October 2018

Movie Rehab: Dracula 2000

Dracula 2000 is an underrated movie with lots of clever moments, unique ideas, a great tongue-in-cheek feel and hot vampire brides. This is my very first Halloween themed video and hopefully it won’t be the last.^^

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Happy Halloween from the Blossutch Family drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fanart is dedicated to Sue aka yosuehere, Red aka Redku, and glendon crepin aka G-Crepin who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago and Nathan Battise aka FUNImation2002 and Tyla aka RedSmilaSmiles who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Sue, Red, Glendon, Nathan, Tyla, I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, abundant blessings, prosperity, and many more marvelous adventures in your lives as artists and as people. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the Blossutch shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this and Happy Halloween.   Well, it’s Halloween and Team Xtreme’s very own Beastly Brawn, Brainy Beauty Watermelon Couple Butch and Blossom are celebrating this wonderful holiday with their children. As you can clearly see, they are all dressed to the nines in different elaborate costumes.   On the left-hand side, we have the eldest daughter Azalea, twin sons Brendan and Blake, and younger son Bradley.   On the center, we have main attraction, Butch and his gorgeous wife Blossom who are holding golden goblets filled with red wine, more specifically Pinot Noir.   Finally, on the right-hand side, we have Bradley’s twin sister Belle, sororal twins Brenda and Belinda, and youngest daughter Abigail.   Let’s talk about their costumes starting off with the parents.   26-year-old Butch Green is donning a costume which is the result of Kratos the Ghost of Sparta bearing a lovechild with a vampiress, as one can tell. Essentially, Butch is dressed as a cross between an ancient warlord and Count Dracula. Quite the fascinating combination.   His 25-year-old wife Blossom Utonium-Green is donning a costume which is reminiscent of Blood Countess Carmilla from Vampire Hunter D meets Lady Oscar and Marie Antoinette from The Rose of Versailles. As opposed to Butch’s savage warlord, Blossom fits the bill as an aristocratic lady who is also a vampiress, though a lot more subtle about it.   Let’s also not forget that since this gorgeous couple is in their twenties they are free to drink some of that fine Pinot Noir in golden goblets, just like how the nobles drink from these chalices in the olden times.   The children’s costumes were a lot of fun to do. One should not neglect the fact that Blossom, who is really savvy in terms of science and health, is the one who ensures that their makeup and everything they put on their skin, in general, are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, all-natural, and will not do damage to their skin whatsoever. All right, the kids get the floor.   5 going on 6-year-old eldest daughter Azalea Bernadette Green dons The Wicked Witch of the West’s costume. Seeing that she is a fan of both the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz and the musical Wicked, as Elphaba is her most favorite character, she saw it fit to put on the witch’s hat and makeup with glee.   3-year-old Brendan James Green is Quasimodo from Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame. For someone who is currently a toddler, he really finds both the original Victor Hugo novel and the Disney film of the same name to be very intriguing. It also helps that he has a certain attachment to the Disney Quasimodo, as he considers him one of his role models, as opposed to the version from the original novel, who is still very complex in his eyes.   Brendan’s fraternal twin brother Blake Francis Green is Banquo’s ghost from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. It is no surprise that both boys love novels and plays that deal with dark and complex themes with courtesy of Butch and Blossom who have given the novels they have read to them while they were still babies. Blake’s austere and silent presence as Banquo’s ghost is definitely a fine contrast to Brendan’s more impassioned attitude as Quasimodo.   2-year-old Bradley Oliver Green is The Wolfman or in this case The Wolf Boy. Bradley is the type of boy who loves to show off his wild side and he has a lot of fun with it. Of course, he is also a huge animal lover, which is also why he dons this particular costume.   His twin sister Belle Marguerite Green is Amneris from Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida. Here we have Belle embodying Aida’s rival for Radames’s love, the Egyptian princess who is well-known for her power and fierceness as well as being the Pharaoh’s most beloved daughter Amneris. Her glare will make you wish that you held your tongue. Butch and Blossom took their kids to watch Aida at the Townsville Opera House and it was at that moment that Belle was totally fixated with the mezzo-soprano who sang Amneris, especially in the judgment scene.   1-year-old Brenda Katelyn Green is The Queen of the Night from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s The Magic Flute known in German as Die Zauberflöte. When Blossom had quality time with Brenda and Belinda, they would always listen to an album of a coloratura soprano singing operas in different languages. The ones that stood out to her darling youngest twin daughters were The Queen’s two arias “O Zittre Nicht Mein Lieber Sohn” and “Der Hölle Rache” and Lucia’s “Regnava Nel Silenzio” and The Mad Scene. Brenda really feels attached to the Queen of the Night, as this character wears a lot of gorgeous costumes depending on the production.   Brenda’s twin sister Belinda Kiara Green is Lucia Ashton from Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor. As opposed to Brenda, Belinda is completely fascinated with Donizetti’s doomed and tragic young heroine. Lucia’s Mad Scene is one moment in this famous Donizetti opera that stood out to her the most, as this heroine felt betrayed by the true love of her life, thus being in a marriage she did not want to be in, and goes insane because of these circumstances all because of a feud going on between her family and the family of her lover.   8-month-old Abigail Barbara Green is dressed…

