Mighty Morphin Inurangers Heroes (Seasons 1 to 3)

Hello, everybody. Antoni here. Ever since I have been binge-watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Inuyasha (specifically Episodes 75, 76, 77, 83, 84, 99, and 102), Texhnolyze, Wolf’s Rain, YuYu Hakusho, and many other anime series as well as Power Rangers instalments I could name off the top of my head, I have been thinking what would happen if I combined Power Rangers with my favourite anime series. I would get Inurangers because this is an amalgamation of Inuyasha and Power Rangers, especially when it kicks off with seven of my most favourite Inuyasha characters of all time who go under the group name of The Splendid Seven. Unlike most of the original Power Ranger instalments where there would be a total of five to six members, each of the Inurangers instalments would consist of seven members at the least to a whopping eleven members in total, especially when the seven main Power Rangers colours–red, green, white, black, blue, yellow, and pink–are involved. Therefore, this is the result of what would happen if Inurangers were a union project and based their footage on both Zyuranger and Dairanger yet use their own original footage. What better way to kick this off with the first team-up of 2000’s Mighty Morphin Inurangers. No worries, Zordon fans, Zordon is going to remain as the Inurangers’ commissioner alongside Alpha 5.   Seeing that Inuyasha the anime started in 2000 in real time, I figured that the Inurangers franchise would commence the same year as well. As for which network would air this show, instead of Fox Kids, Mighty Morphin Inurangers would end up airing on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. I hope you enjoy the Mighty Morphin Inuranger team-ups from Seasons 1 to 3 as well as the Mighty Morphin Makai Ranger team-up I have in store for you all.   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 1 (2000–2001) The series that started it all with that iconic theme song only if you replace “Go go Power Rangers” with “Go go Inurangers”. This is also the series that introduced the seven teenage Yokai warriors with attitude consisting of two dog Yokai warrior brothers Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, their three adoptive brothers male panther Yokai warrior Shuran as well male wolf Yokai warriors Hakkaku and Ginta, Sesshoumaru’s sister-in-law and Inuyasha’s wife female wolf Yokai warrior Ayame, and Shuran’s and Hakkaku’s sister-in-law, Ginta’s wife, and Ayame’s younger adoptive sister female panther Yokai warrior Shunran. Instead of Tommy’s tenure as the Green Ranger debuting in Season 1 Episode 17 as well as his tenure as the White Ranger debuting in Season 2 Episode 17, the White Tigerzord and the Green Dragonzord Rangers already coexist in this very season, especially since the very first episode, and last throughout not only MMIR Season 1 but also throughout Seasons 2 and 3. This means there are already seven Power Coins intended for the seven Yokai warriors. The original members are as follows. Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Inuranger, the bold and powerful 18-year-old leader of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and the Inuranger version of Jason Lee Scott who commands the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. (Japanese Voice Actor: Kappei Yamaguchi/English Voice Actor: Richard Ian Cox). Shuran the Green Dragonzord Inuranger, the mighty and strong 18-year-old second-in-command of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and the Inuranger version of Tom Oliver or Tommy Oliver’s tenure as the Green Ranger who commands the Dragonzord (Japanese Voice Actor: Masaya Takatsuka/English Voice Actor: Scott Logie). Sesshoumaru the White Tigerzord Inuranger, the fierce and determined 19-year-old co-leader of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and the Inuranger version of Tommy Oliver, especially during his tenure as the White Ranger, who commands the Tigerzord (Japanese Voice Actor: Ken Narita/English Voice Actor: David Kaye). Hakkaku the Black Mastodon Inuranger, the clever and brave 17-year-old funnyman of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and the Inuranger version of Zack Taylor who commands the Mastodon Dinozord (Japanese Voice Actor: Daisuke Kishio/English Voice Actor: Alistair Abell). Ginta the Blue Triceratops Inuranger, the patient and wise 17-year-old charmer of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and the Inuranger version of Billy Cranston who commands the Triceratops Dinozord (Japanese Voice Actor: Hiroyuki Yoshino/English Voice Actor: Paul Dobson). Ayame the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Tiger Inuranger, the 15-year-old fearless and agile fighter of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and the Inuranger version of Trini Kwan who commands the Sabre-Toothed Tiger Dinozord (Japanese Voice Actress: Yumi Kakazu/English Voice Actress: Natalie Walters). Shunran the Pink Pterodactyl Inuranger, the 13-year-old graceful and smart genius gymnast of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, and Inuranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart who commands the Pterodactyl Dinozord (Japanese Voice Actress: Yuki Masuda/English Voice Actress: Jocelyne Loewen). There would be no doubt that the biggest highlight would be having the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, especially Inuyasha as the Red Ranger, shout out “It’s Morphin’ Time!”, thus leading to the Morphin Time roll calls before they transform into the Inurangers. Imagine hearing Ken Narita, Masaya Takatsuka, Daisuke Kishio, Yuki Masuda, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Yumi Kakazu, and Kappei Yamaguchi on the Japanese track and/or David Kaye, Scott Logie, Alistair Abell, Jocelyne Loewen, Paul Dobson, Natalie Walters, and Richard Ian Cox on the English track emitting the Morphin Time roll calls. Let us also not forget about the Putty fights, the MMIR version of the Power Cannon or the Inu Cannon that combines Inuyasha’s Inu Sword that is more like Tessaiga, Ayame’s Inu Daggers, Ginta’s Inu Lance, Shunran’s Inu Bow, Hakkaku’s Inu Axe, Shuran’s Inu Dragon Dagger, and Sesshoumaru’s Inu Saba Sword that acts more like Tenseiga, and even combining all seven of their Zords to create the Megazord. That would be great nostalgia incarnate combined with all of the kick-butt action and fun. Even more fun would be Princess Kaguya headlining the villains as the Inurangers’ version of Rita Repulsa and Kotatsu being the Inurangers’ version of Finster who creates the Putty Patrol and various monsters that the Inurangers have to fight against.   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 2 (2001–2002) The original seven Inurangers are still going to be intact. As opposed to what happened to Austin…

