February 2024

The Toonami-Era Red Inurangers

This “Character Gains Power, Skill, and Moves” meme belongs to MagicalKeyPizzaDan and is dedicated to everybody who is entertained by the idea of Inuyasha, Ryuichi Hayami, Toran, Alexander Volg Zangief, Mika Seido, Ryoma Sakamoto, Ichiro Miyata, Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa, Takeshi Sendo, Baki Hanma, and Ippo Makunouchi morphing into the Saban-era Red Rangers also known in my Inurangers AU headcanon as the Toonami-era Red Inurangers. Sit back, relax, and soak in Forever Red’s awesomeness as engendered by Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger, Ryuichi the Red Ronin Ranger, Toran the Red Zeo Ranger, Alexander the Red Lightning Turbo Ranger, Mika the Red Space Ranger, Ryoma the Red Galaxy Ranger, Ichiro the Red Lightspeed Rescue Ranger, Kiibo the Red Time Force Ranger, Takeshi the Red Shadow Time Force Ranger, Baki the Quantum Ranger, and Ippo the Red Blazing Lion Wild Force Ranger. Looks like Tommy, Aurico, Jason, TJ, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole would be pleased to see how well Inuyasha, Ryuichi, Toran, Alexander, Mika, Ryoma, Ichiro, Kiibo, Takeshi, Baki, and Ippo have mastered their powers and abilities as Red Rangers. They would even salute their Red Inuranger counterparts for being just as strong as fighters and heroes as they are, especially when it comes to protecting the universe. Furthermore, Rocky the second Red Tyrannosaurus Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would be proud of both Takeshi and Ryuichi for doing a lot more as Red Rangers and for being benevolent fighters too. Therefore, the Toonami-era Red Inurangers would live up to the standards that the Saban-era Red Power Rangers have left as combatants, heroes, and leaders for the most part. My appreciation for “Forever Red” remains as strong as ever. I could never have selected better characters to represent the Red Rangers of the Saban/Fox Kids era. Therefore, I leave you with the Toonami-era Red Inurangers performing their morphing sequence according to the Red Rangers they will be morphing into. The eleven Red Inurangers, still unmorphed, are lined up ready for battle before they do their respective morphs. Toran: Well, what are we waiting for? Inuyasha: Let’s do it, guys! Inuyasha: It’s morphin’ time! Tyrannosaurus! Mighty Morphin’ Inurangers! Ryuichi: It’s morphin’ time! Red Ronin Inuranger Power! Red Ronin Inuranger! Toran: It’s morphin’ time! Zeo Ranger 5 Red! Red Zeo Inuranger! Alexander: Shift into Turbo! Red Lightning Turbo Power! Red Turbo Inuranger! Mika: Let’s rocket! Red Space Inuranger! Ryoma: Go Galactic! Red Galaxy Inuranger! Ichiro: Lightspeed Rescue! Red Lightspeed Inuranger! Kiibo: Time for Time Force! Red Time Force Inuranger! Takeshi: Time for Time Force! Red Shadow Time Force Inuranger! Baki: Quantum Power! Quantum Inuranger! Ippo: Wild Access! Red Wild Force Inuranger! Inuyasha: All right, guys. Let’s do this! All eleven Red Inurangers extend their arms up high as two explosions of red smoke and flare happen behind them. They are truly the heroic Red Inurangers. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and may the power protect you, everybody. Inuyasha and Toran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. Ryuichi Hayami, Alexander Volg Zangief, Ichiro Miyata, Takeshi Sendo, and Ippo Makunouchi from Hajime no Ippo belong to George Morikawa and Madhouse. Mika Seido from Geneshaft belongs to Kazuki Akane, Satelight, and Studio Gazelle. Ryoma Sakamoto from Shura no Toki belongs to Masatoshi Kawahara, Shin Misawa, Media Factory, and Studio Comet. Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa from Shootfighter Tekken or High School Exciting Story: Tough belongs to Tetsuya Saruwatari and Anime International Company. Baki Hanma from Baki the Grappler belongs to Keisuke Itagaki and Group TAC.