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A Savanna Battle Between Two Alpha Male Brothers drawn by me

(The sun shines on the African Savanna.)   Narrator: The wilderness of the Savanna! It’s high noon.   (Cut to a lake in the jungle.)   Narrator: A secluded lake in the jungle, where we get to see the gorgeous lioness woman Blossom taking a dip and enjoying herself. But, what’s this? A handsome suitor approaches. Why, yes. It’s one of the Alpha Male lion men Butch, who is so well-known for his prodigious strength, and he is rather smitten with her.   (Butch peers from the bushes, stretches his body, and dives in the lake to join Blossom.)   (Blossom continues to swim, as she is being followed by Butch, who is swimming behind her. He creeps up to her and puts his hands on Blossom’s eyes.)   Butch: Guess who, my queen?   Blossom: Hmmm…A rough-toned voice and really strong hands from all of the wrestling, boxing, and general bare-handed fighting you are well-known for. Could it be Butch?   (Butch releases his hands and Blossom turns to his direction.)   Butch: That’s right!   Blossom (rather surprised): What are you doing here?   Butch (slyly): I just wanted to join my most favorite lioness queen for a swim.   (Butch gives Blossom a kiss on the cheek.)   Blossom: You are quite the stubborn one, but I can appreciate the kind gesture. As you know, I’m waiting for someone.   Butch: Oh, and who could that be? Could it be someone who could outmatch my superb masculinity?   (Butch flexes his muscles for Blossom.)   Blossom: Oh, Butch. (chuckles) Don’t flatter yourself too much.   A voice from the distance: Hi, Blossom!   (Cut to that distant voice who reveals himself to be Boomer standing on top of the ledge and waving to Blossom.)   Narrator: Well, what do you know? Another strong and handsome suitor in the form of Boomer who is well-known for his peerless athleticism. A wonderful marriage of raw, animal strength and lightning speed. Let’s see what he does.   (Boomer readies himself as if he were in a race. He sprints, he jumps from the ledge, does a backflip, and gracefully lands on the water.)   (Butch and Blossom search for Boomer. Boomer arises from the water to surprise Blossom and he kisses her. Laughter is in the air between Boomer and Blossom.)   Blossom: Boomer, it’s really nice to see you.   Boomer: It’s nice to see you too, my queen.   (Boomer takes notice of Butch.)   Boomer: Oh. Hi, bro.   Butch: Hey. Weren’t you supposed to be with Bubbles?   Boomer: Bubbles is hunting with Brick and Buttercup. I thought it would be nice to hang out with Blossom, but I guess you turned up.   Butch: Well, I saw her first. I take it you wanna race me.   Boomer: A friendly competition between us brothers never hurts.   Blossom: Oh, you guys.   Butch: We’re just doing it for you, Bloss.   Boomer: Yeah.   Blossom: Well, if you insist. On your mark, get set, go!   (Butch and Boomer speedily swim from the lake to the grassy shore. They end up getting there at the same time, thus making this a tie. Blossom follows suit, but her speed is a little bit more gradual.)   Butch and Boomer (to each other): What are you doing here?   Boomer: I got here first, Butch!   Butch: Oh, yeah, well I’m clearly the winner, bro!   Blossom (as she steps in between Butch and Boomer): Actually, it ended up being a tie. Wouldn’t it be nice for you two to just stop arguing over me? Unless you want to settle this like the Alpha Males you are.   Butch (flexes his biceps): GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!   Boomer (flexes his biceps): GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!   (As Butch and Boomer flex their bulging biceps, Blossom is still between both of them. She touches their muscles, as she is rather enticed by how both Butch and Boomer maintain such godly physiques. The following rapport between these two Alpha Males ensue.)   Butch: You think you’re a lot stronger than me, Dumb-Bee?   Boomer: I know I’m a lot stronger than you, Butcher! And don’t call me Dumb-Bee!   Butch: My muscles are gonna crush you so bad you won’t feel your body anymore!   Boomer: Well, my muscles are gonna crush you that you will feel like a boulder has destroyed you!   (Blossom steps back, as Butch’s and Boomer’s pecs touch each other and they continue to growl and flex their bulging biceps like the Alpha Male lions that they are.)   Butch: All right, Boomer, we’re going to settle this like real Alpha Males. The winner takes Blossom as his mate.   Boomer: Fine by me, Butch. Just as long as I get to beat you!   Butch: No way, bro, I’m gonna beat you!   Butch and Boomer: GRRRRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!!   Narrator: Whoa! The tension between these two Alpha Male brothers is thick! It’s impossible to cut it!   (Fade to black. Cut to the Savanna desert.)   Narrator: The Savanna. A challenge between two powerful brothers ensues for the love of one beautiful woman.   (Blossom stands in the center, as Butch and Boomer walk towards each other with fierce, determined looks in their eyes. They approach other in the center.)   Blossom: Just remember to not kill each other all right.   Boomer: No problem, Bloss.   Butch: This is just a friendly competition between us brothers.   Blossom (a bit befuddled): Whatever you say.   (Butch and Boomer circle each other. They then stop their circling. Butch and Boomer raise their arms, as they take observation of their well-built bodies. As they raise their arms, they flex their biceps.)   Butch and Boomer: ROOOOAAAAAR!!!!   (After flexing, they approach each other and Butch makes the first move. He attempts to land a hook on Boomer but he misses. Boomer ducks and makes a spinning kick to Butch’s ankle and…

