
Eat You Alive! drawn by me

This piece of Rowdyruff/Powerpuff fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, talking2mazelf. I wish you a most pleasant, prosperous, and blessed birthday and keep up the great work you have with your Powerpuff Girls fan art. It appears that the awesome members of Team Xtreme have gotten themselves into another bloody monster battle and another piece of trouble seems to be looming over them. However, given their expressions here, thus bearing a certain Yandere vibe, one can say that perpetrators better run like bats out of Hell, lest they encounter themselves with death, destruction, and an ultimatum to end all ultimatums. Narrator: The City of Townsville…is under attack by three giant monsters! (Three hulking monsters, one aquamarine, one dark blue, and one violet, are crashing some buildings. Team Xtreme consisting of Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles arrive flying swiftly in the scene.) Narrator: No need to fear for Team Xtreme is here. Brick: Butch, you and Buttercup handle the one in aquamarine. Bubbles, you and Boomer take care of the one in violet. And Bloss. Blossom: Yes, Brick. Brick: Let’s take care of Mr. Midnight Blue. Blossom: Affirmative! (Brick and Blossom fly to the dark blue monster and zap it with their laser eye beams in order to weaken it. However, the monster uses its claws to slash Brick’s and Blossom’s clothes. The reds don’t give up, as Brick uses his fire breath to roast the monster and Blossom uses her ice breath to immobilize it.) (Cut to Boomer and Bubbles.) Boomer: All right, Bubbles. You ready to give him the sonic shock ball. Bubbles: You bet, Boomie! (Boomer and Bubbles have electricity surging out of their hands, as they form an electric ball. They then throw it to the violet monster giving it the shock of its life.) (Cut to Butch and Buttercup.) Butch: Yo, BC! Let’s say we bust this big, ugly thing up. Buttercup: Heard ya loud and clear, Butcher! (Butch and Buttercup clap their hands sending strong shockwaves to the aquamarine monster. After that, all six members of Team Xtreme assemble.) Brick: All right, team! Butch: Let’s end this! (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles power up and a surge of energy flows within their bodies. They charge at the monsters with one explosive punch. Brick and Butch knock the aquamarine monster out cold. Boomer and Blossom punch the violet monster, thus being covered in blood and guts. Finally, Buttercup and Bubbles punch out the dark blue monster. After that, all six superheroes land on the ground as the monsters’ corpses rain down on them. Moreover, they are covered in blood.) Narrator: Wow! Now that’s teamwork right there. But what’s this? It looks like there has been a prison breakout and those prisoners are about to attack Team Xtreme! What are they to do now? (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles turn to the direction of the escaped convicts. Their glares are enough to make them stop dead in their tracks.) Prisoner 1: Well, if it ain’t Team Xtreme themselves. What’cha gonna do? Use your powers on us? (The escaped prisoners laugh. However, the six superheroes are unfazed by their puerile remark.) Prisoner 2: If you ain’t gonna attack us, we’re gonna attack you! (The escaped prisoners then band together and mercilessly beat up all the members of Team Xtreme, thus giving them bruises, black-eyes, lacerations, broken noses, broken teeth, and more blood coming out from their bodies.) Prisoner 1: Guess you ain’t so tough after all! Prisoner 3: Yeah! (Just as the escaped prisoners are about to leave, ominous chuckling is being heard and it’s coming from Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles.) Narrator: Oh, no. I don’t like the sound of this. Something wicked this way comes and it can’t believe it’s from Team Xtreme. (The ominous chuckling gradually turns to maniacal laughter as Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles turn to the direction of the escaped prisoners. Their faces bear a sadistic and twisted grin, as if though they are harbingers of doom, death, destruction, and despair.) Brick: You know what? You punks should never have done that. (Brick cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders.) Butch: Now that I think about it you’re all gonna die this very instant and it’s gonna be exciting. (Butch is twitching and lets out a low, animalistic growl.) Boomer: Man, talk about a bad time to escape. (Boomer cracks his knuckles.) Blossom: It seems that your idle hands are doing the devil’s work and you might as well abandon hope. (Blossom prepares her fists for punching.) Buttercup: Now you morons are gonna get it. (Buttercup puts her left fist in her right hand.) Bubbles: We’re gonna enjoy punishing you all. (Bubbles stretches her legs and emits a low, wicked cackle.) Brick: And you know what we’re gonna do to you? Butch: You know what we’re gonna do to you all? (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles lick the blood off of their gloves, off of their skin, and off of their mouths. After that, they swallow their own blood and emit a sigh of satisfaction.) Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles (in an ominous, spine-chilling tone and twisted grins still on their faces): We’re gonna eat you alive. (The escaped prisoners are quivering with terror.) Prisoner 1: Please have mercy on us. Prisoner 2: We didn’t mean to attack you all. Prisoner 3: We just wanted to have some fun. Right? Other prisoners (nervously): Yeah, that’s right. (Brick and Butch cackle.) Brick: Oh, have fun? (Brick twitches and his red aura powers up.) Butch: After what you’ve done to us?! (Butch twitches and his forest green aura powers up.) Boomer (ominously): You pissed us off for the last time. (Boomer twitches and his cobalt blue aura powers up.) Blossom (in a cold tone): Now. Give us one good reason why we should not rip you all apart. (Blossom twitches and her pink aura powers up.) Buttercup (coldly):…

