December 2018

My Updated RRB/PPG Ships

This Rowdyruff x Powerpuff Couples Chart belongs to miss pacman aka QuietLullabies. And yes, there are a few additions to this that I put in, which are inspired by the other completed memes. Moreover, I am going to make this a Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution, since I have rarely done any of these contributions in text-based form.   Some things in this world are indubitably true. At best, Christmas is the time of giving, reflecting, and showing comfort, joy, love, and openness to your loved ones. At worst, Christmas can be the time of mass commercialism and consumerism to the point where people forget the true meaning of the season. To deviate from this holiday sentiment, lots opinions change either suddenly or gradually. Such is the case of my sentiments with my Rowdyruff Boys/Powerpuff Girls ships. Now at age twenty-six, I have seen that there are pairings that have held up well and others that sadly did not mostly due to decreasing tolerance of those pairings, as there were opinions from the old meme that have changed as I grew and expanded my horizons. So, for this holiday season, let us get the lumps of coal out of the way, as I talk about my RRB/PPG pairings I cannot stand anymore but actually function on a comrade-to-comrade basis.   Keep in mind that these are all of my opinions, so please do not throw a hissy fit if your ship gets the NOTP treatment from me. With that said, let us get the crap out of the way before we get to the really good stuff.   NOTPs that actually function somewhat better as BroTPs   Brick x Blossom aka Blossick aka The Reds or as the anti-Blossick people love to call it BlossSICK! Here a Blossick! There a Blossick! Everywhere a Blossick! Everywhere I turn when I search for Rowdyruff x Powerpuff pairings, Brick x Blossom seems to ubiquitously pop up. Why, pray tell, are these two red-clad leaders the poster children of being an awesome RRB/PPG couple or an overall Powerpuff Girls couple? Is it because of the belligerent sexual tension? Is it because these two have the most differences as opposed to Butchercup and Boomubbles? Is it because these two are opposites that attract each other? I guess those can be legitimate reasons as to why anyone would love to ship Blossick, since Brick is fire, Blossom is ice, he is rugged, roguish, rough, and crass, while she is classy, elegant, articulate, and poised, and Brick is street smart, while Blossom is book smart. Fine. I am not going to stop anyone from shipping Blossick.   However, do you really want to know what kills this “pairing” for me? Their egos! My goodness! After rewatching some episodes, I found out the one factor why I kind of abhor Blossick being shipped as a romantic couple and that has to be their huge egos. It is one thing to exude confidence, strong beliefs, and pride in everything one does. It is another thing when that said confidence and pride mutate into a bloated ego on the verge of hubris complete with bragging about what great qualities they think they have. Do not get me wrong. I like both Brick and Blossom as individual characters. However, when paired up as lovers, I get the feeling that their relationship will fall apart due to their egos and their willingness to constantly one-up each other and it will never cease nor desist nor will there be any compromise whatsoever!   Oh, and do not ever get me started on how overloved, overrated, over-bloated, and over-ubiquitous this RRB/PPG pairing is, as there are memes which place Brick as the favorite Ruff, Blossom as the favorite Puff, and Blossick as the favorite RuffPuff pairing. Let us also not forget the constant shipping wars going on between Blossick and DexBloss shippers, which can give the whole Superman vs Goku craze a run for its money.   I still could not believe I used to like Blossick as a teenager, but I guess when you are a teenager you tend to like almost anything without getting into any depths as to why you like it. My feelings for Blossick went from loving it to liking it to feeling indifferent to it to me shouting to the heavens, “PLEASE MAKE THIS BLOSSICK CRAZE STOP!!!!!” Sorry, hardcore Blossick shippers, but that is just how I roll these days.   In spite of all my vehemence against Blossick, I can still ship them platonically as a sort of Team Dad, Team Mom duo in my Team Xtreme headcanon. At least, these two red-clad leaders can work professionally like that. Plus, there are other better pairings for both Brick and Blossom anyway.   So, now that I got my feeling for the Reds out of the way, let’s talk about….ugh…The Greens!   Butch x Buttercup aka Butchercup aka The Greens Behold, the Greens. The toughest fighters. The muscles of their respective siblings. The very people you do not want to mess with if you get on their bad sides or cross their paths. And God, help you if you do, for Butch and Buttercup will give you the Queen Mother of knuckle sandwiches. On top of that, Butch and Buttercup are absolutely competitive to the point where no one seems to stop them from getting what they want. And yes, when these two green-clad, hot-tempered fighters are together, belligerent sexual tension will occur.   Unfortunately, the Greens have a seriously messed-up relationship, at least that is how I see it. What makes their relationship messed up is their stubbornness and their harsh, fiery tempers when they are together. Everything they do would feel like a freaking battlefield and that is saying something. Sure, this pairing is not as overrated as BlosSICK is, but it still sucks because of their unhinged animosity, grumbling, whining, complaining, aggression, egos, and constant shouting. These two green-clad hotheads would fail badly in an intimate relationship and…

