
OT4 Death Match: Gallant Guardians vs Brawling Bruisers

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Animation fans of all ages! You are all invited to witness this transatlantic four-person superpowered MMA battle between Tokyo, Japan’s very own Gallant Guardians and Townsville, USA’s very own Brawling Bruisers! This battle is going to be exciting, as we have four supernatural warriors squaring off against four superheroes. Hold on to your, hats, folks, because the temperature is about to rise and pulses are about to accelerate! So, here are the team members, and give them a round of applause! On the topmost layer standing behind a green background are the members of the Gallant Guardians. Inuyasha “The Beastly Executioner”, aged 35 Ginta “The Dashing Warlord”, aged 34 Ayame “The Fiery Whirlwind”, aged 32 Shunran “The Spring Mirage”, aged 31 On the bottom layer behind a red background are the members of The Brawling Bruisers. Brick “The Lord High Bludgeoner” Green, aged 26 Butch “The Baron of Brawn” Green, aged 26 Blossom “The Commander and the Leader” Utonium-Green, aged 25 Buttercup “The Toughest Fighter” Utonium-Green, aged 25 Now with that said, here’s the order of who they are going to individually fight against. Inuyasha vs Brick- We got two strong-willed, hotheaded big guys squaring off against each other. This is going to be fun. Ginta vs Butch- It’s strength and speed against pure muscle. Who comes out alive will be determined by this match. Ayame vs Blossom- It’s a clash consisting of grace, beauty, tact, toughness, endurance, and stamina. These ladies certainly have it made for each other. Shunran vs Buttercup- Delicate yet mischievous feminity clashing against hardcore tomboyishness. I believe the mostly male demographic is wholly prepared for something like this. What are you waiting for, folks? Comment below of which OT4 is going to come out alive from this epic match. And now… LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!! Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Get Your Pump and Pummel On! drawn by me

Well, looks like a huge, hulking demon almost akin to Goshinki was terrorizing Tokyo. Never fear, dear citizens, Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are here to do the job, and, boy, did they give it a mega beating with their bare hands and claws, hence the bloodstains. That just shows you how strong this four-person team is, not only in terms of physical abilities but also in terms of relationships. One can even imagine their kids cheering for their parents akin to lines like these. Kenta and Keita: Go, Mom, Dad, Auntie Shunran, and Uncle Ginta! You showed that demon who’s boss! Plus, we wanna fight demons just like you! Minoru and Manabu: All right, Mom and Dad! You, Uncle Inuyasha, and Auntie Ayame were so awesome today! I also hope that we, Kenta, and Keita can form a demon fighting team of our own too, that would be great! Kaito, Momoko, and Maya: Oh, yeah! Sakura, Kokoro, and Sentaro: Woohoo! You did it, Mom, Dad, Uncle Inuyasha, and Auntie Ayame! So, once again, Tokyo is saved! Thanks to Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran also known as The Gallant Guardians! Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Ginta’s and Shunran’s Happy, Healthy Family drawn by me

