Q&A 100 Subscribers Special!!!! from LokoReviews on Vimeo. Just because this is a Q&A video doesn’t mean I can’t post it on this website!!!!
The prequel trilogy concludes with this episode. What does Barnabas has to say on that odd trailer?
This is a vulgar, cheap, raunchy landfill of unfunny, talentless, and plotless shit I don’t think I’ve ever seen… but seeing Taylor Lautner get his dick chewed off by a reindeer was pretty damn funny. Again, Sony Pictures Entertainment blocked this review on YouTube to prevent any further debauchery of their beloved masterpiece. My response was the following:
Think of this song as the teen drama that never should’ve happened. Also, keep in mind, this is just an experimental review, so don’t expect perfection.
This one was hard to write, since I had already covered the story before. In the end, I couldn’t separate my bias from my judgement of the manga. but its still a really cool sci-fi story.
To James, Just click on the paper plane button and then copy the embed code and add it <iframe src=”//player.vimeo.com/video/99575771″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/99575771″>My thoughts on music in June and some quick reviews</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user24845652″>LokoReviews</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p> My thoughts on music in June and some quick reviews from LokoReviews on Vimeo.