August 2018

R-E-S-P-E-C-T drawn by me

“What you want Baby, I got it What you need Do you know I got it? All I’m askin’ Is for a little respect when you get home (just a little bit) Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home (Just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)   I ain’t gonna do you wrong while you’re gone Ain’t gonna do you wrong ’cause I don’t wanna All I’m askin’ Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit) Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit) Yeah (just a little bit)   I’m about to give you all of my money And all I’m askin’ in return, honey Is to give me my propers When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a) Yeah, baby (just a, just a, just a, just a) When you get home (just a little bit) Yeah (just a little bit)   Ooh, your kisses Sweeter than honey And guess what? So is my money All I want you to do for me Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re, re) Yeah baby (re, re, re, re) Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit) When you get home, now (just a little bit)   R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Take care, TCB Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) Whoa, babe (just a little bit) A little respect (just a little bit) I get tired (just a little bit) Keep on tryin’ (just a little bit) You’re runnin’ out of fools (just a little bit) And I ain’t lyin’ (just a little bit) (Re, re, re, re) when you come home (Re, re, re, re) ‘spect Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit) And find out I’m gone (just a little bit)” -Respect, Aretha Franklin (1942-2018), Released on April 29, 1967   This is my entry for the Blossick contest as hosted by the fine people of Powerpuff-Nation. Moreover, I would love to dedicate this piece of Blossick fanart to Lady aka XXTHELADYINTHEHOODXX who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Lady, I wish you a prosperous, blessed, and awesome birthday. Keep up the amazing work you have been doing as an artist and may your life, in general, be full of beauty and abundance.   Here we have Team Xtreme’s proud, fierce, mighty leaders, the one and only Brick and Blossom. As you can tell, I do not ship them romantically, even though I used to as a teenager but now, I just prefer them as strong comrades-in-arms. Moreover, by their shirt colors, you can easily decipher who I ship Brick and Blossom with. Here’s a hint I’m a hardcore shipper of those three OTP pairings and there is no way in Hell I am ever going to let go of them nor give them up. Yeah, take a good and wild guess and you can tell me in the comments below. Finally, I also love playing around with their elemental powers, what with Brick being a pyrokinesis user and Blossom being a cryokinesis user.   I figured that for this piece of platonic Blossick fanart that the song Respect by Aretha Franklin would fit them to a T. Why you ask? Well, if it was not already obvious, these two are Team Xtreme’s tall and proud leaders and with their strategies, mad skills, and commanding presence, they can lead this six-person superhero team wonderfully. So, without further ado, I hope you also enjoy the song as sung by the late yet great Madame Aretha Franklin, as you take a gander at this piece of platonic Brick/Blossom fanart.   I hope you all enjoy this piece of platonic Blossick fanart and I will see you all on the flipside.   Brick and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Morgen drawn by me

“Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen und auf dem Wege, den ich gehen werde, wird uns, die Glücklichen sie wieder einen inmitten dieser sonnenatmenden Erde… und zu dem Strand, dem weiten, wogenblauen, werden wir still und langsam niedersteigen, stumm werden wir uns in die Augen schauen, und auf uns sinkt des Glückes stummes Schweigen…” – Morgen Opus 27 Number 4 composed by Richard Strauss, Lyrics and Poem by John Henry Mackay (1864-1933), composed on May 21, 1894. English Translation: “And tomorrow the sun will shine again And on the way which I shall follow She will again unite us lucky ones As all around us the earth breathes in the sun Slowly, silently, we will climb down To the wide beach and the blue waves In silence, we will look in each other’s eyes And the mute stillness of happiness will sink upon us.” This piece of Prinack fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Prinack month, is dedicated to Taylor Wyatt aka Whyboy who will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow. I know this was also supposed to be tomorrow’s submission, but I have so much to do both with my fanart drawing and with school considering that I am about to graduate and head off to university. So, Taylor, may your birthday be ecstatic, energetic, elegant, blessed, and phenomenal. I wish you a lot of joy, love, honor, fame, and prosperity in everything you do as an artist. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche für deinen besonderen Tag morgen viel Glück, Liebe, Ehre, Ruhm, und Wohlstand in allen, dass du als Künstler tust. Boy, do I happen to make German Lieder fit quite well with two fabulous tycoons like Jack Spicer and his wife Princess Morbucks-Spicer. And I love it! The structure of the music, the nuances of the melodies, and the pristine technique one needs to pull said Lieder off are tasks that easier said than done, but once mastered, one can be on the way to do such musical poetry great justice. Sure, summer may be almost over, but that does not stop either Jack or Princess from enjoying a lovely moment on the beach soaking up that fresh ocean goodness. Plus, I thought Morgen would be a lovely song choice for these two in their most serene moments. That’s why I also gathered five of my most favorite interpreters of Richard Strauss’s Morgen Diana Damrau, Soile Isokoski, Jessye Norman, Fritz Wunderlich, and Jussi Björling. There is something wonderfully special in each of their voices. Whether it would be Diana Damrau’s clean and clear technique, Soile Isokoski’s luminous and glowing tone, Jessye Norman’s plushness and nobility, Fritz Wunderlich’s peerless style or Jussi Björling’s unparalleled musicianship, there’s always something unique in each of these singers that I enjoy tremendously. So, I hope you enjoy listening to these selections as much as you enjoy taking a look at this lovely Prinack fanart. Diana Damrau Soile Isokoski Jessye Norman Fritz Wunderlich Jussi Björling I hope you all enjoyed listening to these five selections as well as this piece of Prinack of fanart. If you have a definitive favorite from each of the five selections of interpreters who sang Richard Strauss’s Morgen, please let me know in the comments below. Until then, as we say in German, alles Liebe und bis bald. Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB. Princess Morbucks from The Powerpuff Girls belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.  

