Fairly OddGamer Reviews

The Fairly OddGamer – GoldenEye 007

Goldeneye 007 is considered as one of the best (if not THE best) video game tie-in of all time. Not only is this game celebrating 25 years, but a re-release of the game was recently announced for Nintendo Switch as well as Xbox Game Pass. However for a game like this, I had to get help from none other than 007 himself, James Bond. But does this game still hold up after 25 years? We’re about to find out right now. Special thanks to warzonethecreator ( for designing the title card, LandyRS ( for providing the voice of Sonic for this video’s Patreon shout-outs, and a very special thanks to Brian Ganzevoort for portraying James Bond for the review.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Land of Illusion (w/ Sonicify)

Part 1 of the Season 4 finale is finally here! Will the Gamer and guest reviewer @Sonicify be free from Pete’s World of Illusion? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to Alan Peterson ( for designing the title card and @SuperMarioFan Studios for providing Donald Duck’s voice.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

In honor of Johnny Depp’s recent court case win, I’ve decided to review the video game tie-in of the 2005 remake based on the well-known children’s book by Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Is this game as good as the movie it was based on? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to The Egg Paladin ( and maizie0201( for designing the title card as well as Ryan Martin ( for the original design.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Piglet’s Big Game

Today, I’m reviewing Piglet’s Big Game, based on the animated movie from 2003. But this time, I’m joined by a particularly, gloomy donkey. Is this game as good if not better than the movie it was based on? Watch the review and find out. Special thanks to Keyblade_Mistress ( for designing the title card and Disfraces Yazmin for the Eeyore costume.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Top Gun: Combat Zones

We conclude Top Gun Month with Combat Zones for the GameCube. Will I actually find a good game in this lineup, or is it as bad if not worse than the others? Watch the review and find out. Special thanks to Photon Studios for designing the title card. thank you Anthony LoGatto for voicing Scrooge and Launchpad for Patreon shout-outs, and both CJ Destroyah and PaulyBFromDa303 for helping out with the Top Gun Month intro.

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The Fairly OddGamer – Top Gun: Fire at Will

We continue Top Gun Month with the game that made its shift to 3D, Top Gun: Fire at Will. While it started on the PC on New Year’s Eve 1995, it would then be ported to the original PlayStation six months later. But is this game as the movie series it was based on? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to Tha.wavyone ( for designing the title card. And once again, special thanks to @Anthony LoGatto for voicing Scrooge and… “friend” for this month’s Patreon shout-outs. Finally, a very special thanks to the following people who helped out with the “Top Gun Month” intro: animator @Cjdestroyah Animation for the animation and musician @PaulyBFromDa303 .

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The Fairly OddGamer – Top Gun

With the upcoming release of Top Gun Maverick, I’ve decided to dedicate the entire month to reviewing video games that tie in to that very movie. We start off with THREE games for the NES as well as the Game Boy Advance. Are any of these games good? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to Ena Akasuki ( for designing the title card and Anthony “A-Log” LoGatto for voicing Scrooge and… “friend” for this month’s Patreon shout-outs. Finally, a very special thanks to animator CJDestroyah and musician PaulyBFromDa303 for helping out with the “Top Gun Month” intro. And finally, thank you so much 8 Bit Universe for allowing me to use their 8 bit tribute rendition of “Danger Zone” for the video. It really mean a whole lot to me.

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It’s been a while since I reviewed a game based on a toy franchise, but here’s a toy franchise that’s mostly targeted for girls. It’s Barbie riding a horse. Is this game any good? Check out the review and find out. Special thanks to Luenud Creaciones ( for designing the title card, and to Anthony “A-Log” LoGatto ( for voicing Scrooge McDuck for Patreon shout-outs.

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The Fairly OddGamer: An Introduction to My Channel

Hello, Internet viewers. I’m Lucas Bradley, and I’m the creator and owner of the YouTube channel “The Fairly OddGamer”. Just to summarize what my channel is, I review video games that are either licensed-based or based on a certain franchise. But of course I’m not alone because I always have my loyal companion Huxgamr, a surfer dog who also enjoys video games, to help me out. I’m very honored to be a part of Team Night Saturn, and I look forward to seeing what lies ahead. Here’s my most recent review of Superman 64. And here are a few more videos that showcase what my channel is about.  

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