March 2019

What If Miss Bellum adopted the Rowdyruff Boys?

Greetings, Rowdyruff Boys and Powerpuff Girls fans, it is I, your dear friend, Antoni with another written entry. I am sure you can tell from the title that I have been wanting to express my sentiments with this particular question. That is, what if the Powerpuff Girls did not destroy the Rowdyruff Boys with their kisses and instead have Miss Bellum adopt the Rowdyruffs, thus stripping Mojo Jojo of his title as their “guardian”, after their debut episode? One can call it the classic case of kicking Status Quo is God by the loins, thus giving Brick, Butch, and Boomer a more loving, more stable family life without the need for petty vengeance nor animosity. Moreover, the whole convoluted insanity with HIM resurrecting the boys would never have happened, even if I enjoy “The Boys are Back in Town” though I cannot overlook how much of a torture porn episode it can be especially towards the girls and through Miss Bellum’s brand of discipline and tough love, the Rowdyruff Boys would definitely be upstanding young gentlemen to not only the girls but also Townsville in general. I am not just saying this as a shipper of my OTPs Brick x Buttercup, Butch x Blossom, Butch x Bubbles, Boomer x Blossom, and Boomer x Bubbles, but also as someone who continues to be fascinated with superhero teams consisting of more than three people, hence that is why, in my headcanon, the Ruffs and the Puffs joined forces when they were still kindergarteners to form Team Xtreme. So, without further ado, let us commence. A Most Likely Scenario It is true that Miss Bellum held the key to aiding the Powerpuff Girls defeating the Rowdyruff Boys by using their feminine charm. However, knowing how Mojo Jojo indoctrinated destruction, cruelty, and violence into them and used the Rowdyruff Boy as his own guns to wreak his petty vengeance on the Powerpuff Girls, Miss Bellum would brave all odds, hop on a helicopter all the way up to Mojo’s domain and confront him directly. Mojo Jojo, once noticing Miss Bellum is there, would order the boys to attack. Knowing Miss Bellum, she would tell them to cease and desist by signaling them to stop and the boys obey. What would follow is, Miss Bellum, looking Mojo Jojo directly into the eyes and letting him spill the beans of how he made the boys to exact his vengeance on the girls. Comprehending this, she would even tell Mojo that he is not truly fit to be a parent to his “creations” and, therefore, does the unthinkable. She decides to take Brick, Butch, and Boomer away from Mojo Jojo with the boys finally getting the chance to beat him up for good and for all after receiving her permission to do so. She would even have the police involved and take Mojo off to prison once again. Brick, Butch, and Boomer would initially feel doubtful when it comes to Miss Bellum, but ultimately it would be Boomer who would show the first signs of feeling attached to their new mother with Butch and Brick eventually swallowing their pride and following suit. Moreover, now that she understands that the boys do not have real Chemical X in their systems, she would even send them to Professor Utonium to have Brick, Butch, and Boomer vaccinated with the real deal. After getting them all sorted out, Miss Bellum would even go out of her way to let the boys apologize to the girls and admit everything they have done. Eventually, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles forgive Brick, Butch, and Boomer for their misdeeds, start becoming great friends and allies, and the boys would have a more stable, familial home by courtesy of Miss Sara Bellum. More Character Dynamics If the show were to go on with the Rowdyruff Boys being reformed through Miss Bellum’s influence and sense of maternal duty to her sons, Brick, Butch, and Boomer would definitely be more fully developed characters. Sure, their return found in “The Boys are Back in Town” gave them slightly more developed characters, but that is because HIM brought them back from the dead to cause more destruction and, of course, use them as his weapons in the hopes that the Powerpuff Girls are defeated. I would not mind keeping Brick’s hot-headed nature, Butch’s