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Cäcilie (Wenn du es wüsstest) drawn by me

“Wenn du es wüßtest, Was träumen heißt von brennenden Küssen, Von wandern und ruhen mit der Geliebten, Aug in Auge, Und kosend und plaudernd, Wenn du es wüßtest, Du neigtest dein Herz!   Wenn du es wüßtest, Was bangen heißt in einsamen Nächten, Umschauert vom Sturm, da niemand tröstet Milden Mundes die kampfmüde Seele, Wenn du es wüßtest, Du kämest[6] zu mir.   Wenn du es wüßtest, Was leben heißt, umhaucht von der Gottheit weltschaffendem Atem, Zu schweben empor, lichtgetragen, Zu seligen Höhn, Wenn du es wüßtest, wenn du es wüßtest, Du lebtest mit mir.” – Cäcilie Opus 27 Number 2 composed by Richard Strauss (1864-1949), Lyrics and Poem by Heinrich Hart (1855-1906), Composed on September 9, 1894.   English Translation: “If you but knew, sweet, what ‘tis to dream of fond, burning kisses, of wand’ring and resting with the beloved one; gazing fondly caressing and chatting, could I but tell you, your heart would assent.   If you but knew, sweet, the anguish of waking thro’ nights long and lonely and rocked by the storm when no-one is near to soothe and comfort the strife-weary spirit. Could I but tell you, you’d come, sweet, to me.   If you but knew, sweet, what living is, in the creative breath of God, Lord, and Maker to hover, upborne on dove-like pinions to regions of light, if you but knew it, could I but tell you, you’d dwell, sweet, with me.”   This Prinack submission, as part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Prinack month, is dedicated to Bluebear aka ITBluebeadTI who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Bluebear, you had an amazing and blessed birthday and I wish you abundance and prosperity in your life as an artist. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe, dass du einen tollen und gesegneten Geburtstag hattest, und ich wünsche dir Vielfalt und Wohlstand in deinem Leben als Künstlerin. I also want to dedicate this to all of the wonderful Prinack shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy.   Here we have Jack and Princess having a tender, sweet, and blissful moment with each other. As you can tell, there are also some German words placed in this drawing which goes hand in hand with the chosen Richard Strauss Lied I have for them. On Jack’s side, these two words are translated as My Princess and My Mistress. On Princess’s side, the words are translated as My Lord, My Comfort, and My Beloved.   When listening to different interpretations of this sweeping Richard Strauss Lied, I have to say that five stood out to me the most Diana Damrau, Jessye Norman, Christa Ludwig, Fritz Wunderlich, and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. So, I hope you also enjoy listening to these selections, as you imagine Jack and Princess having their moment of romance, sweetness, and love for each other.   Diana Damrau   Jessye Norman   Christa Ludwig   Fritz Wunderlich   Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau   I would also love to know which of these five singers do you enjoy the most when it comes to Richard Strauss’s Cäcilie. It would be a great pleasure to hear which singer catches your fancy. So until then, as we say in German, bis bald und alles Liebe.   Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB.   Princess Morbucks from The Powerpuff Girls belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Padam, Padam drawn by me