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In this episode of Jack Skyblue Reviews I’ll be talking about the infamous mid-credits scene and I’ll go out of my way to defend the biggest criticisms people brought up. People will certainly disagree with my take, but who knows? Maybe this video will  make some of you view the mid-credits scene in a new light. Regardless: I hope you’ll enjoy the video.

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30th Birthday Gratitude to Everyone

Hello, everybody. Antoni here. It’s been two days since I turned thirty years old. This decade in my life is already starting to become more interesting than I thought, and I know fully well that it is going to present challenges along the way. These challenges are going to help me grow as an artist, a content creator, a performer specialising in singing, acting, and voice acting; a media, film, television, literature, music, anime, and cartoon aficionado; a critic focusing on film, television, music, and animation; a student majoring in English and minoring in Musicology, and an overall person. For that, I say stoke the fire, feed the flame, light up the vessel, and name the game because I am more than pumped up to give myself the kick up the backside as a means for me to be more determined than ever. I want to thank each and every one of you who greeted me for my 30th birthday. You definitely helped me make my transition to this new decade called my 30s more worthwhile, and I am looking forward to the new challenges that are set before me. I am in that conflicting mixture between anticipation and uncertainty, but I am more than happy to accept anything and everything that will help me to keep on thriving as I live my life. Regardless of who you are, relative, friend, colleague, teacher, mentor, fellow reviewer, fellow artist, fellow voice actor, fellow singer, fellow actor, fellow content creator, and/or fellow aficionado of media, film, television, literature, music, anime, and cartoons, I am very blessed and grateful for the birthday greetings you have given me, and I too wish you abundance, encouragement, and beauty in all of your lives. Reaching 30 has also made me realise just how far I have come. I went through pre-school, kindergarten, grade school, middle school, and high school from 3 to 18 in Cebu, Philippines through different schools. By the time High School came into play, I experienced what it was like to strive and struggle to get through the day, achieve my dreams, and acquire everything I wanted with so much hard work, specifically when my junior and senior years have seen me be a student teacher for two days and, despite me not graduating at the top of my class, I ended up graduating with honours, which was the best thing to ever happen to me as a teenager. Yes, there was the obligatory bullying, condescension, ruthlessness, nastiness, cattiness, and gut-wrenching snideness that was inflicted on me time and time again that still made me reel at those who were horrible enough to test my patience, mercy, and kindness, but Karma really had a way of turning things around in my favour for better or for worse. I went through vocational training as an actor at age 19 in film school before turning 20 also in Cebu. At age 20, I furthered my actor’s training for over three years here in Berlin. Three months before I turned 24, I did the German equivalent of a GED known as Abitur for Erwachsene and knew what it was like to fully integrate into the German system of education. At 27, I ended up being accepted into Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, with me ending up in the latter. I have never regretted any of these decisions ever since because these institutions made me embrace how harsh yet necessary experience is as my personal teacher and how I can turn all of what I am passionate about into career paths and make something productive of myself. Outside my educational endeavours, I have also learned what it was like to grow my own content through vlog-style reviews with a focus on opera, concerts, musicals, ballet, anime, film, cartoons, and live action shows, drawing fan art, writing opinionated discourses revolving around least to most favourite animated characters and pairings whether in Western cartoons or Japanese anime, and doing my best to engage my audience as well as use the skills I had in singing, acting, voice acting, and drawing to make something of myself. I have come to enjoy partaking in discussions and discourses with my watchers, my friends, my fellow content creators, and my fans regarding anime, cartoons, television shows, films, comics, opera, and musicals on a critical level because part of entertainment is also about reflecting on what we as viewers and readers consume on a near daily basis and realising that using nostalgia as an argument is flimsy at best, thus having to use stronger arguments to support the how and why of any reason we formulate. For that, I am entirely blessed and elated. I am also just as elated to have found my niche in developing AU headcanons for shows and comics that I have enjoyed ever since I was young and some that I have rediscovered. My most favourite one is my Splendid Seven AU headcanon starring Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran being the super strong, fiercely formidable, and terrifically tight family of Yokai warriors specialising in various martial arts, with Sesshoumaru mastering Mixed Martial Arts, Tae Kwon Do, and Brazilian Jujitsu; Inuyasha mastering Pankration, Ancient Greek Wrestling, and Ancient Greek Boxing; Ayame mastering Kickboxing, Judo, and Nippon Kempo; Shuran mastering Mongolian Wrestling, Ssireum, and Sumo Wrestling; Hakkaku mastering Muay Thai, Pradal Serey, and Kajunkenbo; Ginta mastering Lethwei, Pencak Silat, and Sanda; and Shunran mastering Capoeira, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Wing Chun. Basically, my Splendid Seven AU headcanon is what would happen if Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran formed a team, let alone family, of superhero Yokai warriors in the vein of Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters, Justice League, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, X-Men, and The Avengers. The result would be a formidable team exuding strength, confidence, and loads of unconditional love. Aside from The Splendid Seven, I am also just as excited to keep on developing my two most beloved jungle warrior…