Happy Pentecostal Sunday, everybody. Here’s another piece of Inuyasha fanart consisting of Ginta, Shunran, and their offspring. From left to right we have: Ginta, aged 34, second Alpha Male of the Northern Yoro tribe Shunran, aged 31, member of the Panther Devas and Ginta’s sweet, beloved wife Minoru, aged 15, the eldest son and first child Manabu, aged 14, the younger son and second child Sakura, aged 13, the elder daughter and third child Kokoro, aged 12, the younger daughter and fourth child Sentaro, aged 10, the youngest son and fifth child My little story behind Ginta and Shunran being together goes something like this. When Ginta, Hakkaku, and Kouga first met Shunran and the rest of the Panther Devas, it was not a most promising start, as they got themselves into skirmishes in courtesy of their insurmountable power. However, Ginta took notice of one of the Panther Devas who specialized in creating cherry blossom-induced mirages and whose notable trait was her giggling, Shunran. At first, her giggling and her mischievousness were a slight nuisance, but after seeing what she can do as a fighter, Ginta was rather interested. One day, when Shunran, Karan, Shuran, and Toran were about to head home, Ginta called Shunran’s name and at first, he was hesitant to speak up. That was until Shunran smiled at him and told him that he was a funny person and would like to get to know more about him. With this remark, Ginta blushed but plucked up the courage to ask her on a friendly date by the lake. She reciprocated the offer and on the very next day, they finally told each other how they felt. Ginta opened up to tell Shunran how much of an amazing fighter she was, how nice her cherry blossoms smell, and how much of a fun-loving person she was, and Shunran proceeded to tell Ginta how much of a hilarious gentleman he was, how kind and considerate he was when they were talking to each other. They looked at each other in the eyes and realized who they were truly looking for, as if though it were love at first sight. By the time they consummated their feelings they even encountered Inuyasha and Ayame who in turn were in a relationship. Inuyasha and Ayame remarked that Ginta and Shunran make an adorable couple. Moreover, they decided to become a four-person team, defending Japan against different demons and monsters using their courage, strength, and sturdy teamwork to get the job done. As Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran became closer as friends, Ginta’s and Shunran’s relationship blossomed even more to the point where Ginta proposed to her. This made Shunran excited and she could not wait to break the news to her siblings. Shunran hurried back to Toran, Shuran, and Karan and finally spilled the beans about her undying love for Ginta. Her older siblings were initially hesitant. However, they wanted what was best for their sister and wanted to see her happy. Moreover, Karan decided to give the final word and said yes to the relationship, thus having Shunran gleefully embrace all three of her older siblings. Ginta did the same when he told Kouga and Hakkaku about his prospects of marrying Shunran. In spite of Kouga being unsure about Ginta being with Shunran, Hakkaku, being the best friend that he was, happily gave his consent and wrapped him in an embrace. Kouga also gave his consent, so long as Ginta does not make the same mistake he did with Kagome and Ayame by being a two-timer. A few months after Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s marriage, Ginta and Shunran were happily wed and decided to stay with Inuyasha and Ayame as a unit, thus making Inuyasha akin to an older brother to Ginta and Ayame akin to an older sister to Shunran. With every battle, they did by day, Ginta and Shunran made love to each other by night. Shunran then broke the news that she was pregnant and nine months later, she gave birth to a boy, with tears of joy flowing down her eyes. Ginta was also happy and surprised that he was a father and has made a vow to be forever faithful to his family. With four more children to add to this family, Ginta and Shunran ensured a positive, loving, and optimistic home life, especially for their children, and it was going to stay that way. Now that that is out of the way, let’s talk about the children. As the eldest, Minoru has the responsibility of looking after his younger siblings and leading by example. He has inherited his father’s happy-go-lucky, kind, and caring nature but is also prone to being impulsive and some bouts of anger. He abhors it when anyone tries to hurt not only him but also his parents, his siblings, and his friends, as he will unleash Hell thanks to his super strength and lightning speed, thus making him a competent fighter. He is especially close to his father, as he looks to him because of his good humor and capabilities as a fighter. He also loves his mother’s company, as she is strong-willed and ensures that her dear Minoru does not get into any trouble. He is also close to his siblings, but he is more fond of his sisters Sakura and Kokoro for being great listeners and helping him get in touch with his feminine side, especially when it comes to talking to girls. Manabu is the kind, caring, emphatic, sweet, and soft-spoken second son and he does get along superbly with Minoru. He likes to spar with Minoru and their father every morning and he also loves to go by the lake for a swim with either his siblings, his friends, or with the whole family. He is especially helpful to Minoru whenever he is in a sticky situation and they have a super strong brotherly bond. In terms of his relationship with his youngest brother, Sentaro, he enjoys playing…

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Belle Nuit, O Nuit D’Amour drawn by me

Favorite duet from one of my most favorite French operas aside, here are my most beloved Inuyasha OTPs, Inuyasha/Ayame and Ginta/Shunran, having a really romantic moment in a moonlit flower field. I swear, I enjoy shipping the pants off of Inuyasha and Ayame and Ginta and Shunran like there’s no tomorrow, they are truly meant for each other! I will admit that I am not a fan of drawing kissing scenes, given how difficult they can be to illustrate. However, for what this was worth, I have to say that the experience I had doing this was kind of worthwhile especially with my favorite Inuyasha OTPs of all time. Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

