September 2018

Nights in White Satin drawn by me

“Nights in white satin, never reaching the end, Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty I’d always missed with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore.   Cause I love you, yes I love you, oh how I love you.   Gazing at people, some hand in hand, Just what I’m going through they can’t understand. Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend, Just what you want to be, you will be in the end.   And I love you, yes I love you, Oh, how I love you, oh how I love you.   Nights in white satin, never reaching the end, Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty I’ve always missed, with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore.   Cause I love you, yes I love you, Oh how I love you, oh how I love you. Cause I love you, yes I love you, Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.” -Nights in White Satin, The Moody Blues, Composed and Written by Justin Hayward, Recorded on October 8, 1967, Released on November 10, 1967   This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to Gene aka G3N3 and Sam Brigandi aka sbrigs who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Gene, Sam, I wish you lovely ladies a most blessed, magnificent, exceptional, and happy birthday and I wish you a lot of prosperity and joy in your lives as artists and people. Como se dice en español, os deseo un cumpleaños muy bendito, magnifico, excepcional y feliz y os deseo mucha prosperidad y alegría en tus vidas como artistas y personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the Blossutch shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, enjoy, and bask in that Blossutch goodness and sexiness.   Here we have Butch and his darling wife Blossom having a very nice, intimate evening with each other. After a long day of saving Townsville and the world from evil and destruction, it should say something when this Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple have a nice, quiet moment with each other under the stars.   “Nights in White Satin” originally sung by the 1960’s English rock band The Moody Blues kind of has a special place in my heart as this riveting ballad managed to stir me with its lyrics. Funnily enough, I first heard this back as a 20-year-old as Notte Di Luce sung by the tenor Noah Stewart on a flight going from Cebu, the Philippines to Berlin, Germany. I never knew the original source material until I heard a couple of singers sing this ballad. So, for your listening pleasure, I present to you three of my favorite interpreters of “Nights in White Satin” namely The Moody Blues, the late great Wagnerian tenor and crossover singer Peter Hofmann, and the absolutely fine Noah Stewart singing this in Italian. I hope you enjoy listening to these installments, as you picture Butch and Blossom making sweet love to each other.   The Moody Blues – Nights in White Satin   Peter Hofmann – Nights in White Satin   Noah Stewart – Notte Di Luce   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this. Thanks for taking the time to take a gander at this piece of Blossutch fanart as well as to listen to the three different versions of “Nights in White Satin”. See you in the next submission.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Smart Ladies Love Strong Men Who Lift drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to Raya aka Vampirewitch2K, Clow aka Cl0wrii, and Ryan Devlin aka OnyxEngie who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, Raya, Clow, Ryan, I hope you guys had an amazing, magnificent, and awesome birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, and fortune in everything you do as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, yo espero que hayaís tenido un cumpleaños maravilloso, magnifico y grande. Os deseo mucho amor, felicidad y prosperidad en tus vidas como artistas y como personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the amazing Blossutch shippers. So, sit back, relax, enjoy, and soak in that sexy, gorgeous Blossutch goodness.   Here we have one of my most beloved RRB/PPG OTPs of all time. The Watermelon Couple. The Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple. Townsville’s Sexiest Couple, in my opinion. The very couple that makes my heart swell every time I see fanart of them. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you all Butch/Blossom or Blossutch, the couple I believe to be Townsville’s most sexy brawn and brain pair. We have 26-year-old Butch being that type of gentleman who takes such pride on his muscles and, therefore, keeps them well-toned for his darling 25-year-old wife Blossom by lifting weights. Of course, Blossom always finds Butch charming in his own unorthodox yet entertaining way.   So, Butch, Blossom, do you guys have anything to say to our celebrants.   Butch and Blossom: Sure, we do.   Butch: Raya, Clow, Ryan, we wish you all the best in your lives as artists.   Blossom: You are all an integral part of DeviantArt and your artworks are wonderful in your own special ways.   Butch: Keep fit and well!   Blossom: And stay awesome!   Thanks so much. And I will see you all in the next submission. Take care.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Warlord King and His Warrior Queen drawn by me