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It’s been a while since I reviewed a game based on a toy franchise, but here’s a toy franchise that’s mostly targeted for girls. It’s Barbie riding a horse. Is this game any good? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to Luenud Creaciones (https://www.youtube.com/c/luenudcreaciones) for designing the title card, and to Anthony “A-Log” LoGatto (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmuc3UHBdqaW9W54az32EAA) for voicing Scrooge McDuck for Patreon shout-outs.

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Fat Off 20s, Hello Slimmer 30s

The only epic fail that is going to occur at this moment before I turn 30 is all the excess weight that I have been carrying for years. All attempts at dark humour aside, this “Epic Fail” T-shirt was given to me by my sister during Christmas 2011. I was over 17 stone 7 lbs (245 lbs or 111.13 kg) when I was a 19-year-old in actor’s training in IAFT. This shirt serves as a reminder of how far I have come from being a massive fatty in denial to an 11-stone-7.6-lb (161.6-lb or 73.3-kg) man with a lot of determination to live the slim life I consider myself entitled to. Therefore, the fact that my favourite shirt is getting loose on me signifies that I am proud to have lost the excess weight, but there is still a whole lot more excess weight for me to lose. I am fully aware that my lightest weight nine months ago was 11 stone 1 lb (155 lbs or 70.5 kg). I do feel really bad for falling off the wagon, but the good news is I am actually 12.57 lbs lighter than I was last year because I used to be 11 stone 13.57 lbs (167.57 lbs or 79 kg). There are some fringe benefits of maintaining my weight. Nevertheless, I do not want to rest on my laurels. My goal is to be between 9 to 10 stone (126 to 140 lbs or 57.1 to 63.5 kg), for this is still within the healthy weight range for a guy like me who stands at 5 feet 6.5 inches (1.69 metres) tall. I am determined to reach this weight and slim down even further. So what if cortisol screws me over. I am never going to give up on the slimmer me that I have been working towards for 2 years and 8 months. I may have lost a total of 5 stone 10 lbs (80 lbs or 36.3 kg) in those 2 years and 8 months, but my next goal is to lose another 1 stone 6 lbs (20 lbs or 9 kg). This means that I would reach my goal of losing a total of 7 stone 2 lbs (100 lbs or 45.4 kg). Reaching that legendary 100-lb weight loss mark would make me the happiest and healthiest person I should be. Anything more than a total of 100 lbs yet less than a total 115.75 lbs is great with me, as this would let me live the life of the slim gent I want to be. With that said, I have this to say to my excess weight. Fat off and don’t mess with my 30s. Cheers.

