All of my previous Saban-era Blue Ranger morph attempt videos and the countdowns spawning them have led to concocting what a Forever Blue team-up would look and feel like. Recording and editing these videos were fun, and this was the grand culmination.
Power Rangers Zeo
I have wanted to do this since I released the first two Saban-era Blue Ranger morph attempt videos over a year ago. For your viewing pleasure, here is my ranking of the Saban-era Blue Rangers in the style of my Blue Ranger morph attempts.
Now with some written commentary explaining my ranking for these Saban-era Power Rangers seasons and some updated rankings. I may have been satisfied with the first ranking video, but some opinions slightly changed while others remained the same.
Regardless of what can be said about Power Rangers Zeo’s “A Mystery to Me”, I still consider this whodunit-themed episode ideal for Halloween viewing. Please enjoy my tribute and let me know your opinions.
The combination of classic horror film tropes, literary works from Bram Stoker to L. Frank Baum, and homage to the classics has made It Came From Angel Grove radiate with amusing excitement. Please enjoy my tribute and let me know your opinions.
It is time to put my frustration and vitriol against Power Rangers Zeo’s A Season to Remember to rest by thoroughly addressing this below mediocre holiday special’s problems and formulating solutions to improve it. Please enjoy and let me know your opinions.
It is a mess of a three-parter with its signature moments of high-octane action but also poor decision-making for certain core characters. Please enjoy my assessment of Power Rangers Zeo’s There’s No Business Like Snow Business and let me know your opinions.
The time has come to rank the Saban-Era Power Rangers series from the one I relatively enjoy to the one I love the most and consider the greatest of all time. Please enjoy this ranking in the Blue Ranger morph attempts form and let me know your opinions as well.
This is what all the individual Saban-Era Blue Ranger morph attempts I did resulted in. My first compilation video of my Blue Ranger morph attempts from the Saban-Era Power Rangers series. Please enjoy and may the power protect you all in this holiday season.
I would have liked this Power Rangers holiday episode a lot more if there were more action, thrills, excitement, and tension, not having Debbie Ex Machina wrapping things up with a cornily ham-fisted ditty!