’s Day to the spearheader of Bunnitch month the one and only Miss BrickercupMasterX3, all of the lovely Bunnitch shippers out there, and, of course, my own father. I especially want to dedicate this piece of Mitch Mitchelson/Bunny Utonium from the Powerpuff Girls fan art to my dad. I want to thank you for doing your best as a father to raise me and my siblings, even though Mom did almost most of the raising. We may have had our moments of fighting each other mostly because of misunderstandings. Regardless of all the issues that we have with each other, I still wish you abundance, health, and wealth on Father’s Day. As I stated in my Mitch and Bunny profile if you can call it that, I mentioned that these two are the parents of two-year-old Ryan and one-year-old Pauline. So, let’s get to know how these bundles of joy came to be. The years of being Citysville’s crimefighting duo rolled by for Mitch and Bunny to the point where the latter yearned to start a family. Mitch consented to Bunny’s plea and made sweet, spicy, and intimate love to her. Then Bunny fell pregnant and it was discovered that it was a boy. The delivery at Townsville Hospital was excruciating, to say the least, but miraculously the baby boy was welcomed to the world, as he was christened Ryan Kendall Mitchelson. Ryan Kendall Mitchelson was born on March 2, 2016. It was said that he was a spirited baby and those same sentiments hold up to this day. He has inherited his mother’s features but not yet her powers, as he is still a baby and once he comes of age he will have to acknowledge his inherited powers. Despite being currently two years old, he ended up flying before learning how to walk and sometimes he was sleep-flying. This got to the point where Mitch and Bunny purchased a special crib to neutralize his powers and once out of the crib his flying powers will be regained. Ryan is rough-and-tumble like his father and bears an energetic side like his mother. One year passed, and Bunny fell pregnant again. Only this time, it was a girl. The new baby was delivered and she was christened as Pauline Clara Mitchelson. Pauline Clara Mitchelson was born on June 15, 2017. She was a jolly baby when she emerged. Her laughter always brought joy to the Mitchelson household and when she clapped her hands it was almost akin to hearing cymbals in an orchestra. Granted, she cannot fly yet but the fact that she has those mighty claps proves to be something that she will sharpen once she comes of age. She has a mixture of her father and mother’s eyes, as they are brown mixed with purple, an unusual color mixture but genetics does seem to do something rather interesting. Pauline is a euphoric bundle of joy and she is truly her mother’s daughter. Mitch and Bunny even appointed Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, Mike, Robin, Elmer, Mary, Harry, and Julie Bean to be Ryan’s and Pauline’s godparents. Each of them wished upon Ryan and Pauline wisdom, bravery, strength, love, optimism, creativity, empathy, and always knowing right from wrong. To this day, Mitch and Bunny continue to ensure that their home is happy and blessed for them and their children to live in, as Mitch is the cool, rough-and-tumble, fun-loving dad and Bunny is the nurturing, loving, and kind mom who ensures respect and love to be present in the house. Well, I hope all of you dads, Bunnitch shippers, and viewers, in general, enjoyed this post. Until then, I wish you a lot of love and joy on Father’s Day. Take care and have an awesome summer. Mitch and Bunny from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network. Ryan Kendall Mitchelson and Pauline Clara Mitchelson belong to me.

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