Boasting a versatile repertoire ranging from the comical roles of Papageno and Guglielmo to the more dramatic roles of Telramund and Beckmesser, let us now venture to see how Martin Gantner fared as Kurwenal. Enjoy my review and let me know your opinions as well.
Peter Maus
With an ever-strengthening vocal presence, heaps of discipline, and a phenomenal technique by his side, how did Alfred Kim fare as Calaf, a role he has been specializing for many years? Find out in my review.
Ekaterina Siurina, a coloratura soprano of such pristinely precise vocal beauty and indubitably immense dedication to her craft, tackles the role of the iconically poignant seamstress with a malady Mimí. Enjoy my review and let me know your opinions as well.
Coming into his own in the leading tenor roles is none other than Attilio Glaser, whose career has been opening new doors especially with this iconic poet in love. Enjoy my review and let me know your opinions as well.
Two singers whose voices I have heard for the first time embodying the mythical ice princess and the intrepid warrior prince. Two singers who have made their role debuts as an old King of Tartar and a sweet slave girl. How well did they all hold up in the end? Find out more in this review.