OT4 Death Match: Gallant Guardians vs Brawling Bruisers

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Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Animation fans of all ages! You are all invited to witness this transatlantic four-person superpowered MMA battle between Tokyo, Japan’s very own Gallant Guardians and Townsville, USA’s very own Brawling Bruisers! This battle is going to be exciting, as we have four supernatural warriors squaring off against four superheroes. Hold on to your, hats, folks, because the temperature is about to rise and pulses are about to accelerate!

So, here are the team members, and give them a round of applause!

On the topmost layer standing behind a green background are the members of the Gallant Guardians.
Inuyasha “The Beastly Executioner”, aged 35
Ginta “The Dashing Warlord”, aged 34
Ayame “The Fiery Whirlwind”, aged 32
Shunran “The Spring Mirage”, aged 31

On the bottom layer behind a red background are the members of The Brawling Bruisers.
Brick “The Lord High Bludgeoner” Green, aged 26
Butch “The Baron of Brawn” Green, aged 26
Blossom “The Commander and the Leader” Utonium-Green, aged 25
Buttercup “The Toughest Fighter” Utonium-Green, aged 25

Now with that said, here’s the order of who they are going to individually fight against.

Inuyasha vs Brick- We got two strong-willed, hotheaded big guys squaring off against each other. This is going to be fun.

Ginta vs Butch- It’s strength and speed against pure muscle. Who comes out alive will be determined by this match.

Ayame vs Blossom- It’s a clash consisting of grace, beauty, tact, toughness, endurance, and stamina. These ladies certainly have it made for each other.

Shunran vs Buttercup- Delicate yet mischievous feminity clashing against hardcore tomboyishness. I believe the mostly male demographic is wholly prepared for something like this.

What are you waiting for, folks? Comment below of which OT4 is going to come out alive from this epic match. And now… LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!

Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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