July 2022

Shuran’s Fighting Game Mentor Survey

Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Shuran to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. E. Honda (Street Fighter) B. Zangief (Street Fighter) C. Hugo (Street Fighter) D. Darun (Street Fighter) E. Blanka (Street Fighter) F. Ganryu (Tekken) G. Akatsuki-Maru (King of Fighters)

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Sesshoumaru’s Fighting Game Mentors Survey

Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Sesshoumaru to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Gouken (Street Fighter) B. T. Hawk (Street Fighter) C. Charlie Nash (Street Fighter) D. Ryu Hoshi (Street Fighter) E. Kazuya Mishima (Tekken) F. Ryo Sakazaki (King of Fighters) G. Robert Garcia (King of Fighters)

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Splendid Seven Martial Arts Demonstration Survey

Would you ever want to see a martial arts demonstration with Sesshoumaru in Shotokan Karate, Shuran in Sambo, Inuyasha in Kyokushin Karate, Hakkaku in Muay Thai, Ginta in Sanda, Ayame in Kickboxing, and Shunran in Capoeira? A. Yes, I do! It would be exciting. B. Maybe. When I am hankering for some martial arts action. C. No. I’m not a martial arts fan.

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Splendid Seven Martial Arts Sparring Survey

Would you ever want to spar with Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran in the martial arts, specifically Sesshoumaru in Shotokan Karate, Shuran in Sambo, Inuyasha in Kyokushin Karate, Hakkaku in Muay Thai, Ginta in Sanda, Ayame in Kenpo and Shunran in Capoeira? A. Yes! I would love to show these Yokai martial artists what I’ve got! B. Maybe. It would be a pleasure to test my strength and skill on them. C. No way! They would totally obliterate me alive with their mad moves!

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The Toonami Era’s Inurangers Teams

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. I hope you have a bowl of cereal, a nice plate of bacon and eggs, and a glass of orange juice ready with you because this would make you feel a whole more nostalgic once again, given the title. This hopefully marks the final time I am going to make a list of the seven main Inurangers cast from what I would like to call the Toonami Era of 2000 until 2009 as a counterpoint to the real-life Saban Era of Power Rangers from 1993 to 2002. I have even included the two movies that were released during the Saban Era, Inuranger-style, i.e. Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie and Turbo: An Inurangers Movie.   I did a lot of thinking, rethinking, and re-assessing, and I realised that, despite all the changes I made so far, I was still not satisfied with my prior list because there were some characters I believe deserved to be part of the Inurangers franchise as well as more love. Furthermore, there were some characters that would have made more sense than others in terms of the roles I assigned for them. This also means that there will be cast changes per Inuranger season akin to what is done in the Super Sentai shows, thus having all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Inurangers maintain the same seven members, instead of what occurred in real life when the OG Red, Yellow, and Black Rangers portrayed by Austin St John, Thuy Trang, and Walter Emanuel Jones hanging their mantles and passing their roles on to Steve Cardenas, Karan Ashley, and Johnny Yong Bosch, and having Inurangers Zeo with a completely different cast. This is essentially passing down the torch to each new Inuranger group as well as season.   With that said, let us get this show on the row. It’s Morphin’ Time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s rocket! Go galactic! Lightspeed Rescue! Time for Time Force! Wild access!   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Seasons 1 to 3 (2000–2003) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie (2001) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Makai Rangers (2003) Yusuke Urameshi from YuYu Hakusho the Red Makai Ranger version of Aurico voiced by Justin Cook Botan from YuYu Hakusho the White Makai Ranger version of Delphine voiced by Cynthia Cranz Kazuma Kuwabara from YuYu Hakusho the Yellow Makai Ranger version of Tideus voiced by Christopher R. Sabat Kurama from YuYu Hakusho the Blue Makai Ranger version of Cestro voiced by John Burgmeier Hiei from YuYu Hakusho the Black Makai Ranger version of Corcus voiced by Chuck Huber Keiko Yukimura from YuYu Hakusho the Green Makai Ranger version of Cestro voiced by Laura Bailey Yukina from YuYu Hakusho the Pink Makai Ranger version of Corcus voiced by Jessica Dismuke   Inurangers Zeo (2003) Toran from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger V Red version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Ichise from Texhnolyze the Zeo Ranger VI Black Gold version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Justin Gross Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Zeo Ranger VII White Gold version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch Ayumi from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger III version of Rocky deSantos voiced by Cathy Weseluck Karan from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger IV Green version of Adam Park voiced by Maggie Blue O’Hara Ran from Texhnolyze the Zeo Ranger II Yellow version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Carrie Savage Cheza from Wolf’s Rain the Zeo Ranger I Pink version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Sherry Lynn   Turbo: An Inurangers Movie (2004) Toran from Inuyasha the Red Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Kuranosuke Takeda from Inuyasha the White Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Ted Cole Shinosuke from Inuyasha the White Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Trevor Devall Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Green Turbo Ranger version of Adam Park voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch Myu from Wolf’s Rain the Yellow Turbo Ranger version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Julie Maddalena Cheza from Wolf’s Rain the Pink Turbo Ranger version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Sherry Lyn Kazuma Narusawa from Detective School Q the Blue Turbo Ranger version of Justin Stewart voiced by Jessica D. Stone   Inurangers Turbo (2004) Ippo Makunouchi the Red Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and TJ Johnson voiced by Steve Staley Mamoru Takamura from Hajime no Ippo the White Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Eddie Frierson Masaru Aoki from Hajime no Ippo the White Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Stephen Apostolina Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Green Turbo Ranger version…

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In 2007, Rob Zombie was brought up at the helm to direct the remake of the John Carpenter classic, Halloween. The film was immediately met with backlash upon release and was critically panned. In spite of it, it was moderately successful. Two years later, a sequel was made, and was not only panned, but is proactively maligned by fans of the Halloween franchise. So, in this whole video essay, analysis, defense, review, retrospective, or whatever you want to call it, I defend Rob Zombie’s Halloween duology and explore how they tackle the topic of trauma and turmoil. Michael Myers as a character has always been an ambiguous one, and John Carpenter has gone on record to say that he’s a force of nature, but I believe he’s so much more than that, and that’s why he’s the perfect character to break down.

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The Splendid Seven Fighting Game Mentors Survey

Which fighting game characters would Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran look up to most? A. Gouken, E Honda, Akuma, Sagat, Adon, Chun-Li, Elena (Street Fighter) B. T Hawk, Zangief, Guile, Dhalsim, DeeJay, Cammy, Ibuki (Street Fighter) C. Charlie, Hugo, Alex, Dan, Fei Long, Blair, Pullum (Street Fighter) D. Ryu, Blanka, Ken, Balrog, Vega, Sakura, Karin (Street Fighter) E. Kazuya, Ganryu, Paul, Bruce, Lei, Nina, Anna (Tekken) F. Lee, Jack-2, Baek, King, Marshall, Jun, Michelle (Tekken) G. Terry, Akatsuki-Maru, Andy, Joe, Kim, Mai, Athena (King of Fighters)

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