December 2018

My Top 13 OTPs from Western Animation

Happy New Year, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages. I know I have not submitted as much Brickercup month and Blossoomer Next-Gen month fanart as I should have but real life with spending time with my family has been getting in the way as well as some career paths I have to solidify before and once I get to university. However, as you can tell from the title and even though I have been doing this several times, I want to share with you the OTP pairings I have from each cartoon from either Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel or any of the animated films I have watched. Here are some rules. Only one pairing or one set of pairings per franchise and do expect some tied entries. With that said, let us begin. 13. Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin Showdown) Out of all the couples I adore from Xiaolin Showdown such as Raimundo x Katnappe, Clay x Dyris and my personal favorite crossover couples Jack Spicer x Princess Morbucks and Omi x Julie Smith, this has to be my most favorite. Chase’s cool, calm, dangerous, collected, and calculating personality is a perfect match to Kimiko’s feistiness, spark, and vivacity. There is a spicy love-hate relationship that can occur between these two especially when it comes to their sense of wit and sharpness as characters. With that said love-hate relationship, comes an unparalleled intimacy that only these two can effectively pull off not only because they look sexy and attractive together but also because of how well these two could easily click. 12. Kitty x Bunny from Courage the Cowardly Dog Ah, “The Mask” from Courage the Cowardly Dog. One of the most poignant, raw, and, dare I say, most beautiful episodes of Courage the Cowardly Dog. My main reason for loving that episode is because of these two lovely female protagonists, Kitty and Bunny. Kitty had to go through Hell and back to find her beloved best friend, Bunny, and Bunny found herself in the abusive hands of the vicious and cruel Mad Dog. Having to witness their tragic backstories made me root for Courage to get these two back together again. Kitty’s and Bunny’s final moment together on the train made me want to root for them as a legitimate lesbian couple all the way through. Sure, there are other Courage couples I support like Courage x Shirley the Medium and the ever-so-canon Eustace Bagge x Muriel Bagge, but Kitty x Bunny is the deal-sealer when it comes to their overall chemistry and the lengths these two have to go through with Courage’s help to be reunited. 11. Jake x Lady Rainicorn from Adventure Time Out of all the couples from “Adventure Time” that I enjoy, this is the one canon couple I have a lot of passion for. Jake and Lady Rainicorn are really sweet together because of their interactions. It also helps that John DiMaggio and Niki Yang emit their superb voice acting chops to bring these wonderful characters to life. Combining Jake’s laid-back, fun-loving attitude with Lady Rainicorn’s innocence and lovability is pure genius and to make this couple more interesting while Jake speaks mainly in English, Lady Rainicorn speaks in Korean, thus making the linguistic dynamics between these two all the more enjoyable to witness, as their barriers will always be broken down. When all is said and done, the genuineness and the sweetness emitted from both Jake and Lady Rainicorn are nothing short of lovely. 10. Gumball x Penny from The Amazing World of Gumball This is probably one of the sweetest couples to come out from this weird yet wonderful show. As much as I am a staunch supporter of Richard x Nicole as a canon married couple and parents to Gumball, Darwin, and Anais, Gumball x Penny has something genuine and sweet. What began as a sort of schoolboy crush on Gumball’s side and cute admiration on Penny’s side turned into something more profound in the episode “The Shell” in which my love for this tween couple is further solidified. 9. Arnold Shortman x Phoebe Heyerdahl from Hey Arnold! Yeah, I know the Arnold x Helga and Gerald x Phoebe shippers are going to be out for my blood and will whine and moan at me that these two couples are canon, but I say screw it all, I have been a loyal Arnold x Phoebe shipper ever since I was seven or eight years old and I am never going to let go of my all-time beloved Hey Arnold OTP. Oh sure, I do love the spice found in Gerald x Rhonda, the genuineness found in Harold x Patty, the cuteness found in both Stinky x Sheena and Sid x Nadine, the interest found in Alan x Helga, and the outlandish lovability found in Grandpa Phil x Grandma Gertie, but Arnold x Phoebe has something special for me. It could be the undeniable fact that Arnold is really well-rounded, idealistic, and helpful to others and Phoebe is mainly book smart and meek to a fault. It could be that they are thoroughly intelligent and savvy individuals who can click so superbly with each other. Moreover, it could be the fact that I see this as the couple that is the definition of it needs more love. I always loved their interactions in “Best Friends”, “Gerald’s Tonsils”, and, of course, “Phoebe’s Little Problem”, as I felt like their relationship was genuine and natural. Ergo, I love Arnold x Phoebe as a couple because of their similarities, their charm, and just how unpretentious they are not only as individuals but also as a pair and I am glad to have made them married in my headcanon. 8. Carl Foutley x Noelle Sussmann from As Told By Ginger I swear that these lovably adorkable oddballs click superbly with each other the moment I saw them on screen. In my opinion, Carl x Noelle trumps the absolute heck out of Darren x…