bouts of insanity, and Boomer’s dim-witted nature, but where my headcanon is concerned, Miss Bellum is able to find the best quality in each of her sons with Brick being brave, determined, and someone with a large-and-in-charge personality, Butch being strong, tough, equally as determined as Brick, and the overall muscle of the household and Boomer being kind, good-humored, sensitive, helpful when necessary, and just as physically strong as both Brick and Butch. In the Bellum household, one would also see just how the Rowdyruff Boys get along with Miss Bellum as their mother. I could not only imagine Miss Bellum being the stern, firm, loving, intelligent, protective disciplinarian she is but also how the dynamics between Brick, Butch, and Boomer would function. In my Team Xtreme headcanon, Brick is both book-smart and street-smart, responsible, has a large-and-in-charge and determined personality, and has a tendency to be impulsive. Butch is impulsive, tough, rough but tends to have a softer inner side to him that he does not always want to show. Boomer is the most innocent of his brothers and his heart is always in the right place. Butch admires Brick as a brother, even though he does tend to be envious at him because of how much of a well-rounded person he is. Boomer would not only look up to Brick and Butch as his brothers but he also has the tendency to get himself into their double noogies with him. There may be crazy happening within this family, but it would be great to see how they learn from each other and grow as people. In my Team Xtreme headcanon, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and…

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One Completely Happy Boomubbles Family drawn by me

This Boomubbles Family fan art is dedicated to SuperMurrio who celebrated his birthday two weeks ago, hella-chill-dude and SpringMonnie who celebrated their birthdays six days ago, suumyoe who celebrated her birthday five days ago, WaRrior9100 who celebrated his birthday four days ago, and Hannah aka WindsOfInspiration10 and Shawn aka kTd1993 who celebrated their birthdays yesterday. So, I wish you all a lot of love, joy, happiness, prosperity, diligence, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the awesome Boomubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Boomubbles sweetness and goodness. 27-year-old Boomer, 24 going on 25-year-old Bubbles, and their lovely children strike again to be the wonderfully sweet and happy family that they are. We have already gotten to know the eldest twin sons, Bailey and Barley, the second eldest daughter, Brittany, and their younger daughter, Birdie, so, let us get acquainted with the other four children, Bonnie, Ben, Bali, and Belina. Brittany’s sororal 5 going on 6-year-old twin sister, Bonnie Athena Green, was born on December 4, 2013 and it was said that she was also a jolly baby when she emerged to the point where unlike Brittany who was almost like a mini-Bubbles, Bonnie was a combination of Bubbles’ euphoria and Boomer’s sympathetic yet rambunctious nature. She is distinguishable through her slightly spiky hair and her flower-like scrunchies that she uses to keep her pigtails in place. Not only does she inherit her mother’s supersonic scream, which rendered the midwife deaf, but she also inherited her and her father’s ability to create anything out of raw energy such as that one time she made electric marbles emerge from her fingers and was flicking them across her room. She is even able to use her electric marbles in order to incapacitate any opponent rendering him shocked to his foundation. This got to the point where not only a special pacifier was made to control her supersonic screams but also special gloves to control her item forming powers, thus using them in times of need. In terms of linguistic skills, Bonnie is very fluent in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Farsi, Hindi, Russian, and Czech, as her parents as well as her aunt, Blossom, have a huge stack of language books and CDs in the Team Xtreme library. When all is said and done, Bonnie is a fun-loving, rambunctious, sweet, and euphoric young lady whose tomboyishness contrasts rather nicely