The Legend of Tarzan

Virile Muscle Brother Friendship for Life

This “What if Person became Friends” meme originally belongs to MagicalKeyPizzaDan and is dedicated to everybody who finds the idea of Zula of the Wasai, Conan of Cimmeria, Ka-Zar of the Savage Lands, and Arkon of Polemachus being best friends for life with George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli. Sit back, relax, and soak in the Bludgeoning Warlords of the Wasai Tribe’s and the Raging Feral Kings of the Waziri Tribe’s epically virile friendship and exceptional brotherhood. Overlooking the Bludgeoning Warlords of the Wasai Tribe’s and the Raging Feral Kings of the Waziri Tribe’s penchant for bodybuilding posedowns and mixed martial arts bouts based on Pankration, Vale Tudo, Mixed Martial Arts, Luta Livre, Shootfighting, Hardcore Boxing, and Hardcore Wrestling, these two groups of muscle warrior brothers possess one of the tightest friendships ever. These two groups of brothers have managed to learn a lot from each other, grow in physical strength, and take great care of each other in times of strife and joy. Zula’s compassionate warmth toward George, Conan’s unconditional attendance toward Basuli, Ka-Zar’s constant encouragement toward Tarzan, and Arkon’s consistent appreciation toward Maugli are what aid the four Waziri brothers to be attached to the Wasai brothers. Meanwhile, George’s lovable charm toward Zula, Basuli’s unwavering loyalty to Conan, Tarzan’s unapologetically fraternal love toward Ka-Zar, and Maugli’s thorough staunchness toward Arkon are also unparalleled tools of encouragement that the four Waziri brothers give to the four Wasai brothers. Zula’s, Conan’s, Ka-Zar’s, and Arkon’s friendships with George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli began as children. The Wasai Chief and Lamu the Shaman embarked on a voyage to the Waziri Tribe to visit their friends Elder Kobe, Elder Usula, and Chief Keewazi. Meanwhile, the chief’s four sons, 10-year-olds Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon, were tasked to babysit 4-year-old George, 3-year-olds Basuli and Tarzan, and 2-year-old Maugli. Zula and George enjoyed play wrestling. Conan and Ka-Zar found joy in imitating the roars of lions, leopards, and tigers. Arkon and Maugli played hide-and-seek, with Little Maugli looking up to Young Arkon because of his resourcefulness and intellect. With every visit the Wasai Chief’s four sons made to Chief Keewazi’s four sons throughout their childhood, their bond grew in allegiance and respect. During George’s, Basuli’s, Tarzan’s, and Maugli’s childhood, they were grateful to have been shielded from Young Muviro’s bullying taunts by the teenage Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon. These two groups of brothers’ strong friendship only grew more solidified throughout the years. After eight years, 18-year-olds Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon grew into well-built young men growing in musculature and virility. They were even happy to see 12-year-old George, 11-year-olds Basuli and Tarzan, and 10-year-old Maugli grow into headstrong preteens who aspired to be as strong as they were. As George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli were now in their preteens, it was time for Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon to help them further grow into the powerful fighters they were destined to be. Furthermore, Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon were also man enough to be George’s, Basuli’s, Tarzan’s, and Maugli’s guardians, thus further ensuring their safety and loyalty. Both the four Wasai brothers and the four Waziri brothers would engage in extremely physical hand-to-hand combat bouts that tested each other’s strengths and limits. From the Ancient Greek Pankration to the Brazilian Vale Tudo and Luta Livre to the Eastern Shootfighting to the more western Mixed Martial Arts, Hardcore Boxing, and Hardcore wrestling, both groups of brothers grew stronger physically, mentally, and psychologically. A routine had been established for Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon as well as George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli who functioned well into their adult years. They would build muscle, engage in hand-to-hand combat, wrestle, and have playfully cooling excursions to the watering hole after that. As Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon grew in musculature from their 20s to their early 30s, George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli also grew in musculature, ferociousness, and fierceness from their teens to their mid-20s. One of their favorite bouts occurred in the Waziri jungle training grounds when Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon were 28, George was 22, Basuli and Tarzan were 21, and Maugli was 20. Zula saw that George’s bearhugs grew in might. Conan witnessed how Basuli’s powerslams grew in impact. Ka-Zar recognized Tarzan’s growing abilities in throwing devastating piledrivers. Arkon acknowledged Maugli’s polished skills in delivering rear naked chokeholds. Therefore, the two groups of muscle brothers grew not only in muscles and combat prowess but also in encouragement and love. Aside from the two groups of muscle brothers’ penchant for flaunting muscles and engaging in combat, they both shared one common passion. They wanted to preserve nature and wildlife. Zula and Ka-Zar shared George’s, Basuli’s, Tarzan’s, and Maugli’s strong will to protect the jungle and all of its inhabitants, with Conan and Arkon being just as supportive of their causes. Every time poachers dared to destroy the jungle and the Waziri tribe, George would unleash his brute strength, both Basuli and Tarzan would tap into their ferally wild sides, and Maugli would rustle up his intimidating combat prowess by tearing them apart limb-from-limb with their bare fangs, claws, and muscles. Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon would physically intimidate the poachers to never return to the jungle and unleash devastating throws on them. Elder Kobe, Elder Usula, and Chief Keewazi would also show their gratitude to Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon as well as the Wasai Chief and Lamu the Shaman by making them honorary Waziri tribe members. The jungle was always going to be secure and well-shielded for life. There was no doubt that Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon grew stronger in their friendship with George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli even into their married years. When Zula, Conan, Ka-Zar, and Arkon were 19, both Zula and Conan married 18-year-old Calais, Ka-Zar married 18-year-old Zetes, and Arkon married 17-year-old Antiphus, with 13-year-old George, 12-year-olds Basuli and Tarzan, and 11-year-old Maugli serving as their best men. When George was 16, Basuli and Tarzan were…

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