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Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht A Capella

I would love to wish all of you a blessed, merry, and prosperous holidays with an a capella rendition of a well-known Christmas Carol. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche euch allen eine gesegnete, fröhliche und nachhaltige Weihnacht mit einer A Capella Fassung eines berühmtes Weihnachtsliedes. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören. I would also like to thank my auntie, Melinda Garcia, for filming this. It was such a pleasure seeing you and all of my beloved paternal relatives after so many years.

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The Complete Blossoomer Family drawn by me

This Blossoomer family picture is dedicated to Bernadette V. aka Heszperia, Dave the Knave aka Dynamoe, DemgieMaxine, The-Chibster, Roz aka irozhea, and maham aka blossomandbubbles who celebrated their birthdays weeks ago. So, I hope you guys had a wonderful, blessed, beautiful, and exceptional celebration. I wish you all a lot of love, joy, and beauty in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the Blossoomer shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy and soak up the Blossoomer goodness.   The Blossoomer family has struck again and this time they are complete.   We already got acquainted with Boomer’s and Blossom’s other children in the forms of Bloom, Brittney Jane aka BJ, Beau, Becky, and Bella aka Belladonna, so let us get to know Brian who is the fourth 7-year-old Blossoomer sextuplet in my Team Xtreme headcanon.   Brian Matthew Green, much like his other siblings, was born on July 25, 2011. It was said he was rather placid and sweet when he emerged from his mother’s womb akin to his other siblings. Brian loves his parents equally to the point where he has inherited both of their signature traits. He has inherited Blossom’s intelligence and ambition and Boomer’s hilarity and sympathetic nature. He does get anxious and jumpy when he is in a sticky situation and he can be a bit reckless when it comes to his occasional ego. However, he will always stick by his parents’, uncles’, aunties’, siblings’ and cousins’ sides no matter what mission they have and in everything they do, thus showing immense loyalty and an unrivaled sense of duty to his family. Even though he is very close to all of his siblings, he has an exceptionally strong bond with Beau, given how passionate these two are when it comes to music, theater, and the arts.   As opposed to Beau, who is a pianist, Brian specializes in the French horn and enjoys singing in the Townsville Opera House’s children’s chorus. Playing the French horn has certainly helped Brian learn the essence of really good breathing to the point where plays a few notes on the French horn before bursting into song and he even stands out in the chorus as having the most vocal presence. He has played the French horn ever since he was a three-year-old and he is yet another wonderful musical prodigy. Every holiday Beau and Brian would play on their respective instruments to entertain their family members and their friends, thus bringing an amiable, loving, and warm atmosphere throughout the halls of Team Xtreme Headquarters. Brian is passionate about opera, chamber music, Lieder, Shakespearean theater, Broadway musicals, Enka, J-Pop. K-Pop, audio dramas, world literature, anime, jazz, and rhythm and blues. For someone who is currently seven years old, Brian is completely immersed into the works of Gaetano Donizetti, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Carl Maria von Weber, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Gioacchino Rossini, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, William Shakespeare, Friedrich Schiller, John Keats, and John Milton. Moreover, Brian can speak French, Spanish, German, Italian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Czech, Hungarian, and Russian. Outside of music, theater, and literature, Brian is even into history, biology, physics, mathematics, and soccer. Brian aspires to be a classically-trained singer who specializes in the Italian, French, and German repertoires while also singing chamber music and jazz while supporting LGBTQ causes.   Brian’s special power is his glacial shockwave, in which he unleashes a huge wave of ice-encased energy with his hands. Plus, he can even spot pressure points on his opponent’s body in order to ensure incapacitation.   So, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, we not only got to know Brian, but we also have the complete Boomer x Blossom or Blossoomer clan.   Boomer and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.   Bloom, Brittney, and Becky belong to KatyGorl.   Beau, Brian, and Bella belong to Misse-the-cat.

