The Fairly OddGamer – Super Mario World (w/ Shadowflare)

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We continue March-io with Super Mario World, a game that launched Nintendo’s 16-bit console, the Super NES. But does this game still hold up after over thirty years? Make sure you watch the video and find out.

Special thanks to @BlueBlurHedgehog20 for designing the title card, Disfraces Yazmin for the Donald Duck costume, and once again to @sergeant16bit and @paulybfromda303 for helping out with the “March-io” intro.


  • Created by Lucas Bradley, it's based off the Nickelodeon show, The Fairly Oddparents, but with a complete role reversal. The Gamer (performed by Bradley) is an average guy that no one understands, except that he has magical powers courtesy of his wand. His loyal companion Huxgamr (also performed by Bradley), is wise and courageous but also energetic and outgoing.

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