to Brittany’s girlishness, as they get along superbly as sororal twin sisters. Birdie’s 3 going on 4-year-old twin brother, Benedict David “Ben” Green, was also born on June 2, 2015. Unlike Birdie, who has heterochromia, Ben’s eyes are baby blue just like his mother. It was said that he was a jolly, euphoric baby when he and Birdie emerged from their mother’s womb and he takes after Bubbles in terms of being an animal and nature lover, sympathetic and caring to others, and being a sensitive boy. Aside from speaking the language of humans, Ben is also keen on speaking the languages of big cats, rodents, dogs, birds, reptiles, and primates. Much like Bubbles, he can also manipulate water, has a special sound wave which he emits by forming a long O-shaped mouth in order to immobilize his opponents, and has a shockwave he uses in order to incapacitate said enemies. Because he is sensitive, he does tend to let his “hardcore” side emerge whenever anyone provokes him or his family, thus making him react aggressively to anyone who mocks him, as he is an example of beware the nice ones. 1 going on 2-year-old Ballina Jacqueline “Bali” Green was born on July 3, 2017, and is the split image of Bubbles in terms of her personality. She is also a calm, placid little girl when she needs to be but she can also get easily furious when someone hurts her, her family or whenever there is crime afoot. Bali can emit lightning and thunder shockwaves from her hands and can summon up a rainstorm in order to incapacitate any monster or robber who dares cross her path. She can even emit supersonic screams to render her enemies completely deaf. In her free time, Bali loves to draw and paint, thus making her an artist in the making. 6-month-old Belina May Green was born on September 22, 2018. It was said that she was born a blissful, sweet baby who can create tiny stars with a wave of her small hands. Belina can even make those stars spread out across her crib to a dazzling effect. However, one must be careful not to cross her, as she can use these stars made out of raw energy as shurikens, thus leaving some nasty cuts on her enemies. Belina takes after her mother’s sweet, innocent personality and her father’s sympathetic personality, thus making her the most lovable of Boomer’s and Bubbles’ children. Unsurprisingly, Boomer’s and Bubbles’ children get along exceptionally well. Rarely do they have a fight and when they do, it is usually resolved with a nice talking to. It is not just the parents protecting their children, but their children protect and help out their parents whenever they are in a sticky situation or when they are hurt. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this Boomubbles family picture and I will see you all on the flipside. Take care and have a lovely day. Boomer and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network. Bailey, Barley, Brittany, and Birdie belong to me. Bonnie, Ben, Bali, and Belina belong to Misse-the-cat.

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It’s Not Easy Being Red: Brick’s Feisty Angels drawn by me

This piece of Brickercup vs Brickubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s PPG OT3 Month, is dedicated to Ria Marie aka riamarie33 who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Ria Marie, I wish you a most blessed, awesome, beautiful, great, and prosperous birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, and abundance in your life as an artist and as a person. This is also dedicated to all of the Brickercup and Brickubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Buttercup x Brick x Bubbles love triangle goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, Powerpuff Girls fans of all ages, welcome to the first piece of fan work centering on the likes of Brick and Blossom, which I call “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Red”, as it is a word play on the Kermit the Frog’s solo “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green”. This Brick-centered episode of “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Red” takes place in Townsville High back in September 2009, when Brick, Buttercup, and Bubbles were in the eleventh grade. 