“Cet air qui m’obsède jour et nuit Cet air n’est pas né d’aujourd’hui Il vient d’aussi loin que je viens Traîné par cent mille musiciens Un jour cet air me rendra folle Cent fois j’ai voulu dire pourquoi Mais il m’a coupé la parole Il parle toujours avant moi Et sa voix couvre ma voix   Padam, padam, padam Il arrive en courant derrière moi Padam, padam, padam Il me fait le coup du souviens-toi Padam, padam, padam C’est un air qui me montre du doigt Et je traîne après moi comme une drôle d’erreur Cet air qui sait tout par cœur   Il dit: “Rappelle-toi tes amours Rappelle-toi puisque c’est ton tour ‘Y a pas d’raison pour qu’tu n’pleures pas Avec tes souvenirs sur les bras” Et moi je revois ceux qui restent Mes vingt ans font battre tambour Je vois s’entrebattre des gestes Toute la comédie des amours Sur cet air qui va toujours   Padam, padam, padam Des “je t’aime” de quatorze-juillet Padam, padam, padam Des “toujours” qu’on achète au rabais Padam, padam, padam Des “veux-tu” en voilà par paquets Et tout ça pour tomber juste au coin d’la rue Sur l’air qui m’a reconnue   Écoutez le chahut qu’il me fait Comme si tout mon passé défilait Faut garder du chagrin pour après J’en ai tout un solfège sur cet air qui bat Qui bat comme un cœur de bois” -Édith Piaf, composed by Norbert Glanzberg, lyrics by Henri Contet, and released in 1951   English Translation: “This tune that haunts me day and night This tune isn’t born of today It comes from as far back as I do Dragged by a hundred thousand musicians One day this tune will drive me mad A hundred times I’ve wanted to say why But it interrupted me It doesn’t let me speak And its voice overwhelms mine   Padam… Padam… Padam… It follows, running behind me Padam… Padam… Padam… It tricks me into remembering you Padam… Padam… Padam… It’s a tune, which like an accusing finger Haunts me like a weird mistake This tune that knows all by heart   It says: “Remember your loves Remember since it’s your turn There’s no reason for you not to cry With your memories held close… “ And me, I look back at those that remain My twenty years of tapping that beat I see between the beats The whole comedy of those loves Accompanied by this tune that always goes…   Padam… Padam… Padam… An “I love you’s” on the fourteenth of July Padam… Padam… Padam… The “forevers” bought at a discount Padam… Padam… Padam… The “Do you want to’s” here by the bundle And all this to bump into the tune That remembers me at the street corner   Listen to the uproar that it causes in me As if all my past were on parade One must save some sorrow for later I have a solfege for this tune that beats… Beats like my wooden heart”   This piece of Prinack fanart, as part of my beloved friend’s BrickercupMasterX3’s Prinack month, is dedicated to Ciara aka LadyMarigold who celebrated her birthday four days ago, Jim Kilpatrick aka Koku-chan who celebrated his birthday yesterday, and SheilaMBrinson and Kay aka transformers3roxCB who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Ciara, Jim, Sheila, Kay, I wish you a lot of abundance, love, joy, and happiness in everything you do as artists. Comme se dit en francais, je souhaite a vous beaucoup d’abondance, d’amour, de joie et de bonheur dans tout vous faites comme artistes.   Jack and Princess have hit the dance floor once again. This time they are in a ballroom waltzing with such precision to the amazing Édith Piaf’s chanson Padam, Padam, which is about a young woman who has a music-related memory about a lover she had when she was twenty years old. Obviously, these two are rather entranced with the music. So, for your listening pleasure, here is La Grande Madame Édith Piaf singing the passionate and electrifying Padam, Padam.     I hope you all enjoyed this and as we say in French, vous prenez plaisir. Merci beaucoup et a tout a l’heure.   Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB.   Princess Morbucks from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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That Funny Honey of Mine drawn by me

