April 2014

The Asian Critic Chick – Bridesmaids

I don’t get it.  I don’t get you ladies.  Female version of The Hangover?  BETTER than The Hangover?  No fucking way.   I have never seen a chick flick so open with its sexual humor, having forgettable characters, a sickeningly weak female lead, and manage to include every generic, overused chick flicky/romantic comedy plot point at same time.  This one was just asking for it.

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Eagleland Manga Reviews: Cutey Honey

  Man, between getting the video on youtube, sharing to twitter and facebook, getting a blog post onto TGWTG, and now posting here, videos take a lot more work. Well, I’m sure it will pay off. This one was really bad. Worst thing I have reviewed so far. I never realized on video freak outs were so hard to right.

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Your Character Sucks Season 1 Finale

On April 16, 2014, I decided to end my first season of Your Character Sucks with a bang by reviewing the character of Warren Mears from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Re-watching that old review, I realized I came across as easily triggered Tara fanboy rather than a legitimate critic. I decided to re-review this character from a more controlled perspective as well as show how one line of “Because you deserved it, bitch” relates to victim blaming in modern society. Special thanks to this Twitter user for the image of SpectrumPulse’s face: Laci’s video regarding victim blaming:… Videos I called out in this review:……………… And for those who want to see the original review:

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