(Butch and Blossom along with their eight comrades in battle enter the palace podium. They are drenched in the blood of their enemies and they have fierce looks in their eyes. Butch growls like a lion, as he glares at the spectators. He raises his powerful arms and flexes his biceps.)   Butch: GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!   (After that he does the most muscular pose, thus flexing his triceps, biceps, pectoral muscles, and deltoids.)   Butch: GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!   (Finally, he stands erect and beats his chest emitting a most powerful, earth-shattering roar.)   Butch (beating his chests): ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!   (His four closest male comrades, consisting of a man with long dark orange hair donning red, a man with slightly long dark brown hair donning a black cape, black gauntlets, and black short shorts, a man with slightly long blonde hair donning cobalt blue, and a man with short light brown hair donning gray and all four of them well-built, tall, bare-chested, muscular of the same age as him being 26 years old, and wearing the same attire as Butch, are shouting in triumph raising their blood-stained fists in the air.)   The Four Male Comrades: AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! AHOO!   Butch: Silence, my brothers. My wife and queen is also the victor of our battle. Show her ye appreciation too.   Blossom: I thank thee, my husband and king.   (Blossom also approaches the podium. She snarls like a lioness, as she glares at the audience. They are trembling at her presence. She raises her right blood-stained fist in the air, as she emits out a victory cry.)   Blossom: HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!   (The crowd cheers for Blossom, as she lets out another victory cry, this time raising her left hand, also stained with blood.)   Blossom: HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!   (The crowd’s cheering increases in volume. Blossom then raises both of her arms and emits her most powerful victory cry all while raising her fists to the heavens.)   Blossom: RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!   (Her four closest female comrades, consisting of a jet black-haired woman whose hair shorter than Blossom’s donning lime green, a dark brown-haired woman donning light purple, a blonde-haired woman donning baby blue, and a slightly light brown-haired woman donning red-orange, all four of them bearing sleek physiques, being 25 years old for the black-haired and dark brown-haired female comrades and 24 years old for the blonde-haired and light brown-haired female comrades, are gorgeous, and wear the similar attire as Blossom’s, are also shouting in triumph while raising their blood-stained fists in the air.)   The Four Female Comrades: AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! AHOO!   (All eight of them join in the chant, as the volume increases.)   Butch and Blossom: WE ARE VICTORIOUS!!!!   (The comrades cheer, as Butch and Blossom kiss each other passionately. After that kiss, they turn their attention to the audience.)   Butch: My wife, my comrades, and I have won against the invaders who dare to plunder our land and make it bow to their corrupt ways!   Blossom: Thus, we have annihilated our foes, as we bathed in their blood!   Butch: They may have been the strongest foes ever. But we are a million times stronger than them!   Blossom: What remains of them is now in total obliteration, as we tore them apart with our bare hands, fist, and feet! Their skills, as unparalleled as they were, were no match for us.   Their Eight Comrades: AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! AHOO!   (The four male comrades flex their muscles and beat their chests, while the four female comrades raise their fists, snarl, and emit victory cries.)   Butch: All ye citizens, take heed of our words. Even though we may have won in battle, there are still matters my wife and I need to address. As ye all know, my love for my wife knows no bounds. If any of thee were to be so brazen, so foolish, and so puerile as to dishonor, violate, and tarnish my most highly-favored wife Blossom, I shall make haste to use my bare hands, furious fists, and most mighty muscles to send thee and thy pitiful souls to oblivion!   (Butch flexes his biceps and beats his chests like a wild gorilla.)   Blossom: I, too, love my husband and he has sworn his eternal faith, allegiance, and loyalty to me not only as his queen but also as his spouse. But heed my words, all ye citizens, especially all ye young virgins, if ye art to use acts of promiscuity, lewdness, and salaciousness on my eternally beloved Butch, I shall break ye necks and put ye heads on pikes as a warning to all ye who dare practice infidelity. To ye men, heed my words as well. Should ye dare besmirch my husband’s strength and honor and besmirch that of my honor with your lust, I shall also obliterate thee and feed thy corpses to my comrades, their children, and our children.   The Four Male Comrades: ALL HAIL OUR KING AND QUEEN!   The Four Female Comrades: ALL HAIL OUR KING AND QUEEN!   (The crowd cheers but Butch and Blossom step aside.)   Butch: Well, my most beloved wife, shall we make way to our chambers where I can indulge in thy blissful love?   Blossom: ‘Twill be a pleasure most undefiled, my bravest husband. However, since the stench our enemies’ blood has been perfuming us, why don’t we make sweet love in the bath? ‘Tis rosewater and lavender-scented and I know ’tis something you would love.   Butch: Wife, thou art a goddess.   (Butch and Blossom kiss each other passionately, as they head to the bath chamber.)   This piece of Blossutch fanart is dedicated to Riku aka CappuccinoDoodles and Gaz aka Galaxy-Gazer who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago. So, Riku, Gaz, I hope you two had awesome, wonderful, amazing, and thrilling birthdays. I wish you all the best and all of my love in everything you do as artists and people….

