Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Firebenders’ and the Waterbenders’ Marriage

A long time ago in the lush city of Miyanomora, where cherry blossoms and red roses bloomed, making the air people breathed sweet and fragrant, there lived three firebender warrior princes named Robin, Kid Flash, and Zuko, and three waterbender healer princesses named Raven, Jinx, and Katara. The three firebender princes were the most courageous combatants Miyanomora had ever seen, with Robin being a fearlessly formidable leader, Kid Flash an athletically agile runner, and Zuko a relentlessly robust fighter. The three waterbender princesses were sagacious mages who have always fought with solidarity and honor for the people of Miyanomora, with Raven being an incredibly intellectual genius, Jinx an elegantly expert sorceress, and Katara a caringly compassionate soul. The three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses had been betrothed to each other ever since the princes were 12 and the princesses were 10, specifically Robin with Raven, Kid Flash with Jinx, and Zuko with Katara, as there was nobody else in Miyanomora let alone the world they would rather be with than their respective betrotheds. With the princes currently 17 and the princesses currently 15, they had proven themselves worthy of each other’s unconditional love and trust. Healthy relationships and marriage prospects aside, the three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses united their powers to keep Miyanomora safe from pernicious harm and did what they could to maintain balance. One day, Emperor Iroh, who was Robin’s, Kid Flash’s, and Zuko’s wise and loving father who had raised them all alone ever since their mother sacrificed herself to protect her family from oncoming pillagers, called the three pairs of lovers into the throne room to prepare for their triple weddings. He was happy to see his three sons and his three future daughters-in-law about to be united in conjugal unity, but also had a tinge of concern on his face, as he called them into his throne room. There was no doubt that Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara were pleased to see him, but his joyful expression then changed to a more furrowed one. “My dear sons and my dear future daughters-in-law, I have seen you grow in love, trust, honesty, and grace as the most beautiful couples that I have ever seen. While today would have been your special day to be married, trouble has arrived in Miyanomora. An evil demon named Akumakaijin has set foot to destroy Miyanomora and all its resources by causing toil and turmoil in the villages, temples, streams, and forests. You must unite to stop this demon right now before Miyanomora plunges into eternal drought.” “Father, my brothers, and our fiancées will stop this destruction,” Robin responded. “We will unite all our powers to cease this pillage from occurring,” Raven added. “I have faith in you, and I wish you good luck on your journey.” Emperor Iroh said, as the three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses bowed in reverence and dashed out of the throne room. At a nearby lake where people were swimming, Akumakaijin began his reign of terror. He was a hulking demon with bronze horns on his head, crimson skin that was all scaly and rough to the touch, neon green eyes like lasers, spear-like fangs, sword-like claws, and a bellowing roar loud enough to make even a Tyrannosaurus Rex sound like a house cat. He breathed sulfuric acid from his mouth, making the air have a putrid smell and making plant life droop. The people who were swimming earlier scampered away from this terrible demon in panic and distress. Meanwhile, Robin spotted Akumakaijin causing chaos at the lake, and he along with Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara headed out to conquer the demon. “Your reign of terror ends here, Akumakaijin!” Robin boomed. “You have caused enough destruction!” Kid Flash roared. “We will stop your wanton chaos and restore order!” Zuko bellowed. “You have messed with the wrong people!” Raven hollered. “You are going to have a taste of what our powers are like!” Jinx yelled. “And we are going to give it to you right now!” Katara cried out. Akumakaijin approached the six mages, bent down to their level, let out a huge and terrifying laugh, and blasted them with a fireball emerging from his hands. “You puny, insignificant fools think you can challenge me?! Do you think you have the strength to save your precious city?!” Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara arose slowly, as they still felt the pain inflicted from Akumakaijin’s fireball. “We’ll do what we can to defeat you and protect Miyanomora!” Zuko groaned as he got back up on his feet. “Even if it means sacrificing our lives to protect the people!” Katara added. “So, what are you waiting for, demon?” Robin demanded. “Let’s do this!” Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara exclaimed unanimously. Akumakaijin charged himself up again with full power, as flames and brimstone erupted from all parts of his body. Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara readied their bending stances and charged headfirst into the demon also charged up with their respective powers. Akumakaijin then slashed the three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses in one fell swoop, thus making them crash to the ground with earth-shaking thuds. Just as Akumakaijin was about to overcome the six mages once again, something amazing happened. They sprang back into action once again to deliver some powerful attacks that did a huge number on Akumakaijin. Robin lept up the air and unleashed seven powerful jabs, hooks, and cross punches fueled by fire to Akumakaijin’s eyes. Kid Flash created a fiery whirlwind to disorient him. Zuko formed a flame-like spear to throw at his stomach. Raven, Jinx, and Katara raised their hands to recite the incantation “Aquarios Metrion Zinthos” and unleashed a tidal wave from their hands to extinguish Akumakaijin’s flames. To add further damage to the demon, Raven shot icicles from her hands to his eyes, Jinx flung ice blades from…

