Movie Rehab: Black Snake Moan

Season 3 comes to a close with SaG reviewing a movie that he considers to be an underrated masterpiece: Black Snake Moan. However: Is this episode really just about the movie alone or will there be something else going on after the review is done?

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Thank You to all of my 1,254 YouTube Subscribers

Happy Holidays, fellow reviewers, actors, voice actors, artists, singers, musicians, film fans, anime aficionados, and opera devotees, Antoni here with another YouTube milestone I managed to achieve, as I have reached 1,254 subscribers. I am overjoyed to continue to make it this far in my career as an online reviewer, and I am very grateful and blessed to all of you who have been subscribed to me for the past eight years I have been on YouTube even until this present year. In spite of all the recent changes because of COPPA, I am never going to falter because I have come this far in my life and career as a YouTuber, I would love to keep creating content for all of you, and I will never ever for the life of me falter nor fold. If you want to join me on my journey as an online reviewer specializing in opera, musicals, classical music, Baroque music, ballet, anime, cartoons, and movies, please subscribe to my channel and check out the content I have to offer. Until then, take care, and have a most pleasant holiday season.

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