“Sometime’s I’m right Sometime’s I’m wrong But he doesn’t care He’ll String along He loves me so That funny honey of mine   Sometime’s I’m down Sometime’s I’m up But he follows ’round Like some droopy-eyed pup He loves me so That sunny honey of mine   He ain’t no sheik That’s no great physique Lord knows, he ain’t got the smarts   Oh, but look at that soul I tell you, the whole Is a whole lot greater than The sum of his parts   And if you knew him like me I know you’d agree What if the world Slandered my name? Why he’d be right there Taking the blame   He loves me so And it all suits me fine That funny, sunny, honey Hubby of mine   He loves me so That funny honey of mine” – Roxie Hart from Chicago, Composed by John Kander, Lyrics by Fred Ebb, Book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse, First Performance on June 3, 1975, at New York’s 46th Street Theater   This piece of Prinack fanart, as part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Prinack month, is dedicated to Eka Ju Wong aka LollyKittyPaws, kou aka kouriiko, Jon aka fanfics4ever, my very good Manic Expression comrade t-kun aka AwkardOddOne, Sam Flemming aka SouthJerseySam, and Nina aka Wickfield who celebrated their birthdays from a few days ago to yesterday. So, I hope you wonderful, splendid, phenomenal, and fantastic artists had a grand birthday. Keep on being as brilliant, innovative, and down-to-earth as you all are. I bless you all and more power to you and to everything you do. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the fine Prinack shippers out there. With that said, sit back, relax, enjoy, and soak in that Prinack goodness.   Here, we have our anti-villainous/anti-heroic couple Jack Spicer and his darling wife Princess Morbucks-Spicer having a serene, sweet, and sentimental moment with each other.   It also helps that the song choice, “Funny Honey” from the Broadway musical Chicago, is a wonderful fit for someone like Princess to dedicate to her significant other Jack. And who better than to perform this ballad than the fine Renée Zellweger, the Roxie Hart I grew up with ever since I was between my tween and teen years and somehow ended up becoming a hardcore Chicago fan when I was all but fourteen years old. So, let’s dig into this song. Maybe you can even imagine Princess singing this to Jack in such a sexy, sensual manner akin to what Madame Zellweger accomplished.     I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission.   Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB.   Princess Morbucks from The Powerpuff Girls belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Something He Can Feel drawn by me

“Shoo do, shoo Oh, many say That I’m too young To let you know just Where I come from Oh, but you will see That it’s just a Matter of time My love will surely Make you mine Ooh, living in a World of ghetto life Everybody around Seems so uptight Nothing’s wrong It’s alright with My man, my man I like the kinds of Ways we have our fun His loving ways Send me on and on Yeah, hey, with my man People out there Can understand I’m giving him Something he can feel Ah ha ha, to let you know My love is real So much love for us to feel So much hope for material things Are they only in my dreams So I write this song for you To prove that real things Do come true Ooh, living in a World of ghetto life Everybody around Seems so uptight Nothing’s wrong It’s alright with My man, my man I like the kinds of Ways we have our fun His loving ways Send me on and on Ooo hoo, with my man People out there Can you understand Giving him Something he can feel I sure want you to have it babe My love, my love is real Giving him Something he can feel I want you to know my love Giving him Something he can feel Gonna give you whatcha, whatcha really need babe Giving him Something he can feel Can you feel, can feel, feel, feel, feel Giving him Something he can feel I feel ooo we feel it baby Giving him Something he can feel Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Giving him Something he can feel Feel it babe, feel it babe, feel it babe Giving him Something he can feel Yeah feel it” – Aretha Franklin, composed by Curtis Mayfield for the film Sparkle, released on May 5, 1976 I would love to dedicate this piece of Butchubbles fanart, as part of an art trade I have done with my good friend Eva aka AquaGemPrincess, to MJ aka MissEmmyJay who celebrated her birthday three days ago, Andrew aka CHAOS-CHAOS-CHAOS and Alyssa aka WolfyTheRuff who celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and Zia Mikaela aka Mimidorika who is celebrating her birthday today. So, MJ, Andrew, Alyssa, and Zia, I wish you a lot of abundance, love, beauty, and strength in everything you have as artists and people. May you all stay forever blessed. Furthermore, I dedicate this piece of Butchubbles fanart to the great and wonderful Aretha Franklin who unfortunately passed away a few days ago and this is dedicated to her memory, hence the song choice. So, Madame Franklin, may you rest in peace and may the Lord Almighty welcome you to His Kingdom. There’s nothing more charming nor more adorable than having Butch be the rough yet lovable muscle gent to his darling lady love Bubbles. May you all bask in the Butchubbles cuteness as you listen to this song by the legendary Queen of Soul herself, Madame Aretha Franklin. I hope you all enjoyed this and see you in the next submission. Take care and lots of love. Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Butchubbles Family drawn by me