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My Four-Year DeviantArt Anniversary Art Summary

Happy Four-Year DeviantArt Anniversary to me, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and artists of all ages. It’s your old pal Antoni here, and I am very elated, happy, blessed, and joyous to have spent four years on DeviantArt making mostly fan art-related content for all of you. I know I was supposed to have released this on the actual day of my four-year DeviantArt anniversary, which was five days ago, but I had a lot of errands to attend to ranging from starting my new semester in university to pumping out more Inuyasha x Ayame or InuAya month content. Nevertheless, when it comes closing out the chaotic yet exciting decade in my life known as my twenties, I figured that I would compile thirty pieces of the work that I have done which have reflected me as a content creator, an artist, and as a person. I have selected pieces of fan art that revolve around my Inuyasha AU headcanon The Splendid Seven starring Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran and featuring Ichise, Ran, Kiba, and Cheza respectively from Texhnolyze and Wolf’s Rain as their best friends for life; my animated jungle brother AU headcanon starring George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli and featuring Namontack, Kocoum, and Hercules as their husbands; my comic jungle brother AU headcanon starring the Dell Comics version of Tarzan, Kavandavanda, Malb’yat, and Arok and featuring Conan of Cimmeria, Ka-Zar, and Zula as their best friends for life; and Robin x Raven as well as Zuko x Katara who are my number one OTPs respectively from Teen Titans 2003 and Avatar: The Last Airbender on a double date. Therefore, the theme I have may be more than just having muscular warrior men flaunting their bulging muscles, but also the importance of strong family ties, unconditional love, and boundless allegiance to each other. The Splendid Seven: Seven Powerful Yokai Warriors, One Tightly Knit Family The Splendid Seven is at the forefront of my fan art-related content because I always believed that Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran deserved more genuine and animosity-free relationships, more formidability and unity as a septet of powerful Yokai warriors, and, most of all, a much better show than the one they had in canon. Besides, the less said about three certain pairings I despise the most which Sesshoumaru might have theoretically found himself in but Inuyasha and Ayame were not as fortunate to have ended up in, Inuyasha’s three fake friends and one abusive life partner who I truly abominate, the wasted potential the likes of Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran had as characters, and the animosity permeating between Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha the better. With every rewatch I have endeavoured myself with Inuyasha, I cannot help but keep reminding myself that Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran deserve so much better. Hence, having them team up in my AU headcanon was actually the best move I have ever made, and I have not looked back in the slightest. This started with my undying love for Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran as my number one Inuyasha OTPs of all time thanks to InuAya’s magnificent strength and GinShun’s charming lovability, and I have made their families grow, with InuAya receiving the lion’s share, but I hope to do more Ginta x Shunran art as well as have their family grow too. In fact, Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran are my main pairings in my Splendid Seven AU headcanon, with Sesshoumaru x Ayame as my liked pairing on an innocent crush basis as well as Shuran x Shunran and Hakkaku x Shunran also qualifying as innocent crushes. Combining their romantic love life was the fascination I had with Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s strong brotherly bond; Shuran’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s durable brotherhood; Sesshoumaru’s, Shuran’s, and Hakkaku’s formidable bond as a brotherly trio; Inuyasha’s and Ginta’s supportive bond as a brotherly duo, and Ayame’s and Shunran’s unconditionally loving sisterhood. Taking it up a notch, I also made Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s adoptive brothers, thus being raised by Toga the Dog General, InuKimi, and Izayoi, and Shunran Ayame’s adoptive younger sister, thus being raised by The Wolf Elder. It is even worth mentioning that Hakkaku and Ginta have a lot more edge to their characterisation, thus gaining in formidability, resilience, and toughness in stark comparison to their canon portrayal in the show and in the manga. Even better is having Inuyasha being raised by Ayame’s grandfather and the Wolf Yokai warriors of the North, South, East, and West as a means to grow into a full-fledged Yokai warrior, grow from rambunctious boy to a muscular warrior of a man, and be the strong husband he is meant to be for Ayame, thus being a strong leader to The Splendid Seven and to the Northern Yoro Tribe alongside Ayame. Extending from this would be The Splendid Seven’s strong and supportive friendship with Kuranosuke Takeda, Hiten, Toran, Ayumi, and Karan which is just as rich and tightly knit as well as the strongest friendship they have with Ichise, Kiba, Ran, and Cheza, in which The Splendid Seven and The Fine Four join forces as The Excellent Eleven, and the former would be just as supportive of Ichise’s and Ran’s as well as Kiba’s and Cheza’s romantic relationships. All of these interpersonal strengths would also hold up when Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Shunran, Ichise, Ran, Kiba, Kiba, and Cheza start their own families, with Sesshoumaru being a single dad to three loving daughters and four courageous sons, Shuran being a single dad to seven fierce sons, Hakkaku being a single dad to seven appreciative daughters, Inuyasha and Ayame being parents to seven strong sons and seven determined daughters, Ginta and Shunran being parents to seven handsome sons and seven charming daughters, Ichise and Ran being parents to seven stealthy sons and seven knowledgable daughters, and Kiba and Cheza being parents to seven stoic…