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My Top 12 Powerpuff Girls OTP of all Time

Happy Holidays, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages! For all of the longtime viewers of my fanart and my journal entries, especially on DeviantArt, I know you are all aware of how much I enjoy posting my most favorite Powerpuff Girls couples of all time and not only limiting myself to Rowdyruff x Powerpuff fanart. So, for this list, I will be counting down my most favorite Powerpuff Girls OTPs ever. I did make my opinions clear in my redone RRB/PPG Shipping Chart formatted by @QuietLullabies where I talked about the five other ships that will be mentioned here again, but those will be said in very few words. However, with the other OTPs, I will expound on why I love them so much. I even want to dedicate this list to the likes of @BrickercupMasterX3, @KatyGorl, @AquaGemPrincess, @kaykeyser, and @Pastel—Star, seeing that I have some pending art trades and monthly entries with them, as well as making this list my personal Christmas gift to them. So, with that said, I hope you guys have the merriest of Christmases and may your upcoming 2019 be as amazing as it will be. Moreover, there will be no crossover pairings in this list, as it will be saved for another pairings list. So, let the PPG OTP love, begin! 12. Major Man x Sedusa On the surface, this con-man supervillain in a superhero’s cape and this seductress who uses her hair as a weapon can make for boundless, spicy intimacy. If one were to look beyond this, one would see just how well these two bounce off of each other. Yes, this is the overplayed big, buff stud falling for the sensual, sexy bombshell, but their moments of love-hate sex would be exciting on a consistently high level all thanks to their chemistry. Speaking of love-hate sex couples… 11. Ace x Berserk, Bud x Brute, and Snake x Brat Ah, yes, these three couples. I pretty much pair the Powerpunk Girls with two of the Gangreen Gang members and the eldest Smith son. Ace and Berserk click really well as demanding, tough leaders with Ace’s brand of devil-may-care charm complementing so wonderfully with Berserk’s crass, fiery attitude. Bud’s misanthropic attitude may clash with Brute’s bloodlust, but one can be sure that their moments of intimacy will be far from boring. In Snake’s and Brat’s case, I can safely say that these two can click really well in terms of their personalities with Snake being the roguish charmer to Brat’s feisty personality. Ergo, Snake x Brat is essentially a sugar and spice couple. So, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, my love-hate sex couples involving Ace D. Copular with Berserk Plutonium, Bud Smith with Brute Plutonium, and Sanford D. “Snake” Ingleberry with Brat Plutonium. 10. Mr. Green x Miss Sara Bellum This got on here by complete chance, as I thought that these two would not only be a great couple because they not only make great parental figures to the Rowdyruff Boys, thus making them grow up to be fine, upstanding gentlemen, but also in virtue of their interesting potential and dynamics as a couple. I could see Miss Bellum, known in my headcanon as Mrs. Sara Bellum-Green, wearing the pants in this relationship because of her overall savviness, strong personality, and her experience at hand-to-hand combat with Sedusa in “Something’s A Ms.”. She would fulfill her role as a strong disciplinarian to the boys with flying colors and even be tender with Mr. Green when he needs it the most. Speaking of Mr. Green, I see him being the nurturing, comforting husband to Mrs. Bellum-Green as well as being a self-sacrificing, exceptional role model of a father to Brick, Butch, and Boomer. I figure that their dynamics as a couple would come off as flexible, full of amazing synergy, and full of the empathy that both of them have for each other. So, this off-beat, unconventional couple between a supernatural teacher and an articulate, straight-minded deputy to the mayor is definitely here to stay with me until the end of time, as I wholeheartedly approve of this pairing. 9. Professor Utonium x Miss Keane Before I shipped the Rowdyruff Boys with the Powerpuff Girls, before the beauty that is Mike Believe x Robin Snyder aka Robike, I was a hardcore shipper of Professor Utonium x Miss Keane aka ProfKeane ever since I was about seven years old. I swear the chemistry between these two educators is not only palpable but also beautiful, fun, and lovely. Sure, “Keen on Keane” was very much a ship tease episode which ended very disappointedly and I dare not spoil what happened in the ending, but, where my headcanon is concerned, Professor Utonium and Mrs. Keane-Utonium are happily married, thus making her Blossom’s, Buttercup’s, Bubbles’, and Bunny’s mother. With their superb parenting powers combined, Professor Utonium and Mrs. Keane-Utonium could certainly make Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny turn into even more upstanding ladies and equally noble superheroines. 8. Harry Pitt x Julie Bean I will admit that this pairing landed itself here because of that lovely, cute piece of fanart in courtesy of the one and only @MissEmmyJay and that was “Doodle- Assigned Dance Class Partners”. Through MJ’s magnificent piece of work, I could automatically confirm that pairing Harry Pitt with Julie Bean is really interesting. This is the classic case of the grubby, messy, grungy boy pairing up with the chubby, jovial, freckle-faced girl which I am sure is done in a lot of pieces of media or literature aimed for a teenage or pre-teen audience. Something tells me that Harry’s and Julie’s relationship would go from slight disinterest as kindergarteners to being good friends as grade-school children to showing puppy love as middle-school children to dating as high-schoolers what with Harry being the grubby jock to Julie Bean’s preppy cheerleader all the way up to college and ending up married as adults. To conclude, Harry Pitt x Julie Bean is a pairing that is the…

