‘Twas the season for the magnificent Frau Petra Lang to sing up a blizzard as the fiercely independent yet sorely misguided antiheroine, Ortrud. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
Richard Wagner
Two gentlemen making their Deutsche Oper Berlin debuts, two artists making their role debuts, one thrilling opera guaranteed to sweep you off your feet, what more can anyone ask for? Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
How well does this all-star cast hold up in Wagner’s Meistersinger from Bayreuth? Find out in this review!
How well does Herr Klaus Florian Vogt hold up as the errant and flawed Tannhäuser? Find out in this review.
Hold on to your hats, folks, this is going to be a stormy yet mysterious ride.
My Mannheim holiday goes out with a bang with this grand Wagnerian opera starring Frau Heike Wessels as Ortrud!
This is more than just gold-standard artistry! We are talking about platinum-standard from these veterans!