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What up, bitches???  5 months… fuck me.  Reason: 116-page screenplay.  Restaurant manager at a place where the boss is usually very busy… making her own lunch.  Godfuckingdangit.  The real title is actually “5 ASSes That the ACC Likes and Can Go On for Hours About”  But since I don’t want to sound like a narcissistic ass and because the Rick and Mortians need some guidance without their god now (my cousin Mistah Computah Sciencey Dood included), I decided to call it something that sounds more helpful than anything else.  But honestly, it’s just me spouting off about shit I like over and over again, and it’s the only opportunity I’ve had to talk about two shows that I love to death– Sealab 2021 and Home Movies.  That’s probably the only reason why I made this– so it would give me an excuse to talk about them.  Already got called out for not including Robot Chicken and Superjail.  Well… to me Robot Chicken is not exactly a show.  It’s just a compilation of randomness.  And Superjail… sorry, but I just don’t fucking get it.  It’s just surreal and gross to me.  I’m a GIRL, for Chrissakes. Pros: Learned that by adjusting the pitch in an audio slice, you can make the same fart sound lower, hence sounding like a different fart. (Watch for Assy McGee farting into Sanchez’s mouth.)  Cons: Longer editing time than usual, hard to find the right clips since cheap animation makes every clip look the same, too much shit to do in between, frustrating me almost to the point of tears.  I dream of the day when I can just sit at a computer and edit my shit, and that’s the ONLY job I have.  Yes, many thoughts during this project.  Many thoughts.  What next?  Might review Crazy Rich Asians or act like a therapy patient for my next one.  Laters, Darth Vaders.  

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Christmas Gratitude and Joy

I know I have not been completely active on DeviantArt as of late, as I have some pending Brickercup and Blossoomer Next-Gen Month submissions that I really have to take care of. Moreover, it is not really that easy to juggle my stint as an online reviewer, an artist who specializes in mainly Rowdyruff x Powerpuff fanart, thus making them join forces in my headcanon as Team Xtreme, and a student who has his eyes on specializing in Linguistics, Literature, and the Arts in university, given the fact that it is the Red Ribbon Reviewers Month in observation of AIDS Awareness. However, I just want to spend this moment to thank a fine fellow artist, a staunch supporter, and a wonderful friend of mine named Daniel Roberts aka JekyllAndHydeChannel for not only the lovely Christmas gifts he gave to me but for everything he is as a friend and a fan of my fanart and works in general. Now, I am fully aware that there were instructions that I should not open this until Christmas, but there were a few reasons why I had to take immediate action. One is the fact that I will be spending my Christmas break in the Philippines and Hong Kong with my family. It has been five years since I last set foot in Cebu the place where I spent the majority of my life and I firmly believe it is ample time to see my paternal grandmother once again after all of those years. So, waiting until Christmas to open the present was completely out of the question. Two is just plain curiosity. I sort of knew in the back of my mind that the gifts were going to be animation related and my guess was right. So, Daniel, I know I ended up opening these gifts before Christmas but with all of the things that are happening in my life right now, especially my upcoming trip to Cebu and Hong Kong, could you blame me for opening these ahead of time? Still, I want to thank you so much for being so thoughtful and kind and I am eternally grateful for everything you are and all that you have done so far. Going to gifts I have to say that these are really adorable. The blue samurai action figure seems pretty familiar to me but my memory of this particular is really fuzzy. The Cleo stuffed toy is simply put really lovely, as she is one of my favorite Disney animal characters and I am pretty sure she could be useful for stress relief, especially since my A-Level exams are underway. In terms of my experience with the animated show “Braceface”, it is an okay show. Is it better than let’s say “As Told by Ginger” or “Kim Possible”? Not by a long shot, but it is enjoyable on some occasions. I caught snippets of this show when I was tuning into the Disney Channel in Hawaii with my parents as a thirteen-year-old boy, but it never really grew on me too much in spite of its quirky charm. Finally, the little note Daniel wrote was really kind and encouraging in its own special way and I will always cherish it. So, there you have it, my gifts from a very fine person who has always been supportive during my time on DeviantArt. And Daniel, I also wish you a very blessed, happy, and wonderful Christmas and a fulfilling New Year. Thank you for your support, your openness, and your passion. Keep on being a unique and brilliant young man, may you spend your holidays with joy and delight, and I wish you, your family, and friends a lot of love, euphoria, and peace in this holiday season. Take care, my friend.