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My Top 5 Beloved Disney Male Slash OTPs

Happy Holidays, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages. I just want to make something clear that I go crazy for Disney male slash pairings between two canon characters whether in animated films or TV shows. Besides, I always love me some guy on guy action occurring between two handsome hunks. What more can you also expect from someone who also enjoys yaoi manga and BLCDs? Thanks to such artists like YANN-X and 04jh1911 I have become even more invested in these type of ships, even though they do not happen canonically. However, when all is said and done, Disney slash couples are a lot of fun and there is a certain appeal to them. With that said, let us cut to the chase and count down my top 5 Disney Slash OTPs of all time. Why top 5? Because these are the only ones I can ever think of. Moreover, these are the ones I am most passionate about, to the point where I would love more than anything else in the world to do more fanart of them. Keep in mind that these are my opinions, so I hope you take the time to enjoy the Disney Slash goodness. 5. Prince Adam x Prince Eric These two are my favorite Disney royal hotties of all time, The Beast in human form aka Prince Adam from “Beauty and the Beast” and Prince Eric from “The Little Mermaid”. I have always toyed around with shipping these two together because of just how appealing, plausible, and enjoyable it is. Cue the people who ship Adam with Belle and Eric with Ariel to be out for my blood in three, two, one. I basically see Adam x Eric as a classic case of an overly romantic piece of work come to life that is aimed for a tween to teen female demographic in virtue of their attractiveness and charm. If I were to write a slash fic or if someone were to write a sort of doujinshi with these two, Prince Adam would be the dominant, strong, imposing, demanding seme to Prince Eric’s carefree, easygoing, cool uke. I could really see this as a fun pairing full of fluff, roller coaster rides, and a lot of charm to make this slash pairing come to life. Moreover, I could even imagine Eric admiring the absolute heck out of Adam’s hair or even have Adam and Eric in the tub together to engage for some “action” if you know what I mean. Goodness, do I have such an interesting mind. 4. Muviro x Adonis I know I ship Muviro with Queen La from “The Legend of Tarzan” and I prefer to have Adonis from the Hercules animated show single, but, good Lord, I cannot afford to separate these two as a couple even if I tried. Think about it. Muviro is a stone-cold, jealous bastard who happens to have such a really ripped body and Adonis is a stuck-up, prissy prince with the musculature of an athlete. When one puts these two together, they would make superb chemistry in virtue of it being a love-hate relationship. Muviro would feel initially annoyed with Adonis’s snootiness and prissiness and would, therefore, give him such a deadly scowl that would make Adonis crap his pants out. Meanwhile, Adonis would initially find Muviro to be frightening, mean, and repulsive. However, as time goes by, they could end up dropping each others’ defenses and find out that there is something admirable about each other. Muviro is so going to be on top of this relationship due to the fact that his rock-hard, muscular body could be put to great use as a fighter, especially when he wrestled with Tarzan and had his epic battle with Basuli at the elephant graveyard, and Adonis would definitely admire Muviro because of his said buff bod and warrior attitude. Plus, I think it is rather cute to think about Muviro protecting his precious, sexy Prince Adonis from anyone who dares to defile him. 3. Li Shang x Hercules Captain Li Shang from “Mulan” and Hercules from “Hercules” have been my childhood crushes ever since I was a six-year-old boy. You could say it has something to do with their rippling muscles, their handsome countenances, their overall lovability as characters, and/or even the fact that Shang was voiced by the magnificent B.D. Wong and Herc was voiced by the fine Tate Donovan, as their sexy, charming voices were put to great use for these gentlemen. Combining Shang’s authoritative, focused, determined, dashing nature with Herc’s brand of sexiness, courage, and boy scout nature is a totally genius idea, as there is going to be some interesting dynamics occurring between the tall and dashing captain of the Chinese army and the heroic Greek demigod. There is no darn surprise that Shang is going to be on top of this relationship, as his authority, experience, and sense of duty and responsibility are components as to what makes Shang an ideal male partner for Hercules. That does not mean that Herc would end up being overly submissive in this relationship, as his muscles are certainly useful, especially when these two go into the heat of battle. Speaking of heat, I am also confident that their moments of intimacy will be a combination of sweet and spicy. 2. Namontack x Basuli The most underutilized Disney muscle hunk and best friend to the third wheel, Kocoum, from “Pocahontas” pairing up with the most underrated best friend to the main hero, Tarzan, from “The Legend of Tarzan”, what could be better than this? Yes, dear readers, I am a huge sucker of pairing up two muscular men together as a couple. In my opinion, I do believe Namontack x Basuli could work not only because of the fact that these two are skilled warriors but because I believe their relationship could be fleshed-out and it would be a nice one at that. On the outside, they could use their imposingly muscular bodies and…

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My Top 10 Inuyasha OTPs That I Will Never Tire Of