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Tommy’s and Inuyasha’s True Brotherhood

This “What if Character Replaces Character in this Scene” meme template originally belongs to MagicalKeyPizzaDan and is dedicated to everybody rooting for Tommy Oliver’s and Inuyasha’s genuine friendship, let alone brotherhood. This is also considering that Tommy serves as Uncle Phil to Inuyasha’s Will in the iconic scene from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s “Papa’s Got a Brand New Excuse.” Sit back, relax, and revel in the final part of this feels trip. Prepare your tissues because this is going to be a very tough read to endure, especially if you have seen the real-life Fresh Prince episode “Papa’s Got a Brand New Excuse.” You knew this was coming. There was no way you could escape this iconic yet tear-jerking moment, especially when Tommy and Inuyasha embody this scene between Uncle Phil and Will. I am talking about Will’s tirade which culminates in his tearful breakdown and, eventually, Uncle Phil’s comforting embrace, thus assuring Will that there is somebody there for him. This is the same assurance that the greatest Power Ranger of all time, Tommy Oliver, will give to the mighty dog Yokai warrior with an attitude, Inuyasha. Just like Uncle Phil is toward Will, Tommy is the rock in Inuyasha’s life way more than the four losers who should no longer be mentioned here. Yes, Tommy may put up with Inuyasha’s impulsiveness and rowdiness. Yes, Inuyasha may find himself rough-housing with Tommy. However, Tommy and Inuyasha possess a thoroughly unbreakable brotherhood that sees these two mighty warriors rise above their trials and emerge triumphantly as stronger people. Furthermore, Tommy’s presence in Inuyasha’s life is also proof-positive that even strong warriors like them can have their vulnerable moments. As soon as Inuyasha’s four so-called friends leave him to stew in his deep-seated anger and sadness, he stands there feeling helpless inside. Tommy shares in Inuyasha’s sorrow, standing with his arms crossed. “I’m sorry, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha tries to brush what has happened off with his trademark rough charisma, “Feh. You know actually this works out better for me. You know, there’s a lot of monsters and demons that need a good clobbering, you know what I’m saying?” Tommy can see right through Inuyasha’s hidden sorrow, “Inuyasha, it’s all right to be angry.” Inuyasha still tries to put up a front, “Hey. Why should I be mad? At least they said they don’t need me anymore. I just wish I hadn’t wasted my time with those stupid beads!” As he is saying that, Inuyasha snatches the Beads of Subjugation from Tommy and rips them apart, with them falling to the ground. Inuyasha’s anger is still being built up, while Tommy stands there with sorrow in his eyes. “I’m sorry. You know, if there was something that I-” Inuyasha cuts him off, “Hey, you know what? You don’t have to do anything, Tommy. It’s not like I’ve been always tied to them like their pet dog being ordered around, you know? It’s not like I have to lose sleep every night knowing that they could be in danger at any moment, die from any threat much stronger than them, and it would’ve been all my fault if I wasn’t there to save their useless butts, you know? Who needs ’em? They weren’t there when I was being shunned by both humans and demons because I was different from them, but I had to survive and cut my own path. And I got damn good at what I did, Tommy.” Tommy agrees, “Yeah, you were.” Inuyasha continues with his tirade, as his pent-up anger turns to wild frustration, “I got through defending myself from all types of danger without them, right? I learned how to look fear in the eye, build my own strength, hunt for my own food, take down bigger and scarier demons without them, and use my full-demon blood to my advantage. I had spent my entire life protecting myself! They never even gave a damn that I was hurting so much from trying to protect them! TO HELL WITH THEM!!!!!” Inuyasha yelled out that aforementioned phrase in the same direction Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou were walking. All Tommy can do is put his head down in sorrow, as his lips wobbled. After that moment of sheer frustration, Inuyasha attempts to walk away with tears almost about to flow from his eyes. “I didn’t need them then, and I don’t need them now!” Tommy tries to stop Inuyasha, “Inuyasha.” Inuyasha faces Tommy, “Look, you know what, Tommy. I’m gonna destroy Naraku without them! I’m gonna finally show Sesshoumaru that I am just as powerful as he is as his brother! I’m gonna mangle that mangy wolf Kouga! I’m gonna win over Ayame! I’m gonna marry Ayame! And I’m gonna have a whole bunch of beautiful kids with Ayame! I’m gonna be a great husband to her, a great dad to all our kids, and a greater role model than any of those losers ever were! And I sure as Hell don’t need them for their approval ’cause there ain’t a damn thing they can understand about how willing I am to protect those I give a damn about!!!” Tommy’s expression goes from sorrow to almost breaking down in tears after taking in all of Inuyasha’s pain, frustration, sadness, and grief. Inuyasha breaks down in tears, “How come they keep using me, man?” Tommy wraps Inuyasha in a tight hug, comforting him in his moment of vulnerability. Inuyasha also hugs Tommy, as tears flow from his eyes after many years of being unloved, rejected, used, bullied, and abused. While Tommy and Inuyasha are hugging, the broken Beads of Subjugation remain on the grassy ground. All the moments of torment that Inuyasha has been enduring under Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo are gone and will never return to him again. At least Tommy and Inuyasha have each other as best friends and brothers for life. Goodness me. This was such a roller-coaster ride to get through. I have always envisioned this…

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