Over-hated by Power Rangers fans because of its sugary sweet syrupiness and tendency to stray from continuity, what did I think of Alpha’s Magical Christmas? Find out more in my somewhat defense of this direct-to-video holiday special.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Ah, after eleven months of being on YouTube hiatus, I am back. It’s time to revisit “I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger” and tackle the seven ways I would improve this entertaining yet underwhelming Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Christmas episode.
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Shunran gladly and proudly consider as her big sister figure and best friend forever? A. Kimberly Ann Hart B. Katherine Hillard
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Ayame gladly and proudly consider as her big sister figure and best friend forever? A. Trini Kwan B. Aisha Campbell
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Hakkaku gladly and proudly consider as his big brother figure and best friend forever? A. Zack Taylor B. Billy Cranston
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Ginta gladly and proudly consider as his big brother figure and best friend forever? A. Billy Cranston B. Adam Park
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Shuran gladly and proudly consider as his big brother figure and best friend forever? A. Rocky DeSantos B. Tommy Oliver
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Sesshoumaru gladly and proudly consider as his big brother figure and best friend forever? A. Tommy Oliver B. Jason Lee Scott
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger would Inuyasha gladly and proudly consider as his big brother figure and best friend forever? A. Jason Lee Scott B. Tommy Oliver
Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here with another Inurangers entry. Today, I will be delving into the main Mighty Morphin Inurangers heroes, as in the seven teenage Yokai warriors with attitude. This is a general overview of who they are as heroes and as comrades. High off of my recent excitement of my finished drawing of Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran as the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, I thought it would be great to have a go at enlisting the heroes in my Mighty Morphin Inurangers headcanon and discuss which Mighty Morphin Power Rangers counterpart suits each of the seven teenage Yokai warriors with attitude. Before I get on to the main cast, a few words about composite and decomposite characters because there is going to be a number of them, especially in the heroes and in the villains. Since the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had two Red Rangers, two Black Rangers, one Blue Ranger, two Yellow Rangers, and two Pink Rangers, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are going to receive that composite character treatment, with Hakkaku and Ginta sharing a great number of the black rangers’ and the blue ranger’s traits. Where Sesshoumaru and Shuran are concerned, they are the decomposite character versions of Tommy Oliver during his respective White Ranger and Green Ranger days. Therefore, there are no International Peace Conferences, no Pan Global Games, no transfer of leadership just like what happened with Tommy’s new tenure as the White Ranger, and no power transfers until the main seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers get transformed into children, thus commencing the action for Mighty Morphin Makai Rangers and, subsequently, Inurangers Zeo but with a completely new cast. Therefore, the main seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers are going to stay the same from Season 1 to Season 3, with the only changes per season being their Zords and even their Ninjetti outfits in Season 3. Speaking of the main seven as well as the Inurangers’ version of the Morphing Grid, where Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had five members at least to six members at most, there would already be seven members, seven morphing coins, and seven Power Morphers. This universe’s version of the classic saga “Green with Evil” would have neither Shuran nor Sesshoumaru introduced as new Rangers but already part of the established team, with the situation being that Shuran gets kidnapped by Urasue and turns evil before being woken up to his senses by having Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha blast the Sword of Evil away from him. Even more is how Shuran’s Green Ranger powers would tie him to the Green Candle created by Urasue and guarded by Goshinki as revenge for betraying her, thus making his life hang in the balance. Things came to a head when Shuran’s Green Ranger powers were slowly being depleted, while Sesshoumaru was doing everything he could to protect him from certain doom. Everything would come to a head when Shuran was trapped by Goshinki, thus making Inuyasha do battle with Goshinki and Sesshoumaru rescue Shuran from certain doom, with Inuyasha retrieving the candle in the nick of time, although its flame was slowly being depleted. As a result, Sesshoumaru decided to remain by Shuran’s side and momentarily hang up his White Ranger mantle until they try to find a way to recharge his Green Ranger powers, while Inuyasha inherited the Golden Dragon Shield and Dragon Dagger from Shuran. To maintain this seven-member team, there would also be a legendary weapon that would end up recharging their powers in the form of the Sword of Light. Zordon was still recharging Sesshoumaru’s and Shuran’s White and Green Ranger powers, especially the latter’s with the candle still fading away, before he sent the Inurangers on a mission to retrieve the Sword of Light to fully recharge Shuran’s Green Ranger powers. Zordon may have fully recharged Sesshoumaru’s White Ranger powers because they could not be corrupted by evil hands and were fully guarded, but Shuran’s case was more drastic, for he had been under Urasue’s influence during his abduction, and the Sword of Light was needed to make the Green Ranger powers more invincible than ever before, thus fully purifying him from Urasue’s remaining grip. The Sword of Light was retrieved and Shuran was officially back in business as the Green Ranger. The Sword of Light was going to be later used for Shunran when her Pink Ranger powers were slowly being depleted by Urasue’s and Naraku’s corruption of them during the third season, thus purifying her from their corruption and gaining newer powers too. Therefore, the Sword of Light is not going to be utilised for giving power transfers but for recharging the Inurangers when their powers are running dry and in dire need of a boost. With that said, let us get introduced to our main seven heroes. You know the drill, ladies and gentlemen, it’s morphin time and we need Ninja Inuranger power now! White Tigerzord Power! Green Dragonzord Power! Black Mastodon Power! Pink Pterodactyl Power! Blue Triceratops Power! Yellow Sabre-Toothed Tiger Power! Red Tyrannosaurus Power! The Seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers Take two dog Yokai warrior brothers in Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, two panther Yokai warriors in Shuran and Shunran, and three wolf Yokai warriors in Hakkaku, Ginta, and Ayame, and you get the Mighty Morphin Inurangers. Teleporting seven overemotional and overbearing teenage Yokai warriors with attitude in the forms of Inuyasha, Shuran, Sesshoumaru, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Shikon Valley, Tokyo, Japan to the Command Centre may have seemed like an initial nightmare for Alpha 5, but Zordon has sufficient faith in these seven powerful supernatural warriors who are known for their strength, valour, stamina, and determination as heroes and as individuals. Whatever putties, monsters, and demons Urasue has for them during Season 1 and Naraku creates during Seasons 2 and 3, the seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers are not going…