This piece of Butchubbles fanart, which is part of an art trade I have been doing with my dearest friend Kaitlyn aka KatyGorl, is dedicated to some fellow DeviantArtists who celebrated their birthdays some days ago. Those are Ben Wagner aka BeeWinter55, Giovanni aka Rasmussen891, AdmiralPit, x-Memoire-x, and Jenna Johnson aka resotii. I hope you guys had amazing birthdays, I wish you all the best and all of my love in everything you have accomplished so far as artists and stay golden in all that you are. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche euch allen alle das Beste und alle meine Liebe in alles, dass ihr als Künstler und Menschen geschafft habt, und bleib so wunderbar und hervorragend wie ihr seid. Come se dice in italiano, vi auguro ogni bene e tutto il mio amore nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone e stai tutto bene come voi siete.   I will say this and I will say this again. In terms of the Bubbles-related pairings, my undying love for Butch x Bubbles aka Butchubbles has been spreading like the wildest of wildfires to the point where I dub this as my OTP on par with Boomubbles. Moreover, we have quite the lovely family they have made with twenty-six-year-old Butch being the rough and tumble, ruggedly sexy, and really muscular dad that he is, seven-year-old Brea being the adorable, cute toughie that she is, and twenty-four-year-old Bubbles being the jolly, euphoric mom that she is. So, let’s take a gander at how Brea, KatyGorl’s Butchubbles daughter, came to be.   Throughout all of his life growing up, Butch not only fancied Bubbles but he had a huge crush on her. He loved how utterly forgiving, emphatic, creative, jolly, and enthusiastic she was not only as a superheroine but also as a person. However, there were some obstacles that got in the way of him trying to confess his feelings for the sky-blue clad Powerpuff Girl.   First, there was her obvious admiration for Boomer considering how well those two ended up clicking to the point where they had a very long-lasting relationship.   Secondly, there was Bubbles’ attachment to Brick. Though not in the most romantic sense, but more of Brick being the impulsive, smart, tough big brother to Bubbles’ ingenue with an edge little sister, in which their long-lasting friendship almost put them in a relationship with each other. Thankfully, it lasted a week before Brick ended up with Buttercup and Bubbles returned to Boomer.   Thirdly, was his unsuccessful relationship with Buttercup until Grade 10, where they decided to just be friends during the Summer of 2009.   Fourth, was the fact that Blossom was his girlfriend who later ended up as his wife, so breaking up with her would have been uncalled for, as he loved her company and she enjoyed being with a roguish, wild gentleman like Butch.   On Bubbles’ side of the story, even though she had a wonderfully healthy relationship with Boomer and a spectacularly platonic big brother, little sister relationship with Brick, she too had a crush on Butch. It could be his unrelenting athleticism. It could be his unparalleled use of his immense strength both in combat and in daily activities, much to the astonishment of certain civilians. Moreover, it could be Butch’s undying loyalty and protection not only towards his favorite brother Brick, his fraternal frenemy Boomer, his greater equal Blossom, his teammate-in-arms Buttercup but also towards Bubbles considering the rescue missions they all have been through together.   Everything came to a head when Boomer and Blossom told Butch and Bubbles how they truly felt about giving other life partners a chance, to which the latter pair completely got the message. Much like how Boomer consummated his feelings his feelings for Blossom, Butch also consummated his feelings for Bubbles, but at a price.   A week after Blossom’s discovery of her pregnancy, Bubbles also found out she was pregnant, in spite of the fact that she was all but seventeen years old and Butch was nineteen years old. Given the benefit of the doubt, their respective parents Mr. Green, Mrs. Bellum-Green, Professor Utonium, and Mrs. Keane-Utonium were confident that their superpowered offspring will be responsible enough to take on the parental roles. If they can face monsters and other villains, they can surely face parenthood too.   During Bubbles’ pregnancy, her cravings were at an all-time high. She craved for salmon, tuna, sardines, chili sin and con carne, tacos, grapefruit juice, spinach, and many other foods rich in iron, protein, and antioxidants. Moreover, every time the baby was kicking, it would be at intermittent rates. There were some days where the kicks were gentle as feathers and other days where the kicks were harsh and punishing complete with twitching. Butch knew that he was going to have a child who was as sweet and gentle as Bubbles but fierce and rough as him, especially when they found out in the ultrasound that it was to be a girl.   The day of delivery came on August 10, 2011, when Bubbles gave birth to Brea Susannah Green, who was said to have been a hyperactive yet joyful baby.   Because Butch and Bubbles were going to college, Brea, much like her cousin Bloom, was raised by Professor Utonium and Mrs. Keane-Utonium with Mr. Green and Mrs. Bellum-Green helping out. Every weekend and after school, Butch and Bubbles would always pay Brea a visit and be the parents that they ought to be. As the years passed, Brea grew into an enthusiastic, energetic, tough and rough girl with a soft, adorable, and sweet side. Even when Bubbles ended up going back to Boomer and Butch ended up going to Blossom, she was still happy and proud to call Butch her dad and Bubbles her mom. Plus, she loved her half-siblings on Boomer’s side Bailey, Barley, Brittany, and Birdie and on Blossom’s side Brendan, Blake, and Belle as her own. Aside…