Happy Holidays, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages. Let us briefly talk about my experience with Inuyasha. This was an anime that I was rather fascinated with when I was an eleven-year-old boy and continued to like it when I was a teenager, especially considering that my gateway episode was “Episode 43: Tetsusaiga Breaks” with the shining moment being Inuyasha’s transformation into a full yokai with red eyes and purple stripes on his cheeks after Goshinki bit off his sword, Tetsusaiga. As I grew, I continued to watch a lot more episodes on Adult Swim and even the movies, thus heightening my fascination for this show and how much fun I was having with it. I grew to like the characters, especially Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Bankotsu, Sango, Miroku, Souta, Rin, Jaken, and Kagura, and hate some others too, most notably Naraku. Now as someone in my twenties, I have seen that although there is still an enjoyable factor in terms of nostalgia and having so much fun with it, there are some flaws to be found. There are some filler episodes I never cared for, the whole Status Quo is God card being used, thus not fully fleshing out certain characters, and even Kagome’s occasionally abusive treatment towards Inuyasha, especially with the “Sit, boy!” command with the Beads of Subjugation. Sure, Inuyasha and Kagome can have their moments, but other times, it is just back to bickering and grumbling. I honestly do not understand why InuKag is so well-loved when it is so clear that their “relationship” just seems to fall back into bad habits, which is why InuKag is definitely my NoTP for life, as there are so many other better pairings than this overrated one. This is why I have come up with a list of 10 Inuyasha OTPs I will never tire of in any shape or form. I know some of you who follow me here on DeviantArt are aware that I am so passionate about my ships. So, in this entry, which is also a Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution, I will talk about why I love and ship these particular couples. I am also fully aware that Inuvember may not for another eleven months, but it still gives me the chance to shed light on these Inuyasha OTPs of mine and share with you, my dear readers, the love and passion I have for them. Maybe I might end up having a go at doing more fanart of them seeing how I might not stop talking about them. With that said, sit back, relax, and enjoy. Keep in mind that this is my list, so take it for what it is and do understand that these are my opinions. If you have an OTP you like that is either from this list or not, please post it on the comments below. Thank you and enjoy. 10. Shippou x Souten Yes, I know there are people out there who do not care for Shippou because he ends up being rather cowardly in battle, but he is still just a young child when all is said and done. When being paired up with someone like Souten, I can see Shippou being a little bit more tolerable mostly thanks to how well they work off of each other. As children, they would certainly have a playful way of showing affection while being rather mischievous. As they grow up, they would retain their mischievousness but combine it with a few sweet, gentle moments when they are alone together. I even figure that their kits would be as feisty, fun-loving and cheeky as they are when they were young. 9. Souta x Kanna First of all, I would like to thank Lance-the-young and tailfluffgirl for getting me invested with this particular pairing, as I have been shipping them ever since I was fourteen years old. I am actually surprised this particular pairing based on them being polar opposites of each other still holds up to this very day in my eyes. Combining Souta’s inquisitive, outgoing, friendly nature with Kanna’s reserved, introverted, quiet personality seems like a pretty fascinating and intriguing idea. I have always seen this as a really cute, interesting couple and I enjoy it a lot more than having Souta pair up with Hitomi, as it makes for more interesting dynamics. Kanna would not have to be so much of a reserved introvert and can always be on Souta’s side through thick and thin, thus opening up to him a lot more and showing more trust which then develops into affection, while Souta can prove himself brave, selfless, and strong in the face of battle thanks to her support and they can protect each other from all obstacles, thus showing a strong bond that they could have for each other and stick together in good times and in bad times and healthily breaking each others’ barriers down. 8. Kohaku x Rin Another pairing that I have been shipping as a fourteen-year-old boy that has held up to this day? Oh, heavens, yes! Kohaku x Rin is a couple I will support, defend, cherish, and adore to the ends of the earth until the day I die. I know darn well I will not let this couple go in virtue of how genuine, sweet, down-to-earth, and lovely they are together. What I love about this couple is that there seems to be barely any arguments going on with them and their relationship is on the normal, humble, and lovely side, which makes my support for Kohaku and Rin as an item all the more legitimate. Rin could indubitably reach out to Kohaku’s more sympathetic and human side, while Kohaku can feel more comfortable and at ease with being with someone as optimistic and jolly as Rin. This is essentially a relationship that begins with youthful puppy love, builds up to adolescent admiration and delightful dating, then has marriage as the apotheosis and has Rin bearing Kohaku’s progeny as the icing…

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En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor A Capella

¡Feliz Navidad y Un Año Nuevo Feliz, compañeras y compañeros! I hope you all enjoy my rendition of Joaquín Rodrigo’s En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor, which has been performed by a lot of classical crossover singers including Andrea Bocelli and Il Divo. I would also love to thank my paternal auntie, Melinda Garcia, for filming this. Moreover, my paternal grandma, Nena Garcia, was really overjoyed to have heard this song that tears rolled down her eyes.