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Hello once again! Antoni, or as the case may be the Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup FanFiction Critic and Recommender, here, back with another fan fiction guilty pleasure. This time, I am taking a look at another Powerpuff Girls fanfic this time involving the Rowdyruff Boys called Rowdyruffboys Apocalypse, which was written by TheUndertalker33 and last updated on June 11, 2015. It’s rated M. It’s in English, it’s in ten chapters, even though it’s left unfinished, and the main pairing is Brick/Butch. Boomer only appears in the first chapter and is never seen again throughout the rest of the story. You will find out why. Even more so, Brick and Butch are in their late teens and twenties in this fanfic.   As to be expected, I am feeling rather naughty again, as there is also one thing I have to admit. While I do feel kind of titillated by having Blossom and Buttercup being paired up as lovers in fanart and fanfics, I am equally as titillated when Brick and Butch get paired up as lovers in fan works, even though they are brothers. If it were not already obvious, this is basically an RRBcest fanfic involving Brick and Butch.   Before I start talking about the fanfic, in particular, I would like to reiterate that I enjoy Brick’s and Butch’s chemistry as brothers, and at times it’s not hard to see why some fan artists and fanfic writers would pair them together. Much like their counterparts, Blossom and Buttercup, these guys are the eldest of the Rowdyruff Boys, with Brick being first eldest and Butch being the second eldest. Sure, Boomer does come off as a butt monkey, as both Brick and Butch gang up on him because he’s the youngest and the dimmest, especially the former, given what was evidenced in the episode “Bubble Boy”, but, in spite of that, at least the Rowdyruff Boys work as a unit. Additionally, while Brick is the street-smart, abrasive, rough and tumble, and large-and-in-charge big brother who is unafraid of exposing so much machismo, Butch is the energetic muscle middle brother with bouts of psychosis. Thus, making them complement each other in a brotherly tough love way, with Butch obeying Brick’s every command like his most loyal pet. What is also recognizable about the both of them is that they are also completely impulsive and hotheaded bruisers. The slightest provocation would be enough to set Brick and/or Butch on a rampage, as they will get aggressively physical. Despite their machismo, there is something oddly charming about both Brick and Butch, and that is they don’t take crap from anybody and they both have strong and bombastic personalities to make them all the more enjoyable to watch, as these two have the closest brotherly bond.   When it comes to writing fanfics with Brick and Butch as the main focus, it is the standard procedure for fanfic authors to make Brick the more responsible and more intelligent sibling to Butch’s impulsiveness and Boomer’s naiveté. Thus, bringing more charm, diversity, and dimension not only to the boys as individuals but also as a group, especially when teamed up with the Powerpuff Girls. Even more so, Brick would usually have his own brand of tough love to make sure his brothers do not do anything worth regretting, rash or foolish, as he does carry the burden of being the eldest of his brood. Even more so, fan artists and fanfic authors also try to tap into Brick’s secret genius side, Butch’s unique brand of charm, and Boomer’s sensitivity to make them even more heroic than what they are portrayed in the TV show. With that said, let’s get on to what I thought about this particular fanfic.   The story is set in a cataclysmic location, where zombies kill people and the survivors barely stand a chance to live much further. Brick, Butch, and Boomer attack the zombies known as runners with what weapons they have. However, it is all too late for Boomer, as he is killed by one of the runners. Butch blames himself for his brother’s loss, as the two remaining Rowdyruffs have no choice but to soldier on. Along the way, Brick and Butch are doing their best to survive with what little they have and what they have to scavenge, whilst their feelings for each other grow far beyond fraternal love, as they get more intimate with each other. The way the story builds itself up was pretty well done and it knew when to put in a sex scene in the right moments rather than go at it immediately. I also liked it that it was set in an apocalyptic world, making the entire affair a survival of the fittest situation for these protagonists, as they have to survive in a world ravaged by zombies and people figuratively fighting for the last scrap of meat. However, if there is one flaw I have when it comes to the story, it has to be the fact that Boomer’s death was only imperative in the first chapter, but in the next ones, he is never mentioned again. One might think that a family member’s death would immediately hit a raw nerve on the characters like Brick and Butch and let a few more chapters or paragraphs be dedicated to honoring his legacy. However, as I read the story, it seems as though that Boomer has become an afterthought after the first chapter and he is never mentioned again. Even more so, he could’ve had a proper burial instead of just having a few words being said about his kindness and benevolence to their team. I am very sure that the author mainly wanted to focus on Brick’s and Butch’s flourishing intimacy, but it would’ve been really nice if Boomer were to have a more proper send-off with the two remaining Rowdyruffs honoring his legacy and even apologizing for all the times they have teased him.   Speaking of favorite…

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