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Massive Thanks to My 600 DeviantArt Watchers

Hey, everybody. Antoni here. I have just hit a new DeviantArt milestone, as I have reached exactly 600 watchers. I also want to extend my joy and gratitude to ForkDork, SportyArtist, Aurinn-N, pink-hudy, Inumaru101, Jupitrie, Rikakittie, nagellackentferner, niziolek, amethyst-rose, yellowberries, jasric, wtfisabluecornmoon, PourSomeSugarOnMeee, Hillygon, FEN-OSHI, Da-Chiko-Muffin, Meggie94, hyuniinyu, jolabrodnica, BechnoKid, MariusWales, Gothica9, PurfectPrincessGirl, Brzozan, RoperMachi, MushyBee, TheGalacticDragon, X-Vintage–Owl-X, ArtRemaker4000, BluThing67, richardhibbard, MagaMoonkyArt210, SpiritMiserably, selma11, chikisingergrl, TheBenAlpha, DontbeModest, Danigthssj5, propimol, and Beanie122001 who celebrated their birthdays over a week ago all the way up to today, thus making my fan art collage also a birthday gift to all of you wonderful artists. I hope you all had wonderful birthdays, and I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, abundance, happiness, beauty, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. Since this is the month of love, I thought it would be appropriate that my fan art collage shall focus on my beloved OTPs (Namontack x Basuli, Kocoum x Tarzan, Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn, Inuyasha x Ayame, Ginta x Shunran, Ichise x Ran, Kiba x Cheza, Kohaku x Rin, Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko, Arnold x Phoebe, Gerald x Rhonda, Robin x Raven, Zuko x Katara, Beast Boy x Terra, and Kevin Levin x Gwen Tennyson), romantic multi-shippings (Basuli x Hercules x Tarzan, George of the Jungle x Hercules x Maugli, Namontack x George of the Jungle, Kocoum x Maugli, and George of the Jungle x Hercules x Maugli), platonically fraternal relationships (Sesshoumaru, Shuran, and Hakkaku; George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli; and Namontack, Kocoum, and Hercules), and families (The Splendid Seven consisting of Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran; The Super Strong Jungle Septet consisting of Namontack, Kocoum, Hercules, George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli; The Pensive Quartet consisting of Ichise, Kiba, Ran, and Cheza; and The Fabulous Four consisting of Robin, Zuko, Raven, and Katara). Let us all soak in love that comes in both platonic and romantic forms. George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli aka Chief Keewazi’s four most beloved sons are really fortunate to have life partners in Namontack, Kocoum, and Hercules, especially since Basuli and Tarzan are happily married to Namontack and Kocoum, although all of these muscular jungle warriors are in a collectively polyamorous relationship; with Basuli and Tarzan also loving Hercules unconditionally as well as George and Maugli being just as loving towards Namontack, Kocoum and even Hercules. Hercules has also inherited his father Zeus’s virile charisma and charm, as he considers Namontack, Kocoum, George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli to be his happily wedded husbands, thus making a handsome harem for himself that is rife with unconditional love, surprisingly healthy synergy, and gorgeous harmony. Even their progeny love living in a home where there are a whopping seven fathers. Zeus, Chief Powhatan, and Chief Keewazi could not have been any happier with their sons. The Splendid Seven was the result of forming character constellations of my seven most favourite Inuyasha characters; Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran. I always believed they deserved so much better. So, why not bring them together to be akin to one tight-knit family? And it worked. Take my main BroT3 in Sesshoumaru, Shuran, and Hakkaku as well as my two main OTPs in Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran and you get The Splendid Seven who can kick demons’ butts one moment and be united as one family the next. Adding in their children, including Kohaku and Rin, would make their family even more complete as well as prolong their mighty bloodline. They are also adaptable in various scenarios