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Zane’s Got Your Back

This piece of Zane fanart, which is part of my art trade with my very good friend and sister from another mother Dolo aka PowerpuffObsessed, is dedicated to the one and only Zane aka ZaneRowdyruff who celebrated his birthday yesterday. So, Zane, I hope you had a wonderful, grand, and exquisite birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, abundance, and beauty in everything you do as an artist and as a person. Como se dice en español, espero que tu hayas tenido un maravilloso, grande y exquisito cumpleaños. Te deseo much amor, felicidad, abunancia y belleza en todo que tú haces como artista y persona.   I have to say that enjoy making Zane’s OC Zane the Rowdyruff Boy because of how I had to make sure that I got the right characterization, attitude, stance, and everything about him that makes him awesome and fun. I figure that he would make a nice addition to my Team Xtreme universe as one of Brick’s, Butch’s, Bommer’s, Blossom’s, Buttercup’s, and Bubbles’ greatest ally of all time. Since he is fifteen years old and Brick, Butch, and Boomer are twenty-six years old, Blossom and Buttercup are twenty-five years old, and Bubbles is twenty-four years old, I think he would make a nice apprentice to them and he would look up to them as his greatest sources of inspiration, thus giving them a lot of respect and admiration and the team respecting him back in virtue of his extraordinary powers that while in the process of development shows exceptional promise.   So, Zane, I hope you like my idea for your OC in my Rowdyruff x Powerpuff Headcanon. Happy Holidays and I will see you on the flipside, man.   The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.   Zane belongs to ZaneRowdyruff.

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OTP Ships from each Fandom Ahoy!