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On This Lovely Bella Notte drawn by me

“Oh, this is the night, it’s a beautiful night And we call it bella notte Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes On this lovely bella notte Side by side with your loved one You’ll find enchantment here The night will weave its magic spell When the one you love is near For this is the night And the heavens are right On this lovely bella notte This is the night It’s a beautiful night And we call it bella notte Look at the skies They have stars in their eyes On this lovely bella notte Side by side with your loved one You’ll find enchantment here The night will weave its magic spell When the one you love is near For this is the night And the heavens are right On this lovely bella notte” – Bella Notte, Originally sung by George Givot as the voice of Tony the Chef, Bill Thompson as the voice of Joe the Assistant, and the Disney Chorus, Composed by Oliver Wallace, Lyrics by Peggy Lee and Sonny Burke, From the Disney animated film Lady and The Tramp released on June 22, 1955 This piece of Robike fanart, which is an art trade I have accomplished with my dear friend KatyGorl, is dedicated to the amazing Pongpang aka the-pongpang-art who celebrated her birthday a week ago and Ika-chan aka LoveEmerald, Cinnamon aka Cinnamon-Swirls, and Miluda aka blameshiori who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Pongpang, Ika, Cinnamon, Miluda, I wish you lovely ladies joy, prosperity, beauty, strength, glory, and love in everything you do as artists and as people. Keep on making wonderful pieces of work and stay awesome, blessed, and full of abundance. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Mike x Robin or Robike shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this lovely piece of Robike fanart. Here we have Mike Believe and his darling wife Robin Snyder-Believe having a lovely date in a cozy Italian restaurant where they are a dinner consisting of spaghetti topped with a giant meatball seasoned and cooked to perfection, loaded with marinara sauce, and sprinkled with basil leaf bits and bits of parmesan cheese that has already been melted. Plus, this adorable normie couple from Townsville even have a Lady and The Tramp moment where they are even re-enacting the classic spaghetti kiss scene, which in turn is my inspiration for this little date scenario between Mike and Robin. Speaking of Disney’s Lady and the Tramp, it should come off as no surprise that Bella Notte has been one of my most favorite songs ever since I was a toddler. So, when combining my favorite song from one of my favorite animated Disney movies from the 1950’s with one of my most beloved Powerpuff Girls OTPs of all time, I thought to myself this is absolute genius. This classic song, as well as the iconic scene between The Tramp and Lady which emits so much nostalgia, is the perfect match for the scenario Mike and Robin are in. Without further ado, I present you not just one, not just two, but four versions of Bella Notte. The first is the original version sung by George Givot, Bill Thompson, and the Disney Chorus, the second one is the 1955 Italian version, the third is the pop version with Carlos Ponce and Joy Enriquez, and the fourth one is the Glee version sung by Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans, Kevin McHale as Artie Abrams, Harry Shum Jr. as Mike Chang, and the late Mark Salling as Noah Puckerman. I hope you also enjoy listening to these four selections as you gaze into the loveliness that is Mike and Robin on a date, and tell me in the comments which version you prefer the most. The original version sung by George Givot, Bill Thompson, and the Disney Chorus The 1955 Italian version The 2001 pop version with Carlos Ponce and Joy Enriquez The 2011 Glee version with Chord Overstreet, Kevin McHale, Harry Shum Jr., and Mark Salling I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Robike goodness and I will see you all in the next submission. Mike Believe and Robin Snyder from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Boomubbles: Townsville’s Cutest Power Couple

