
My Cartoon, Anime, Video Game OTP Catalogue

Greetings, loyal hardcore shippers of the world, it is I your old pal Antoni with another entry. I have a question for you shippers. If you were a professional photographer or a photojournalist or someone who enjoys writing articles for a magazine, which couples would be your main subjects to go any page of the magazine? That’s what I am here for to showcase a catalogue of my most favorite couples from cartoons, anime, and video games, the very pieces of media that I have close affinity to. One rule that I would love to give to myself is ensuring that I can have as many installments on here but they have to be limited to one character. So, no multi-character pairings here. Furthermore, crossover ships are totally welcome, seeing that I have my favorite ones on here. With that said, let’s get this show on the row. Boomer x Blossom (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Brick x Buttercup (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Butch x Bubbles (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Mitch x Bunny (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Harry Pitt x Julie Bean (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Mike Believe x Robin Snyder (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Mr. Green x Ms. Bellum (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Professor Utonium x Ms. Keane (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Nigel “Numbuh 1” x Abby “Numbuh 5” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Hoagie “Numbuh 2” x Katie “The Island Girl” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Wallabee “Numbuh 4” x Kuki “Numbuh 3” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Patton “Numbuh 60” x Rachael “Numbuh 362” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Ace “The Kid” x Francine “Numbuh 86” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Bartie “Numbuh 35” x Virginia “Numbuh 23” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Robin x Raven (Teen Titans) Beastboy x Terra (Teen Titans) Cyborg x Sarasim (Teen Titans) Aqualad x Bumblebee (Teen Titans) Speedy x Starfire (Teen Titans) Kid Flash x Jinx (Teen Titans) Malchior x Blackfire (Teen Titans) Thunder x Pantha (Teen Titans) Lightning x Argent (Teen Titans) Jericho x Kole (Teen Titans) Superman x Wonder Woman (Justice League) Batman x Zatanna (Justice League) Green Lantern x Hawkgirl (Justice League) The Flash x Pink Sapphire (Justice League) Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn (Batman: The Animated Series) Scott “Cyclops” x Jean Grey (X-Men: Evolution) Lance “Avalanche” x Rogue (X-Men: Evolution) Kurt “Nightcrawler” x Kitty “Shadowcat (X-Men: Evolution) Evan “Spyke” x Amara “Magma” (X-Men: Evolution) Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin Showdown) Raimundo Pedrosa x Katnappé (Xiaolin Showdown) Clay Bailey x Dyris (Xiaolin Showdown) Jack x Ashi (Samurai Jack) The Scotsman x His Wife (Samurai Jack) Jack Spicer x Princess Morbucks (Xiaolin Showdown and The Powerpuff Girls) Omi x Julie Smith (Xiaolin Showdown and The Powerpuff Girls) Mac x Haley (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and American Dragon: Jake Long) Jake Long x Juniper Lee (American Dragon: Jake Long and The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) Dennis Lee x Rose (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee and American Dragon: Jake Long) Courage x Shirley (Courage the Cowardly Dog) Kitty x Bunny (Courage the Cowardly Dog) Kevin x Gwen (Ben 10) Ben x Julie (Ben 10) Marceline x Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time) Finn x Flame Princess (Adventure Time) Jake x Lady Rainicorn (Adventure Time) Mordecai x Stef (Regular Show) Rigby x Eileen (Regular Show) Casey Jones x Raphael (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Usagi Yojimbo x Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Leatherhead x Donatello (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Silver Sentry x Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Karai x April O’Neill (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Rolf x Ed (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Kevin x Edd (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Eddy x Marie (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Jimmy x Sarah (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Jonny x May (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Lee x Nazz (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Arnold x Phoebe (Hey Arnold!) Gerald x Rhonda (Hey Arnold!) Harold x Patty (Hey Arnold!) Stinky x Sheena (Hey