Happy Holidays, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages. I know a lot of my readers on DeviantArt are aware of how much I love, treasure, and keep my most beloved character shippings close to my heart. I also know how much I happen to show an insane amount of passion when it comes to my OTPs from each fandom. Sure, I know how much it can be a bit of a nuisance but sometimes I cannot help it. For this holiday season and as my Red Ribbon Reviewers written blog contribution, I want to spread and share the love I have for my OTPs that I will never tire from. I am sure you wonderful readers have OTP pairings you cherish the most. Please do post them down on the comments below if you agree with any of them because it is awesome to have different tastes and opinions from all across the border. Anyway, let the holiday love-sharing for the OTPs start….now! The Powerpuff Girls Brick x Buttercup Butch x Blossom Butch x Bubbles Mitch x Bunny Boomer x Blossom Boomer x Bubbles Mike Believe x Robin Snyder Professor Utonium x Miss Keane Mr. Green x Miss Sara Bellum Elmer Sglue x Mary Harry Pitt x Julie Bean The Mayor x His Wife Hanout x Pablo Ace x Berserk Bud Smith x Brute Snake x Brat Major Man x Sedusa Dexter’s Laboratory Mandark x DeeDee Dexter x Lalavava Douglas Mordecai x Vicky Mr. McPherson x Mrs. McPherson Toshi x Soyen Krunk x She-Thing Courage the Cowardly Dog Courage x Shirley Kitty x Bunny Eustace Bagge x Muriel Bagge Goose God x Storm Goddess Samurai Jack Aku x High Priestess Jack x Ashi The Scotsman x His Wife The Emperor x His Wife Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy Kevin x Edd Rolf x Ed Jonny x May Jimmy x Sarah Lee x Nazz Eddy x Marie Scooby-Doo Shaggy Rogers x Daphne Blake Fred Rogers x Velma Dinkley Hey Arnold! Arnold Shortman x Phoebe Heyerdahl Gerald Johanssen x Rhonda Wellington Lloyd Harold Berman x Patty Smith Stinky Peterson x Sheena Sid x Nadine Alan Redmond x Helga G. Pataki Grandpa Phil x Grandma Gertie Miles Shortman x Stella Shortman Chocolate Boy x Timberly Tucker Wittenberg x Eugene Horovitz Peapod Kid x Park Robert x Siobhan As Told by Ginger Carl Foutley x Noelle Sussmann Hoodsey Bishop x Macie Lightfoot Orion x Courtney Gripling Darren Patterson x Ginger Foutley Wil Patterson x Simone Dr. Dave x Lois Foutley Avatar the Last Airbender Aang x Katara Sokka x Suki Zuko x Mai Haru x Toph Jet x Ty Lee Chan x Azula Ruon-Jian x Yue Longshot x Meng Avatar the Legend of Korra Korra x Asami Adventure Time Jake the Dog x Lady Rainicorn Marceline the Vampire Queen x Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum Finn the Human x The Flame Princess Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball Simon Petrikov x Betty Regular Show Mordecai x CJ Rigby x Eileen Mitch x Starla Thomas the Goat Man x Margaret The Amazing World of Gumball Richard Watterson x Nicole Watterson Gumball x Penny Darwin x Carrie