Tommy Oliver

Inuyasha’s and Tommy’s Legendary Formidability

This “What if Person became Friends” meme originally belongs to MagicalKeyPizzaDan and is dedicated to everybody who finds the idea of Inuyasha and Tommy being the best of friends, the closest of brothers from other mothers, and possessing a bond that rivals the father figure-surrogate son relationship between Uncle Phil and Will, especially with Tommy taking on Uncle Phil’s mantle and Inuyasha taking on Will’s role. Sit back, relax, and revel in Tommy’s and Inuyasha’s unparalleled genuineness as brothers until the end. I know I already talked about why I believe Inuyasha is a more credible fit for Tommy’s leadership role and long-lasting legacy as the greatest Power Ranger of all time from all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to Power Rangers Wild Force’s “Forever Red”, despite being the leader of the Mighty Morphin Inurangers like Jason Lee Scott is to his real-life Mighty Morphin Power Rangers counterparts. However, it is worth reiterating that Inuyasha is just as much of the face of the Inurangers franchise as Tommy is to the Power Rangers franchise. Where Tommy appeared in all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, the first half of Power Rangers Turbo, and led his fellow Red Rangers in “Forever Red”, Inuyasha appeared in all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Inurangers always as the Red Ranger leader, one team-up episode in Inurangers Zeo, one team-up episode in Inurangers in Space, and led his fellow Red Rangers in the Inurangers version of “Forever Red.” Therefore, Tommy’s and Inuyasha’s shared legacies as the greatest Rangers and heroes ever are thoroughly earned. Their earned reputations of being the greatest Rangers ever from their respective universes are coupled with their outstanding physical endurance. Tommy is unbeatable combat prowess incarnate, and Inuyasha is all magnificently muscular super strength, especially when they spar with each other in Pankration, Kapu Kuialua, and Combat Sambo. Inuyasha would not even hesitate to put Tommy in a physical ordeal by locking him in camel clutches, torture racks, power slams, and Full Nelsons. In retaliation, Tommy would deliver Inuyasha a grand barrage of hammer fists, double axe handles, shin kicks, and roundhouse kicks. Even with all the attacks they inflict on each other, they would never flinch. Should any felon attempt to do physical harm against Tommy and Inuyasha, they would shower loads of pain on them. When it comes to Inuyasha’s tenure as a pro-wrestler with a background in Pankration, Kapu Kuialua, Combat Sambo, and Ssireum, Tommy would always cheer for him to triumph in any arena or ring he finds himself in against more physically formidable opponents. Tommy and Inuyasha are truly unstoppable. Both Tommy and Inuyasha also have older brothers, David in Tommy’s case and Sesshoumaru in Inuyasha’s case. While David’s and Tommy’s brotherly bond is harmonious, Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s brotherly bond is fraught with challenges and tension. Nevertheless, David and Sesshoumaru would see just how rich and profound Tommy’s and Inuyasha’s friendship, let alone brotherhood, truly is. Tommy is even brave enough to stand up to Sesshoumaru and speak his mind without flinching in terms of how he will always be there to protect Inuyasha, be the best brother of another mother he can be, and forbid Sesshoumaru from harming Inuyasha. David can only agree with Tommy, as he appeals to Sesshoumaru to think long and hard about his treatment of Inuyasha. Tommy’s unquestionable staunchness to Inuyasha and David’s support for Tommy’s and Inuyasha’s brotherhood earn Sesshoumaru’s respect and encouragement. Therefore, David expresses how proud Tommy is for standing up for Inuyasha, while Sesshoumaru encourages Tommy to stick by Inuyasha’s side as his closest friend. I mentioned earlier that Tommy would be the Uncle Phil to Inuyasha’s Will Smith, and their bond approaches Uncle Phil’s and Will’s father-son relationship. This makes Tommy the unconditionally loving and fiercely protective older brother figure to Inuyasha’s impulsively rowdy and fiercely charged-up younger brother. They would always be there to protect each other from harm and strife and remain unquestionably loyal to each other. Inuyasha would look up to Tommy because of his heroism, courage, strong leadership, and unparalleled combat prowess. Tommy would encourage Inuyasha as a fighter and as a person because of his super strength, heroic leadership, Olympic-level fortitude, and muscular virility. There is no doubt that Tommy’s and Inuyasha’s brotherly bond would see them grow from strength to strength. Tommy would do his best to put Inuyasha in the straight and narrow even when they clash heads. Inuyasha would also learn a lot from Tommy while also doing his part to encourage him as a fellow warrior. Together, Tommy and Inuyasha are always going to remain by each other’s side. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and may the power protect you, everybody. Inuyasha from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. Tommy Oliver from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, and Power Rangers Turbo belongs to Saban and Toei.