17-year-old Brick Green may be the most popular, well-rounded, well-loved young man in school that girls would love to date and boys would be either green with envy, yearn to be his best friend, look up to him or even want to date him but it kind of comes at a price especially when he is in the middle of a cat-fight/tug-of-war challenge between 16-year-old Buttercup Utonium, who was the most athletic student and Volleyball MVP with a hard reputation, and her 15-year-old sister Bubbles Utonium, who was an extremely well-loved cheerleader for the Townsville Tigers as well as being heavily involved in the arts, music, and theater. As I said before, being Townsville High’s most popular male student may have its perks but it can get a little bit sticky when a love triangle such as this is involved. I definitely enjoyed making this come to fruition, as I can easily consider both Brickercup and Brickubbles far more exceptional than some other overrated RuffPuff pairing I know of that has been ubiquitous throughout the PPG fandom (*cough*Blossick*cough*). Moreover, I bet you already know who is my Brick-centered OTP and who is my Brick-centered cute, innocent pairing that works nicely as a BroTP or vice versa. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Brickercup vs Brickubbles fan art. Please let me know in the comments if you prefer Brickercup, Brickubbles or both and I will see you all next weekend for the second “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Red” installment. This time it will be a love triangle centering around Butch, Blossom, and Boomer and I am so freaking excited to make this happen. All right, everybody, take care and until the next time. Buttercup, Brick, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Inuyasha Next Generation List

Greetings, fellow OTP shippers of Kuranosuke Takeda x Kaguya, Sesshoumaru x Kagura, Miroku x Kikyou, Kouga x Sango, Bankotsu x Kagome, Inuyasha x Ayame, Hakkaku x Karan, Ginta x Shunran, Kohaku x Rin, Souta x Kanna, Hakudoushi x Satsuki, and Shippou x Souten, it is I your old pal Antoni here with another entry involving a list of fan-children from my most beloved and esteemed Inuyasha OTPs of all time. Much like the previous list, I will jot down the KuraKaguya, SessKagu, MirKik, KouSan, BanKag, InuAya, HakkKar, GinShun, KohaRin, SouKan, HakuSatsu, and ShiSou children but also their parents. Moreover, I will place in their names, ages as of 2019 and in human years, their birthdays and their birth years from the modern era, and their statuses, mostly reserved for the parents, as I will not go too in-depth with their biographies because the fan art submissions are reserved for that task. With that said, and as we say in Japanese, ikuzo! Let’s go! The Handsome, Strong, Rugged, Tough, Badass Fathers Kuranosuke Takeda Age: 39 Birthday: June 3, 1980 Status: Married to Kaguya since 2000. Sesshoumaru Age: 38 Birthday: June 10, 1981 Status: Married to Kagura since 2000. Miroku Age: 37 Birthday: May 7, 1982 Status: Married to Kikyou for 19 years since 2000. Kouga Age: 37 Birthday: November 22, 1982 Status: Married to Sango since 2000. Bankotsu Age: 36 Birthday: September 16, 1983 Status: Married to Kagome since 2000. Inuyasha Age: 36 Birthday: April 1, 1983 Status: Married to Ayame since 2001. Hakkaku Age: 35 Birthday: August 29, 1984 Status: Married to Karan since 2001. Ginta Age: 35 Birthday: August 29, 1984 Status: Married to Shunran since 2001. Kohaku Age: 30 Birthday: April 2, 1989 Status: Married to Rin since 2008. Souta Age: 28 Birthday: November 30, 1991 Status: Married to Kanna since 2008. Hakudoushi Age: 27 Birthday: December 26, 1992 Status: Married to Satsuki since 2013. Shippou Age: 26 Birthday: December 1, 1993 Status: Married to Souten since 2013. The Gorgeous, Elegant, Awesome, Brave, Tough Mothers Kaguya Age: 37 Birthday: December 21, 1982 Status: Married to Kuranosuke Takeda since 2000. Kagura Age: 36 Birthday: February 1, 1983 Status: Married to Sesshoumaru since 2000. Kikyou Age: 36 Birthday: July 28, 1983 Status: Married to Miroku since 2000. Sango Age: 36 Birthday: September 23, 1983 Status: Married to Kouga since 2000. Kagome Age: 34 Birthday: October 16, 1985 Status: Married to