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After her 38-year-old Deutsche Oper Berlin debut as Lucia Ashton from Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Signora Gruberova’s stint at this very opera house goes out with a bang with this farewell concert and along the way are more roads less traveled for this diva who is still going very strong. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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It’s Tales of Hoffmann meets Edgar Allan Poe starring a strapping Swedish spinto tenor, a charismatic American lyric mezzo-soprano, a versatile, wide-ranging Romanian lyric soprano who can sing almost anything from coloratura soprano to lyric soprano to spinto soprano, a virile Italian bass-baritone, and a charming German light tenor. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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Beauregard Alain Green: Magnificent Musical Marvel drawn by me

This Blossoomer fan-child picture, which is part of KatyGorl’s Blossoomer Next-Gen Month, is dedicated to DemigieMaxine who celebrated her birthday yesterday and Juacamo who is celebrating his birthday today. So, I wish you guys a lot of love, joy, happiness, strength, beauty, enthusiasm, triumph, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the Blossoomer shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy as we get acquainted with the 17-year-old Beauregard Alain “Beau” Green.   Townsville, U.S.A., 2028. Beauregard aka Beau has grown from being a lovable, adorable, lovely young boy into a sensitive, idealistic, popular, charming, well-traveled, brilliant, handsome young gentleman who is on the verge of international stardom.   Beau is a twelfth-grade student, much like Bloom and Brittney, and he has his eyes set on The Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, The Julliard School in New York, Pepperdine University, The Tisch School of the Arts, Harvard University, the University of the District of Columbia, University of Notre Dame, Bournemouth University, Royal Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, Trinity College, University of South Wales, and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, as they can offer a Bachelor’s program in Music, Musicology, Classical Piano, Opera, Chamber Singing, and Contemporary Music. He even has his eye on singing at the Metropolitan Opera House, the Royal Opera House, La Scala, Teatro la Fenice, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Staatsoper Unter den Linden, and Wiener Staatsoper, and not just performing as a pianist at the Royal Albert Hall or Carnegie Hall.   Beau is quite the musical genius, as he has been playing the piano ever since he was three years old. As he grew, he started to play more classical pieces from composers like Mozart, Pergolesi, Gounod, Bach, Barber, Dvorak, and even Czerny, Liszt, Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms among many other composers. At age seven, he played Schubert’s Ave Maria at an elementary school assembly. This got to the point where his second-grade teacher told Boomer and Blossom that Beau is literally Julliard material.   As good as Beau is at playing the piano, there was one thing he wanted to do more than anything in the world and that was singing. Thanks to his mother exposing him to opera at infancy, the then 8-year-old Beau wanted to sing, thus he started out as a member of the Townsville Opera Children’s Chorus in productions of Carmen, Tosca, La Bohéme, Turandot, and Der Rosenkavalier.   