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Blossom is The Best drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of my dear friend’s BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to kay aka kaykeyser and CrawfordJenny who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, kay, Jenny, I hope you had such magnificent, awesome, grand, and amazing birthdays. Keep on being the fine artists that you are and lots of love. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the Blossutch shippers out there. Enjoy.   Here we have Butch showing his unconditional love to his most beloved wife Blossom the only way he knows how. Showing off his fantastic physique to her and being the hunky, sexy muscle god to his articulate, gorgeous queen. As you can tell from their attire, they just finished their couple workout, so they are pretty pumped in their own ways. Plus, Blossom is both enamored and entertained by her husband’s way of charming her.   Going to the dialogue, I was completely inspired by the final scene of Disney’s The Legend of Tarzan episode “Tarzan and the Lost City of Opar”, where after Tarzan, Jane, Tantor, Professor Porter, and Terk escaped from the clutches of Queen La and her Leopard Men, Tarzan proceeded to say, “You see? I told you. Jane is the best.” Jane even bounces back with a few charming words, as he repeats that Jane is the best, thus wrapping it up with her remarking how wonderfully stubborn Tarzan is. So, I kind of incorporated that piece of nostalgic dialogue to my most favorite RRB/PPG couple, as I think their relationship is akin to Tarzan’s and Jane’s brand of love.   I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch or Butch x Blossom fanart and see you in the next submission.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Butch and Boomer: The Ripped, Hunky Lady-Charmers

(Butch and Boomer flex their biceps for Blossom and Bubbles.)   Butch: Bloss, Bubs, do you darlings see these biceps of mine? Yeah, amazing aren’t they? Well, they go berserk just for you because you babes are the greatest. And as your Baron of Berserk, I’m gonna keep my muscles toned for you and our darling kids.   Boomer: My dearest ladies, Blossom and Bubbles, I’d have to be the dumber than the dumbest to have my guns abandon you. Good thing my muscles can protect you from any type of danger. I guess that’s why I would always love to be called the Fleet Athlete.   (Butch and Boomer strike another pose.)   Butch and Boomer: Pretty impressive, huh, babes?   Blossom: Oh, Butch, Boomer, you gentlemen are quite the charmers.   Bubbles: Yeah, I just can’t take my eyes away from you. I can’t even begin to decide whose muscles are bigger. Butchie’s? Or Boomie’s? Ah well, I love you both just the same anyway.   (Blossom and Bubbles giggle. Blossom kisses Butch and Boomer. Then, Bubbles kisses Boomer and Butch.)   This piece of Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles fanart, which is part of my dearest friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to Zen Zin Yan aka lordtrigonstar who celebrated his birthday four days ago and Hadrian aka SapphireSonicmaster who celebrated his birthday two days ago. So, Zen, Hadrian, I hope you gentlemen had an amazing, awesome, exciting and marvelous birthday. I wish you both prosperity, love, and happiness in your lives as artists and people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe ihr hattet einen herrlichen, tollen, aufregenden und fantastischen Geburtstag. Ich wünsche euch beiden Wohlstand, Liebe und Glück in euren Leben als Künstler und Menschen. Comme nous disons en francais, j’espere vous aviez une anniversaire magnifique, incroyable, excitante et merveilleuse. Je vous souhaite prosperité, amour et bonheur dans votre vies comme artistes et personnes. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles shippers out there. I hope you all enjoy this.   Here we have Butch and Boomer being the handsome muscle studs they are to their most favorite ladies of all time Blossom and Bubbles. When you have a forest green-clad beastly brawn of a man like Butch and a cobalt blue-clad lovable, sympathetic muscle like Boomer charming a pink-clad goddess like Blossom and a baby blue-clad angel like Bubbles with the aid of their godlike physiques, then you certainly have something really exciting for anyone to see. Moreover, what more can you expect from someone like me who is a hardcore Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles shipper? They are all fabulous in their unique ways to the point where I dub Blossutchoomubbles as my most beloved OT4 of all time. And as you can tell, I was deeply inspired by MMHinman’s Inuyasha muscle puns fanart. Therefore, it compelled me to make this piece of dialogue which coincides with the picture.   I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles fanart. See you in the next submission.   Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Path In Me: Confronted

