
My Six-Year DeviantArt Anniversary Art Summary

Happy Sixth DeviantArt Anniversary to me, ladies and gentlemen. I know I was supposed to post this yesterday. However, as you can tell, InuAya month continued to be in full swing. This is also evident in the fanart collage I have created when I started InuAya month two years ago and continued to observe April as the month dedicated to one of my most beloved OTPs ever. Therefore, I invite you to sit back, relax, take a stroll down memory lane with me, and celebrate the six years I have been here at DeviantArt. There is no doubt that my time on DeviantArt has been filled with ups, downs, fans, trolls, friends, enemies, and a whole bunch of netizens present here and outside DeviantArt for better and for worse. However, one attribute remains evergreen which is my passion and devotion to Inuyasha x Ayame as my cherished one true pairing not only in the Inuyasha franchise as well as all of anime but also in all of fandom. I have been a devoted partisan to this pairing since I was a teenager because I believed that there was potential for Inuyasha and Ayame to be a mighty power couple strong enough to defeat a horde of opponents in martial arts tournaments and protect their family and fellow tribespeople from invaders. Even in my teens, I was never satisfied with the canon pairings Inuyasha and Ayame received. I have already made my reasons clear as to why their respective canon pairings never worked in my eyes, even if the canon devotees do not want to listen or think I am bashing the canon pairings. Nevertheless, I chose to exercise my right to uphold Inuyasha and Ayame as one of my favorite power couples ever. Throughout my time drawing Inuyasha x Ayame fanart and delving into discourses in terms of the potential they have as a power couple, I have been toying with ideas in store for them. One of the ideas I had in store was my Mighty Morphin Inurangers AU headcanon. No doubt did I enjoy casting Inuyasha as the Red Tyrannosaurus Inuranger version of Tommy Oliver and Jason Lee Scott and Ayame as the Yellow Saber-Toothed Tiger Inuranger version of Trini Kwan and Aisha Campbell. While I always insist that Inuyasha embodies Tommy’s long-lasting legacy as the face of the Power Rangers and Jason’s original status as the Red Ranger leader and Ayame encapsulates Trini’s courageous compassion, Aisha’s warm fierceness, and even Tanya Sloan’s unstoppable graciousness, Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s power couple dynamics are reminiscent of the following Red Ranger and Yellow Ranger couples, especially in the Saban era. Inuyasha and Ayame possess Eric’s and Taylor’s military fierceness, Leo’s and Maya’s warrior strength, and Andros’s and Ashley’s warmly unconditional love with fortitude and glory as an Inuranger couple. My InuAya fanart collage illustrates that there is one other AU headcanon that propelled my admiration and fascination for Inuyasha and Ayame as a power couple. That is my anime martial arts tournament AU headcanon where a lot of the anime characters I grew up watching on television form teams of seven and possess trademark martial arts. The idea was born from my admiration of fighting games and real-life martial arts tournaments like Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat, Pride FC, UFC, WWE, TNA, and K1. Inuyasha and Ayame are the power couple who combine magnificent muscles, stupendous super strength, and formidable fierceness to dominate the competition. Inuyasha’s main martial art is Ancient Greek Wrestling with a background in Pankration, Ssireum, and Combat Sambo akin to Zangief and Guile, while Ayame’s main martial art is Muay Thai with a background in Kyuk Too Ki, Pradal Serey, and Muay Lao akin to Joe Higashi and Benimaru Nikaido. Given their respective fighting styles, Inuyasha and Ayame would end up winning the gold in every martial arts tournament they are in. What has always sold me about Inuyasha and Ayame as a power couple is the combination of mighty combat prowess and unconditional empowerment. I have always insisted that Inuyasha’s bulging biceps, alabaster abs, tremendous triceps, pulverizing pectorals, dominating deltoids, and crushing calf muscles complement Ayame’s furious fists, fleet feet, knockout knees, eviscerating elbows, and sharp shins to win any and every martial arts tournament. This is especially true when Inuyasha’s magnificent muscles and stupendous super-strength propel his double axe handles, tracheal grip chokes, camel clutches, German suplexes, fireman’s carries, elbow drops, and neck cranks join forces with Ayame’s Superman punches, uppercuts, jabs, hooks, flying knees, elbow slashes, and roundhouse kicks. Thus, Inuyasha’s magnificent muscles as a wrestler, bodybuilder, and weightlifter specializing in Ancient Greek Wrestling, Pankration, Ssireum, and Kapu Kuialua combine exceptionally with Ayame’s limbering limbs as a Nak Muay Ying Farang specializing in Muay Thai, Kyuk Too Ki, and Pradal Serey. Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s powerful combat prowess also has an effect on their progeny and family as a whole. I have always envisioned Inuyasha and Ayame to have an unbreakable marriage under Ayame’s grandfather’s blessings while they were still young and grow together into their old age, especially with having several children. They even end up having fourteen children, consisting of seven super-strong sons and seven determined daughters. Masataka, Masaya, and Masaru are the eldest InuAya sons who are virile weightlifters and wrestlers. Kenta and Keita are the second eldest InuAya sons who are magnificently muscular bodybuilders and wrestlers. Kazuhiko and Kaito are the third eldest InuAya sons who are handsome fitness models and wrestlers. Kiriko is the fourth-born InuAya daughter who is a fiery Muay Thai maven. Momoko, Makoto, and Mikoto are the fifth-born InuAya daughters who are tough Muay Lao winners. Maya and Minako are the sixth-born InuAya daughters who are fierce Pradal Serey champions. Meika is the seventh-born InuAya daughter who is a determined Dutch Kickboxing prizefighter. As their children grew and got married to Hakkaku’s, Ginta’s, and Shunran’s children, Inuyasha and Ayame also ended up being just as happy to be grandparents to their children’s children. Therefore,…