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Roaring Lion Kings and Snarling Lioness Queens drawn by me

This piece of RRB/PPG fanart is dedicated to Begaiym aka Bosya aka BestieBosya who celebrated her birthday five days ago, Agustín aka Agu-Fungus who celebrated his birthday two days ago, and HetterRos and Susan aka TheStupid Fox who celebrated their birthdays yesterday. So, Bosya, Agustín, Hetter, and Susan, I hope you all had a very blessed, prosperous, and awesome birthday and I wish you a lot of love, joy, and happiness in your lives as artists and people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe ihr hattet einen gesegneten, wohlhabenden und tollen Geburtstag und ich wünsche euch allen viel Liebe, Freude und Glück in euren Leben als Künstler und Menschen. Como se dice en español, espero que todos ustedes hayáis tenido un cumpleaños bendito, próspero y maravilloso y os deseo mucho amor, felicidad y alegría en tus vidas como artistas y personas.   Moreover, if you cannot tell from Buttercup’s, Blossom’s, and Bubbles’ brassieres and loincloths, I am sure you will all have a great idea who their mates are and who I ship these awesome ladies with. However, if you did not get the hint, this is also dedicated to all of the wonderful shippers of Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Boomubbles, and Butchubbles. With that said, sit back, relax, and soak in that Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles goodness.   Feral Team Xtreme has struck again, as we are heading back to the pride lands. Here we have our six favorite superheroes, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, being the strong, courageous, and awesome pride of lions that they are. The lions in the forms of Brick, Butch, and Boomer are flexing their muscles and letting out their thunderous roars to give anyone a heaping dose of fighting spirit and courage. The lionesses in the forms of Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles are stretching their nimble legs while emitting such lethal snarls to warn any intruder not to vandalize their territory.   As you can also see, they have come home from a hunting trip and decorated their den with bloodstained pawprints from the prey they have caught and devoured. Surely, their sharp claws, even sharper fangs of steel, and fierce glares are enough to make any invader, vandal or prey quiver at their presence. At least they know how to keep themselves clean by taking a swim at a nearby river.   Brick, Butch, and Boomer being the Alpha Male lions they are, have the superhuman strength, stamina, and toughness to give any invader a run for his life whenever these three lion kings appear. Their muscles are enough to make Hercules, Basuli, and Tarzan really proud of how these lion men manage to stay strong all the way through. Their massive roars can definitely earn Mufasa’s and Simba’s respect and honor, Kopa’s and Kovu’s friendship and brotherhood, Scar’s willingness to fight them, and Nuka’s envy and fear. Their wrestling and grappling prowess are certainly up to par with Simba’s, Basuli’s, and Tarzan’s fighting skills to the point where they even end up stronger than those jungle warriors.   Their lioness mates, Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles, are just as powerful as their husbands. Their super speed, stamina, combat prowess, beauty and symmetry in their moves, as well as their gorgeous countenances are enough to make them shine brilliantly as the queens of the pride they are. Their overall skills are enough to earn Sarabi’s, Sarafina’s, and Nala’s respect, love, and admiration, Vitani’s and Kiara’s friendship and willingness to be sisters to the point where they would test each others’ wrestling and grappling skills, Pocahontas’s admiration, kindness, and generosity, Queen La’s desire to do battle with them, and Zira’s unquenching lust to test their strength. Moreover, these lioness women are the backbone of what makes their pride thrive with endurance.   Relationship-wise, even though Buttercup solely belongs to Brick and Brick alone, her sisters are polyamorous. Blossom’s main mate is Butch, while Bubbles’ is Boomer. However, the eldest lioness sister and the youngest lioness sister trade spouses on chosen days. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Blossom belongs to Butch and Bubbles belongs to Boomer. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Blossom belongs to Boomer and Bubbles belongs to Butch. Sundays are a complete foursome. Plus, if you are wondering where their cubs are, they are playing with Mitch’s and Bunny’s offspring in the neighboring territory, as all fourteen cubs are in really great hands, or in this case, paws.   There you have it. The return of Townsville’s superheroes who have gone feral and behave like lions. So, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Buttercup, Blossom, Bubbles, do you have anything to say to our celebrants?   (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles leap from the den’s hiding spots with a roar almost similar to how Simba lept when confronting Scar for their final battle. They even approach in a similar fashion with fierce, menacing looks on their eyes and even emit a low growl like Simba.)   Brick: We all have something to say.   Butch: We heard there were some birthday celebrants.   Boomer: Some who had their birthdays a few days ago and others who had theirs just yesterday.   Blossom: So, to those of you who had their birthdays, sit tight.   Buttercup: If you don’t want us to give us one good why we shouldn’t rip you apart, listen up.   Bubbles: This is how we say we hope you had a great, magnificent birthday in the language of lions.   (All six of them walk up to a rock formation akin to Pride Rock and look up at the sky, as the wind blows on their faces. They then start to unleash a most powerful roar that can rival any lion.)   Brick: ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!   Butch: ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!!   Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: ROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!   (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles inhale, as this roar is going to be the grand finale. The roar to end all roars, as they roar to the heavens.)  …