Bankotsu since 2000. Ayame Age: 33 Birthday: February 18, 1986 Status: Married to Inuyasha since 2001. Karan Age: 33 Birthday: November 3, 1986 Status: Married to Hakkaku since 2001. Shunran Age: 32 Birthday: May 31, 1987 Status: Married to Ginta since 2001. Rin Age: 27 Birthday: October 31, 1992 Status: Married to Kohaku since 2008. Kanna Age: 26 Birthday: March 29, 1993 Status: Married to Souta since 2008. Satsuki Age: 26 Birthday: April 3, 1993 Status: Married to Hakudoushi since 2013. Souten Age: 25 Birthday: February 2, 1994 Status: Married to Shippou since 2013. The KuraKaguya (Kuranosuke x Kaguya) Offspring Hidetora Age: 19 Birthday: June 3, 2000 Harutaka Age: 19 Birthday: June 3, 2000 Ieyasu Age: 19 Birthday: June 3, 2000 Yuriko Age: 18 Birthday: December 1, 2001 Otohime Age: 17 Birthday: November 4, 2002 Megumi Age: 15 Birthday: August 3, 2004 Mayumi Age: 14 Birthday: September 9, 2005 Nagaharu Age: 13 Birthday: October 5, 2006 Nozomu Age: 13 Birthday: October 5, 2006 Yume Age: 12 Birthday: August 3, 2007 The SessKagu (Sesshoumaru x Kagura) Offspring Rin (see the mothers’ list) Shippou (see the fathers’ list) Motoharu Age: 19 Birthday: December 3, 2000 Mitsuhide Age: 19 Birthday: December 3, 2000 Matsushige Age: 19 Birthday: December 3, 2000 Setsuko Age: 17 Birthday: March 2, 2002 Sachiyo Age: 17 Birthday: March 2, 2002 Norihito Age: 15 Birthday: April 4, 2004 Nobuko Age: 15 Birthday: April 4, 2004 Ritsuko Age: 14 Birthday: August 4, 2005 Heishiro Age: 13 Birthday: August 8, 2003 Sayaka Age: 12 Birthday: August 12, 2007 (Note: In my headcanon, Rin and Shippou are adopted by Sesshoumaru and Kagura to be their children.) The MirKik (Miroku x Kikyou) Offspring Kiyoyuki Age: 18 Birthday: January 1, 2001 Kazuhara Age: 18 Birthday: January 1, 2001 Kohei Age: 18 Birthday: January 1, 2001 Nanaho Age: 17 Birthday: June 2, 2002 Namiko Age: 17 Birthday: June 2, 2002 Osamu Age: 16 Birthday: July 31, 2003 Yuzuki Age: 15 Birthday: October 18, 2004 Chinatsu Age: 14 Birthday: November 15, 2005 Izumi Age: 13 Birthday: December 9, 2006 Hiroyuki Age: 12 Birthday: December 19, 2007 The KouSan (Kouga x Sango) Offspring Ryuya Age: 18 Birthday: February 14, 2001 Ryohei Age: 18 Birthday: February 14, 2001 Ranko Age: 18 Birthday: February 14, 2001 Tomoko Age: 17 Birthday: September 4, 2002 Takako Age: 17 Birthday: September 4, 2002 Fujiko Age: 16 Birthday: August 29, 2003 Fumihiko Age: 16 Birthday: August 29, 2003 Issei Age: 15 Birthday: July 7, 2004 Jouji Age: 14 Birthday: October 5, 2005 Hanako Age: 12 Birthday: August 3, 2007 The BanKag (Bankotsu x Kagome) Offspring Daisuke Age: 18 Birthday: February 21, 2001 Daichi Age: 18 Birthday: February 21, 2001 Haruko Age: 17 Birthday: March 2, 2002 Hiroko Age: 17 Birthday: March 2, 2002 Jinpachi Age: 16 Birthday: April 28, 2003 Jotaro Age: 16 Birthday: April 28, 2003 Hideo Age: 15 Birthday: August 13, 2004 Asako Age: 14 Birthday: July 29, 2005 Hokuto Age: 13 Birthday: July 31, 2006 Ginji  Age: 12 Birthday: August 9, 2007 The InuAya (Inuyasha x Ayame) Offspring Masataka Age: 18 Birthday: February 24, 2001 Masaya Age: 18 Birthday: February 24, 2001 Kenta Age: 17 Birthday: March 10, 2002 Keita Age: 17 Birthday: March 10, 2002 Kaito Age: 16 Birthday: April 19, 2003 Momoko Age: 15 Birthday: May 2, 2004 Maya Age: 13 Birthday: April 8, 2006 The HakKar (Hakkaku x Karan) Offspring Tetsuya Age: 18 Birthday: July 3, 2001 Takuma Age: 18 Birthday: July 3, 2001 Nokoru Age: 17 Birthday: August 8, 2002 Yusuke Age: 17 Birthday: August 8, 2002 Reiko Age: 15 Birthday: August 4, 200 Ryoko Age: 15 Birthday: August 4, 2003 Yukiko Age:…

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Team Xtreme Next Generation List

