
This is What Weight Loss Looks and Feels Like

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow artists, actors, singers, voiceover artists, reviewers, online personalities, television personalities, academics, friends, family members, and all my loved ones, I present my torrid yet rewarding odyssey of losing weight. From 2019 to this year, I have hurled obesity out of my door for good. The journey has been arduous, but I feel happier and healthier. Sure, my lightest weight this year was 10 stone 5 pounds (145 pounds or 66 kilograms), as my last photo is evidence of my recent achievement. However, I was complacent and ballooned back to my heaviest weight this year of 12 stone 2.6 pounds (170.6 pounds or 77.4 kilograms) last July. At least this recent blunder served as a sobering reminder that I had to keep picking up the pace of my weight loss progress by doing way more exercise than last year, let alone the previous months. There have been fringe benefits, though. As of this month, I have gone down to 11 stone 9.4 pounds (163.4 pounds or 74.1 kilograms), thus maintaining my overall 5-stone 8.3-pound (78.3-pound or 35.5-kilogram) weight loss for two years straight. My blood pressure is no longer high, but I must reduce my relatively high uric acid levels. Several clothes that were once too tight to fit ended up either loose on me or comfortably fitting. I walk and run faster than I ever did on my journeys from home to the university and many other destinations within Berlin. Many of my loved ones have been remarking that I look good and should maintain weight. These are phenomenal, but I know I can do more to be the slimmer man I should be. The numbers that I am looking at range between a 6-pound (2.7-kilogram) to a 3-stone 5-pound (47-pound or 21.3-kilogram) weight loss to maintain my healthy weight range. I remain steadfast in my resolve to continue losing as much weight as possible. Thank you all for your constant encouragement throughout my journey thus far, and I will continue to live as healthily as possible. That is a promise I shall gladly keep to you all.

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My Weight Loss Progress: Barely Three Years On

Hello, everybody. Antoni here, and I have some wonderful news regarding my weight progress so far. I am now at 10 stone 8.2 lbs (148.2 lbs or 67.2 kg) in my weight loss journey that lasted nearly barely three years from now. I could not be any happier because I am officially at my normal weight, but I do aspire to achieve more weight loss goals than ever before, especially with my coveted 7-stone-2 pound (100-pound or 45.4-kilogram) weight loss goal being put into firm practice. I started my weight loss journey back on August 29, 2019 weighing in at 17 stone 3.6 lbs (241.6 lbs or 109.6 kg), which meant that I was heading into trouble with becoming more obese than I was if I did not control myself. Mind you, it was not the first time that I was classified as medically obese at worst and medically overweight at best, as I have been on a constantly struggling odyssey with my weight nearly all of my life. However, after watching weight loss documentaries and shows such as Fat Families, Supersize vs Superskinny, and Secret Eaters, especially during my pre-university vacation in Paris, Bordeaux, and Dresden, I began to adapt to walking a whole lot more from A to B instead of constantly relying on public transportation, specifically for one-hour journeys by foot, and I even adapted to surviving on child-sized portions plus liquids as my only meal. This was a habit that I ended up integrating when walking from my home to my university, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and vice-versa, with the fruits of my labour paying off, despite the occasional binge or two. In 2020, my weight loss progress was more fully realised when I lost 3 stone 1 lb (43 lbs or 19.5 kg), making me land at 14 stone 2.6 lbs (198.6 lbs or 90.1 kg). This was also helped by the fact that, since it was during the first Covid-19 pandemic wave, public places such as restaurants and takeaway places were on lockdown, thus reducing my urge to binge and, most of all, lust for takeaway food, which was one of my greatest downfalls of all time plus my excessive intake of carbohydrates. Although I was still medically obese, I did not want to be complacent, and I was introduced by a very great friend and their wonderful family to the Keto lifestyle. I refuse to call it a diet because the Keto lifestyle really did address where I went wrong with my eating habits and patterns. Thanks to the consistency I did my best to maintain, I was no longer classified as obese but medically overweight during my tenure of losing weight from September to December of 2020. In fact, on December 31, 2020, I weighed 12 stone 8.4 lbs (176.4 lbs or 80 kg), which kept my motivation even higher than ever before. 2021 saw me constantly battling with my weight even more, although I still thanked my lucky stars that I was no longer classified as obese. I even reached my lightest weight of 11 stone 1.4 lbs (155.4 lbs or 70.5 kg), which meant that I was in my normal weight for the first time in years. It made me feel a whole lot happier, healthier, and set for life. However, I did stumble and ended up regaining some weight because I did lose a drastic amount of weight from mid-June to late-July by restricting my food intake almost to the extreme. All of this meant that my cravings were coming back with a mighty vengeance, but I still obtained compliments from friends, relatives, and people I have been in good contact with about how much healthier I looked and how much slimmer I looked in comparison to the many occasions where I tried to lose weight. At least the encouragement served to further strengthen my resolve. This year, my weight may have gone up and down, but I still managed to do my very best to keep the mantra of eating less and moving more, thus living on a calorie deficit complimented by physical activity such as walking, floor exercises, and stretching. I also did what I could to decrease the amount of calories I was taking in a day and always reserved Fridays for fasting. After regaining some weight and losing it again, I managed to 7.3 lbs (3.3 kg) lighter than what I was last year when I was at my lightest weight. Now, I am proud to say that I am 10 stone 8.2 lbs (148.2 lbs or 67.2 kg) putting me nicely in my normal weight range with a normal BMI of 23.5. I could not be any prouder let alone happier for myself that I have achieved being at my normal weight range. As I said before, I cannot afford to rest on my laurels let alone be complacent. Ever since I heard multiple testimonies of people losing over 7 stone 2 lbs (100 lbs or 45.4 kgs) of weight in certain amounts of time ranging from 5 months to 4 years, I thought it would be great if I got myself into this too. After all, I am about to celebrate my third year weight loss anniversary this coming August 29, which makes it 3 weeks and 2 days from now. My goal weight is 10 stone 1.6 lbs (141.6 lbs or 64.2 kg), which means I have 6.6 lbs (3 kg) to lose in order for me to attain that goal. Any weight that is lower than 10 stone 1.6 lbs (141.6 lbs or 64.2 kg) is all the better for me, especially when I aspire to reach 9 stone (126 lbs or 57.1 kg). The point I want to drive home is that any weight lost is better than any weight regained. I am happy that I have come this far, and I never want to go back to being overweight ever again because I am far too gorgeous to ever be…

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