This piece of Boomubbles fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to CristianoReina, Kokistarr, Kaylen Constant aka VanillaBerp123, Daniel D. Roberts aka JekyllAndHydeChannel, and ven aka venntris who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, Cristiano, Koki, Kaylen, Daniel, Ven, I hope you guys had magnificent birthdays and I wish you all of my love, joy, beauty, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. Come se dice in italiano, spero che che voi avete un compleanno molto magnifico e auguro a voi tutti tutto il mio amore, gioia, belta e forza nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Boomubbles shippers out there. Enjoy and soak in the Boomubbles goodness, delight, and lusciousness.   This should come off as no surprise that I have been a Boomer x Bubbles or Boomubbles or The Blues fan for a very, very long time. This is the only color-coded pairing I love so much, that I am most passionate about, and I have been rooting for since forever. So, here we have Boomer being the handsome, dashing muscle stud beefcake that he is and his darling wife Bubbles being the adorable, lovely sweetie that she is. Yeah, that’s right. Soak in the Boomubbles goodness. You will never leave this sweet couple’s sight ever again, especially considering that they are Townsville’s most adorable power couple ever.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Boomubbles goodness and I will see you all in the next submission.   Boomer and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Bunnitch: America’s Most Dynamic Power Couple

This piece of Bunnitch fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Frank Kovacshegyi aka SithVampireMaster27, PookieArt, and Zamy aka PinkuNoHato who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Frank, Pookie, Zamy, I wish you guys a lot of love, joy, strength, and glory on your very special day and lots of success in your lives as artists and people. Como se dice en español, os deseo mucho amor, alegría, fuerza y gloria en vuestro día muy especial y mucho exitó en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. This is also dedicated to all of the Bunnitch shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this. One really has to give it up for Bunnitch or Mitch x Bunny just for being Townsville’s and Citysville’s interesting, fun, and really dynamic power couple. When one combines Mitch’s brand of roughness and toughness with Bunny’s lovability, amicability, and kindness, it is certainly a match made in Heaven. Besides, a buff, rough, tough guy like Mitch Mitchelson aka The Persecutor is certainly lucky to have a lovely, sweet, gorgeous wife like Bunny aka The Bouncing Mountain. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Bunnitch and I will see you all in the next submission. Mitch Mitchelson and Bunny from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Blossutch: Townsville’s Sexiest Power Couple drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of my dear friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Gabzilla aka gabzillaz, PON aka keijipeiji, Antonio Claret aka Claret821021, and Romalis aka Bluunachronicles who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago and Shin aka kokamugithu who is celebrating his birthday today. So, I Gab, Pon, Antonio, Romalis, Shin, I wish you a lot of joy, happiness, love, beauty, and strength in your lives as artists and as people and I hope you had such wonderful celebrations. Como se dice en español, os deseo mucha alegría, felicidad, amor, belleza y fuerza en tus vidas como artistas y personas y yo espero que hayaís tenido una celebración maravillosa. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Blossutch shippers out there. So, enjoy and soak in the Blossutch goodness.   There is no doubt that Butch and Blossom make such a formidable couple, as this holy matrimony of the savage brawn and the elegant brain is something nothing short of fascinating. One should not also forget about how interesting their dynamics are both as fighters and as a couple. So, here are Butch and Blossom being the absolutely sexy couple that they are and you better believe that they can be more than capable of opening up a huge can of whoop-ass and still look so amazing.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Brickercup: Townsville’s Toughest Power Couple

