Tonight’s premiere of Werther: A Wound in the Soul was quite a success. I would love to thank my director, Frank-Tilmann Otto, for his patience and my co-star, Jerome Winistädt, for his dedication. There are three more showings at Theater O-Ton Art next Wednesday, next Sunday, and November 2. So, I hope you all come and see you next time! El estreno de esta noche de Werther: Una Herida en el Alma era un exito. Quiero a agradecer mi director, Frank-Tillmann Otto, por su paciencia y mi coestrella, Jerome Winistädt, por su dedicación. Hay tres más acutaciones en el Theater O-Ton Art en el miercoles próximo, el domingo próximo, y el segundo de noviembre. Entonces, espero que veneis y hasta la próxima. Die Premiere von Werther: Ein Riss in der Seele war ein Erfolg. Ich würde gern mein Regisseur, Frank-Tillmann Otto, für seine Geduld und mein Co-Star, Jerome Winistädt, für seine Leidenschaftlichkeit bedanken. Es gibt noch drei Showings am nächsten Mittwoch, am nächsten Sonntag, und am 2. November an dem Theater O-Ton Art. Also, ich hoffe ihr alle kommt und bis zum nächsten Mal.
Hey, everybody! I’m kind of relieved that I got my fair share of venting and ranting out of my system a few days ago. Yes, I could’ve been more civil with my choice of words as there was a lot of pent-up frustration I had and I’m sorry I could’ve composed myself a lot better. I may not have parted from that person in the best of terms, but the point is it’s over and we can move on well with our lives. Anyways, I know it’s been a pretty long time since I’ve mentioned this, but I’ve been on Steemit ever since August of last year and I was releasing a huge amount of my content, whether they be my reviews, blog entries or written rants. I got here by complete chance, thanks to a good online friend by the name of Johannes Schneeberg. And after some time of trying this out, I was really satisfied with what I got. Basically, it’s a site where you release your content and you get upvotes in the form of Steem power, which is then converted to Steem when it’s powered down. Once you acquire Steem then you turn any amount of it into Bitcoin in Poloniex. Finally, you can convert the Bitcoin amount into the currency of your choice, in which in my case it’s Euros, and you get paid. How much time it takes, it depends. So, aside from releasing my works on Channel Awesome, Patreon, Manic Expression, Team Night Saturn and of course, YouTube, I think Steemit is by far a very good platform to be on so far. Feel free to support me by upvoting the posts I have here and even following me here because it would mean a lot and I will be really grateful. I wish you all a great Whitsun or Pentecostal Week and as we say in Germany, Schöne Pfingstferien an euch allen.
A pleasant start to the weekend to you all! A great number of my awesome Manic Expression friends and colleagues including James Daniel Walsh, Ichabod Todd, Patricia Miranda and many others have been working on this animated movie for quite some time. Now is the time to make this project blossom into fruition and with your help, the Manic Expression animated movie will be definitely something to remember. So, please support these awesome creators and I wish you a most blessed and wonderful weekend. Take care, everybody!
Top of the morning to you all! Buenos dias a vosotros todos! Guten Morgen an euch alle! The 6th Annual Mr. Coat Contributor Award Nominations is under way. A lot of my great reviewer friends like Logan Ridenbaugh aka Hewy Toonmore, Sam Flemming aka South Jersey Sam, Andy Snyder and David Rose from The DVD Shelf, James Sullivan aka Jaimetud, Ryan Hipp from That Show and Daniel Swallow aka Sonicguru have made a lot of great content and the work they have done to their respective shows and everything have been quite phenomenal. So vote to your heart’s content as the deadline is on March 1. Instructions are on the site attached. Have a lovely day!