December 2021

Come On Get Happy A Capella

When I was an 8-year-old about to approach the second grade, I first encountered this song in Disney’s An Extremely Goofy Movie. I did not realise this was the opening to The Partridge Family television show. I hope you all enjoy my rendition of this theme song, everybody.

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My 2021 Art Summary

Happy New Year, everybody. Antoni here. As 2021 is coming to a close, I thought it would be nice to feature the pieces of work I have been doing throughout this year. There were occasions where I was very busy with university obligations as well as writing, and some months, most notably April and September, saw me submitting only one piece of artwork on to DeviantArt. Nevertheless, I still had a fun time balancing drawing the things I enjoy the most and partaking in art contests. In terms of art contests, there were some I was successful in and others where I fell short. Despite the intermittent successes, I enjoyed the ride, I had fun, and I did not regret anything at all. With that said, let the stroll down the 2021 memory lane begin. I would also like to dedicate my 2021 Art Summary to Kyo-Wright, leannavalenti0711, DibstaRP, HyperSnapWorks, AndreyTheGreenGuy800, x-Player-Man-ACN-001x, Isaacthemerpupdrawer, TinaBOfficial, KatiAmel, illcitvirus115, PuffedShizuko, Becmaster, 0141245786, Si-Nister, UltraJohn567, Hedenus, Bonez1925, PoweredButtercup10, BatesPhychoVile, pommiie, GreatMasterFrank, Gelefant, Sukesha-Ray, markthepencilguy, emadibufan, Khialat, Sophiegegewophie, BlossomPPG, pureria, vanityfair, Juacamo, Heszperia, scotty9359, irozhea, GeistdesFeuers, MultiRagnell, Gokuist, riaru0005, hesxmyxinu, Renezinha, Captain–Ruffy, Bluyul, DarkKnigel, kawaii-chibi-kotou, Japandaa, SukiMisaki, husky50, itsbeehere, aranza2618, Demsuper, SilviaLedVal, kaorgaa, Nana-boo, JazzXrawr, itstcloltroll, bastion40, DanileeNatsumi, Philizius, and denaolive who have celebrated their birthdays ranging from a few weeks ago all the way up to today. So, I hope you all had very prosperous birthdays, blessed holidays, and I wish you a lot of love and strength in your lives as artists and as people. January: Japan’s Superfit Power Couples I kicked off 2021 with my fan art of who I believed represented beauty, strength, and sheer gorgeousness when it comes to Adult Swim anime OTPs: Inuyasha x Ayame, Ginta x Shunran, and Kiba x Cheza. This is what happens when you have three dashingly handsome gentlemen like Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiba pair up with three stunningly gorgeous ladies like Ayame, Shunran, and Cheza. You receive three of the most gorgeous power couples to have graced Adult Swim’s small screen. Therefore, I have been a proud Inuyasha x Ayame, Ginta x Shunran, and Kiba x Cheza partisan ever since I was a youngling, and I am proud to continue being a partisan of my three of my most beloved Adult Swim anime OTPs of all time. February: These Robes Are Made for Flaunting My participation in BrickercupMasterX3’s OTP contest might have started off with Kohaku x Rin, but my eternal love for Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko can never be quelled because I have been the most loyal supporter of this Xiaolin Showdown pairing ever since I was a young teenager. I used to love this couple because they seemed attractive together. However, speaking now as an adult, Chamiko holds so much weight because of how new, exciting, vibrant, and flexible this couple is. I have always seen a bright future for them when it comes to familial prospects and intimacy, and the flames surrounding them can attest to that. They would even create a family with children who can prove themselves to be just as formidable as their parents have always been. I have paired Chase and Kimiko when I was a teenager, and I will never let them leave my sight any time soon. March: Birds, Bees, and Butterflies This marks my third and final entry for BrickercupMasterX3’s OTP contest. What better to wrap this up than with one of my most favourite Teen Titans couples of all time Beastboy x Terra or BBTerra. I may have held Robin x Raven or RobRae with such high esteem ever since I was a pre-adolescent, but BBTerra comes in at a close second because of how effectively genuine their chemistry was and will always be. BBTerra is unconditional love incarnate, as they will always be at each others’ sides through the times of joy, sorrow, healing, surprises, doubts, and thrills. Their progeny would radiate with the same joy, euphoria, and good vibes as their parents backed up by a huge sense of perseverance and courage. At the end of this contest, I was fortunate enough to have won a sketch from BrickercupMasterX3. I have yet to receive it, but at least I had fun partaking in this contest. April: Regal Springtime Serenity I was utterly thankful to have partaken in Aryaveandyou’s and BeardedLuckDragon’s Spring/Summer Contest, as this was my first attempt at doing something of this ilk. This contest was also the birth of three characters I never realised I was going to enjoy drawing let alone sharing my appreciation for them to other fellow DeviantArtists. They were Princess Alana of Freiasburg who is a fairy princess known for kindness, sweetness, and lovability and her two animal friends, Iris the Rainbow Unicorn and Engelbert the Penguin, who are just as loving, loyal, kind, and sweet as Princess Alana. The flowers will always bloom for this lovely fairy princess, her faithful rainbow unicorn, and her steadfast penguin friend. Through this effort, I found fortune in winning something from this contest. May: The Bulging Jungle Warrior King Bicep Wall Take three Filipino muscle tribal warriors and four jungle king brothers from Africa, with one from India, and you get a formidable septet of powerful jungle warriors who have rock-hard muscles of steel. Fernando, Bernardo Carpio, Init-Init, George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli do make the closest of brothers, especially when they flex their bulging biceps to create a huge muscle fortress to defend themselves against any oppressor. June: Hercules’s Hunky Harem Hercules is definitely fortunate to have four jungle brothers and two Powhatan warrior brothers be enamoured with him. What could be so much better than having Basuli x Hercules x Tarzan as my OT3, Namontack x Basuli and Kocoum x Tarzan as my OTPs, and Namontack x George of the Jungle and Kocoum x Maugli as my loved pairings? How about having all seven hunks partake in a huge moment of sensual loving with Hercules at the forefront? That right there is virile handsomeness…

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7th Heaven Theme Song A Capella

Ever since I was a middle-schooler in my early teens, I thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in the Camden family’s exploits in growing up individually and as a family. 7th Heaven’s theme song captures the essence of family. I hope you all enjoy my rendition of it, everybody.  

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A Tribute to I, Ooh, Baby, Baby

This year’s Christmas special lookbacks and tributes might have culminated with Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s final Christmas episode, but do not think that I am done with Fresh Prince of Bel-Air content just yet. Enjoy my tribute to I, Ooh, Baby, Baby, everybody.

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Touched by an Angel Theme Song A Capella

I have heard a lot of amazing things about this show starring angels who help out people in need. Rediscovering the series on YouTube has made me fully invested, especially with its theme song originally sung by the great Della Reese. Enjoy my rendition of Touched by an Angel’s theme song.

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A Lookback on Aunt Viv’s Cast Change

Two actresses. One a Juilliard-trained Broadway star known for her commanding stage and screen presence as well as her vibrant voice and moves. The other a Northwestern University-educated thespian specialising in interior design and architecture while also being the first African-American woman to be crowned homecoming queen. One iconic 90s TV mom that saw both actresses give their own spins on her. Enjoy my lookback on Aunt Viv’s cast change from Janet Hubert (Season 1 to 3) to Daphne Maxwell Reid (Season 4 to 6).

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