At age 13, Beau went through puberty and bade farewell to the Townsville Children’s Chorus. However, he ended up having voice lessons with the famous Italian-American tenor Giorgio Gregorio Zampieri. Signore Zampieri recognized that Beau had perfect pitch, a clean and clear tone, a well-supported diaphragm, rather experienced in terms of his choir singing years, and on the verge of becoming an Italianate lyric tenor. Beau began with chamber music specifically with César Franck’s Panis Angelicus, which was to be his signature song. Then at age 15, Beau found himself singing Italian, French, and German art songs and opera arias. It all came to a head when he got himself into the Maria Callas Bel Canto Competition for Young Classical Singers singing “Ah Leve-Toi Soleil” from Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette, “La Donna é Mobile” from Verdi’s Rigoletto, “Frisch zum Kampfe” from Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail, and finally César Franck’s Panis Angelicus all at the age of seventeen years old. For that, he ended up being one of the recipients of the Maria Callas Award for Young Classical Singers.   Beau combines his love for piano and classical singing so effectively that he does not need an accompanist to help him. He is essentially his own accompanist on several occasions. Moreover, thanks to his experience in singing art songs in different languages, he is even fluent in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Catalán, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean among many other languages to the point where he wants to travel to France, Italy, Spain, Czechia, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong and the other European and Asian countries in general. Outside of classical singing, Beau even loves to perform songs and musical numbers like “Feelin’ Good”, “My Baby Just Cares for Me”, “Bring Him Home” from Les Miserables, and “Singing in the Rain” from Singing in the Rain. On top of that, he even enjoys singing duets with his brother Brian who is also a tenor, as they both specialize in Italian bel canto.   Outside of his musical endeavors, he is also a star student at Townsville High where he is an ace in English, French, Spanish, German, Music, Theater, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Art, and Creative Writing. He even has averages ranging from 98 to even 99%. He is even a member of the Drama, Glee, Photography, and French clubs to the point where shows are given in special occasions and he is usually chosen to play the piano and sing much to the delight of the teachers and the students. His musical charisma has been catching the attention of a lot of girls, boys, and even teachers. So much so, that Beau has become one of the most popular and well-loved young gentlemen at school.   Beau enjoys the company of his friends Margaret and Melanie Spicer, Jack Spicer’s and Princess Morbucks-Spicer’s 14-year-old twin daughters, Ken, Rei, and Mai, Toshi’s and Soyen’s 17-year-old son, 16-year-old son, and 15-year-old daughter, as they love to go to the cinema, the amusement park, and even concert halls. Beau keeps himself fit by doing yoga, calisthenics, circuit training, weightlifting, kickboxing, and boxing. In order to ensure balance in his system and heighten his concentration especially in piano-playing, Beau always loves to meditate.   Even though the girls are completely attracted to him, Beau is more attracted to guys, as he has a steady relationship with Igor McPherson and mainly looks at his twin brother Gabor as a really good friend. Igor even states that he…

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Brittney Jane Green: The Badass Warrior Bard drawn by me