Arnold!) Sid x Nadine (Hey Arnold!) Alan x Helga (Hey Arnold!) Cecile x Campfire Lass (Hey Arnold!) Tucker x Eugene (Hey Arnold!) Grandpa Phil x Grandma Gertie (Hey Arnold!) Miles x Stella (Hey Arnold!) Darren x Ginger (As Told by Ginger) Orion x Courntey (As Told by Ginger) Carl x Noelle (As Told by Ginger) Wil x Simone (As Told by Ginger) Aang x Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Sokka x Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Zuko x Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Haru x Yue (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Jet x Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Teo x Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Asami x Korra (Avatar: The Legend of Korra) Brad x Jenny (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Sheldon x Melody (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Don Prima x Misty (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Danny x Sam (Danny Phantom) Tucker x Valerie (Danny Phantom) Paulina x Star (Danny Phantom) Dash x Kwan (Danny Phantom) Ghost Writer x Jazz (Danny Phantom) Goliath x Kaj (Gargoyles and Tarzan) Uti x Muviro (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Namontack x Basuli (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Kocoum x Tarzan (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Gobu x Terk (Tarzan) John Smith x Jane Porter (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Nakoma x Naoh (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Thomas x Audrey (Pocahontas and Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Cody x Penny (The Rescuers) Bernard x Bianca (The Rescuers) Mufasa x Sarabi (The Lion King) Simba x Nala (The Lion King) Kopa x Kovu (The Lion King) Vitani x Kiara (The Lion King) Prince Adam x Prince Eric (Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid) Shang x Adonis (Mulan and Hercules) Theseus x Hercules (Hercules) Megara x Mulan (Hercules and Mulan) Galder x Dave (Dave the Barbarian) Irmaplotz x Candy (Dave the Barbarian) TJ x Spinelli (Recess) Gus x Cornchip Girl (Recess) Vince x Gretchen (Recess) Mikey x Swinger Girl (Recess) Ron Stoppable x Kim Possible (Kim Possible) Junior x Bonnie Rockwaller (Kim Possible) Josh Mankey x Tara (Kim Possible) Fifteen Cent x Penny Proud (The Proud…

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Why I Cannot Stand the Color Code RuffPuff Couples

Greetings, Rowdyruff Boys x Powerpuff Girls shippers, it is your old pal Antoni here with another manifesto. Here is something I am sure a lot of you already know. When you get older, you gain more perspective of the world around, become a lot more critical in your thinking, and broaden your horizons, thus becoming a more conscientious, open-minded, tolerant, and wiser person. It does not matter how big or small the changes are but they are there and they are inevitable. Such as the case with my experience being a loyal fan of The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls. This is going to be one of my most controversial entries to date because I am fully aware that some if not a lot of my friends, DA watchers, and fellow artists happen to be Boomubbles, Blossick, and Butchercup shippers. Moreover, if I were to re-title this entry it would be “Why I Cannot Stand the Color Code RuffPuff Couples Notwithstanding Boomubbles as The Sole Exception”. I think you all know where I am going with this, even if I run the risk of sounding hypocritical or contradictory. This is because I used to be a color code RuffPuff couple shipper when I was in my tweens and teens. Nowadays, in my late twenties, I cannot even look at the color code couples the same way, which I am going to list my reasons as to why I particularly cannot stand Blossick and Butchercup as couples yet tolerate if not love and defend Boomubbles as the only color code couple that I deem as the best one. Before the roasting begins, I would love to have a few words about Boomer x Bubbles aka Boomubbles aka The Blues. Boomubbles aka Boomer x Bubbles aka The Blues: The Only Color Code RuffPuff Couple I Can Ever Enjoy and Love But Still Have My Reservations Perhaps my own personal history with Boomubbles has been nothing more than positive considering how well this holds up with Professor Utonium x Miss Keane and Mike Believe x Robin Snyder as the OTPs I have been shipping ever since I was a young teenager who got himself acquainted with DeviantArt as a mere visitor. To this day, I am still proud to call myself a ProfKeane, Boomubbles, and Robike shipper because of how sweet and lovely these pairings are. Going to Boomubbles, it is a popular