Jack and Jill

Good fucking God Almighty cock shit face in heaven.  Adam Sandler as a woman?  Al Pacino?  Celebrity cameos?  Mexican stereotypes?  How the fuck did Hollywood get away with this? Also features special guest star EddMasterZero, the Australian random reviewer.  

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Watch me turn this so-called feel-good family vacation comedy into an unbearably soulless anti-comedic shit-fest. The fucked up part: This totaled piece of garbage is actually copyright protected and all content from it is blocked by YouTube, hence the DailyMotion link.  This was my response:

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Top ten best hit songs of 2013

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogzj9nVNvLo My list of the best hit songs of 2013. Also tell me what you think about those ten songs because I want to know your opinion. Special thanks to MalaCritico for being in my video.

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