Fairly OddGamer Reviews

The Fairly OddGamer – Classic Christmas Calamity

It’s not a holiday special without enjoying a few holiday TV specials… especially when they have video-game tie-ins. Are the games any good? Be sure you watch the video and find out. Special thanks to TiClaStudios‬ and maizie0201 for designing the title card, ‪Shadowflare for helping me out with the script, and Anthony LoGatto for voicing Scrooge McDuck for the video as well as Patreon shout-outs.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Shadow the Hedgehog

To celebrate the Year of Shadow as well as the third Sonic movie that just got released, it’s only fitting that I talk Shadow the Hedgehog… via his own game. But of course, I’m also joined by ‪@ZeroKnight95‬ and ‪@game84cube‬, a couple of Shadow fans who also have… certain memories of this game. But is this game really any good? Be sure you watch the video and find out! Special thanks to GABS SAM ( for designing the title card, ‪@LandyRShambles‬ for voicing Sonic for the review as well as our Patreon shoutouts, and ‪@Electrik465‬ for the “Shadow” animation. And a very special thanks to our guest cameos: Kirk Thornton ( as Shadow, and Keith Silverstein ( as Vector.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Disney Illusion Island

At long last, I get to finish off the Illusion series with Disney Illusion Island for the Nintendo Switch… with some help from ‪@Shadoflare64‬ and ‪@Sonicify‬. How does this game fare with the previous titles? Be sure to watch the video and find out. Special thanks to ‪@TheEggPaladin‬ and Alan Peterson ( for designing the title card, Jonathan Hurt ( for the “Disney’s Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties” artwork, ‪@ottagol1985‬ for voicing Scrooge McDuck for this video’s Patreon shoutouts, and finally ‪@Redfireball555‬ for providing the voice of Donald Duck for the video!

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Our tenth-anniversary Team Night Saturn livestream is now available on YouTube with timestamps. Thank you so much, my dear Team Night Saturn colleagues, for giving me the opportunity to host the stream. I also hope that all of you wonderful viewers enjoy watching the entire stream with timestamps, and please let us which is your favorite part. Cheers and here’s to ten more years of Team Night Saturn.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (w/ Zero Knight)

I’ve returned to the galaxy far, far away as I review “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed”! Once again, I’m joined by @ZeroKnight95. Is the force strong enough for us to take in this game? Make sure you watch the review and find out! Special thanks to @BlueBlurHedgehog20 for designing the title card and to @331Erock for this amazing rock cover of the “Star Wars” end credits theme.

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We continue #marchio with Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island for the Super NES, once again with Shadowflare . Does it still hold up today? Make sure you watch the video and find out. Also, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe. Special thanks to Alan Peterson for designing the title card, Landy for voicing Sonic for the review as well as Patreon, Cielito Mascots for the Sonic costume, and finally Sergeant16Bit and PaulyBFromDa303 for helping out with the March-io intro.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Super Mario World (w/ Shadowflare)

Be sure to subscribe to my guest reviewer: @shadowflare64 We continue March-io with Super Mario World, a game that launched Nintendo’s 16-bit console, the Super NES. But does this game still hold up after over thirty years? Make sure you watch the video and find out. Special thanks to @BlueBlurHedgehog20 for designing the title card, Disfraces Yazmin for the Donald Duck costume, and once again to @sergeant16bit and @paulybfromda303 for helping out with the “March-io” intro.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Super Mario Bros. All Stars

It’s the beginning of March-io in which I and fellow Mario fan Shadowflare review Mario games throughout the whole month. We start off with the classic games that made the Italian plumber the video game character he is today… on the NES (with a small bonus game for the Super NES). Do these games still hold up today? Make sure you watch the video and find out. Special thanks to Alan Peterson for designing the title card, Anthony LoGatto and LandyRS for voicing Scrooge McDuck and Sonic the Hedgehog (for Patreon), and finally Sergeant16Bit and PaulyBFromDa303 for helping out with this amazing “March-io” intro.

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The Fairly OddGamer – The Polar Express

This is the Polar Express… the video game tie-in! Based on the cult classic holiday movie adapted from a classic holiday children’s book. But is the video game tie-in as good (if not better) than the movie and/or the book it was based upon? Make sure you check you the review and find out. Special thanks to Luenud Creaciones for designing the title card.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Muppet Monster Adventure

As a “Post” Halloween special, the Gamer gets to relive his love for the Muppets by reviewing Muppet Monster Adventure for the original PlayStation. But does this game still hold up after 20+ years? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to Alan Peterson ( for designing the title card as well as voicing Oogie Boogie for Patreon shout-outs, and @PaulyBFromDa303for the musical arrangements of this year’s Scary OddGamer intro. And very special thanks to our puppet cameos: Marty Monster of @The Bingel Puppet Troupe, @Bean Monster, Terrance (…, and Melody Monster (@CoolSwartzx123 :D).

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