Greetings, fellow OTP shippers of Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike, it’s your old pal Antoni here with a journal entry involving a list of fan-children from my most beloved main Powerpuff Girls OTPs of all time. Thanks to the many wonderful collaborations I have been having with the likes of KatyGorl, Misse-the-cat, and, to some extent, CottonCandyGrl1969, I felt so compelled to make this list consisting of not only the Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike children, but also their fathers and mothers. I will basically place in their names, ages as of 2019, their birthdays, and their statuses, reserved for the parents, but I will not go too in-depth with their biographies, as that is what the fan art submissions are reserved for. With that said, let’s get cracking, ladies and gentlemen. The Handsome, Strong, Dashing Fathers Brick Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Status: Married to Buttercup since 2011. Butch Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Status: He used to be married to Bubbles from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, he has been married to Blossom. Boomer Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Status: He used to be married to Blossom from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, he has been married to Bubbles. Mitchell “Mitch” Mitchelson Age: 27 Birthday: March 11, 1992 Status: Married to Bunny since 2013. Michael “Mike” Believe Age: 27 Birthday: March 17, 1992 Status: Married to Robin since 2013. The Elegant, Noble, Awesome Mothers Buttercup Utonium-Green Age: 26 Birthday: April 1, 1993 Status: Married to Brick since 2011. Blossom Utonium-Green Age: 26 Birthday: April 1, 1993 Status: She used to be married to Boomer from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, she has been married to Butch. Bubbles Utonium-Green Age: 25 Birthday: April 1, 1994 Status: She used to be married to Butch from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, she has been married to Boomer. Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson Age: 25 Birthday: May 26, 1994 Status: Married to Mitch since 2013. Robin Snyder-Believe Age: 26 Birthday: May 2, 1993 Status: Married to Mike since 2013. The Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup) Offspring Bradford Tyrone “Brad” Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Bruce Warren Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Bailee Christina “BC Jr.” Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Beatrice Elizabeth “Bea” Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Brett Rupert Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Bridget Melissa Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Baxter Travis Green Age: 7 Birthday: October 10, 2012 Blaster Torvald Green Age: 7 Birthday: October 10, 2012 Brina Samantha Green Age: 7 Birthday: October 10, 2012 Blaze Christopher Green Age: 5 Birthday: June 3, 2014 Brent Timothy Green Age: 4 Birthday: August 1, 2015 Brooke Denise Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 29, 2016 Brianna Dorothy Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 29, 2016 Bane Lawrence Green Age: 2 Birthday: March 29, 2017 Bethany Maureen Green Age: 2 Birthday: March 29, 2017 Bona Valerie Green Age: 1 Birthday: April 2, 2018 The Blossoomer (Boomer x Blossom) Offspring Bloom Amanda Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Brittney Jane “BJ” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Beauregard Alain “Beau” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Brian Matthew Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Becca Danielle “Becky” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Bella Donna “Belladonna” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Basil Ferdinand Green Age: 7 Birthday: December 20, 2012 Bramley Frederick Green Age: 7 Birthday: December 20, 2012 The Butchubbles (Butch x Bubbles) Offspring Brandon Tristram Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Buddy Harrison Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Brea Susannah Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Bettina Tamara “Betty” Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Blithe Rosalie Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Bianca Bertha “Bibi” Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Blaine Henry Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 Blair Homer Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 The Blossutch (Butch x Blossom) Offspring Bernadette Azalea Green Age: 7 Birthday: December 20, 2012 Brendan James Green Age: 4 Birthday: July 25, 2015 Blake Francis Green Age: 4 Birthday: July 25, 2015 Bradley Oliver Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 