headcanon that The Blues are the pacifists, the nicest ones, the most innocent ones, and, of course, the anime and manga fans of the two groups of siblings, seeing that Boomer is more a shonen anime type of fan while Bubbles leans towards shoujo anime and manga. As someone who continues to ship Boomubbles to this day, especially considering how Bubbles called Boomer cute in the episode “The Boys are Back in Town”, I can attest that there are a lot of things to enjoy about Boomer and Bubbles as a couple. I can still take comfort that their relationship will not be volatile or troublesome and that they will always find a way to look beyond the surface and see a truly loving, kind, and generous soul. Boomer’s super strength, rapid speed, and massive athleticism can come in handy when it comes to protecting Bubbles from all harm, all while being kind and chivalrous. While Bubbles’ brand of mercy, kindness, and empathy would be the sole reasons for Boomer to say that she is his only reason for living. When all is said and done, I can never dislike Boomubbles in the slightest. On the one hand, Boomubbles is the best color code couple in terms of how much positivity is present between the Blues. On the other hand, I cannot help but see some diabetic dullness with Boomubbles because even though they can be lovey-dovey with each other and there is a sense of loyalty and unconditional love, it all feels superficial and kind of shallow. In another time, I would have kept Boomubbles solely as a first crush basis and called it a day because when one cuts to the bone, that is just it. Boomubbles is puppy love but not genuinely pure love. Regardless, I can still love Boomubbles for what it is and I am pretty grateful for keeping them together in my Team Xtreme headcanon. What makes this better is that I also made them polyamorous and eventually polygamous, which means that it is not just Boomubbles that is here to stay as my OTP but also Blossutch, Blossoomer, and Butchubbles because of how much I love all of them. The only RuffPuff couple that has been staying monogamous is none other than my beloved Brickercup but I have been gushing on my most beloved RuffPuff couples ad nauseam. Now, let us get on with the constructive roasting for this particular set of overrated, overloved, over-abundant couples. The Color Code Couples Are Bland, Uninteresting, and Dull as Pairings. Yes, people, I have officially said it. As much as I love Boomubbles yet loathe Blossick and Butchercup, I can attest that the color code couples seem to have nothing fresh, new, flavorful or invigorating to put on the table because of how similar the Ruffs and the Puffs personalities and attires are. Boomer and Bubbles are the nice ones. Butch and Buttercup are the tough ones. Brick and Blossom are the leaders. That is all. It could be argued that Brick and Blossom have the most differences because of how their personalities are the opposite to each other with Brick being fire and Blossom being ice and with him being crass, roguish, tough, rough, and large-and-in-charge and with her being intelligent, well-versed, elegant, articulate, and poised. While I can buy those reasons and while I can understand why Blossick is so popular, I still cannot overlook how boring and overrated this “couple” is to the point where I would rather keep Brick and Blossom as good friends. As for Butchercup, let us just say that…

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OTP Ships from each Fandom Ahoy!

Happy Holidays, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages. I know a lot of my readers on DeviantArt are aware of how much I love, treasure, and keep my most beloved character shippings close to my heart. I also know how much I happen to show an insane amount of passion when it comes to my OTPs from each fandom. Sure, I know how much it can be a bit of a nuisance but sometimes I cannot help it. For this holiday season and as my Red Ribbon Reviewers written blog contribution, I want to spread and share the love I have for my OTPs that I will never tire from. I am sure you wonderful readers have OTP pairings you cherish the most. Please do post them down on the comments below if you agree with any of them because it is awesome to have different tastes and opinions from all across the border. Anyway, let the holiday love-sharing for the OTPs start….now! The Powerpuff Girls Brick x Buttercup Butch x Blossom Butch x Bubbles Mitch x Bunny Boomer x Blossom Boomer x Bubbles Mike Believe x Robin Snyder Professor Utonium x Miss Keane Mr. Green x Miss Sara Bellum Elmer Sglue x Mary Harry Pitt x Julie Bean The Mayor x His Wife Hanout