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Going Feral drawn by me

It’s time for Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran to go wild, completely beast mode, more specifically full yokai mode, and roar their guts out! They are sure to give any demon, monster, and/or villain a good thrashing and a good fright. By the way, these guys don’t need spears or bows and arrows to do the job like any jungle warrior could. That’s why they have their fists to deliver a barrage of blows, feet to deliver lightning kicks, and claws to tear through any tough material. I definitely found Inuyasha’s full yokai form to be a force to be reckoned with, as he does bear a sense of power, authority, and animalistic ferocity. However, I have always wondered how Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran would look like if they tapped into their yokai form. Well, this is what I came up with. I gave Ginta flashing silver eyes, Ayame flashing teal eyes with crimson irises, and Shunran bright yellow eyes with golden irises, thus being respectively reminiscent of a wolf and a panther. I must say, this was a great and awesome pleasure to see these four go feral and tap into their beastly capabilities. One can tell that Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran would be a lot more formidable than they already are. Thanks for having a gander at this piece of fan art, and have a lovely, sunny day. Take care. Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

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Don’t Mess Up Our Turf! drawn by me

Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are here to show you why you should never mess with them. And given how battle-ready they are, I think you might want to retreat. This was definitely fun in terms of what ideas I came up with the shirt logos for Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran. Inuyasha is obviously the fearless leader of this pack. Ginta is the handsome pretty boy who can also open up a can of whoop-ass, as he is an example of beware the nice ones. Ayame is a brawling beauty. Finally, Shunran is the energetic cute girl who is living proof that rose as fair, sweet, and lovely as she can have sharp thorns. Given the clothes they have, especially Ginta’s camouflage pants, I also decided to transport them into our century complete with a graffiti-covered concrete wall. So, I hope you all enjoy this piece of fan art and I wish you all a nice, sunny day. Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

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Strong Muscles and Fierce Beauty drawn by me

