Welcome to the Lions’ Den drawn by me

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This piece of RRB/PPG fanart, known in my headcanon as the superhero team Team Xtreme, is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, Petia or jailbaitCAT, who is celebrating her birthday. So, jailbaitCAT, I hope you enjoy my gift to you. Your Rowdyruff Boys/Powerpuff Girls fanart is completely amazing and entertaining and they leave me with a huge smile on my face. I wish you a great birthday and lots of love to you.

It is commonplace that lions stick and fight together as one pride. Well, for Team Xtreme they are proof positive. Moreover, it looks like our dear Team Xtreme members have gone feral, as in they are acting like lions roaring at the top of their lungs and protecting their pride against any trespasser. Their prey of choice would usually be vandals, arsonists, robbers, demons, monsters, and all types of villains who dare disturb their peace. They also hunt for the usual antelope, zebra, and buffalo much like every lion.

Brick and Butch are the Alpha Males of this pride. Their fierceness, strength, and ferocity are legendary. If any invader dares to trespass or disturb the peace, these muscular warriors will not hesitate to sound the call by beating their chests complete with their earth-shattering roars and let their teammates come to arms. In terms of their relationship with each other, they enjoy testing their strength and engaging in close-contact battles with each other to prove who the stronger Alpha Male really is. They are also tough on their younger brother, Boomer, but tender to their mates, Blossom and Buttercup, and even playful to their youngest teammate, Bubbles.

Boomer may not be that much of an Alpha Male like his older brothers but he is very reliable in terms of his incredible strength and speed. Brick and Butch love to show their dominance by flexing their muscles at Boomer. He would retaliate by flexing back at them and challenging them to a wrestling match. Back when he was a cub, he would always lose to Brick and Butch. However, now as a full-grown adult, he manages to show his older brother who they should never mess with. While he has a mate in Bubbles, he also likes to get it on with Blossom and Buttercup with his older brothers’ approval, as they know how close he is to all of the girls.

Blossom and Buttercup function as the queens of their tribe. Their authority, courage, fierceness, and combat prowess are indubitably unrivaled. Blossom bears intuition, intellect, and agility which make her reliable in planning attacks. On the other hand, Buttercup bears a warrior’s pride, as she loves a good challenge. Seeing as they are Brick’s and Butch’s mates, though they also trade mates from time to time, Blossom and Buttercup ensure that they do not do anything rash, thus having their agility and speed be a perfect complement to Brick’s and Butch’s brawns. They are also tender to Boomer, as they see that underneath his brawny shell lies a kind soul who is willing to protect their pride.

Bubbles may be the youngest and the sweetest on the outside, but anger her and she will unleash her unbridled fury on those who oppose her. She’s playful and respectful to Brick and Butch, loving and tender towards Boomer, as he is her mate, and extremely close to her older sisters, Blossom and Buttercup. Moreover, she loves to ensure the peace within their pride.

Well, I hope you enjoy this. Now, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, any last words for our viewers?

Brick: Yeah.

Butch: We got this to say.

Boomer: And we hope you listen.

Blossom: And look closely.

Buttercup: Because if you don’t…

Bubbles: Well, let’s just say something unpleasant might happen.

(Brick and Butch raise their arms up in the air then stretch them sideways. After that, they flex their biceps.)

Brick and Butch: Grrrrr…..ROOOOOARRR!!!!!!

(Brick and Butch then take a deep breath and beat their chests complete with Tarzan’s signature ululation.)

Brick and Butch: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

(Boomer flexes his pecs while putting one knee on the ground.)

Boomer: Grrrrr…

(Boomer then flexes his bicep.)


(Blossom gets into a crouching position and raises her hand, as if though she were going to claw he prey.)

Blossom (starts hissing, then…): ROAAAAAARRRR!!!!

(Buttercup gets herself into her combat stance with claws unleashed.)

Buttercup: ROAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!!

(Bubbles prepares herself to lunge and unleashes her claws.)


Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Grrrrr…

Bubbles (cheerily): Oh, by the way.

Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Happy birthday, Petia aka jailbaitCAT! We hope you have an awesome birthday. Take care and lots of love from all of us.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this. Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare for a Spanish exam tomorrow. As we say in Spanish, hasta la próxima y Buenas Noches.

Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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