
Blossoomutchubbles My OT4 For Life: An Essay

Introduction Greetings, Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles OTP shippers, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. I am very sure that those of you who have tuned in to my DeviantArt gallery will automatically recognize that I am a hardcore shipper of Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles, therefore keeping Brickercup the monogamous RRB x PPG ship in my Team Xtreme headcanon and making Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles polyamorous and eventually polygamous, to the point where Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles ended up becoming mothers to sixteen children. The only thing that separates Brickercup from Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles is the fact that Brickercup is strictly monogamous because I can see neither Brick nor Buttercup with anyone else, and that the latter four switch spouses from time to time. Therefore, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles share custody of their children making them the classic case of a blended family. Let us witness how this all came to be one step at a time. How I Solidified Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles as My RRB x PPG OTPs For Life Like most RRB x PPG shippers, I was a color-coded shipper back when I was quite young being in my early teens, as that was my introduction to the whole phenomenon. However, as I grew into my adult years, I started to realize that Boomubbles was and will always be the color-coded pairing I loved the most. Blossick and Butchercup were starting to lose their flavor before I even knew it to the point where I easily considered Brickercup and Blossutch to be much better alternatives. What made me despise Blossick and Butchercup as couples are not only the monotony, dullness, and blandness found in the color-coded pairings but through re-watching episodes centering on Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup as well as reading through posts about Karmic Soulmates and the problems that Blossick and Butchercup have as pairings according to other artists and bloggers, I started to completely abandon the Blossick and Butchercup campaign and swiftly headed towards Brickercup and Blossutch territory. It also did not help matters that their overbearing personalities were what made me abhor Blossick and Butchercup with such ferocious intensity. No offense to anyone who continues to ship Blossick and Butchercup as couples but that is just my experience doing the talking. To this day, I could never ever fathom Blossick’s popularity to the point where I would mentally scream every time Blossick appeared when searching for RRB x PPG ships because this couple was extremely overrated and their huge egos, bossy attitudes, and occasional smugness will not have guaranteed them a better and more resolute relationship. As a matter of fact, I managed to see Blossick as one of those pairings that fails so badly because of these two red-clad leaders constantly clashing each other and trying to one-up each other so much that it starts to become repetitive and annoying. The overabundance of Blossick did not even begin to quell my wrath against this particularly over-loved, overrated pairing, as I decided to keep Brick and Blossom as really good friends and comrades-in-arms. As for Butchercup, oh sweet Lord in Heaven, where are the earplugs? Never ever get me started on the loud, stubborn Greens as a couple because they were doomed to fail on the relationship department. All I saw from these two green-clad hotheads were endless aggression, boundless pigheadedness, incessant shouting that would be enough to put nails on a chalkboard to shame, and overcompetitiveness to the point where they could never find any sort of resolution. In short, Butchercup was extremely annoying and my personal solution for these two green hot-heads would be to just platonically ship them as a couple of really great friends who love to kick felons’ butts. Ultimately, I knew that the Reds and the Greens deserved better life partners. It is true that Boomubbles was definitely here to stay because of how their sweetness, lovability, and normality made me want to say yes, yes, and more yes to Boomubbles as my main OTP from the color-coded couples. It was at this point that I also found the best color-clash couple in Brickercup thanks to their spicy intimacy, rambunctiousness, and being a good example of belligerent sexual tension done right and the best color-crack couple in Blossutch thanks to their interesting dynamics, the balance of their personalities, and just how exceptionally well they are able to use their combat strengths to get through any battle. Therefore, the deal was sealed. Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles were and will always be my main RRB x PPG OTPs for life. Joining the fray of my main OTPs were Mitch x Bunny (Bunnitch) Harry Pitt x Julie Bean (HarJul), and Mr. Green x Miss Bellum (GreenBell), as well as some old favorites like Mike x Robin (Robike), Professor Utonium x Miss Keane (ProfKeane) This got to the point where I made my first set of Blossutch, Brickercup, and Boomubbles children with some help coming from CottonCandyGrl1969 and Misse-the-cat, in which the former drew her Blossutch children to be accepted into my Team Xtreme headcanon and the latter came up with a whole lot more. The overall experience was really fun. However, that did not stop right there. Acknowledging My Full Love for Blossoomer and Butchubbles as My OTPs through KatyGorl and the Many Other Color-Clash Couple Specialists Just when I thought I was extremely content with my main OTPs in the forms of Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles, especially the latter two, there were a couple of fateful occurrences where my perspective would end up not only changing for the better and more multidimensional but my horizons within Powerpuff Girls shipping would also be broadened, thus making me a lot more blessed to be a part of the Powerpuff Girls community as a whole. Through checking out color-clash fan art as notably accomplished by as Citsitra-Blue, MissEmmyJay, crystal-sn0w, YokoAnimeProductions, Scarlettbreaking, and especially the legendary and awesomely brilliant minds and talents of…

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Butch and Boomer: The Ripped, Hunky Lady-Charmers

(Butch and Boomer flex their biceps for Blossom and Bubbles.)   Butch: Bloss, Bubs, do you darlings see these biceps of mine? Yeah, amazing aren’t they? Well, they go berserk just for you because you babes are the greatest. And as your Baron of Berserk, I’m gonna keep my muscles toned for you and our darling kids.   Boomer: My dearest ladies, Blossom and Bubbles, I’d have to be the dumber than the dumbest to have my guns abandon you. Good thing my muscles can protect you from any type of danger. I guess that’s why I would always love to be called the Fleet Athlete.   (Butch and Boomer strike another pose.)   Butch and Boomer: Pretty impressive, huh, babes?   Blossom: Oh, Butch, Boomer, you gentlemen are quite the charmers.   Bubbles: Yeah, I just can’t take my eyes away from you. I can’t even begin to decide whose muscles are bigger. Butchie’s? Or Boomie’s? Ah well, I love you both just the same anyway.   (Blossom and Bubbles giggle. Blossom kisses Butch and Boomer. Then, Bubbles kisses Boomer and Butch.)   This piece of Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles fanart, which is part of my dearest friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to Zen Zin Yan aka lordtrigonstar who celebrated his birthday four days ago and Hadrian aka SapphireSonicmaster who celebrated his birthday two days ago. So, Zen, Hadrian, I hope you gentlemen had an amazing, awesome, exciting and marvelous birthday. I wish you both prosperity, love, and happiness in your lives as artists and people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe ihr hattet einen herrlichen, tollen, aufregenden und fantastischen Geburtstag. Ich wünsche euch beiden Wohlstand, Liebe und Glück in euren Leben als Künstler und Menschen. Comme nous disons en francais, j’espere vous aviez une anniversaire magnifique, incroyable, excitante et merveilleuse. Je vous souhaite prosperité, amour et bonheur dans votre vies comme artistes et personnes. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles shippers out there. I hope you all enjoy this.   Here we have Butch and Boomer being the handsome muscle studs they are to their most favorite ladies of all time Blossom and Bubbles. When you have a forest green-clad beastly brawn of a man like Butch and a cobalt blue-clad lovable, sympathetic muscle like Boomer charming a pink-clad goddess like Blossom and a baby blue-clad angel like Bubbles with the aid of their godlike physiques, then you certainly have something really exciting for anyone to see. Moreover, what more can you expect from someone like me who is a hardcore Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles shipper? They are all fabulous in their unique ways to the point where I dub Blossutchoomubbles as my most beloved OT4 of all time. And as you can tell, I was deeply inspired by MMHinman’s Inuyasha muscle puns fanart. Therefore, it compelled me to make this piece of dialogue which coincides with the picture.   I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles fanart. See you in the next submission.   Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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