What happens when you combine two strong, muscular, studly dude bros with two gorgeous, fiery, fierce redhead ladies? Why you get a diverse ragtag quartet of my four favorite fighters from Rumiko Takahashi’s Inuyasha who can kick all types of ass.   From left to right we have Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran and their current respective ages are 35, 34, 32, and 31. As you can tell, they are having a fierce moment where they are ready to take on any opponent who dares to cross their path.   I have always wondered how well these four would work together, as I do believe that Inuyasha truly deserves better and more emphatic comrades. In my mind, there would be healthier and more positive energy, more interesting dynamics bouncing about this quartet, more empathy, more moments where all four can have a laugh and chill, and less stupid soap opera antics. Plus, I have always envisioned Inuyasha to be the large-and-in-charge leader of the group, Ginta to be Inuyasha’s fun-loving and comedic foil complete with having moments where they are playfighting, Ayame to be the second-in-command speed fighter and Inuyasha’s wife, and Shunran to be the cute, feisty, jovial Genki girl and Ginta’s wife.   Being the overall eldest of this group, Inuyasha is the leader and serves as the main muscle. His authority would certainly be unquestioned, in spite of moments of rashness and being prone to anger. At least he has the good company of his best friend, Ginta, his girlfriend and eventual wife, Ayame, and his close friend who is almost like a little sister to him, Shunran, who always remind him that he is never alone and he can trust them. His super strength is reliable when knocking opponents down and even helping his loved ones out of a sticky situation with his earth-shattering punches, lightning kicks, sharp claws, and, of course, his muscles.   Ginta is almost like a younger brother to Inuyasha, as they are equal in strength and is just as jacked as him. He complements Inuyasha being the happy-go-lucky, fun-loving, and more laid-back comedic foil to Inuyasha’s seriousness and driven attitude. Ginta would be the one to joke around with Inuyasha and he would usually be the receiving end of his camel clutches, noogies, and full nelsons. However, when they get serious with sparring or fighting enemies, they certainly would be as determined and focused as possible. Moreover, Ginta would be the one to break the ice from Inuyasha, thus making him drop his defenses and make him feel happier and more comfortable with himself. In terms of abilities, while Inuyasha’s super strength makes him stand out, Ginta has super strength and lightning speed, which he uses to his advantage.   Ayame needs no introduction as a tough, rough, kickass heroine. As teenagers, she and Inuyasha would start off as just friends, yet eventually, find out that they have more in common than they think. After dating each other for quite some time, they finally realize they are meant for each other, get hitched, and start a family with Ginta and Shunran being their children’s godparents. She would usually be the one to calm Inuyasha down when he gets upset, troubled or jumpy, thus serving as the second-in-command in this group. As the second-in-command, she would ensure logic to be present in every attack she and her comrades make to an enemy. She is not only super fast but incredibly strong and agile using her backflips, somersaults, lightning punches, and flying kicks to her advantage. Aside from having a healthy synergy of a relationship with Inuyasha, she has a lovely, brotherly bond with Ginta and a strong sisterly bond with Shunran.   Shunran would serve as the light, laughter, love, and source of optimism and encouragement in the group and she’s also the youngest. She’s also the artistic and creative one of this group, as she loves to make cherry blossom mirages in order to either distract her enemies or calm her groupmates down after a long day. Aside from using her cherry blossom mirages, I envision her doing more hand-to-hand combat akin to capoeira, wushu, kung fu, and mixed martial arts. She has a lot of sweet, lovey-dovey moments with Ginta and they absolutely enjoy their moments of intimacy and solemnity. Moreover, she enjoys having Inuyasha around, as if he were almost like the big, strong, stoic older brother to her flighty, funny, fresh-faced younger sister, and she considers Ayame to be her ultimate gal pal and the awesome, cool big sister she wished she had, which is in no offense to her three older biological siblings, Toran, Shuran, and Karan. She and Ayame would not only enjoy sparring with each other, thus perfecting their punches and kicks, but also practicing meditation, going to the woods, racing with each other to see who’s speedier, and having a lot of girl talk.   So, that’s how I see Inuyasha’s, Ginta’s, Ayame’s, and Shunran’s relationship with each other. It’s one not only based on fighting together as one unit but also on empathy, ensuring a healthy synergy with each other, trust, and making sure that their bond remains indestructible even after marriage and having children. I’m sure you either agree or have different opinions so, I would love to hear from you.   Thanks for taking a gander at this piece of fanart and for reading this post. Enjoy the summer.   Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

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Beast Mode Engaged! drawn by me

Ah, Inuyasha and Ginta. While I don’t pair up these two as lovers, I certainly consider them to be my personal BroTP for life. Think about it. Inuyasha’s hotheaded and impulsive nature can certainly mesh well with Ginta’s submissive, placid, and hilarious personality in a brotherly fashion, thus making Inuyasha the tough, strong, rough stud of an older brother to Ginta’s equally strong, handsome, yet gentle and meek younger brother. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are Inuyasha and Ginta getting their pump on for all of you to see. Enjoy! Inuyasha and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

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My Three Inuyasha OTPs drawn by me