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I’ve Got My Man drawn by me

“I love you, Porgy Don’t let him take me Don’t let him handle me And drive me mad If you can keep me I wanna stay here With you forever And I’ll be glad   Yes I loves you, Porgy Don’t let him take me Don’t let him handle me With his hot hands If you can keep me I wants to stay here With you forever I’ve got my man   I love you, Porgy Don’t let him take me Don’t let him handle me And drive me mad If you can keep me I wanna stay here With you forever I’ve got my man   Someday I know he’s coming to call me He’s going to handle me and hold me So, it’s going to be like dying, Porgy When he calls me But when he comes I know, I’ll have to go   I love you, Porgy Don’t let him take me Honey, don’t let him handle me And drive me mad If you can keep me I wanna stay here With you forever I’ve got my man” – Bess from George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess, Lyrics by Ira Gershwin   This is my art trade for my dearest friend, a wonderful fellow DeviantArtist, and my soul sister and comrade-in-arms in being hardcore Brickercup shippers the one and only Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3, who in return requested her Powerpuff Girls OTP for life after I requested her to do my Inuyasha OTP for life, Inuyasha x Ayame. Moreover, I dedicate this piece of Brickercup fanart to Haskel Eleni Bishop aka Abrigedfoamy who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Haskel, I hope you had an amazing birthday, may your endeavors as an artist keep flourishing, and I wish you a lot of health, love, and joy in everything you do. Finally, this goes out to all of the Brickercup shippers everywhere. Sit back, relax, enjoy, and soak up that Brickercup goodness.   There’s nothing more adorable and lovely than seeing a well-muscled, proud, and handsome gentleman like Brick having a really nice moment with his fiery, feisty wife Buttercup. Someone like Buttercup is just so lucky and happy to have her buff husband by her side, as Brick’s well-shaped biceps, well-chiseled physique, and roguish gentleman ways are the very facets which made her fall in love with him in the first place. Moreover, Brick is just so pleased to have BC by his side and a guy with muscles like his can certainly be more than capable of protecting his lady love like a fine pillar of fortitude.   For the song choice, I thought that I Love You Porgy was a really nice choice to show the tenderness between Brick and Buttercup, especially when this is done as a solo number. Who better to accomplish this than the legendary, gorgeous, and goddess-like Madame Nina Simone, whose rendition manages to leave me in total awe. If you don’t believe me have a listen for yourselves and imagine Brick and Buttercup having such a tender moment with each other while being hypnotized by Nina Simone’s flawlessly soulful vocals. On a more irreverent note, I should’ve also titled this “I Love You, Brickster”, but I digress. Just listen to the song while looking at this piece of Brickercup fanart.     Well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for taking the time to enjoy this and I will see you in the next submission.   Brick and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Blossoomer Family drawn by me

