Power Rangers in Space

The ranking of the Saban-era Power Rangers seasons Blue Ranger morph attempt-style video is actually my most popular video on YouTube. Thus, I saw it fit to show you my favorite Power Rangers seasons which were not only the best ones from the Saban era but also of all time the only way I knew how. Do the Blue Ranger morphs for these seasons. Enjoy this ranking of the three Power Rangers seasons that I consider the greatest of all time oozing with excellence, outstanding brilliance, and grand distinction.

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Mika’s and Andros’s Phenomenal Synergy

This “What if Person became Friends” meme originally belongs to MagicalKeyPizzaDan and is dedicated to everybody who finds the idea of Mika and Andros being great friends, genuinely soulful comrades, and thoroughly close confidants with a sibling-like bond. Sit back, relax, and revel in Andros’s and Mika’s phenomenally genuine relationship as each other’s most trusted confidants through thick and thin. Andros may appear to be akin to a youthful Prince Charming with abundant decorum, intelligence, and calculation on the outside. However, he possesses abundant courage and conscientiousness as the Red Space Ranger, thus making his presence in “Forever Red” a major asset. Mika bears a grand amount of chutzpah, determination, and high spirits to fight against every obstacle she encounters and speak her mind when certain measures are not worth taking. All of what Mika is defined by would earn Andros’s respect and allegiance because he can see that she is an effective leader as the Red Space Inuranger. He also finds Mika’s high-spirited determination aspirational, given that she is the second female Red Inuranger of the Toonami era. Mika is grateful for Andros’s encouragement in her leadership because she sees a conscientious and unflinching general in him and would love to be just as strategic as he is. Ultimately, what brings both Andros and Mika together is not only their conscientious courage as Red Rangers but also their unflinching valiance to conquer whatever hinders them from their goals. Andros’s and Mika’s sibling-like bond as confidants means that Andros is the calculating yin to Mika’s fierce yang. Andros possesses an intimidating combination of telekinesis and attacks based on speed and stealth, while Mika has stamina and strength as a hand-to-hand combat specialist. Every sparring session they engage in is full of tension, and Alpha 6 needs a chainsaw to cut through it, while DECA needs to be more assertive with her control. Their enemies will not know peace when Andros’s stealth and Mika’s strength join forces to pulverize them to pieces even as Andros sits back and watches Mika destroy them. Physical prowess aside, Andros and Mika also care for the people who are most important to them while also experiencing loss. Both Andros and Mika understand what it is like to lose somebody important, with him initially losing his best friend Zhane and younger sister Karone and her losing her best friend Ryoko. At least with Zhane and Karone back in Andros’s life, they can also make Mika realize that she is never alone, are grateful for her friendship with Andros, and will also reverently honor Ryoko’s life. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and may the power protect you, everybody. Mika Seido from Geneshaft belongs to Kazuki Akane, Satelight, and Studio Gazelle. Andros from Power Rangers in Space belongs to Saban and Toei.

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The Saban-Era Blue Ranger Morph Attempts

This is what all the individual Saban-Era Blue Ranger morph attempts I did resulted in. My first compilation video of my Blue Ranger morph attempts from the Saban-Era Power Rangers series. Please enjoy and may the power protect you all in this holiday season.

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