Articles by Marcus_of_Denmark
These titles are getting out of hand, very long, oh but just you wait. Tabletop Reviews Ep. 100 is also coming up, it will be a big one, but a few things coming first, like the TTR Map ranking.
Lets discuss or just share opinions, theme is portant, but how is theme, thats the qustion.
What happens when you forget to post, you get to post twice in one day! wuuuuh! TTR Paris, 4th to last commercially available Ticket to ride game i need to review, just that pesky Märklin bloody expensive asswell. Ah well hope ye enjoy
No not Card sleeves or c* sleeves, but box sleeves they can fuck off, maybe i dont get the full point across, but then again maybe there isn’t a point and it is just pointless hate, call me religious. oooh satire
I am back after god knows how many months, but i am here now trying to become consistent ones again. Thank you thank you, please hold your applause.
Thought i would share a little behind the scenes picture, after about 3 hours of work, the video part is done, now i need a thumbnail and then were good to go. The file consists of about 60 cuts, 33 video files, 14 Sound files. It would be worth it, if my mic would work, but could only record thru the computer mic, so it is a bit bad.
Last ‘adult’ game, only junior left but that is difficult to get a hold off.
Because Dinosaurs