This Blossoomer-related art trade I have done with my really good friend and fellow DeviantArtist, Kaitlyn aka KatyGorl, is dedicated to Ton aka swissnaturelover, Nathan Forester aka monstermaster13, and Jim aka canineart18 who celebrated their birthdays six days ago and Shinto aka ShintoIceCream who celebrated his birthday two days ago. So, Ton, Nathan, Jim, Shinto, I hope you gentlemen had a most blessed, awesome, grand, and uplifting birthday. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe, dass ihr einen schönen, herrlichen, ausgezeichneten und tollen Geburtstag hattet. Comme on le dit en francais, j’espère vous avez une bonne, belle, excellente et merveilleuse anniversaire. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the awesome Blossoomer shippers out there. So, ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and enjoy.   As you all can see, we have a fine and happy Blossoomer family with twenty-six-year-old Boomer being the strong, buff, handsome, lovable dad that he is, seven-year-old Bloom being the jolly leader girl like her mother Blossom, and twenty-five-year-old Blossom being the nurturing, eloquent, courageous, and gorgeous mother that she is.   With this recent art trade I have done with my dear friend Kaitlyn aka KatyGorl, my feelings for Blossoomer and for Butchubbles have grown from being cute, innocent pairings bordering on OTPs to fully-fledged OTPs totally standing on par with Blossutch and Boomubbles to the point where I ship all four of them as my OTPs aside from Brickercup. Yeah, I said it. My feelings for Blossoomer are just as strong as those I have for Blossutch and the same thing can be said about Butchubbles and Boomubbles. So, let’s see how Bloom, KatyGorl’s Blossoomer daughter, came to be.   There was no doubt that Brick and Buttercup sealed the deal as being a strong item, which is the same thing that happened between Butch and Blossom as well as Boomer and Bubbles. However, there were certain things that were eating at the four of them, especially both Boomer and Blossom.   For the longest time, Boomer had a huge crush on Blossom, even though he truly admired Bubbles body and soul. This was mostly because Blossom was extremely helpful in terms of his academics and she was the one who constantly pushed him to excel in everything he accomplished both as an integral member of a superhero team and in his academics to the point where he graduated high school with honors. He admired Blossom not just because of her beauty, but also her courage, strength as an independent young woman, her savviness, her grace, and how she will not take crap from anyone. However, Boomer could not pluck up the courage to tell her due to the fact that Blossom dated Brick, even though their relationship ended up going up in smoke before the eleventh grade, Butch was officially Blossom’s greater equal, and Boomer still had his long-lasting relationship with Bubbles.   Blossom, on the other hand, admired Boomer from afar as long as she can remember. Yes, she was Boomer’s tutor in mathematics and the sciences, the very subjects he had difficulty in throughout their years of being in school. Everything about Boomer seemed to click exceptionally, even though he was in a relationship with Bubbles. His determination, lovability, attentiveness, complete athleticism thanks to his peerless combination of super strength and super speed, considerate nature, kindness, willingness to empathize and be true to himself, and charisma are the very qualities that have always made Boomer so admirable in Blossom’s eyes. She was indubitably over Brick and she was in a relationship with Butch, but something needed to be done.   Everything came to a head when Boomer and Blossom finally confessed to their respective siblings a year before graduating High School. Boomer went out of his way to tell Butch how much he loved Blossom but was so jealous of both Brick and Butch for having their eyes set on her. Blossom was at first hesitant to tell Bubbles her true feelings for Boomer, for this will damage the Commander and Leader image she has always built up both privately and publically. Bubbles, being the emphatic listener, was calm throughout the whole affair, even when Blossom stated how much she has admired Boomer for everything he is and will always be. She even admitted straight up to Bubbles how utterly jealous she was when she ended up dating him, even after the debacle that went on with Brick. Butch and Bubbles took the revelations well and have firmly decided to switch life partners, which went on before their second year of college since Bubbles also admired Butch for how super strong, tough, and fierce he was and Butch admired Bubbles for how compassionate, patient, and utterly merciful she was. They then consummated their feelings, blissfully unaware of what was going to happen next.   The two pairs stayed with their switched significant others which left Brick and Buttercup rather surprised, considering how stable their relationship has been. Even though the plan of switching life partners proved to have worked, there was one thing that was sort of a loophole in their plans. Five months before graduating High School, Blossom found out that she was pregnant with Boomer’s child. A week later, Bubbles also found out she was pregnant with Butch’s child. The plan truly backfired but Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles knew that they will have to make it through the first few months of college with their heads up, in spite of the fact that Mr. Green, Mrs. Bellum-Green, Professor Utonium, and Mrs. Keane-Utonium were utterly shocked that the four of them would go through this type of scenario while being between the ages of seventeen and nineteen. The parental figures had good faith in their four respective children knowing that they can handle the responsibility. If they can handle saving Townsville 24/7, they will surely handle what adulthood is really like. At least, they were able to graduate High School exceptionally, with Blossom being the Class…

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