
The Red Chrono Crew Rap plus Jason, Tommy, and Leo

(The Silver Hills Hip-Hop Club. A vast building that serves as a venue for several hip-hop musicians, rappers, and R&B singers to perform, especially for a huge and nearly sold-out crowd. A black limousine is parked in front of the entrance, and a throng of people are entering the club in droves. Everybody is finding their seats, with a businessman in a black blazer with black pants, black shoes, and a maroon collared shirt; a gentleman in a silver Time Force uniform, and several Silver Guardian officers seated at the very front seats. The businessman is named Albert Collins, while the Time Force officer is named Captain Logan.)   Albert Collins: This is going to be quite a performance tonight. My son is part of this rap band founded by Alex and Eric, who are also two of the finest commanders of Time Force and the Silver Guardians combined.   Captain Logan: Indeed, Mr. Collins. It would be an amusing experience seeing what talents Eric, Alex, and Wes have in rapping. I never thought that they would be into this type of urban music.   Albert: I’m confident they will perform wonderfully.   Captain Logan: So am I, sir. So am I.   (The spotlight shines on a blue mechanical owl flying from the left side of the balcony, as the audience cheers loudly. The mechanical owl is named Circuit and has a voice reminiscent of a young child, as he positions himself in the center of the stage.)   Circuit: Wow! This is quite the full house tonight. All right, ladies and gentlemen! Without further ado, please give it up for The Red Chrono Crew!   (Circuit points his right wing to his right to introduce The Red Chrono Crew consisting of Eric Myers the jet-black-haired Quantum Ranger, Alexander “Alex” Drake the jet-black-haired first Red Time Force Ranger/current Crimson Shadow Ranger, and Wesley “Wes” Collins the blond-haired second/current Red Time Force Ranger. Circuit exits to his left, as the spotlight shines on Eric standing in the center, Alex standing on the left, and Wes standing on the right and the fast-paced hip-hop beats begin. Eric, Alex, and Wes are wearing sleeveless red tank tops, khaki pants, and black and red sneakers. Alex and Wes cross their arms while moving their knees, and Eric is ready to start the rap.)   Eric: Yeah! Give it up, give it up! Silver Guardian represent!   (Eric signals the audience to cheer)   Time Force too!   (Audience cheers loudly.)   Y’all know what time it is?   (Eric points to his watch on his left wrist.)   Yeah, y’all! Now, throw your hands up high! Clinch that Quantum Power might! Name’s Eric Myers I’m on fire With my Q-Rex pumped To crush some punks! Yeah, I’m the big mac daddy. Silver Guardians represent.   (The Silver Guardians officers cheer loudly for Eric.)   Alex: Name’s Alex Drake You cannot break My du-du-duty and authority!   (Shows his Time Force badge.)   Captain Logan: Word up.   Time Force Officers: Boo-yah!   Wes: The name’s Wes Collins Don’t need no bling Got my brothers and my sister   (Lucas Kendall the Blue Time Force Ranger, Trip Regis the Green Time Force Ranger, and Katie Walker the Yellow Time Force Ranger pose alongside Wes.)   And my queen!   (Jen the Pink Time Force Ranger smiles, kisses Wes on his right cheek, and leads him on as if he were an obedient pet. After that, Jen breaks him off from being led on, as both she and Wes do some shimmies with smiles on their faces.)   Eric: Yeah! Go, homeboy! Go, homegirl! So, y’all get ready to get a clue ‘Cuz it’s time to get busy with the-   Eric, Alex, and Wes: Red Chrono Crew!   (The back of the stage explodes with red smoke, as Eric, Alex, and Wes do the rock-on sign together. The crowd cheers wildly and loudly.)   Albert: I never realized that Wes had it in him to rap so amazingly!   Captain Logan: Alex’s rhythm and timing are impeccable!   Albert: And Eric, wow, he makes a great frontman.   Eric: And, now, the latest add-ons to our Red Chrono Crew.   Alex: These guys are legends.   Wes: And our soul brothers who need no introduction.   Eric: Leo Corbett-   Alex: Tommy Oliver-   Wes: And Jason Lee Scott.   Eric, Alex, and Wes: Give it up for our radical Red Ranger brothers, y’all!   (Eric, Alex, and Wes point their fingers to their right to reveal three brown-haired men also in sleeveless red tank tops, khaki pants, and black and red sneakers entering the stage to greet the audience. The audience cheers more loudly than ever.)   Jason (to Eric, Alex, and Wes): Thanks, bros!   Tommy (to the audience): What’s up, everybody?   Leo (to the audience): We got more coming up for you! So, let’s go!   Jason: Now, everybody, go AYAH!   Audience: AYAH!   Tommy: Now, UYAH!   Audience: UYAH!   Tommy: Now, HIYA SI HIYA!   Audience: HIYA SI HIYA!   Leo: Now, everybody in the house, go AYAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!   (The audience stands up, claps, and cheers very loudly. Albert, Captain Logan, the Time Force officers, and the Silver Guardians stand up from their seats and cheer for Eric, Alex, and Wes as well as for Leo, Tommy, and Jason. Eric and Leo clasp hands and give each other a hug as do Tommy and Alex as well as Jason and Wes.)   Eric: Epic delivery, Leo.   Leo: Amazing work you did on those bars, Eric.   Alex: I love your work, Tommy.   Tommy: Alex, you were totally awesome tonight.   Wes: Dude, Jason, thanks for keeping up the ante tonight.   Jason: No prob, Wes. By the way, you were just as morphenomenal.   (Eric, Alex, and Wes take their bows as do Leo, Tommy, and Jason. The audience continues to happily cheer for all…