Ben 10 Kevin Levin x Gwen Tennyson Ben Tennyson x Kai Green Charmcaster x Julie Yamamoto Sym Bionic Titan Lance x Ilana Kim Possible Ron Stoppable x Kim Possible Señor Senior, Junior x Bonnie Rockwaller Brick Flagg x Zita Flores Josh Mankey x Tara Wade Load x Monique Hirotaka x Yori Motor Ed x Shego Invader Zim Zim x Gaz Recess! TJ Detwiler x Ashley Spinelli Mikey x Gretchen Gus x Cornchip Girl The Weekenders Tino x Lor Kirk x Penny Pepper Ann Craig x Pepper Ann Bud x Nicky Gravity Falls Dipper x Pacifica Soos x Wendy Marius x Mabel Star vs The Forces of Evil Tom x Star Marco x Jackie Cowboy Bebop Spike Spiegel x Faye Valentine Jet Black x Alisa Laputa: Castle in the Sky Pazu x Sheeta Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli Mowgli x Jumeirah Texhnolyze Ichise x Ran Wolf’s Rain Tsume x Blue Kiba x Cheza Hige x Miu Toboe x Leara Hubb x Cher Gundam Seed Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne Athrun Zala x Cagalli Yula Athha Rurouni Kenshin Kenshin x Kaoru Sanosuke x Sayo Tantei Gakuen Q Ryu Amakusa x Megumi Minami Kyu Renjou x Kaoru Ichinose Kintaro Toyama x Akane Minami Yutaka Saburomaru x Sakurako Yukihira Hayato Shiramine x Kuniko Touya Bleach Ichigo x Rukia Chad x Orihime Yoruichi x Soi-Fon Toshiro Hitsugaya x Nemu Kurotsuchi YuYu Hakusho Yusuke x Hiei Kurama x Keiko Kuwabara x Yukina Jin x Mukuro Sakkyo x Shizuru Shishiwakamaru x Touya Koto x Juri Inuyasha Inuyasha x Ayame Ginta x Shunran Sesshoumaru x Kagura Kouga x Sango Bankotsu x Kagome Higurashi Kuranosuke Takeda x Kaguya-Hime Miroku x Kikyou Hakkaku x Karan Hojo x Koharu Kohaku x Rin Souta Higurashi x Kanna Hakudoshi x Satsuki Shippou x Souten Hoshiyomi x Tsukiyomi Revolutionary Girl Utena Utena x Anthy Juri x Shiori Touga x Ruka Souji x Kaoru Chrono Crusade Chrono x Rosette Christopher Joshua Christopher x Azmaria Hendric Fullmetal Alchemist Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell Alphonse Elric x May Chang Kain Fuery x Rosé Thomas Hell Girl Ren Ichimoku x Hone-Onna Welcome to the NHK Tatsuhiro Sato x Misaki Nakahara Kaoru Yamazaki x Hitomi Kashiwa Xiaolin Showdown Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko Clay Bailey x Dyris Raimundo Pedrosa x Katnappé Teen Titans Robin x Raven Speedy x Starfire Beastboy x Terra Cyborg x Bumblebee Aqualad x Sarasim Kid Flash x Jinx Malchior x Blackfire Jericho x Kole Thunder x Pantha Lightning x Argent The Emperor’s New Groove Pacha x Chicha Kuzco x Malina Kronk x Birdie Disney’s The Legend of Tarzan Muviro x Queen La Robert Canler x Lady Waltham Ian Doyle x Abby Markham Stanley Obrowski x Naomi Madison Henry x Greenley Ayakashi Samurai Horror Tales Zushonosuke x Tomihime Gurren Lagann Simon x Nia Kamina x Yoko Viral x Adiane Clannad Tomoya x Nagisa Cardcaptor Sakura Li Syaoran x Sakura Kinomoto Mei Ling x Tomoyo Yukito x Touya Sailor Moon Mamoru…

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