Healthy Lifestyle

Fat Off 20s, Hello Slimmer 30s

The only epic fail that is going to occur at this moment before I turn 30 is all the excess weight that I have been carrying for years. All attempts at dark humour aside, this “Epic Fail” T-shirt was given to me by my sister during Christmas 2011. I was over 17 stone 7 lbs (245 lbs or 111.13 kg) when I was a 19-year-old in actor’s training in IAFT. This shirt serves as a reminder of how far I have come from being a massive fatty in denial to an 11-stone-7.6-lb (161.6-lb or 73.3-kg) man with a lot of determination to live the slim life I consider myself entitled to. Therefore, the fact that my favourite shirt is getting loose on me signifies that I am proud to have lost the excess weight, but there is still a whole lot more excess weight for me to lose. I am fully aware that my lightest weight nine months ago was 11 stone 1 lb (155 lbs or 70.5 kg). I do feel really bad for falling off the wagon, but the good news is I am actually 12.57 lbs lighter than I was last year because I used to be 11 stone 13.57 lbs (167.57 lbs or 79 kg). There are some fringe benefits of maintaining my weight. Nevertheless, I do not want to rest on my laurels. My goal is to be between 9 to 10 stone (126 to 140 lbs or 57.1 to 63.5 kg), for this is still within the healthy weight range for a guy like me who stands at 5 feet 6.5 inches (1.69 metres) tall. I am determined to reach this weight and slim down even further. So what if cortisol screws me over. I am never going to give up on the slimmer me that I have been working towards for 2 years and 8 months. I may have lost a total of 5 stone 10 lbs (80 lbs or 36.3 kg) in those 2 years and 8 months, but my next goal is to lose another 1 stone 6 lbs (20 lbs or 9 kg). This means that I would reach my goal of losing a total of 7 stone 2 lbs (100 lbs or 45.4 kg). Reaching that legendary 100-lb weight loss mark would make me the happiest and healthiest person I should be. Anything more than a total of 100 lbs yet less than a total 115.75 lbs is great with me, as this would let me live the life of the slim gent I want to be. With that said, I have this to say to my excess weight. Fat off and don’t mess with my 30s. Cheers.

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Healthy Weight Maintenance for the Win

Ah, the joy of maintaining a normal weight for my height. It is not only the fact that slimmer clothing fit me so much better, but there is that additional guarantee that my mobility and my independence are never going to be compromised. After years of attempting to put the brakes on my own weight problems, I feel like I have solved the puzzle of how to tackle them. This year’s weight loss progress was slower than I thought because I did have moments of weakness. However, I am still proud to know that I have conquered my own obesity problems. Knowing the devastating obesity had on me and on the people I care for made me so much motivated to say no to excessive lust for food and alcohol and yes to discipline and health. I would love to end up at between 10 to 9 stone (140 to 126 lbs or 63.5 kg to 57.2 kg) because I know I would be much happier in this weight range. Nevertheless, I am still proud of myself that I came this far. I may not be a health expert, but even I know that obesity should never be normalized. Obesity is onerous to one’s independence, self-esteem, self-confidence, and it should never be celebrated. I should know because I and some of my family members were there. So, let us stop obesity dead in its tracks right now.

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