November 2017

My 500 YouTube Subscriber Milestone (Oh, Happy Day!)

Guess who just reached the 500 subscriber mark? Yes, at this point I am not only euphoric but also utterly blessed. I would love to thank my awesome artist friends, Katelyn Jewel and Ross Gerson, for the awesome work they did for my channel avatar and banner respectively, all of my great reviewer, singer, actor, voice actor, entertainer, and artist friends, all of my family members, my school colleagues and teachers from past to present, and everyone else who is important in my life. If you wanna support my channel and what I have to offer in terms of content, please do subscribe as you are all invited to my channel. Thanks again and Happy Advent.

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Charlotte Church 1999 Album Review

With an ever-broadening repertoire putting in opera arias and art songs to the mix, this particular album was certainly a major accomplishment for someone as young, talented, and lovely as Charlotte Church, in her years as a classical singer. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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Audio Abominations #18 – Take a Knee… my Ass!!

  Songs like these are a major factor as to why I don’t like country music. I get that the genre is for straight, white conservative Christian men, but that still isn’t an excuse to make a song that sounds like something Tomi Lahren thinks every time she speaks of NFL players protesting America’s institutionalized racism. I haven’t heard a country song this offensive since “Have You Forgotten?” back in 2003. They probably exist, but I never came across them. The atrocity in question for anyone who is curious:

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I heard the news of Signore Dmitri Hvorostovsky’s passing after a long battle with brain cancer and I want to dedicate this now ancient review to his memory. I know that I also stated at the end of this video that it was also dedicated to Justin “JewWario” Carmical, Gerd Albrecht, and Shirley Temple, but given the recent news of Hvorostovsky’s transcendence of the flesh, I thought this would suffice. So, Signore Hvorostovsky, may you rest in peace, may your legacy live on through all generations, and may the Lord welcome you to His Kingdom.

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Thanksgiving and Future Plans

In a few hours, I’ll be leaving to visit family for Thanksgiving.  They live on a farm with no internet, so I’ll be taking a break from all things online.   My next video review is going to be of the Steven Universe episode “Gem Harvest”.  I was going to make this review for Thanksgiving, but then a bunch of school stuff came up so I’ll have to delay it.  Hopefully, it should be ready in time for Christmas, since the message of the episode is equally appropriate for both holidays.   After that, I have a list of eavy-themed episodes that I want to cover: Gargoyles – Deadly Force Static Shock – Jimmy Teen Titans – Spellbound Wander Over Yonder – The Time Bomb Powerpuff Girls – Equal Fights DuckTales – Once Upon a Dime Bobby’s World – The Music   I also plan on loking at some literature-based animation shows us well: Red Planet Jumanji Conan the Barbarian The Adventures of Mark Twain.   Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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New Microphone Just Arrived

Guess what arrived in the mail? That’s right. A new Blue Yeti microphone and a pop filter. I want to thank my really good friend, Abel, for this awesome gift and for understanding how much I needed this because I haven’t done voiceovers for a long time and I really want to do a lot more not only after school or the fact that I want to do more professional voice acting no matter what company or project but for my personal pride and joy as I wanted to be a voice actor ever since I was in my early teens. However knowing how tough the industry truly is, it might as well be a hobby. My time with voice acting could last, it could not last, it totally depends. On top of that, when listening to some of my older voiceover recordings, the sound was really crappy, so I had to start from scratch and I got myself back in Behind the Voice Actors to audition for more original works, especially cartoons and audio books. So far, I am really happy with the results. 

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Saberlord Reviews – Teen Titans “TROQ”

Have you ever wondered what it was like serving the military as an African-American in WW2? Have you wondered what black veterans might have to say about current social justice movements like BlackLivesMatter and Antifa? I answer that in my very first review, an in-depth analysis of one of the best episodes of one of my favorite shows.

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