What happens when you forget to post, you get to post twice in one day! wuuuuh! TTR Paris, 4th to last commercially available Ticket to ride game i need to review, just that pesky Märklin bloody expensive asswell. Ah well hope ye enjoy
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No not Card sleeves or c* sleeves, but box sleeves they can fuck off, maybe i dont get the full point across, but then again maybe there isn’t a point and it is just pointless hate, call me religious. oooh satire
I am back after god knows how many months, but i am here now trying to become consistent ones again. Thank you thank you, please hold your applause.
we take a look at a super hero with a holy twist.
HCTP + DOA Fanservice = Profit? Kind of.
80s kids love teen cartoon heroes, and knight rider. what could go wrong?
Whipping many players into Tony Hawk Veteran shape since 2006.