Little Fockers

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The Asian Critic Chick gripes on the terrible second sequel to a comedy series she loves.

2 Comments on Little Fockers

  1. Great review! I remember when I watched the first two movies a few years ago and I’m glad that I haven’t seen this one ever before! I don’t think that the first two movies are the best comedies I’ve ever seen, but both Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers are still funny movies for me. 🙂

  2. TheAsianCriticChick | March 1, 2014 at 9:04 am |

    Thanks! You’re right, they aren’t the best, but they’re highly entertaining with some smart relatable humor. This one just feels lazy and contrived and it was a pain in the ass to watch. My next comedy review should be on the site in 2-3 weeks, as well as other vids I may be working on.

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