SaG was searching for a consultant of his reviewer website Team Night Saturn. Much time has passed since then and he finally managed to find one. A fellow called Mike Leechaud. Said man insists for SaG to fire all the members that were absent for more than a month. SaG tries to comply with the idea but he was unaware about the outcome which would arrive in the shape of anger and emotions. Starring Jack Skyblue, Christine Tsuzaki, Matt J. Crowley, Rob Boor and Antoni Matteo Garcia as Rumpy.

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Townsville’s Most Badass OT3 Of All Time drawn by me

This piece of Blossutchoomer or Butch x Blossom x Boomer fanart, which is part of my dearest friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to RivaAnime, who celebrated her birthday two weeks ago, and Rena-Sama, who celebrated her birthday four days ago. So, Riva, Rena, I hope you wonderful ladies had such an amazing, blessed, awesome and wonderful birthday. I wish you a lot of love and happiness and fortune in everything you do as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, yo espero que hayaís tenido un cumpleaños maravilloso, bendito, grande y magnifico. Os deseo mucho amor y felicidad y fortuna en todos que vosotros haceis como artistas y personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful shippers of both Blossutch and Blossoomer. I hope you all enjoy this. Quick question. What happens when you combine pure, animalistic, muscular strength with complete athleticism which combines brute strength and lightning speed with beauty, agility, tact and a great physical package? Why you get my most beloved RRB/PPG OT3 of all time, Blossutchoomer, a beautiful and holy matrimony between The Watermelon Couple known as Blossutch and The Berry Cotton Candy Couple known as Blossoomer. Like I said, I can never go wrong with either The Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple or The Lovable Dumb Muscle and The Brainy Beauty Couple known respectively as, of course, Blossutch and Blossoomer. There is seriously nothing more alluring than with a couple of 26-year-old hunky, strong superheroes like Butch the Baron of Berserk and Boomer the Fleet Athlete team up with a 25-year-old smart, sexy superheroine like Blossom the Commander and the Leader. Plus, you can also tell that this trio consisting of two upstanding, strong, handsome gentlemen and a smart, articulate, beautiful lady is always ready to kick bad guy butt. Now, let’s see what these guys are made of. Are you ready, Butch, Boomer, and Blossom? Butch, Boomer, and Blossom: We are. (Butch raises his arms, as he flexes his powerful, well-shaped biceps.) Butch: ROAAAAAARRRR!!!!! (Boomer also raises his arms and flexes his equally powerful, well-shaped biceps.) Boomer: GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! (Blossom enters with a backflip and lands with a split.) Blossom: HYAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! (Butch, Boomer, and Blossom strike a most heroic pose.) Blossom: Oh, and by the way, handsome stud and dashing darling, we have to wish a couple of artists well in terms of what they have accomplished so far. So, Riva, Rena, on behalf of Team Xtreme- Boomer: We hope you two had great birthdays- Butch: And we wish you a lot of great things to come as artists. Butch, Boomer, and Blossom: Take care and lots of love. Awesome! As we say in Spanish, hasta luego. Butch, Blossom, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Metti Una Sera a Cena drawn by me