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Jungle Art Throwback

Happy New Year, everybody. Antoni here. It is time to get this jungle heated up with a horde of muscular jungle warrior kings and a couple of well-built jungle queens. Whether I have enjoyed drawing my three favourite Filipino musclemen Fernando from Doodle of Doom plus Init-Init and Bernardo Carpio from the PSICOM comics, my four favourite jungle king brothers in animation George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli who have found themselves in romantic relationships with one Greek demigod Hercules and two Powhatan warriors Namontack and Kocoum, my seven most beloved jungle brothers in comics and animation Conan of Cimmeria, Ka-Zar of the Savage Lands, Zula of the Wasai, Tarzan of the Dell Comics, Kavandavanda, Malb’yat, and Aroc, and, most of all, the Splendid Seven consisting of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran with Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran being my two most beloved Inuyasha OTPs of all time, I always enjoyed drawing them. I even hope that they continue to receive a lot more love because it is a lot of fun seeing these jungle warriors do their thing. George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli are the closest of brothers, given how they were raised very well by the dear old dad Chief Keewazi, and consider themselves the most huggable of jungle muscle brothers. They are also fortunate to be surrounded by best friends like Fernando, Init-Init, and Bernardo Carpio, for they consider them to be brothers from other mothers. Sure, they enjoy their bodybuilding pose-downs, wrestling matches, and admiring each others’ muscles, but they get serious by building a formidable muscle wall and flexing their tremendous biceps to show to their enemies that they mean business. Their feral sides would then show when they attack their enemies with their bare hands, furious fists, and magnificent muscles. After every battle, they keep themselves warm by huddling to each other in the nude as they fall asleep. In order to keep themselves fit, Fernando, Init-Init, Bernardo, George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli would partake in weightlifting, bodybuilding pose-downs, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, swimming, diving, and even hunting and gathering with their bare hands, claws, and fangs. This is especially true since Basuli and Tarzan tend to be the most feral of the brothers. George’s, Basuli’s, Tarzan’s, and Maugli’s love lives are just as dynamic and beautiful. Basuli and Tarzan have been both happily married to Namontack and Kocoum ever since they were teenagers and have families of their own complete with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. To this day, Namontack x Basuli and Kocoum x Tarzan are still the jungle’s most beautiful couples ever. George of the Jungle and Maugli are just as fortunate to be in love with Namontack and Kocoum because of how protective and huggable they are to the point where both Basuli and Tarzan do not mind if George makes love with Namontack and Maugli makes love with Kocoum. This is because both Basuli and Tarzan also have a handsome lover in Hercules. Although, Hercules has been the best of friends with George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli since they were children, Hercules has always fancied Basuli and Tarzan a lot more because they are just as strong, brave, and physically formidable as he is, and he always considered the bond he has with both Basuli and Tarzan to be special. In fact, Hercules has inherited his father Zeus’s signature charm in that he has become the apple of Namontack’s, Kocoum’s, George’s, Basuli’s, Tarzan’s, and Maugli’s eyes. Zeus, Powhatan, and Keewazi even remark how greatly their sons have been getting together with each other. Combining Namontack’s and Basuli’s as well as Kocoum’s and Tarzan’s happy marriage, George and Maugli finding themselves in equally loving relationships with Namontack and Basuli, and Basuli and Tarzan loving Hercules to bits, there is no stopping these jungle warriors from letting their family grow and grow under the mantle of love, joy, and prosperity. Whether it is touching each others’ muscles or making sweet love to each other, with the patterns being Namontack x Basuli, Kocoum x Tarzan, Namontack x George, Kocoum x Maugli, Basuli x Hercules x Tarzan, Namontack x Hercules x Kocoum or George x Hercules x Maugli, there will always be room for that sexy, virile, handsome love. Even their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren love the fact that their fathers and uncles have been remaining in wonderfully harmonious and loving relationships. Strong brotherly love is just as phenomenal when Conan, Ka-Zar, Zula, Tarzan, Kavandavanda, Malb’yat, and Aroc step to the podium. Conan’s fierceness, Ka-Zar’s endurance, Zula’s loyalty, Tarzan’s formidability, Kavandavanda’s charm, Malb’yat’s toughness, and Aroc’s lovability have brought them together as brothers even to the point where they have become united as a virile family. They have even made names for themselves by making their own jungle gym focusing on weightlifting, muscle-building, bodybuilding, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, swimming, and diving. With that strong brotherly love comes that sense of competition that unites seven of them as the strongest, handsomest, and most virile of brothers. They always love having wrestling, bodybuilding, and weightlifting matches with each other because they keep each other alive. They even pass it on to their progeny, specifically onto Dan-El, Natongo, Korak, Bomba, Jason, Dick, and Dom, for they have become just as super strong as their fathers and uncles. They would even invite John Carter, Kaanga, Ki-Gor, Zembla, Jo-Jo, Akim, and Tor for wrestling and bodybuilding matches. Therefore, Conan, Ka-Zar, Zula, Tarzan, Kavandavanda, Malb’yat, and Aroc continue to be the super strong and super handsome jungle brothers that they are. Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Hakkaku, Inuyasha, Ayame, Ginta, and Shunran are in their element when it comes to being jungle warlords. Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame may be the lord high priest, king, and queen of the jungle, but their surrogate siblings are just as vital, considering that Shuran is the bodyguard of the jungle, Hakkaku is the messenger of the jungle, Ginta is the captain of the guard of the jungle, and Shunran…

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