This piece of Brickercup fanart, which is part of the amazing Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Miki Fubiki aka Mikireikai, Stefanie Quah aka li-jean, and Yona aka Yona-Hime who celebrated their birthdays last week. So, Miki, Stefanie, Yona, I hope you lovely ladies had wonderful, marvelous, elegant, and fine birthdays. I wish you a lot of joy, love, and happiness in everything you do as people and as artists. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the exceptional Brickercup shippers out there. I hope you all enjoy this.   Ah, Brickercup. I am going to sing my OTP’s praises until my dying day and that’s a fact. So, here are Brick and Buttercup being the strong, well-built, tough fighters that they are and you better believe me, when I say that these two are ready to kick some serious butt.   I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission.   Brick and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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May It Be drawn by me

“May it be an evening star Shines down upon you May it be when darkness falls Your heart will be true You walk a lonely road Oh! How far you are from home   Mornië utúlië (darkness has come) Believe and you will find your way Mornië alantië (darkness has fallen) A promise lives within you now     May it be the shadows call Will fly away May it be your journey on To light the day When the night is overcome You may rise to find the sun   Mornië utúlië (darkness has come) Believe and you will find your way Mornië alantië (darkness has fallen) A promise lives within you now   A promise lives within you now” – May It Be, Originally sung and written by Enya, Co-Written by Roma Ryan, From the 2001 film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring directed by Peter Jackson   This long overdue art trade I have done with one of my dearest friends Sylina aka AmusedDoodler is dedicated to Reddanmanic aka Silent-Sid and Iga aka Aiiga who celebrated their birthdays last week and, of course, the very person who has given me life, love, inspiration, strength, courage, and a lot of will-power my very own mother, Alma Mia Garcia, who is celebrating her birthday today. So, I wish you all a lot of love, joy, beauty, courage, hope, and abundance in everything you do in your lives. I salute, honor, and love you all.   This was actually a long time in the making. For AmusedDoodler’s OC pairing, Voic x Voice, to work, I had to be able to bring in a certain loving connection that these two have. I have seen some fanart of these two and they are actually lovely to look at, though this pairing kind of reminded me of Blossick, which, in turn, is one of my least favorite RRB/PPG pairings of all time, though I used to like it. Regardless, I have to say that it was rather fun drawing this lovely couple.   Enya’s May It Be is one of the most beautiful, haunting, and wonderful songs I have ever had the pleasure I have listening to growing up as a music aficionado. I basically listened to both the original Enya version as well as the Hayley Westenra version and I they are both exceptional in their own ways. I figured that in this picture, I thought that an autumn environment would suit Voic and Voice really well. I had them situated outside an open field, where there are colored leaves and potpourri falling around them like raindrops to add a fairytale-like mood and feel to this picture. Plus, Voic is basically dressed as a fairytale prince with Voice as his fairytale princess. I hope you all enjoy listening to both Enya’s and Hayley Westenra’s renditions of May It Be, as you gaze into the loveliness that is Voic x Voice.   May It Be sung by Enya   May It Be sung by Hayley Westenra   I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission.   Voic and Voice belong to AmusedDoodler.

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Nudie Rehab: Justice League XXX: An Axel Braun Parody

Director’s Recut: Update (01/22/2020): I was re-watching the second episode of Nudie Rehab on January 15, so basically about a week ago, and while I think that the episode has for the most part aged very well, there were still a few moments that didn’t. So I’ve decided to revisit this review to create what I like to call a “Director’s Recut” where I’ve removed or re-edited scenes from the video and I’ve also added some new voice over lines as well. The last part is unfortunately somewhat noticeable but I still think that it helped to improve the quality of the review. Keep in mind: Even though I do prefer this “Recut” version over the original cut, I still feel that everyone should be allowed to pick between the two cuts since I don’t see any logical reason to get rid of the original cut. With that being said: I hope you enjoy this re-edited cut of my second Nudie Rehab episode. Original Cut: Will this porn do any justice to the DCEU? Warning: (Possibly) Not Safe for Work!!!

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