Hey, everybody! Antoni, here, with another piece of fanart I made. This time it’s Inuyasha with three of my most beloved and favorite OTPs. From left to right we have Inuyasha/Ayame, Ginta/Shunran, and Kohaku/Rin. I aged them up to what I would think they would look like this year, even though I did make them look a lot younger than I expected them to look. In this picture, Inuyasha is 35, Ayame is 32, Ginta is 33 going on 34, Shunran is 31, Kohaku is 29, and Rin is 25 going on 26. Yes, I know I could’ve also drawn Sesshoumaru/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Shippou/Souten, and Souta/Kanna, but there was apparently only room for three couples in my sketchpad. Moreover, I am a bigger Inuyasha/Ayame, Ginta/Shunran, and Kohaku/Rin fan because not only do I find these pairings absolutely adorable, but also plausible in their own ways. So, let’s not waste any time and talk about these respective pairings. Inuyasha/Ayame Given the amount of Inuyasha/Ayame fanfics, I have been recommending and, of course, reviewing, it should come off as no surprise that these two are my OTP for life. From the bottom of my heart, I always knew that Inuyasha should’ve ended up with someone more compatible. I mean, if I were in his position, I would move on from Kikyou, stay the absolute heck away from Kagome, and just settle with someone as tough, strong, and kickass like Ayame. Additionally, if I were in Ayame’s position, I should just let Kouga keep Kagome and I can run off with Inuyasha, with good old gramps giving his approval to someone as sturdy, strong, and steadfast like him. In terms of Inuyasha’s outfit, I did promise I was going to make something out of it after I reviewed darling krash’s fanfic A Hint of Hope, and I had an idea of how it should look. Since Inuyasha is essentially a warrior suitable for Ayame to be her loyal husband, I decided to make him look a little more tribal and dress like one of the wolf youkai, even though Inuyasha is a dog hanyou. Speaking of which, I decided to tap into Inuyasha’s full youkai side without the overall bloodthirsty nature he has in that state and make him have enhanced physical strength, given his physicality here. I also imagine him doing more hand-to-hand combat, as well as using his claws to take down his enemies. Overall, it was such a joy making a more muscular, more mature-looking, and more warlike Inuyasha, it was really envisioning him as this type of warrior. Moreover, I did keep Inuyasha’s trademark badassery, which was one thing about him I found so endearing. Ayame was also a joy to draw. I kept her signature outfit and I also decided to make her a little bit more womanly though still keeping her youth and vivacity. I can certainly see Inuyasha and Ayame fighting side by side on a battlefield and they will come home as the champions. After all of that, it’s a whole night of hot and steamy intimacy. I also envision them having children of their own, what with Inuyasha being the strong, no-nonsense, strict, yet open and cool father and Ayame being the supportive, well-meaning, and strong-minded mother. That also gives me an idea of making their fan-children. Overall, is there anything else I need to say about why I not only fancy the pants off of Inuyasha/Ayame but also love them as a couple? In my mind, they were definitely made for each other. Ginta/Shunran I have been toying with this idea of these two being together for many years. All of the sudden it hit me. No one has even thought about pairing these two together other than me. So, I guess it was up to me to give this coupling the light of day. Since I always saw Ginta’s and Hakkaku’s relationship as more platonic, as they act like fraternal twin brothers with their antics and chemistry, I thought to myself, why not give these two guys some lovely women to be their life partners. On the flipside, the Panther Devas, especially Toran, Karan, and Shunran, have been my favorite Inuyasha filler anti-heroes because of how well they work as a unit and just how fun they are in terms of their personalities. So, I kind of came to the conclusion that Ginta might as well take Shunran to be his mate and Hakkaku can take Karan. As I stated before in my fanfiction recommendation of “An Odd Pair” by JapanLurve101, I like the idea of Ginta and Shunran being together. When you have a nice, kind-hearted, hilarious, and sweet soul like Ginta pair up with someone as mischievous, spirited, vivacious, and cheeky like Shunran, it can actually make for a really adorable yet plausible pairing. At first, they might not agree on a lot of things and may have their own trust issues, but as soon as he sees Shunran in danger, I can imagine Ginta bucking up and saving her. Through time, they will actually grow to like each other, in spite of how different they are with Ginta being a wolf youkai and Shunran being a panther youkai. They will very much challenge and break the system, thus running off together. Plus, I am sure they will have a lot of great interactions with Ginta thinking that Shunran is cute, bubbly, and fun-loving and Shunran thinking that Ginta is hilarious, strong, and charming. With Ginta’s outfit, it is a variation of his trademark one in the anime though I did make a few changes to expose parts of his chest and torso. In terms of his personality, I see him being a lot more independent and strong while still being the gentle, goofy, and kind soul that he’s always been. Plus, he has beefed up a bit as he got older. With Shunran, I made a variation on her outfit while still keeping her trademark colors, as well as the…