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The Red Chrono Crew Rap plus Jason, Tommy, and Leo

(The Silver Hills Hip-Hop Club. A vast building that serves as a venue for several hip-hop musicians, rappers, and R&B singers to perform, especially for a huge and nearly sold-out crowd. A black limousine is parked in front of the entrance, and a throng of people are entering the club in droves. Everybody is finding their seats, with a businessman in a black blazer with black pants, black shoes, and a maroon collared shirt; a gentleman in a silver Time Force uniform, and several Silver Guardian officers seated at the very front seats. The businessman is named Albert Collins, while the Time Force officer is named Captain Logan.)   Albert Collins: This is going to be quite a performance tonight. My son is part of this rap band founded by Alex and Eric, who are also two of the finest commanders of Time Force and the Silver Guardians combined.   Captain Logan: Indeed, Mr. Collins. It would be an amusing experience seeing what talents Eric, Alex, and Wes have in rapping. I never thought that they would be into this type of urban music.   Albert: I’m confident they will perform wonderfully.   Captain Logan: So am I, sir. So am I.   (The spotlight shines on a blue mechanical owl flying from the left side of the balcony, as the audience cheers loudly. The mechanical owl is named Circuit and has a voice reminiscent of a young child, as he positions himself in the center of the stage.)   Circuit: Wow! This is quite the full house tonight. All right, ladies and gentlemen! Without further ado, please give it up for The Red Chrono Crew!   (Circuit points his right wing to his right to introduce The Red Chrono Crew consisting of Eric Myers the jet-black-haired Quantum Ranger, Alexander “Alex” Drake the jet-black-haired first Red Time Force Ranger/current Crimson Shadow Ranger, and Wesley “Wes” Collins the blond-haired second/current Red Time Force Ranger. Circuit exits to his left, as the spotlight shines on Eric standing in the center, Alex standing on the left, and Wes standing on the right and the fast-paced hip-hop beats begin. Eric, Alex, and Wes are wearing sleeveless red tank tops, khaki pants, and black and red sneakers. Alex and Wes cross their arms while moving their knees, and Eric is ready to start the rap.)   Eric: Yeah! Give it up, give it up! Silver Guardian represent!   (Eric signals the audience to cheer)   Time Force too!   (Audience cheers loudly.)   Y’all know what time it is?   (Eric points to his watch on his left wrist.)   Yeah, y’all! Now, throw your hands up high! Clinch that Quantum Power might! Name’s Eric Myers I’m on fire With my Q-Rex pumped To crush some punks! Yeah, I’m the big mac daddy. Silver Guardians represent.   (The Silver Guardians officers cheer loudly for Eric.)   Alex: Name’s Alex Drake You cannot break My du-du-duty and authority!   (Shows his Time Force badge.)   Captain Logan: Word up.   Time Force Officers: Boo-yah!   Wes: The name’s Wes Collins Don’t need no bling Got my brothers and my sister   (Lucas Kendall the Blue Time Force Ranger, Trip Regis the Green Time Force Ranger, and Katie Walker the Yellow Time Force Ranger pose alongside Wes.)   And my queen!   (Jen the Pink Time Force Ranger smiles, kisses Wes on his right cheek, and leads him on as if he were an obedient pet. After that, Jen breaks him off from being led on, as both she and Wes do some shimmies with smiles on their faces.)   Eric: Yeah! Go, homeboy! Go, homegirl! So, y’all get ready to get a clue ‘Cuz it’s time to get busy with the-   Eric, Alex, and Wes: Red Chrono Crew!   (The back of the stage explodes with red smoke, as Eric, Alex, and Wes do the rock-on sign together. The crowd cheers wildly and loudly.)   Albert: I never realized that Wes had it in him to rap so amazingly!   Captain Logan: Alex’s rhythm and timing are impeccable!   Albert: And Eric, wow, he makes a great frontman.   Eric: And, now, the latest add-ons to our Red Chrono Crew.   Alex: These guys are legends.   Wes: And our soul brothers who need no introduction.   Eric: Leo Corbett-   Alex: Tommy Oliver-   Wes: And Jason Lee Scott.   Eric, Alex, and Wes: Give it up for our radical Red Ranger brothers, y’all!   (Eric, Alex, and Wes point their fingers to their right to reveal three brown-haired men also in sleeveless red tank tops, khaki pants, and black and red sneakers entering the stage to greet the audience. The audience cheers more loudly than ever.)   Jason (to Eric, Alex, and Wes): Thanks, bros!   Tommy (to the audience): What’s up, everybody?   Leo (to the audience): We got more coming up for you! So, let’s go!   Jason: Now, everybody, go AYAH!   Audience: AYAH!   Tommy: Now, UYAH!   Audience: UYAH!   Tommy: Now, HIYA SI HIYA!   Audience: HIYA SI HIYA!   Leo: Now, everybody in the house, go AYAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!   (The audience stands up, claps, and cheers very loudly. Albert, Captain Logan, the Time Force officers, and the Silver Guardians stand up from their seats and cheer for Eric, Alex, and Wes as well as for Leo, Tommy, and Jason. Eric and Leo clasp hands and give each other a hug as do Tommy and Alex as well as Jason and Wes.)   Eric: Epic delivery, Leo.   Leo: Amazing work you did on those bars, Eric.   Alex: I love your work, Tommy.   Tommy: Alex, you were totally awesome tonight.   Wes: Dude, Jason, thanks for keeping up the ante tonight.   Jason: No prob, Wes. By the way, you were just as morphenomenal.   (Eric, Alex, and Wes take their bows as do Leo, Tommy, and Jason. The audience continues to happily cheer for all…

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