26, 2016 Belle Marguerite Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 26, 2016 Brenda Katelyn Green Age: 2 Birthday: February 2, 2017 Belinda Kiara Green Age: 2 Birthday: February 2, 2017 Barbara Abigail Green Age: 1 Birthday: February 20, 2018 The Boomubbles (Boomer x Bubbles) Offspring Bailey Philipp Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 Barley Raphael Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 Bonnie Athena Green Age: 6 Birthday: December 4, 2013 Brittany Alexandra Green Age: 6 Birthday: December 4, 2013 Benedict David “Ben” Green Age: 4 Birthday: June 2, 2015 Berenice Dorinda “Birdie” Green Age: 4 Birthday: June 2, 2015 Ballina Jacqueline “Bali” Green Age: 2 Birthday: July 3, 2017 Belina May Green Age: 1 Birthday: September 22, 2018 The Bunnitch (Mitch x Bunny) Offspring Benjamin Jonathan “Benji” Mitchelson Age: 5 Birthday: January 2, 2014 Jackson Jeremiah “Jax” Mitchelson Age: 5 Birthday: January 2, 2014 Mason Jordan “Mace” Mitchelson Age: 4 Birthday: February 1, 2015 Ryan Kendall Mitchelson Age: 3 Birthday: March 2, 2016 Pauline Clara Mitchelson Age: 2 Birthday: June 15, 2017 Nicole Faith Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 Noelle Charity Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 Noreen Hope Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 The Robike (Mike x Robin) Offspring Jason Xavier “Jay” Believe Age: 5 Birthday: May 3, 2014 Joshua Wilfred “Josh” Believe Age: 5 Birthday: May 3, 2014 Julius Vincent “Jules” Believe Age: 4 Birthday: May 29, 2015 Sarah Theresa Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Cayden Franklin Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Michelle Lorraine Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Martha Wilhemina Believe Age: 2 Birthday: September 22, 2017 Astrid Vanessa Marie “Ava” Believe Age: 1 Birthday: November 3, 2018 So, there you have it, my fellow Brickercup, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Blossutch, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike shippers. All the lovely offspring of…

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Train Like a Warrior in the Northern Yoro Way drawn by me

(Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s cave, which is made into their gym complete with weights, a punching bag, and other primitive-looking exercise equipment. Inuyasha lifts a barbell made of metal, while Ayame lifts a dumbbell made of oak wood. Inuyasha and Ayame stop their lifting and put their weights down, as they notice their audience.) Inuyasha and Ayame: Oh, hi. Inuyasha: Name’s Inuyasha. Ayame: And I’m Ayame. Inuyasha: And welcome to our abode. Ayame: We got something to ask you, dear viewers. Inuyasha: Do you wanna build muscles like these? (Inuyasha flexes his biceps and lets out a fierce, feral roar.) Ayame: Do you feel the need to better your overall combat prowess so that you can show your enemies who’s the boss? Inuyasha: Do you wanna get physical no matter what the situation? Ayame: Well, folks, you’ve come to the right place because our cave home is a gym for anyone who wants to train like a warrior with us. Inuyasha: We’ve been married for eighteen years and I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful and beautiful wife like Ayame. Ayame: And I couldn’t have asked for a stronger, more powerful, and more awesome husband like Inuyasha. Inuyasha: Plus, we have seven amazing kids that we have been raising to the best of our abilities as parents by making sure that they stay as strong, healthy, and determined as the fighters they are. Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya (from afar) : Hey, Mom and Dad! Ayame: And here they are now! (Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya excitedly enter the cave. Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, and Kaito playfully wrestle, box, and flex their muscles with Inuyasha while Momoko and Maya high-five and hip bump Ayame, therefore culminating in a huge family group hug.) Inuyasha: See, what did we tell you? Ayame: We’re one happy and proud family. Inuyasha: Say, honey, shall we let the kids introduce themselves? Ayame: Certainly, darling. Inuyasha: All right, kiddos, show the audience at home who you are and what you’re capable of! Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya: Yes, sir, dad! (Masataka and Masaya step forward.) Masataka: Hi! I’m Masataka. Masaya: And I’m Masaya. (Masataka and Masaya raise their arms and flex their biceps. Simultaneously, they make their pecs bounce all while they unleash a thunderous roar.) Masataka and Masaya: And we’re the muscle gods you do not wanna mess with. (Kenta and Keita step forward.) Kenta: Dudes, if you think that’s something… Keita: Then check this out. Masataka and Masaya: Whatever you say, bros. (Masataka and Masaya give a respective noogie to Kenta and Keita.) Kenta: Hi, I’m Kenta. Keita: And I’m Keita. (Kenta and Keita also raise their arms and flex their biceps. After that, they do the crab version of the most muscular pose.) Kenta and Keita: And we’re always ready to rumble. (Kaito steps forward and gives a high-five and a huge hug to Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, and Keita.) Kaito: Greetings, viewers, my name is Kaito. (Kaito flexes his biceps and then flexes his lats.) Kaito: And just because I may seem nice does not mean that I don’t have the body to pummel my enemies. Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, and Keita: All right, little bro! Woohoo!!! Kaito: And I couldn’t have asked for more awesome big brothers like Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, and Keita. (Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, and Keita all hug Kaito, as Momoko steps forward.) Momoko: Hey, everybody, my name’s Momoko! (Momoko does a jab, a high kick, and is in her fighting position.) Momoko: And just because I’m pretty, does not mean I don’t know how to kick your butt. (Maya then high-fives Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, and Momoko and hugs all of her siblings.) Maya: Hello! I’m Maya. (Maya raises her right arm, turns around, and forms a fist.) Maya: And I may be small and the youngest, but I can surely pummel anyone with pride. Inuyasha and Ayame: Well done, kids. Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya: Thanks, Mom and Dad. Ayame: Here at our gym we offer a variety of activities. From weightlifting… (Inuyasha, Ayame, Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya demonstrate this by effortlessly lifting dumbbells and barbells.) Inuyasha: All right, family. On the count of three, we’re gonna lift all of these barbells up to the heavens. Ayame: Roger that, honey. Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya: Yes, sir, Dad! Inuyasha: Okay. One…Two…Three…. (Inuyasha, Ayame, Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, Kaito, Momoko, and Maya lift their heavy barbells as they all let out a thundering triumphant roar to the heavens.) Inuyasha: To circuit training… (Kaito, Momoko, and Maya perform chin-ups, jump rope, sprinting, and punching the punching post.) Kaito: HA! Momoko: YA! Maya: HWAH! Ayame: To kickboxing…. (Momoko and Maya land a barrage of punches and kicks to each other with Ayame acting as the moderator, thus ensuring a fair fight between the two sisters. She even goes out of her way to spar with her daughters.) Ayame: Wow, girls, you are definitely getting better all the time. (Ayame lands a punch to Momoko who dodges it.) Momoko: Thanks, Mom. (Momoko counters it with a roundhouse kick.) Maya: We’re really grateful to have an awesome coach like you. Inuyasha: To wrestling…. (The wrestling ring. Masataka and Masaya snarl at Kenta and Keita, as all four young men are prepared to fight. Inuyasha even snarls at Kaito, who snarls back at him. Inuyasha gives Kaito an overpowering bearhug but he counters it with a bash to his father’s head. Meanwhile, Masataka gives Kenta a full Nelson while Masaya lifts Keita off the ground. Needless to say, all of these wrestling matches are intense. Then comes the big finale.) Inuyasha: All right, boys. It’s time for all of you take your old man down. Now, show me your muscles and I’ll show you mine too. Masataka, Masaya, Kenta, Keita, and Kaito: You got it, Dad. (Masataka and Masaya flex their biceps, while Kenta, Keita,…

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