This Blossoomer fan-child picture, which is part of my little sister from another mother Katy’s aka KatyGorl’s Blossoomer Next-Gen Month, is dedicated to Jenna aka lilreddragon11 who celebrated her birthday three days ago and NotUrAvgType, Busterella, and Mordegon’s Belladonna aka ShiEksdee who celebrated their birthdays two days ago. So, I hope you guys had magnificent, phenomenal, awesome, uplifting, euphoric, fantastic, and fabulous birthday celebrations. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, strength, and beauty in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the Blossoomer shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy, as we get to know the 17-year-old Brittney Jane “BJ” Green the second sextuplet daughter of Boomer Green and Blossom Utonium-Green.   It is 2028. Brittney Jane aka BJ has grown from being a bright, precocious, tomboyish little girl of seven years old to an articulate, ambitious, idealistic, and adventurous young woman of seventeen who is so ready and willing to put her wonderfully creative and open mind to great use.   BJ is a twelfth-grade student, as she skipped a grade alongside Bloom and Beau, at Townsville High and is aiming for a spot in Townsville University, Harvard, Pepperdine University, The Tisch School of the Arts, Julliard, The University of Bournemouth, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Regent’s University, Trinity College, Hunter College, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, the Met Film School Berlin and many other universities which offer a Bachelor’s Degree in Film, Creative Writing, Media Communications, Literature, and Theater. Based on these choices, BJ would love more than anything to amp up her screenwriting and literary expertise, so that she can work with the world’s most renowned filmmakers, actors, musicians, and academics.   BJ is definitely that type of person who lives her passion every single day. She is a poetess, an authoress, and a playwright, as one can see on an existential drama script she has been working on. One might even ask, where she gets all of this inspiration from. Well, as one can see, BJ is quite the heavy reader and language learner, hence her extensive collection of novels, language books, and encyclopedias. All of the influences she gained certainly helped her, as there was a mystery writing contest held in her school and she won the “Writer of the Year” award for her work “The Disappearance of Claudia Faye Denning”, a bone-chilling piece of work which tells the tale of two boys and two girls searching for their long lost friend and a secret that will be unraveled thanks to them. Moreover, one can tell that her passion for languages make her such a polyglot to the point where she would love to spend a gap year in any country outside the United States of America, most ideally starting off with France then Spain then Germany then the Netherlands then Wales and finally China, a place where her father, her mother, her uncles, and her aunties spent their academic year abroad as eleventh-graders.   In terms of her academics, BJ is exceptional in the subjects of English, Theater, History, Music, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, Biology, Computer Skills, and Creative Writing. She has final averages that are between 97.99 to 99%, thus making her a quarterly recipient of the Alfred Nobel Academic Award, an A+ student, and constantly competing with her sister Bloom as to see who is the best student in the class. Outside of her academics, BJ is the lyricist, backup vocalist, and lead guitarist of the band “Night Sovereigns” with Bloom, Bea, and Brea as the lead singers, Brad on the drums, Brandon on the keyboards, Betty on the triangle, Bailee on the backup vocals, and Brett on the electric bass. Their style of music is essentially a cross between Celtic music and heavy metal, which is always a welcome treat for their school. A lot of students and teachers say that BJ’s lyrics especially when they are sung by Bloom, Bea, and Brea are haunting, melancholic, romantic, and capable of touching a raw nerve whenever one listens to the melodies and the words. Ergo, her writing skills can make anyone green with envy, as BJ knows how to reach someone with the usage of her words.   When BJ is not cooped up in her quarters coming up with new plot ideas for plays, literary works, and songs in development, she loves to hang out with her friends Simone, Patrice, and Monique Uno, who are Abigail Lincoln-Uno’s and Nigel Uno’s eighteen-year-old triplet daughters, and Igor and Gabor McPherson, who are Dexter McPherson’s and Olga “Lalavava” Astronomonov-McPherson’s eighteen-year-old twin sons, in a café and talk about deep, philosophical topics. BJ also loves to keep herself fit by doing yoga, battojutsu, and kickboxing every weekend. Additionally, she also loves to listen to heavy metal music, rock and roll, and death metal music whenever she feels the need for an adrenaline rush or for inspiration to surge through her mind, body, and soul.   Due to BJ’s busy schedule as a writer, she does not have a lot of time to be in relationships nor does she consider being in one. She does have a strong interest in boys, but she is just too invested in her writing material to ever consider being in a serious relationship with someone. Perhaps that time will come when that Mr. Right has something in common with her.   BJ’s battojutsu training and skills certainly pay off whenever she is in the heat of battle, as she can create one katana that is made of raw energy akin to Boomer’s baseball bat and another katana that is made of ice. She can use these weapons to slice through any foe and even any hard object with ease. That is not to say that she cannot use her fists. In fact, BJ’s lightning punches are proven to incapacitate her enemies in a flash. She even continues to have her snow-encased raw…

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