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Forever Red: The Red Ranger Rap

(The Angel Grove Concert Hall. Millions of Power Rangers fans young and old enter the building to watch the Forever Red rap concert. Everybody finds their seats, thus anticipating today’s event. The curtain rises to reveal a robot with a discus-like head and a lightning emblem on his chest. The robot is short and is colored gold, red, and purple and is named Alpha 5.)   Alpha 5: Ay yi yi yi, what a full house this is! Greetings, Power Rangers fans from all over the world. Welcome to the show. My name is Alpha 5, your host for tonight’s concert. Do you know what time it is?   Audience: Yeah! It’s Red Ranger Rap Time!   Alpha 5: You said it, and here they are now!   (Alpha 5 exits the stage, once the offstage hip hop beats played by Bulk, a rotund man on the turntables, Skull, a skinny man on percussions, Lieutenant Stone, a tall man on the keyboard, and Professor Phenomenous, an old man on the brass instruments, commence. Jason Lee Scott from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Aurico from Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers Zeo, Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson from Power Rangers Turbo, Andros from Power Rangers in Space, Leo Corbett from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Carter Grayson from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Wesley “Wes” Collins, Alex Drake, and Eric Myers from Power Rangers Time Force; and Cole Evans from Power Rangers Wild Force emerge from backstage all dressed in red t-shirts with their names imprinted on them, crimson pants, and black rubber shoes to greet the audience.)   Jason, Aurico, Tommy, TJ, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole: Hey, everybody!   Jason (to the audience): All right, everybody, we hope you all enjoy the show.   Tommy (to the audience): So, let’s not waste any more time, and let’s rap!   Jason, Aurico, TJ, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole: Right!   (The eleven Red Power Rangers start dancing by moving their hips, moving side to side while clapping, moving their hands from side to side, and doing a few turns. They then form their first formation, with Jason in the front and Tommy following behind him.)   Jason: My name’s Jason, and I am the OG! Leading my team is no easy feat!   Tommy: Yo, I’m Tommy the dude with mad moves! Putties better run before I do my groove! Hiya si hiya! Ayah si hey! Choo! Choo! Hai! Hee! Hey! Oh!   (Tommy does a series of punches, high kicks, knife-hand strikes, and spear-hand strikes and lands his final pretend punch on Aurico. Aurico pretends to be hurt by holding his nose, and Tommy has an exaggerated expression of shock. After that display, the eleven Red Rangers continue to dance and form another formation, with all eleven of them lined up in a straight line, before Aurico steps up front.)   Aurico: My name is Aurico And I’d like you to know That you are not alone When we run the show.   TJ: ‘Sup I’m TJ! I’m always on the go. Shifting into turbo truly brightens my day!   (Aurico and TJ swing their hips left and right before all eleven Red Power Rangers dance by moving left and right and doing light kicks to the front. Eric remains standing, as the ten other Red Rangers squat to the ground.)   Eric: The name is Eric And I win every hour With my super awesome Quantum Power!   (Eric makes a step to the left and pulls his arms back with his fists clenched. He opens his hands wide, moving them from side to side. Finally, Eric leaps into the air with a spinning kick, lands down with two front punches, raises his arms, and crouches down before Wes stands up.)   Wes: Hey, I’m Wes! And I’m feeling great! Protecting and serving are my prime mandates!   (Wes puts his left foot to one side, his right foot to the other side, and does a small leap before stretching his arms up high and the remaining ten Red Power Rangers stand up to dance by moving from side to side. They crouch down with Alex standing up.)   Alex: My name is Alex And there’s no place to run ‘Til my comrades and I get our duties done! Hyah! Eyah! Ho! Shoo! To! Yah! Choo! Yah! Hai! Ho! Hai! YAH!   (Alex launches front punches, knife-hand strikes, and a huge roundhouse kick, thus demonstrating that he is not a man to mess with. After Alex’s martial arts display, the eleven Red Power Rangers make a new formation, with Andros in the center and Cole in the right.)   Tommy, Jason, Aurico, TJ, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole: Here comes Andros looking absolutely fly!   Andros: Justice and peace will never leave us dry!   Tommy, Jason, Aurico, TJ, Leo, Carter Wes, Alex, and Eric: Look! There’s Cole with his great big heart!   Cole: These guys have helped me improve my martial arts!   (Cole bows, gets into his fighting stance, and does a knife-hand strike as if he were breaking a board.)   Leo: My name’s Leo, and I roar really loud.   Tommy, Jason, Aurico, TJ, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole: We do the right thing, and it makes us really proud! Last comes Carter, and we’re all complete!   Carter: We’re heroes through and through, and it feels mighty sweet!   (Tommy, Jason, Aurico, TJ, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wes, Alex, Eric, and Cole jump around in circles standing straight while the “Go, Go, Power Rangers! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!” chords play. After jumping around, all eleven Red Power Rangers face the front and extend their arms up in the air with smiles on their faces. The audience claps loudly. All eleven Red Power Rangers take their bows.)

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