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My Four-Year DeviantArt Anniversary Art Summary

Happy Four-Year DeviantArt Anniversary to me, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and artists of all ages. It’s your old pal Antoni here, and I am very elated, happy, blessed, and joyous to have spent four years on DeviantArt making mostly fan art-related content for all of you. I know I was supposed to have released this on the actual day of my four-year DeviantArt anniversary, which was five days ago, but I had a lot of errands to attend to ranging from starting my new semester in university to pumping out more Inuyasha x Ayame or InuAya month content. Nevertheless, when it comes closing out the chaotic yet exciting decade in my life known as my twenties, I figured that I would compile thirty pieces of the work that I have done which have reflected me as a content creator, an artist, and as a person. I have selected pieces of fan art that revolve around my Inuyasha AU headcanon The Splendid Seven starring Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran and featuring Ichise, Ran, Kiba, and Cheza respectively from Texhnolyze and Wolf’s Rain as their best friends for life; my animated jungle brother AU headcanon starring George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli and featuring Namontack, Kocoum, and Hercules as their husbands; my comic jungle brother AU headcanon starring the Dell Comics version of Tarzan, Kavandavanda, Malb’yat, and Arok and featuring Conan of Cimmeria, Ka-Zar, and Zula as their best friends for life; and Robin x Raven as well as Zuko x Katara who are my number one OTPs respectively from Teen Titans 2003 and Avatar: The Last Airbender on a double date. Therefore, the theme I have may be more than just having muscular warrior men flaunting their bulging muscles, but also the importance of strong family ties, unconditional love, and boundless allegiance to each other. The Splendid Seven: Seven Powerful Yokai Warriors, One Tightly Knit Family The Splendid Seven is at the forefront of my fan art-related content because I always believed that Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran deserved more genuine and animosity-free relationships, more formidability and unity as a septet of powerful Yokai warriors, and, most of all, a much better show than the one they had in canon. Besides, the less said about three certain pairings I despise the most which Sesshoumaru might have theoretically found himself in but Inuyasha and Ayame were not as fortunate to have ended up in, Inuyasha’s three fake friends and one abusive life partner who I truly abominate, the wasted potential the likes of Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran had as characters, and the animosity permeating between Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha the better. With every rewatch I have endeavoured myself with Inuyasha, I cannot help but keep reminding myself that Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran deserve so much better. Hence, having them team up in my AU headcanon was actually the best move I have ever made, and I have not looked back in the slightest. This started with my undying love for Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran as my number one Inuyasha OTPs of all time thanks to InuAya’s magnificent strength and GinShun’s charming lovability, and I have made their families grow, with InuAya receiving the lion’s share, but I hope to do more Ginta x Shunran art as well as have their family grow too. In fact, Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran are my main pairings in my Splendid Seven AU headcanon, with Sesshoumaru x Ayame as my liked pairing on an innocent crush basis as well as Shuran x Shunran and Hakkaku x Shunran also qualifying as innocent crushes. Combining their romantic love life was the fascination I had with Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s strong brotherly bond; Shuran’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s durable brotherhood; Sesshoumaru’s, Shuran’s, and Hakkaku’s formidable bond as a brotherly trio; Inuyasha’s and Ginta’s supportive bond as a brotherly duo, and Ayame’s and Shunran’s unconditionally loving sisterhood. Taking it up a notch, I also made Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s adoptive brothers, thus being raised by Toga the Dog General, InuKimi, and Izayoi, and Shunran Ayame’s adoptive younger sister, thus being raised by The Wolf Elder. It is even worth mentioning that Hakkaku and Ginta have a lot more edge to their characterisation, thus gaining in formidability, resilience, and toughness in stark comparison to their canon portrayal in the show and in the manga. Even better is having Inuyasha being raised by Ayame’s grandfather and the Wolf Yokai warriors of the North, South, East, and West as a means to grow into a full-fledged Yokai warrior, grow from rambunctious boy to a muscular warrior of a man, and be the strong husband he is meant to be for Ayame, thus being a strong leader to The Splendid Seven and to the Northern Yoro Tribe alongside Ayame. Extending from this would be The Splendid Seven’s strong and supportive friendship with Kuranosuke Takeda, Hiten, Toran, Ayumi, and Karan which is just as rich and tightly knit as well as the strongest friendship they have with Ichise, Kiba, Ran, and Cheza, in which The Splendid Seven and The Fine Four join forces as The Excellent Eleven, and the former would be just as supportive of Ichise’s and Ran’s as well as Kiba’s and Cheza’s romantic relationships. All of these interpersonal strengths would also hold up when Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Shunran, Ichise, Ran, Kiba, Kiba, and Cheza start their own families, with Sesshoumaru being a single dad to three loving daughters and four courageous sons, Shuran being a single dad to seven fierce sons, Hakkaku being a single dad to seven appreciative daughters, Inuyasha and Ayame being parents to seven strong sons and seven determined daughters, Ginta and Shunran being parents to seven handsome sons and seven charming daughters, Ichise and Ran being parents to seven stealthy sons and seven knowledgable daughters, and Kiba and Cheza being parents to seven stoic…

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