“Passa un anno intero Giorno dopo giorno Ci guardiamo indifferentemente Diventiamo estranei, l’uno all’altro   Non facciamo niente per recuperare Tutti quei momenti, quegli istanti Che ci hanno fatto innamorare   Noi restiamo ormai senza saper dire Una sola frase, una parola Balbettiamo appena qualche sì   Non c’é alcun pensiero Che al cuore arrivi Dal tuo cuore muto Insieme al mio In attesa, non si sa di che   Metti una sera come ogni sera Che si siamo a cena Noi due soltanto Alziamo gli occhi, e all’improvviso Sui nostri visi Non c’è più niente   Non restiamo ormai senza saper dire Una sola frase, una parola Balbettiamo appena qualche sì   Non c’é alcun pensiero Che al cuore arrivi Dal tuo cuore muto Insieme al mio In attesa, non si sa di che   Metti una sera come ogni sera Che siamo a cena Noi due soltanto Alziamo gli occhi, e all’improvviso Sui nostri visi Non c’è più niente   Metti una sera come ogni sera Che siamo a cena Noi due soltanto…” -Metti Una Sera a Cena, Originally sung by Milva, Music by Ennio Morricone, Lyrics by Carlo Carunchio and Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, From the 1969 film of the same name   English Translation courtesy of Musixmatch: “An entire year passes Day after day We look at each other indifferently We become strangers, one for the other   We don’t do anything to revive All those moments, those instants Which made us fall in love?   By now we don’t know how to say Even one sentence, one word We barely babble a “yes”   There is not one thought Which reaches the heart? From your silent heart With mine waiting For who knows for what   Suppose an evening like every evening When we are at supper Only the two of us We lift our eyes and all of a sudden On our faces There’s nothing left   By now we don’t know how to say Even one sentence, one word We barely babble a “yes”   There is not one thought Which reaches the heart? From your silent heart With mine waiting For who knows for what   Suppose an evening like every evening When we are at supper Only the two of us We lift our eyes and all of a sudden On our faces There’s nothing left   Suppose an evening like every evening When we are at supper Only the two of us…”   This piece of GreenBell fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to corleonese1, WoodCraftsandWands, and Rainy–Artworks who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days. So, I hope you guys had a magnificent, grand, blessed, and exciting birthday. I wish you all of my love, joy, and prosperity in everything you do as artists and people. Come se dice in italiano, spero che voi avete un compleanno magnifico, grande, benedetto ed eccitante. Auguro a voi tutti tutto il mio amore, gioia e prosperità nelle tue vite che voi facete come artisti e persone. I would also love to dedicate this to the shippers of Mr. Green and Miss Bellum as a couple. It is a pretty rare couple, but I think it’s plausible. Vi piace amici miei.   Like I said, Mr. Green pairing up with Miss Bellum is rather unconventional but it makes for some interesting and awesome dynamics, especially when these two are the Rowdyruff Boys’ parents and do a far better job at raising them compared to Mojo Jojo and HIM. As you can tell, they are married in my Team Xtreme headcanon, hence that is why Miss Sara Bellum is known as Mrs. Sara Bellum-Green, with Brick, Butch, and Boomer bearing the family names of Green.   As you can tell, I have been playing with the idea of the Rowdyruff Boys having much better parental figures than HIM and Mojo combined. Miss Keane is a nice choice, but as you can tell, I’m a hardcore Professor Utonium x Miss Keane shipper. So, I was quite inspired by Sweatshirtmaster’s and wyattloughrie’s pictures of Miss Bellum being quite the awesome mother figure to Brick, Butch, and Boomer. My idea of Mr. Green, the supernatural-looking substitute teacher in the episode “Substitute Creature” and one of the most underrated side characters in The Powerpuff Girls, being a father figure to the boys came to my head like a flash of lightning, as I firmly believe that his brand of kindness, empathy, grace, and genuine, fatherly love would be of insurmountable benefit in terms of raising Brick, Butch, and Boomer to be the upstanding gentlemen and superheroes that they are today. Moreover, it is really clear who wears the pants in this off-beat yet interesting and loving relationship. That’s right Mrs. Bellum-Green, given her experience with raising the boys and firmly establishing discipline and respect in her house.   “Metti Una Sera a Cena” composed by the legendary Ennio Morricone has been a tune that has been an earworm ever since I was twenty years old. The singer who introduced me to this song was none other than Hayley Westenra. I’ve been a fan of hers ever since I was twelve years old and I think she is a fine classical crossover singer. So, I hope you also enjoy listening to this rendition as much as you enjoy the goodness and the flexibility that is GreenBell. Vi piace con ascoltare, amici miei.   Metti Una Sera a Cena sung by Hayley Westenra   I hope you all enjoyed this and as we say in Italian, a la prossima.   Mr. Green and Miss Sara Bellum from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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De Mi Enamorate drawn by me

