Thank You to All of My 1,340 Subscribers

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Hey, everybody. Antoni here with my first milestone for 2020, as I have reached 1,340 subscribers on YouTube.

I want to thank all of my 1,340 subscribers for keeping up with me and for sticking by me through thick and thin. I also want to thank my family, my friends, all of my colleagues from my previous schools, acting schools, Kolleg Schöneberg, and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, my fellow artists, my fellow singers, my fellow actors, my fellow voice actors, my fellow bloggers, my fellow filmmakers, my fellow musicians, my fellow online reviewers, and my fellow online content creators for being greatest sources of inspiration, passion, grit, determination, drive, and courage. You have all made me be the passionate online reviewer I have always been, and I am very grateful and humbled.

Please support me by subscribing to my channel so that you can view all the content I have to offer ranging from reviews of operas, ballets, concerts, musicals, cartoons, anime, and movies to the material I have as a music fan, an actor, a voice actor, and a singer.

Thank you all once again, and let us all make 2020 a most memorable year.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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