whether in their native Feudal Era Japan or in the modern twenty-first-century era or as jungle warrior kings and queens. However, my most favourite scenario for The Splendid Seven would be having them as jungle warriors because this gives them the opportunity to let their feral sides loose, especially when Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta give Tarzan’s might a run for his money and Ayame and Shunran can put Sheena’s fierceness to shame. Hopefully, I could make The Splendid Seven adapt to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe by having them be the Inurangers, but that is another story. My love for Texhnolyze and Wolf’s Rain as some of my most favourite anime series of all time has also motivated me to be a loyal Ichise x Ran and Kiba x Cheza partisan. Love these couples or feel indifferent to them, they have always sealed the deal for me as genuine couples with boundless chemistry. Furthermore, the notion of Ichise, Kiba, Ran, and Cheza being best friends, allies, and surrogate family members to Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran was also really appealing to the point where I felt very compelled to have them this way. I am ecstatic to have kept these two couples and these four individuals close to my heart. Going beyond my usual fare of talking about anything and everything related to Inuyasha, Texhnolyze, and Wolf’s Rain plus my Disney’s Tarzan AU headcanon where I made George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli brothers who are happily married to Namontack, Kocoum, and Hercules, I also have to mention the undeniable love I have for Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn from Batman the Animated Series, Arnold x Phoebe and Gerald x Rhonda from Hey Arnold; Robin x Raven and Beast Boy x Terra from Teen Titans 2003; Zuko x Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender, and Kevin x Gwen from Ben 10: Alien Force. Long story short, I have been pairing these couples ever since I was a little kid of seven years old with the Hey Arnold ones, especially Arnold x Phoebe, until I was a youth between the ages of eleven and sixteen with the rest of the couples. Regardless of the many occasions I would have loved to draw them, they have always found a special place in my heart. I also want to extend my…

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Secret Tunnel A Capella

Another favourite song from Avatar: The Last Airbender? Oh, yes! Please my enjoy my rendition of yet another fan favourite song, Secret Tunnel, originally sung by the nomad Chong, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

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The Masterpiece that is Avatar The Last Airbender

To everyone that has made this show become a landmark in animated television from the creators, directors, writers, animators, martial arts instructors to the voice actors of the stellar characters, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this show come to life and for all being positive role models in my life as well. I hope you enjoy all enjoy the tribute vlog.

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Avatar the Last Airbender Cartoon Review

As you can tell, I was really pumped-up for this review because I have had it in my chest for several years and now the time has come to review Nickelodeon’s epic masterpiece Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yes, I am also fully aware of its sequel Avatar: The Legend of Korra, but I have only seen snippets of the show, but I will say that it’s a really worthy and strong sequel to this excellent piece of animated television. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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Leaves from The Vine A Capella

I take myself back to when I was a young teenager and first heard this song from one of my favorite cartoons of all time Avatar the Last Airbender. I know I can never surpass the late, great Mako when it comes to this song, but I gave this song a go and I hope you enjoy my rendition of it from the episode “Tales from Ba Sing Se”.

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