“Para realizar mí sueño ¿que haré? Por donde empezar, ¿como realizaré? Tu tan lejano amor, lo único que se es que ya no se quien soy, de donde vengo y voy. Desde que te vi, mi identidad perdí, en mi cabeza estás, solo tu y nadie mas y me duele al pensar que nunca mía serás, de mi enamorate! Mira que el día que de mi te enamores yo voy a ser feliz y con puro amor te protegeré y será un honor dedicarme a ti eso quiera Dios. El día que de mi te enamores tu, voy a ver por fin de una vez la luz y me desharé de esta soledad, de la esclavitud ese día que tu de mi amor te enamores tu, veré por fin de una vez la luz.” -De Mí Enamórate, Daniela Romo, Lyrics by Juan Gabriel, Recorded and Released in 1986 from the album Mujer de todos, mujer de nadie   English Translated courtesy of Applecid1 from Lyrics Translate: “To realize my dream, what will I do? Where do I start? How will I realize it? your distant love, the only thing I know is that I don’t know who I am anymore, where I come from or where I am going Since I saw you, my identity I lost, in my head, you are, only you, and nobody else, and it hurts me to think that mine you will never be fall in love with me Look that the day you fall in love with me, I will be happy, and with my pure love I will protect you, and it will be an honor to dedicate my life to you, may God approve of this The day you fall in love with me, I will finally see the light, and I will get rid of slavery to this solitude That day that you, my love, fall in love with me, I will finally see the light”   This piece of ProfKeane fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Maria Júlia aka MarJulSanSil and Cry-chan aka Crystalcupcakes237 who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, Maria, Crystal, I hope you ladies had a magnificent, awesome, excellent and blessed birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, and beauty in your lives as artists and people. Como se dice en español, yo espero os chicas hayaís tenido un cumpleaños maravilloso, grande, excelente y bendido. Os deseo mucho amor, felicidad y belleza en tus vidas como artistas y personas.   Before I became a loyal RRB/PPG shipper what with my main OTPs being Brickercup, Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles, though I used to love Blossick and Butchercup, but now my feelings for these two ships have gone down the drain and will never see the light of day again, I was hardcore Professor Utonium x Miss Keane shipper and that was when I was between seven to eight years old. I still am to this very day to the point where I saw it fit for these two to be a very strong couple to the point where I decided to make Miss Keane, known as Mrs. Keane-Utonium, be the mother to Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny in accordance to my Team Xtreme headcanon. Moreover, according to the PPG fandom, their first names are John and Sandra, which I decided to keep as well.   It literally says something when my feelings for Professor Utonium and Miss Keane as a couple has continued to grow strong to this very day as a twenty-six-year-old adult. What’s not to love about having a firm yet patient and kind scientist pair up with a sympathetic and marvelous teacher who ensures discipline in a fair manner? Besides, ProfKeane, in my opinion, is one of the sweetest and most plausible adult couples of The Powerpuff Girls universe. Yes, their darling daughters and sons-in-law show their lovey-dovey attitudes with their shirts, so why not these parents? By the way, for those of you who do not speak Spanish, Professor Utonium’s shirt is translated as “Sandra is the only woman I need in my life”, while Mrs. Keane-Utonium’s is translated as “John is my only protector”. If this is not true love between my most favorite adult couple of The Powerpuff Girls, I do not know what is.   