
Raymond and Alex: Muscles and Motion Incarnate

This Battle Couple Meme originally belongs to JasonPictures and is dedicated to all the wonderful Raymond x Alex or Raylex shippers, partisans, and loyalists of the world. Sit back, relax, and revel in the sheer beauty of Raymond’s muscularly Herculean virility combined with Alex’s lithely slender femininity which makes them a formidable power couple never to be underestimated. Furthermore, they may as well be Beverly Hills’ most alluring couple, according to various fitness magazines, thanks to the combination of Raymond’s handsomely muscular physique and Alex’s flexibly agile figure. Out of all the Totally Spies couples that I have adored ever since watching this show in my pre-adolescent years in the early 2000s, I always loved Raymond x Alex or Raylex the most. Raymond was also my number one favorite of the weekly Totally Spies love interests, thanks to his affable charm, handsome countenance, and his beautifully bulging muscles. Despite being a one-off character, Raymond left an impression on me when I was a 12 to 13-year-old middle-schooler between 2004 and 2005 slowly coming to terms with my sexuality while still under the thinly-veiled guise of liking girls. I was also arguing to myself that Raymond was truly the best love interest for Alex because of how well they complement each other in terms of Raymond’s bulging muscles and virile affability meshing well with Alex’s lithe athleticism and flexible femininity. It was a shame that Alex had to sacrifice her lithe physique by devouring Ulrich Wernerstein’s Bulky Bars to save her friends and Raymond to the point where he dumped her for that stupid and shallow reason that she was bigger than him, but at least I have my AU headcanon to heal wounds. Raymond and Alex define being a powerful battle couple by virtue of combining brute muscular strength and lithe athletic agility to create a slew of powerful attacks against their opponents. They are not only pleasing to the eyes in terms of their individual aesthetics but also have a lot to offer in terms of physical prowess and unwavering resilience to keep on bettering themselves. This power couple dynamic goes hand-in-hand with their respective occupations. Raymond’s duties as a gym instructor could assist people in getting physically strong and fit, while Alex’s duties as a WOOHP agent can aid people in self-defense and honing their martial arts skills against their enemies. In terms of physical prowess, Raymond’s bulging muscles could also make him a mighty wrestler and grappler who can perform submission holds, bearhugs, torture racks, and body slams, while Alex’s physical flexibility means that she can perform the high kicks and the accurate strikes predominant in Taekwondo, Shaolin Kung Fu, Shotokan Karate, and Hapkido. Therefore, no villain can ever stop them even if it means ramming them over. Speaking of physical appeal, Raymond and Alex would also be the faces of various fitness magazines, thanks to Raymond’s handsomely bulging musculature and Alex’s lithely flexible athleticism. If Raymond is the face of Men’s Health and Alex is the face of Women’s Health, they would be together as the faces featured in Good Housekeeping, Sports Illustrated, and many other health, lifestyle, and sports magazines. It is clear to see that Raymond’s tenure as a bodybuilder and gym instructor maximizes his appeal to anybody who loves seeing muscular men, while Alex’s tenure as a martial artist, all-around athlete, and WOOHP agent makes her a beacon of physical flexibility and unparalleled resilience. When combining Raymond’s magnificent muscles and Alex’s lithe athleticism, they can create an attractively appealing image of getting physical, feeling confident, and looking great on every occasion. Therefore, Raymond being the handsomely striking bodybuilder that he is and Alex being the charming sports model that she is can spark interest and appeal to viewers when it comes to looking and feeling great. In my AU headcanon and the powers that be in regards to me being a hardcore martial arts tournament aficionado, I have made Raymond and Alex end up as an official couple. If you have been following me for some time, you will realize that Ulrich Wernerstein and his bodybuilder goons were not defeated by Alex bulking herself up and devouring the Bulky Bars, but by seven powerful Yokai martial artists. All this took place in the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps on December 12, 2004. When 22-year-old Raymond and 33-year-old Robert Beefcake were cured of the Bulky Bars’ devastating effects, 17-year-olds Sam, Clover, and Alex took their seats to watch the tournament about to occur, 17-year-old Britney came for a visit, and 23-year-old Chet joined in to see what was about to occur, Ulrich Wernerstein and his bodybuilder goons were surprised to see that their opponents were 23-year-old Sesshoumaru, 22-year-old Shuran, 22-year-old Inuyasha, 21-year-old Hakkaku, 21-year-old Ginta, 19-year-old Ayame, and 18-year-old Shunran who specialized in various martial arts styles and were ready to obliterate them. Raymond and Alex were particularly excited to see the carnage about to occur as were Robert, Chet, Sam, Clover, and Britney. Mixed martial artist Sesshoumaru delivered body-eviscerating ground and pounds, armbars, Kimuras, and sprawls and brawls. Pro wrestler Shuran unleashed soul-shattering piledrivers, bearhugs, torture racks, and Full Nelsons. Pankratiast Inuyasha threw nerve-crushing tracheal grip chokes, rear naked chokeholds, hammer fists, and neck cranks. Muay Boran practitioner Hakkaku launched bone-damaging upward headbutts, elbow slashes, knee bombs, and downward elbow strikes. Lethwei partisan Ginta released skeleton-destroying downward headbutts, upward elbow strikes, flying knees, and clinching knee strikes. Kyuk Too Ki fighter Ayame put her inside-smashing uppercuts, jabs, hooks, and cross punches to exceptional use. Shaolin Kung Fu combatant Shunran put her spirit-numbing leopard blows, finger strikes, nerve strikes, and knife-hand strikes to fabulous use. The seven Yokai warriors were victorious against Ulrich and his bodybuilder goons to the audience’s jubilation. Out of the seven Yokai martial artists, Raymond and Alex congratulated Inuyasha and Ayame the most because of their fabulous teamwork and how they looked amazing in delivering those brutal moves against Ulrich and his goons. Raymond wanted to learn Pankration’s submission…

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