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Happy Easter, everybody! Antoni, here, with another Inuyasha fanfiction recommendation. I will be taking a look at An Odd Pair, which was written by JapanLurve101 and published on November 10, 2008. It’s rated M. It’s in English. It’s Romance and the main pairing is, get ready for this, Inuyasha/Ginta.   Before I talk about this fanfic, I want to talk about Inuyasha and Ginta as a shounen-ai couple. It is a guilty pleasure, and I kind of enjoy it because at least they are not related in any form. However, if you ask me, I actually ship them as a BrOTP. In my mind, their dynamics will function with Inuyasha functioning the large-and-in-charge, strong-willed, hotheaded and badass big brother to Ginta’s meek, endearing, jolly, and beware the nice one’s younger brother.   In terms of shipping them with characters of the opposite sex, while I pair Inuyasha with Ayame to the nth degree, I always thought about pairing Ginta with Shunran of the Panther Devas. Sure, they clashed a bit in the anime, but I think Ginta/Shunran has potential. Think about it, Ginta is a kind, sensitive, sweet guy and Shunran is a feisty, fun-loving, lively girl. He would find her cute, fun to be with, and agile in her movements and she would find him hilarious, charming, and super strong. Sooner or later, they would hit it off rather well. I know it sounds a bit cheesy, but the thought of Ginta and Shunran as a couple always seems to fascinate me and it can be plausible.   Okay, enough rambling. Let’s get on to what I thought about this story.   Deep in the forest, Inuyasha is his usually vexed self, as he is thinking about Kouga’s blunt unwillingness to challenge him, as Kagome is not present. Just by thinking about what Kouga said is enough to make Inuyasha all the more riled up to the point where he is thinking about executing him by cutting off Kouga’s tail. A voice manages to startle Inuyasha out of his psychotic fantasy and then he sees that the voice belonged to Ginta, who exposits that Kouga is not in the area. Inuyasha is initially disappointed until Ginta decides that he needs to take a bath in the hot springs, for someone is about to take over guard duty. Inuyasha is initially hesitant until he decides to join Ginta along. What follows is the brewing relationship between the hotheaded hanyou and the innocent wolf yokai. By and large, this story is a mixture of humorous, charming, and rather steamy in the climax. By steamy, I mean there is male fanservice and eroticism, but it’s done in a way that does not feel too forced, as the story builds itself up quite nicely. It does not obnoxiously thrive on the fanservice and it’s balanced with substantial interest on the characters’ part. For one chapter, I thought it had a sufficient enough story, so high marks there.   Talking about the characters is talking about Inuyasha and Ginta. It’s always a pleasure to see Inuyasha’s brand of toughness, brashness, and strong will present in this fanfic until he lets his defenses down. He was very much in character.   Ginta is fleshed out the most. In the anime, he and Hakkaku function almost like fraternal twin brothers and are usually either the butt-monkeys or just the comedic sidekicks to Kouga. It’s a major shame because I would’ve loved to have each of their personalities fleshed out a lot more. Here he does keep his brand of innocence, charm, meekness, and youthfulness but it’s also backed up by a slightly mischievous attitude, especially when he realizes Inuyasha’s desire for some sensuality.   There were not so many spelling and grammar errors, which made my overall reading pleasure a blast for the most part. I also have to give it high marks for the descriptive and varied enough language.   Overall, this is a story I thoroughly enjoyed, especially with Inuyasha and Ginta as the main crack pairing. With their different personalities meshing together so well helped by a sufficient story and steamy action going on between Inuyasha and Ginta, I say go check it out if you are a fan of this crack pairing. With that said, I give this fanfic a grade of A+. Minute errors aside, I still say that this is a worthwhile read if you enjoy having Inuyasha and Ginta as yaoi couple.   Well, that’s all for now, tune in later for another Inuyasha fanfiction recommendation centering around Kohaku and Rin with Sesshoumaru playing a paternal part, Twenty Truths: My Daughter written by NalaxSimba. Until then, have a most pleasant Easter. An Odd Pair by JapanLurve101

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