Being a huge fan of Daniela Romo and a good amount of songs, I saw it fit to put in “De Mí Enamórate” as a fine song choice for this couple, considering that both Professor Utonium and Mrs. Keane-Utonium grew up in the eighties. And let me just say, that even though Professor Utonium is in his mid-fifties and Mrs. Keane-Utonium in her early fifties, they still look as fabulous as ever and they age gracefully. Going back to the song, I figure that the melody speaks volumes to me and it is absolutely gorgeous. Entonces, amigos queridos, os disfruta esta canción de la magnifica Señora Daniela Romo.   Daniela Romo – De Mí Enamórate   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and as we say in Spanish, hasta la próxima, amigos queridos y fantasticos.   Professor Utonium and Miss Keane from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Someone Like You drawn by me

“There’s a wind that blows It’s calling your name And it speaks to me again and again Telling me, go to her Don’t let her go Hold her close to you Then you will know The meaning of love Exactly what is all about The feeling that I get when I can’t forget Everything that makes me want to That’s how deep it goes All I really know is that I love you so And if it’s the only thing I ever do Then I know it’s true That I should love someone like you Someone who believes in me Makes my voice to sing with a heart so free As sure as I can be For me, if one dream can come true Then I will love someone like you In your eyes I see A life that could mean so much more With you next to me And if time is cruel Well I won’t try to hide I could walk through fire With you by my side Cause after all if we want forever There’s a hand to hold through the sad and cold When nobody wants to know you So never let it go And you’ll never be alone Knowing that I love you so And if it’s the only thing I ever do Then I know it’s true That I should love someone like you Someone who believes in me Makes my voice to sing with a heart so free As sure as I can be For me, if one dream can come true Then I will love someone like you So never let it go And you’ll never be alone Knowing that I love you so And if it’s the only thing, the only thing I ever do Then I know it’s true That I should love someone like you Someone who believes in me Makes my voice to sing with a heart so free As sure as I can be For me, if one dream can come true Then I will love someone like you Then I should love someone like you” -Someone Like You, Andrea Bocelli, From the album Cieli di Toscana released on October 16, 2001 This piece of JulOmi fanart, which is part of Kaitlyn’s aka KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to HaleysComett and Joshua Orro aka JoshuaOrro who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago. So, Haley, Josh, I hope you guys had amazing, awesome, thrilling, and terrific birthdays. I wish you prosperity, love, and joy in everything you do as artists. Since Prinack or Jack Spicer x Princess Morbucks has become such an item thanks to the ever-fabulous Selena aka PrincessCallyie, I figured why not pair up Omi from Xiaolin Showdown with Julie Smith from The Powerpuff Girls? In my mind, I always thought they would make such an adorable couple, what with Omi’s impulsiveness and simple way of life meshing up so well with Julie’s outer cuteness and occasional inner cattiness. I have the results are more than satisfactory and JulOmi is definitely a crossover OTP that is much a keeper as Prinack. So, here we have the 25-year-old Omi being so cuddly with the 24-year-old Julie Smith. And yes, in my headcanon, these two are happily married. I did mention that while Princess and Julie were in China, Princess fell for Jack while Julie Smith had a major crush on Omi. This crush eventually blossomed into a full-fledged romance between the Xiaolin monk of water with the doll-like, adorable youngest Smith daughter. And voila, a very cute couple for the ages. I figured that to heighten the cuddliness and love present between Omi and Julie, I thought that the Andrea Bocelli-composed song “Someone Like You” would be a most ideal fit for this couple. I hope you enjoy listening to this love song as much as you enjoy gazing at the sweetness and cuteness that is Omi x Julie Smith. I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Omi from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB. Julie Smith from The Powerpuff Girls belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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