x Pablo Ace x Berserk Bud Smith x Brute Snake x Brat Major Man x Sedusa Dexter’s Laboratory Mandark x DeeDee Dexter x Lalavava Douglas Mordecai x Vicky Mr. McPherson x Mrs. McPherson Toshi x Soyen Krunk x She-Thing Courage the Cowardly Dog Courage x Shirley Kitty x Bunny Eustace Bagge x Muriel Bagge Goose God x Storm Goddess Samurai Jack Aku x High Priestess Jack x Ashi The Scotsman x His Wife The Emperor x His Wife Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy Kevin x Edd Rolf x Ed Jonny x May Jimmy x Sarah Lee x Nazz Eddy x Marie Scooby-Doo Shaggy Rogers x Daphne Blake Fred Rogers x Velma Dinkley Hey Arnold! Arnold Shortman x Phoebe Heyerdahl Gerald Johanssen x Rhonda Wellington Lloyd Harold Berman x Patty Smith Stinky Peterson x Sheena Sid x Nadine Alan Redmond x Helga G. Pataki Grandpa Phil x Grandma Gertie Miles Shortman x Stella Shortman Chocolate Boy x Timberly Tucker Wittenberg x Eugene Horovitz Peapod Kid x Park Robert x Siobhan As Told by Ginger Carl Foutley x Noelle Sussmann Hoodsey Bishop x Macie Lightfoot Orion x Courtney Gripling Darren Patterson x Ginger Foutley Wil Patterson x Simone Dr. Dave x Lois Foutley Avatar the Last Airbender Aang x Katara Sokka x Suki Zuko x Mai Haru x Toph Jet x Ty Lee Chan x Azula Ruon-Jian x Yue Longshot x Meng Avatar the Legend of Korra Korra x Asami Adventure Time Jake the Dog x Lady Rainicorn Marceline the Vampire Queen x Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum Finn the Human x The Flame Princess Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball Simon Petrikov x Betty Regular Show Mordecai x CJ Rigby x Eileen Mitch x Starla Thomas the Goat Man x Margaret The Amazing World of Gumball Richard Watterson x Nicole Watterson Gumball x Penny Darwin x Carrie Ben 10 Kevin Levin x Gwen Tennyson Ben Tennyson x Kai Green Charmcaster x Julie Yamamoto Sym Bionic Titan Lance x Ilana Kim Possible Ron Stoppable x Kim Possible Señor Senior, Junior x Bonnie Rockwaller Brick Flagg x Zita Flores Josh Mankey x Tara Wade Load x Monique Hirotaka x Yori Motor Ed x Shego Invader Zim Zim x Gaz Recess! TJ Detwiler x Ashley Spinelli Mikey x Gretchen Gus x Cornchip Girl The Weekenders Tino x Lor Kirk x Penny Pepper Ann Craig x Pepper Ann Bud x Nicky Gravity Falls Dipper x Pacifica Soos x Wendy Marius x Mabel Star vs The Forces of Evil Tom x Star Marco x Jackie Cowboy Bebop Spike Spiegel x Faye Valentine Jet Black x Alisa Laputa: Castle in the Sky Pazu x Sheeta Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli Mowgli x Jumeirah Texhnolyze Ichise x Ran Wolf’s Rain Tsume x Blue Kiba x Cheza Hige x Miu Toboe x Leara Hubb x Cher Gundam Seed Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne Athrun Zala x Cagalli Yula Athha Rurouni Kenshin Kenshin x Kaoru Sanosuke x Sayo Tantei Gakuen Q Ryu Amakusa x Megumi Minami Kyu Renjou x Kaoru Ichinose Kintaro Toyama x Akane Minami Yutaka Saburomaru x Sakurako Yukihira Hayato Shiramine x Kuniko Touya Bleach Ichigo x Rukia Chad x Orihime Yoruichi x Soi-Fon Toshiro Hitsugaya x Nemu Kurotsuchi YuYu Hakusho Yusuke x Hiei Kurama x Keiko Kuwabara x Yukina Jin x Mukuro Sakkyo x Shizuru Shishiwakamaru x Touya Koto x Juri Inuyasha Inuyasha x Ayame Ginta x Shunran Sesshoumaru x Kagura Kouga x Sango Bankotsu x Kagome Higurashi Kuranosuke Takeda x Kaguya-Hime Miroku x Kikyou Hakkaku x Karan Hojo x Koharu Kohaku x Rin Souta Higurashi x Kanna Hakudoshi x Satsuki Shippou x Souten Hoshiyomi x Tsukiyomi Revolutionary Girl Utena Utena x Anthy Juri x Shiori Touga x Ruka Souji x Kaoru Chrono Crusade Chrono x Rosette Christopher Joshua Christopher x Azmaria Hendric Fullmetal Alchemist Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell Alphonse Elric x May Chang Kain Fuery x Rosé Thomas Hell Girl Ren Ichimoku x Hone-Onna Welcome to the NHK Tatsuhiro Sato x Misaki Nakahara Kaoru Yamazaki x Hitomi Kashiwa Xiaolin Showdown Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko Clay Bailey x Dyris Raimundo Pedrosa x Katnappé Teen Titans Robin x Raven Speedy x Starfire Beastboy x Terra Cyborg x Bumblebee Aqualad x Sarasim Kid Flash x Jinx Malchior x Blackfire Jericho x Kole Thunder x Pantha Lightning x Argent The Emperor’s New Groove Pacha x Chicha Kuzco x Malina Kronk x Birdie Disney’s The Legend of Tarzan Muviro x Queen La Robert Canler x Lady Waltham Ian Doyle x Abby Markham Stanley Obrowski x Naomi Madison Henry x Greenley Ayakashi Samurai Horror Tales Zushonosuke x Tomihime Gurren Lagann Simon x Nia Kamina x Yoko Viral x Adiane Clannad Tomoya x Nagisa Cardcaptor Sakura Li Syaoran x Sakura Kinomoto Mei Ling x Tomoyo Yukito x Touya Sailor Moon Mamoru…

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